The 5 BEST Places to Eat in London!

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hello everyone it's Tom the taxi driver in today's video we're going to be exploring some of my favorite eateries across London let's go to the first one so spot number one we're going to be going to Johnny schnitzel at Middleton's Deli this place it's awesome please yes please now we play the waiting game so I actually found out about this place through someone on YouTube they put it in the comments they said have you ever tried Johnny schnitzel no I haven't so I don't many cabbies know that either I think every time I've had it I've only been able to finish half of it and I've had to have the other half for dinner and the other thing I love about coming here is it's so quiet in this part of Islington you know you get caught up in the rush of being in central London and whatnot so to come here just pull up eat something as easy as this it's great so this is what it's about uh literally pretty lucky that as we got here there was a huge queue which just appeared after us so everyone's got the same idea but look at this this is just Heaven I mean look about the size of my hand what do you get inside of here this is the Schnitzel special oh look at that look huge for catch you've got all these lovely leaves in there schnitzel coleslaw two bits of schnitzel look that I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this I'm pretty good value also seven pound ninety five one of these they do have ones with truffles since they're ones in there the stack which has bacon cheese tomato so there's lots of different options and there's nothing else to like it in London really so I write this as a pretty good winner my only issue with this is that they shut at 5 p.m so if I get to town around two o'clock ish once I've done a couple of jobs and you know time has passed a bit and then to get to this part of town it's very rare that I come past it at the right time but next place we're going to be going to we don't have to worry about that because it's open 24 7. Brit Lane Bagel or Brit Lane bygel however you pronounce it I love this whenever I drop in East London you know somewhere near here Liverpool Street whatever because this is always open at all hours of the night I know that I can just pop in grab a bagel and away we go you get a massive bit of salt beef inside of a bagel this is the OG so we're going to come here and see what it's all about One Salt beef bagel with mustard and pickle and can I get a million short millionaire shortbread foreign ER Bagel dinner look at the queue now man look at it Mega seven pound fifty for a millionaire shortbread and salt beef bagel so that's for you Logan look at that man that's just Mega in it what I love about going there is it's always a queue but the cube sort of does work it they get for it so quick but also just how many different people are going there but I came along yesterday and there was like firefighters in the queue you look around the whole area there's people with loads of these Brown Bags they they give out 15 to 20 000 of these Brown Bags a week that gives you an idea of how many people go to Bagel Bay some of the famous patrons there include uh the crow twins they used to go there apparently uh the funds from Happy Days funds used to go there I even saw something on the wall with them uh Kate Middleton um she she went in there did the shift work in there so that's a real OG establishment and proper East London so love that so we've been to two kind of sandwichy style places now we're gonna go to somewhere a little bit healthier and that is Chipotle I've never seen it this busy but fear not this is another military style operation set the timer roll in hey man how you doing can I get a uh a bowl please uh white rice black beans please come meet him please uh just that one yeah and you thanks a lot so of all the options it feels pretty healthy it's really quick I mean you saw it in there there was a queue in there but you zip through it so quickly often I can't order as quick as they can make it healthy there's a few of them about in London so it is a chain but still worth giving it a go so let's have a little look what we got check out that so you mix it all together but that white rice sour cream cheese bit of chicken on top [Music] the only thing with all the places we've been to so far is there's not too much Choice okay Chipotle you can get it in a burrito but the next place we're going to go to has all the choice in the world and it's an incredible value as well firm cabbie favorite astral calf I mean this place for choice if you don't know what you want you come here talking coffees sandwiches soups hot meals pastas rice dishes desserts and cakes let's go in let's have a little look can I get the um turkey swiss cheese and bacon on White Bread please and can I get an arancini ball and a buttered Rock cake hot place what we got in here then so a bit hot Aaron Cheney ball look at that is awesome so that is turkey swiss cheese and bacon I mean you can get it on begets roll whatever you want really is it a biscuit is it a cake no it is a rock cake look at that so we got a sandwich a hot air and Cheney ball and a buttered Rock cake six pounds seventy so you've got to come to Independence like this that's awesome and a little Christmas gift for custom a panettone as well so you can just tell by the overwhelming amount of cab drivers that are here just how popular astral Cafe is there's public conveniences here as well and also it's covered over at the moment but there was actually charging Bays specifically for taxis so it means that you can stop get the cab charged up and go to the toilet grab something to eat all in one hit which is awesome and it's good value really awesome tasting food we've got one last place to go to and another place that really helps the cab trade out and that place is saboris Italian Delight let's go this is always such a bonus if you can go to somewhere to eat go to the toilet and charge the cab that is the Holy Trinity my friends I only want to get one dish but uh taglitelli alfungi please yeah thank you yeah I like seafood when I see food I eat there it is a huge range of pastas here but this has got mushroom bit of chicken and taglito look at that so that's five of my favorite places I like to go to to eat in the cab with sapories it gets really busy around eight o'clock lots of cab drivers come and you know descend on it at that time so it's gonna be quite hard to find a table so if you want to come try for yourself at a nice quiet hour mid afternoon four o'clock five o'clock it's an ideal time to get down there and enjoy the peace and quiet or eight o'clock if you want the real cabbie experience if you want to be hearing Road names being shouted across the room other honorable mentions include the green Huts remember there's 13 of them across London uh all open at varying hours the general public can go up to the takeaway hatch and Order their whole selection of food from there whilst only cabbies are allowed inside and you've also got plenty of fish and chip shop options as well that I've not covered in this video the Mayfair chippy you get 50 off if you're a cab driver when you show your badge that's take away only you also have the seashell of listen Grove there's a cabbie discount on there as well you also have fish Central over in Islington just on Central Street there's way too many places that I could have possibly mentioned that I couldn't fit in the video if you got a recommendation I'd love to know in the comments down below take care and I'll see you all again soon bye-bye
Channel: Tom the Taxi Driver
Views: 276,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: london, taxi, black cab, cab, cabbie, tom hutley, the knowledge, electric taxi, levc, pov driving, professional driver, england, united kingdom, taxi driver, london cabbie, green badge, transport for london, driving, uk, transport, tom the taxi driver, tour guide, london tour guide, cab driver stories, tales from the taxi, driver, london real, london black cab, tx, self-employed, lcdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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