The $4BN Upgrade of the World’s Weirdest Airport

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This is probably my favorite conspiracy theory in the US.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/IONTOP 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

I’m so glad these marketing people at the airport were allowed to embrace the conspiracy theories. It’s silly but then again so are many of these conspiracy theories.

Do you guys remember that preacher that said DIA was evil because all the buildings were shaped like a penis? Holy cow that was spectacular.

Edit: fuck yeah found him

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/tricheboars 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

My only criticism is they said Blucifer's name in vain (may his terrible reign never end).

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/gravescd 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Why haven't we hooked up a propane tank to this thing yet? Every five minutes, FOOOOOMMM!!! Fire breathing dragon horse.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Trick_Movie_4533 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HerrBlucher235 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2022 🗫︎ replies
underground tunnels that serve as secret bunkers crawling with aliens and lizard people an array of strange symbols linked to the illuminati and the new world order sinister murals that hint towards the world apocalypse and a cursed blue horse sculpture with piercing red eyes known as lucifer these are just some of the many strange conspiracies you might have heard about when flying through colorado's denver international airport ever since its construction outlandish rumors have been a hot topic among conspiracy theorists and in recent years ones the airport itself has fully embraced welcome to illuminati headquarters i mean denver international airport but mysterious murals and odd symbols might not be the only thing you've noticed in denver by now you've likely experienced some turbulence navigating around the construction at dia as america's third busiest airport with over 58 million flyers in 2021 denver's racing to keep up with increasing passenger demand and its 4.3 billion reconstruction project is aiming to complete by 2028 but it hasn't been without unexpected delays all of which seems to be further raising suspicion among the conspiracy sleuths so how does the world's weirdest airport plan to accommodate more travellers and is it really all just to cover up for something more cryptic going on behind closed doors welcome to one of the world's strangest construction projects [Music] denver international has pretty much always been shrouded in controversy before opening back in 1995 its construction was a target of public opposition many believed the original stapleton airport was perfectly acceptable and that any new facility would just bring more traffic and pollution to the area but stapleton was already bursting at the seams and the site wasn't nearly large enough for the size of expansion needed so in 1989 colorado began building an entirely new airport on the northeast edge of denver far away from anything else and stapleton was abandoned completely the projects didn't go well the airport was supposed to complete in 1993 but a complex design financial struggles and some contractual disputes meant the first plane didn't take off until 16 months later in 1995. by that stage the whole thing was 2 billion dollars over budget people began to question things and it didn't take long before several conspiracy theories began circulating why was construction so delayed what was an extra two billion dollars really used for tunnels housing a new innovative baggage system failed to work properly and a dedication plaque bearing the symbol of the freemasons a legitimate secret society all raised eyebrows the airport's strange artwork only added fuel to the fire many were also suspicious of the airport's sheer size when construction was completed it became the largest in the us by surface area at over 130 square kilometers that's twice the size of manhattan just like stapleton denver began having trouble keeping up with increasing passenger demand over the years and its facilities were aging quickly designed to handle up to 50 million people a year the airport saw nearly 60 million passed through in 2021 and those numbers are going to grow to nearly a hundred million over the next eight to ten years to get ready for the future denver has devised a plan and in 2018 it started work on two major construction projects first off the great hall is undergoing a two billion dollar renovation transport to the gates will also be improved by adding and replacing outdated train cars in the second project concourses are adding some 39 new gates creating space for more passengers and more planes we have vision 100 which is really aimed at preparing all the different parts so that we're able to handle all the passengers so the great hall program will have the capacity in our terminal to get people to the gates we'll be increasing our security checkpoints by over 60 percent the great hall work is being done in three phases each aims to enhance airport security improve overall operational efficiency and increase capacity phase one was completed in late 2021 and created nearly 3 000 square meters of additional space for the jefferson terminal it also modernized the check-in space by installing self-backdrop units but phase one of the great hall didn't come without a great deal of pain for air travelers you have to just be willing to read the signs and ask questions pay attention and know where you're going similar to the challenges seen in the airport's original construction the project hit some turbulence early on phase one's completion is nearly two years behind schedule according to a report filed by great hall partners the contractors in charge of the project the delays were down to the concrete the material found in the terminal was weaker than expected and could not bear the weight of the equipment due to safety concerns construction was halted completely but when it was tested further by the airport no safety issues were found a load of back and forth was set off between the contractors and denver international and the internet got a whole new pile of fodder for its conspiracies the original great hall project was going to be completed through a public-private partnership and that contract ended up being terminated a couple years ago now we're moving into the program where we aren't using a concessionaire that concessionaire is hensel phillips who was brought in to complete the project instead 2021 phase 2 finally took off and that looks set to finish by 2024 this phase includes redesigning a new security checkpoint with improved technology much like european airports the updated plan will see smaller groups of 30 to 40 people going through 17 lanes of security instead of all queueing up in one long line additionally the balcony of the great hall is going to be extended out to create more space meanwhile it wasn't until 2022 that the city's council approved the third and final phase of the project phase three will add yet another security checkpoint and new check-in areas for all remaining airlines it'll also upgrade facilities like bathrooms floors and lighting overall the airport hopes the final project is going to be wheels up by 2028. now like most construction projects the renovations at denver airport have been pretty noticeable walls are being torn out retail stores moved and some escalators aren't even there anymore this is what it looks like in the airport's construction zone giant white walls block off sections of the terminal's ongoing work and nothing sets off conspiracy theorists quite like that but instead of letting the rumors hold it back denver's taking advantage our former ceo kim day she loved that we could show some personality and yeah we just we wanted to do something fun and creative to talk about the construction um and we like to embrace the fun side of things so we developed a campaign around the conspiracies to go in the great hall plastered along all these white walls are quirky posters alluding to the airport's conspiracy theories there's even that talking gargoyle that interacts with passengers oh it's because of the conspiracy look at me i'm a little know it all the marketing stunts has proved very successful for the airport according to the public relations team these efforts have resulted in over 1.5 million dollars worth of publicity of course if you were sitting on the actual illuminati headquarters then a fun little media campaign like this would be a great way of throwing people off the scent you won't be surprised to learn that the official line in response to these conspiracies is all a bit dull the artwork is just artwork and the odd symbols merely represent the idea of a new international and global airport and as for the tunnels really our tunnels are just to get baggage through the airport and you know across our concourses of course stephanie would say that because that's what she wants us to think and when we press her further about the other theories i cannot speak on that i will neither confirm nor deny together the gate expansion and the great hall projects hope to help denver airport as passenger numbers continue to rise over the next few years we're also looking at additional runway capacity so we currently have six runways that are operating the original layout for the airport had 12 runways identified so we're just starting the environmental work to take a look at where to put that 7th runway and anticipating it would be needed within the next 10 years in all denver seems to be on track to navigate its challenges and complete its work by 2028 ready for the first major meeting of the new world although we mean increased passenger capacity if i disappear in mysterious circumstances after this video comes out then please never stop asking questions until you find the truth if you enjoyed this video and you want to get more from the definitive video channel for construction make sure you subscribe to the b1m [Music] you
Channel: The B1M
Views: 906,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: B1M, TheB1M, Construction, architecture, engineering, The B1M, Fred Mills, building, airport, denver, colorado, denver international airport, conspiracy theory, Bluecifer, construction, airplane, terminal, new world order
Id: oOYqnZ9xNvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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