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foreign [Music] [Music] had his head on her lap it was resting and then she cried secretly and her tears dropped on his cheeks he got up and asked her what is the matter Isha and she said on the day of judgment will people remember those who they used to love will people remember those who they used to love and the prophet peace be upon Him set up straight and set up straight and said to her yeah there are three moments in which no one will remember any of those whom they used to love it is the moment when the books are about to be received and the second one is when the Deeds are about to be weighed and the third moment is when the person is about to cross the bridge bestowed over Hellfire asirot last week we spoke about that second movement when the Deeds are weighed now the people or the person has seen his or her Deeds they have received their book or maybe their book is delayed to be received in their right or their left or some people have received it in their right or their left each person on that day is being judged in their own accord and what happens to them is different to anyone else but at the end of the day everyone receives their final destination and is either in heaven or Hellfire some people have had their deeds debated and so these people who debated them they are the people who denied that they had done a sin these people are destined to some kind of punishment because they will deny even on that day the believer's Deeds are only shown in front of him or her but they don't deny they admit everything some of these Believers Allah will make them come so close to him and will remind them of some secret Deeds which were not recorded or some secret Deeds that are recorded but no one knows about them except Allah and he reveals them to that person and then he says to them or her without any interpreter no translator between you and Allah every person Allah will tell them remember when you did this I have forgiven it the disbeliever Allah will also tell them but not of Secrets he'll tell them their secrets and they open and will tell them you will be you will receive the punishment today and then he doesn't speak to them anymore then they move on now to the scales there the scales is in order to see or to show the servant what their deeds were worth maybe now that you have seen your records and you see that there is possibly a misery or possibly hope it depends no punishment has started yet Allah says in the Quran um we will never punish anyone until we have sent a messenger in this world and this also means that in the Hereafter you will not be punished until your Deeds are shown until you know that you deserve it there are many authentic Hadith speaking about the fact that on the day of judgment people will not be will not proceed into if they are going to punishment until they are shown that they deserve it until the truth is shown until the word of Allah is proven to them to the point where their body will speak and so on and so forth so the Deeds show you your weight what is your weight not your physical weight this is not a scientific tell calculation this is some different calculations the calculation of a world that does that is not fit within the realms of the physics of this world today but rather it is a different world that has different circumstances different rules different signs it is your value what are you worth in your Deeds what do you deserve of rewards and what do you deserve a punishment what is your worth and we mentioned this in detail last week the Deeds are placed the scale is unknown in its form to us but it is a scale a type of scale that weighs uses metaphorical words such as kaffa which means one Palm the palm of a scale and the other palm of a skull it speaks about one side being heavier than another it's a metaphor how exactly is feature is unknown to us but it is something that weighs on that day when the Deeds are weighed it is revealed completely to that human being or that Jinn what is about it is what what their worth is they are either very high in Worth or extremely miserable in worth and at that moment when the scales are being weighed more quarrels and debates occur every person has to prove themselves that they are not guilty but no one can if Allah had written so they are if Allah hadn't written so they are not however more quarrels occur because people see the weight that if it's heavy you enter Paradise there is good or if it's light meaning light in in Good Deeds there is misery and Punishment and fear everybody will want to come and try to think of a way how they can make the scale heavier on that day maybe there's another chance maybe there's still a way maybe it's not it look before God revealed certain secrets that weren't revealed in front of everyone maybe this time there's certain things we could still bring out we gave an example last week speaks about a person a man who comes on the day of judgment and his deeds are not enough he comes back in Misery after being weighed to be given the sentence you see go back and forth taken here taken their Angels bring you back different Angels Take escorting you like being in the courtroom and the police officers are there waiting to take you or to leave you and so on some police officers escort you into the van others transport you some of them put you in shackles others imprison you and so on on the day of judgment on much more of a of a terrifying scale this is similar to that so then this man is given a card in