The 3 vile cops (who think they got away with it)

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[Music] royston rural watch june 2013. hello and welcome to the rural newsletter let me introduce myself to you my name is nick musto i've been a police officer for 18 and a half years 15 of those based at royston police station it's fair to say that i have quite an extensive knowledge of the rural area rural life is very important to me and i hope to work alongside many of you to keep our communities safe and free from crime when he said work alongside he meant that literally because nicolas musto turned out to be yet another sexual predator that the police service recruit in gangs he's currently serving 15 months in prison for misconduct in public office after exploiting a mentally ill victim of crime pc muster abused his position to regularly skive off duty so he could have sex with her although the woman was diagnosed as mentally ill performance so took advantage of her her mental illness was confirmed by the fact that she was willing to have sex with the police officer harvester police were informed of musto's criminal misconduct in 2013 but they excused him from all wrongdoing as part of the incredibly efficient and not in the least biased police complaints process harvester police allowed him to continue unabated for five more years had they sacked him earlier he wouldn't have had the opportunity to inflict a far greater abuse upon the public in may 2014 a police vehicle containing pc stacy and pc brightman stopped this vehicle after the driver's registration flashed up on an inpr database the officer immediately began shouting the driver to exit his vehicle without giving any reason why the driver a middle-aged man was utterly terrified by what was happening and clung onto the steering wheel for dear life at this moment a second police vehicle arrives spewing out pc musto the driver is being pulled up by three fully trained police officers and he's not fighting back yet at this point musto feels the need to hit the panic button on his police radio to summon up yet more assistance muscle takes a few savage digs at the driver's ribs with his still bat on this officer reaches for his paver spray and empties it into the driver's face at close range as soon as the driver places a leg out of the door musto hits him on the shin this second blow hits the driver's shin so hard it splits the bone in half pc stacy and brightman wrestle the driver from the vehicle and then throw him to the ground musto isn't quite done yet and delivers one last punitive blow of his baton across the man's shattered leg barely conscious from the pain the driver is left on the ground screaming in agony while the officers stand around laughing joking and yawning you can hear his screams of pain in this clip of footage captured by a bystander close to where the incident took place uh finally realizing that they'd cause the man serious injury the three officers stacy breitman and musto switch immediately into cop protection mode they searched the vehicle one of the officers found a mag light at the side of the driver's seat the three officers then confer and agree that it was a weapon that the driver was reaching for while he was clinging onto the steering wheel with both hands they then stitch him up with an offensive intentional assault and ensure that each officer has his liar straight 25 minutes later the ambulance finally arrives the paramedics however refuse to give the driver any painkillers unless he tells him his name he refuses so they deny him painkillers then takes them another 15 minutes before they finally leave the scene and the offense that this man had committed that initiated the stop well the dwp wanted to question him about an overpayment in housing benefit yep and harfordshire police were ready to assist by issuing a warrant for the man's arrest musto stacy and breitman persisted with their dishonest account of the driver reaching for a weapon and the driver was tried at crown court in 2015. fortunately the judge saw through the thin tissue of lies and the case was thrown out i'm sure it won't surprise you in the least to hear that none of the officers were ever reprimanded for their part in this vile assault pc stacy in fact was promoted to cid pc brightman left the fall soon after for reasons unknown and as i've already explained pc musto is currently serving 15 months and scheduled for release in february of next year and that would have been the end of it if it weren't for one gigantic fly in their ointment solicitor ian gould he wasn't so easily placated by the police's fictionalized account of reality and he pursued hertfordshire police rigorously all the way to the court of appeal during the initial trial muster and stacy repeatedly lied to the court simply to disguise their own wrongdoing they stated under oath that the driver was revving his vehicle and preparing to use it as a battering ram that the driver was still a threat while he was being held down by police colleagues that the driver was reaching for an offensive weapon inside the vehicle the officers were well rehearsed and utterly shameless pc breitman didn't show not because he wasn't willing to lie to the court but because hartfordshire police claimed that since he'd left the force they were unable to locate him the two officers lies were fruitless however and despite the fact that harfordshire police appealed the original judgement they were resoundedly beaten in the court of appeal the victim was awarded a hundred thousand pounds now that might sound a lot but not when it means you're effectively crippled for life for the first year the driver was unable to walk unaided and now he has a metal rod and screws keeping his leg together what made it worse is that before the accident he was sporty and active and was the soul carer of his father who was diagnosed with alzheimer's but now it's he that is incapacitated and given the choice between a hundred thousand pounds that harfordshire police made him fight for years to achieve and his original fitness he would take a fully working leg every time as usual our useless media took not the least interest in the case and all three officers walked away from it unscathed the cps never even considered laying charges against any of the officers and so stacy breitman and musto lived happily ever after well not so happily for musto who has a police officer in prison has to consume all of his food marinated in convict spit and he spends much of his time in solitary confinement because police officers in prison are about as welcome as an escaped turd in a space shuttle but our three villains prove that crime does pay and if you're a violent psychopath who enjoys playing whack-a-mole with members of the public because you have an audience full of crawling traffic to play to the police service will ensure you are protected and excused and there's nothing you or i can do about it hang on a minute so these three commit a violent assault and a member of the public with a smash in while he's held down in the middle of the road stitch him up with an imagined crime with an improvised weapon just to cover their backs and then persia themselves in court and they get away with it i don't think so so i've cranked up the private prosecution engine and with the victims consent i'm pursuing indictable charges against brightman stacy and musto for their part in this revolting display of police misconduct nobody or no thing is holding the police to account professional standards lie for them the iopc excuse them and the cps look the other way now it appears that the vast bulk of my time is spent pursuing private prosecutions against police officers who are led to believe that they're above the law i don't see that changing any time soon now i'd never ask for donations lightly especially in our awful current economic climate but any support you can give me by way of donations purchases of my ebooks views referrals subscriptions or just words of encouragement keep the engines fired up [Music]
Channel: Crimebodge
Views: 1,766,064
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Id: Rgqfeea4qBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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