The 40 Stone Man Banned From His Local Takeaways | This Morning

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Reminds me of "Don't Feed Phil Day" from Viva La Bam.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mcmanybucks 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
or to try and help him lose weight mike has been handing out these posters at local takeaways banning them from serving Dipsy so even in our studio the cafe this morning refused to serve him breakfast and you don't argue with Fleur I mean she's refused to serve us but no good reason as it works we'll dibbsy is here now along with personal trainer Mike so good morning morning lovely to see you I will explain all that in a moment cuz there is nothing shaming about this that's not what this has been designed to do but explain that in just a second have you always struggled with your way yeah I've struggled through most of my life since my teenage as definitely well that's over the last couple years it's biocontrol so would you say that you eat it's a comfort eat yeah definitely if I get sad or summers I feel emotional so I will convince and that's my well I tell you that's my bad habit wait are you know you've lost a bit now were to come to that in a moment as well but what weight were you I was falling stone bang on and what effect was that having on your life massively just my brave and dared activities I couldn't though can't do and he likes think by myself really well it's things like you know if you were to go on a plane you'd have to have two seats you can't learn to drive because you can't sit behind the steering wheel clothing you have to especially made view it just gets very expensive but more important than any of that is the impact this was having on your health yes and things got very serious in a yeah couple of weeks ago I took into hospital my heart basically started to show effects of Moet and perhaps Tybee and rapidly and they couldn't control it because of my weight I didn't know how to treat me like safely with my weight so it was a massive problem for me what were you thinking I was even just all bad stuff fries chips crisps pop anything really Isaac's sausage sandwiches in the morning for breakfast there wasn't accessories it was six sausages in two sandwiches yeah but it was still like too much fries I shouldn't be needing that boy that's just what I knew that's most my normal thing yeah so um when you went to the hospital and obviously things got very serious they said if you don't make a change that you could die you'll be putting yourself into an early grave and that's terrifying and frightening and not so for you knowing where then to start and what to do and to get help because you can't switch off that company thing that's kind of ingrained within you but you went to Mike Mike you've got you've got a place that does kind of nutritional meals that runs alongside the gym so you weren't there to go and pick up some meals isn't that right yeah and you saw him come in yeah and you didn't approach him on that day they no I don't think would've been the right time but report too many he'd already made this step himself to something about his weight I just asked my team the next day who he was and he obviously caught my eyes the big ladders we can see and I asked him we was I've done a little research and where he's done the past and asked him would come down and see me so you looked at his facebook profile yeah and fully checked him out because every year I mean and your your program is you know it's pretty expensive if you want to if you want to do that and go on it is it 35,000 pounds I don't actually offer it for sale it's not something that I do it for free right yeah so that includes your diet your training it you do one off for free the rest on everyone else I wouldn't do that service the outside of this it's only just one program one person per year gets this sort of service and you have obviously always got your eye out yeah who's gonna benefit so you saw dibbsy here what was it that made you look at him and think okay even when you checked out his profile and you'd found out more about him what what clicked I seen what he's done in the past with charities helping kids at Christmas he does a lot for other people and I think he having its time and I would dibbsy got a little bit help back he you didn't know what a turn he didn't know what to do and it's when I said that was brought to him it was clear that I had a addiction of food and that was quite hard for you to hear at first wasn't it because he hasn't sort of Molly calls you with any of this no definitely no he's just told me Barney Riya when everyone else's said oh you'll get it off you'll do it next year all you're doing a couple of months makes at down just as the doctors didn't said you can't keep doing this to yourself keep doing to yourself you won't be around for much longer yes these posters do seem quite harsh and you went into because asked him what he liked he liked takeaways and so went into all the takeaways that he went into yeah and and and and showed him that gave him that to put up yeah right so I've done it in the past with certain clients there's some client you couldn't do that way they couldn't they couldn't face that but dibbsy knew that was his problem it was 10 o'clock a night when he'd gone his form on his up and he'd had all the food so meeting him together when the first one you seen him I'd done it there got a letter attached to that so they explained that it's not for the public to see it's just he's behind the counter that's not yet no it's for this stuff to see so his address is bund so if he tries to order online it'll reject his order if his for what comes up the wall name out there but I don't think he's gonna do that I don't think this means you haven't been tempted as yet it's been a week hasn't it no not one bit I wouldn't just wept at all the time for me so this is so that's the kind of the food side of things and that's a small part of the food the other you looked at your nutrition as a whole your eating I think sort of 3,000 calories a day whereas you were eating 11,000 calories so these are big big changes you made exercise is also a big important part this seven days a week you're training I mean little little baby steps at the moment about 30 minutes a day and it obviously it's really difficult because dibbsy County was machines in the Jimmy that the can't berries with so everything that we've got to do is you saw a body with and at forty store nuts that's a challenge in itself so we have to do things which which to the general public would just be simple or for dibbsy just walking walking with his lost to store now so I'll put a vest on him what ways to store to see the difference of what he's lost and he really struggled with extra to stolen I don't really that can you that's madness how I can lose that much weight in a week to stone in a week yeah he's amazed how can honestly say to you and say I've bet more than I ever have before yes I'm eating healthily yeah it's just the right things to eat I'm just a lowly constantly drinking plenty of our and just follow it makes advice yeah what I love about the two of you as well is that actually this has become a friendship and and might you know that actually to lose weight is not easy it is an emotional journey at as we saw with you so there are those minutes when he'll pick up spend and if he's struggling he can just talk to you yeah yeah 24 hours a day we struggled on Saturday night dibs yeah Saturday night it was about 9 o'clock and he wasn't in a very good place he was a bit worried about everything what's going on so we went down over the gym and we we had a session to me and it's things like I will just take his mind off it just get him out with of his comfort zone watch his food so what is the what is the goal the goal at the moment is to get a healthy weight which might things alley lows around 20 stone the door and then my personal goal is to get back into work and just live my life normally I said one else does doormat travel lessons and corn holidays and stuff like that yeah I've got a lot of lot of time left yeah yeah lay off no yeah I've made the step and what what is your goal for him how long are you looking at he's got this with me for a year in that year I'd like to educate him enough so he can go on and carry us on it's not something I'm just wouldn't be dependent on me when I learn how his body works make the right choices going forward so not just him so his full family can benefit from this and I think if we can if we can have his body weight within a year I think it'll be in a good place to to continue is this well we think you are absolute brilliant and we'd love to follow your progress as you go it'd be great to see in a year's time where you've got to and along the way really because I think a lot of people will be quite inspired about you being brave enough to sit here today and make these changes yeah and I can say he's following me but I am this is my town and I've got no doubt about it yeah this time it's gonna work for me and I'm gonna if they are bad days I'm gonna make sure we're all well keep in touch come back come back and see us but obviously both of you and and let us know how you're going you know the ups and downs yes nothing is ever simple you're working incredibly hard and we all full of aberrations and for you with free program as well so well so kick in touch yeah thank you very much thank you very much you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 2,090,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, save dibsy, Dibsy McClintock, Mike Hind Personal trainer, 40 stone man, training program, workout program, lose weight
Id: eNf5ALBZqPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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