which the words are written there is no God worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is his final messenger and he says oh my Lord how is this going to do for me it is placed on the scale Aslam describes that the scale tosses over and all those bad Deeds become very light compared to that word what is this what does this mean it means that the word is heavier than than anything else the the the the actions of tohed and the belief of tawheed is heavier than anything else this man was this man possibly prayed but never made any and did his compulsory things but never made any partners with Allah however his bad Deeds are just too many too many to count but the word of tohed Beats it what is the conditions of that word of tohed it is to live it in accordance with its conditions to worship Allah not associate any partners with him whatsoever to love Allah to be loyal to Allah in all of your actions how can a person love Allah when they do not pray to him how can a person Lord be loyal to Allah when they are hypocrites in their actions so this person is free from hypocrisy free from disloyalty to Allah and so on and so forth but the word of tawheed is the heaviest on that day the question to us is do you really love Allah if you do you will fulfill that word Allah the greatest loss on that day are people who are bankrupt at that point when the Deeds are being weighed as we said some people want to earn more they want to make the scales heavier so the only way they find out is by snatching Deeds from other people how did I find this out some people call out or even the angels call out Allah orders to be called out to the people who have been wronged in this world who has been wronged so that now we may compensate them so now Allah's rights have been dealt with you found out your Deeds to Allah you found out but now there's a second thing which is even worse than the first one or could be better than the first one what is it the rights of people the rights of people Allah but from my understanding of the verses and the the way the hadiths are narrated this is probably the moment where the rights of people are dealt with how do what there is one Hadith very strong Hadith that give well there are many Hades but this one Hadith that I want to narrate to you said to his companions do you know who the bankrupt person is and the people replied he is the person who has no wealth he said no the bankrupt person is the one who comes on the day of judgment and he or she has done so many good deeds they've given charity they've prayed they've fasted they've had everything they've done so many good deeds now how do you know that you've done good deeds unless you've seen them so you've seen them and your weight is there you've seen them they are heavy you know their value you don't want to lose them you've done all these good deeds and you think you're going to enter Paradise but he or she has abused this person or stolen from this person or harm this person or back this person what happens on that day Allah says Allah does not oppress his servants says I have made oppression forbidden upon myself and made it between you forbidden so never oppress one another continues he has harmed this person or that person on that day when that person comes to call for their right Allah orders the angels to take from the Deeds of that person so he comes and takes them from the scale and gives them to the scale of the person of the victim that victim scale begins to become heavier depending on how much how much oppression that person has done to the victim or victims Allah more and more of their Good Deeds are taken off the scale so now look at the comparison the oppressors even it could be this is a believer the oppressor scales is now twisting the other way and the victim's scale is now getting heavier on the good side you look imagine that you think to yourself I hope this is all that I have victimized oh God who else is there it's what we're going to be thinking suddenly someone comes up you think oh no I forgot all about this person I backbit him or her on the evening on so and so when we had a gathering in the back of our house or in the living room or at the OR at the the gym or at school or at work or with our relatives or at the barbecue or when we were going to the beach swimming or fishing having a good time oh no I was celebrating too much that I forgot I forgot that the day of judgment is coming so we're back with this person hum that person stole from that person so on and so forth and these people still come they keep coming up and on that day you remember them we remember who we had victimized and the more they come the more we we are afraid we're terrified where did this person come from where did that person come from oh you are reminded you are reminded and so the Deeds are taken away says this person becomes bankrupt of all the good deeds now if there are more victims that come along what happens they complain the man said and the angels say we have this person the oppressor has no more Good Deeds to give they're all run out Allah so then Allah says very well we have forbidden oppression today take from the victim's bad Deeds and add them on Tata on top of the oppressor's bad deeds and so brothers and sisters the person says he is he or she is dragged away and placed into Hell Fire upon their faces this is a Believer or a disbeliever yes the Believers who never associate Pilots with Allah one day they'll be saved from Hellfire due to the intercession the intercession the The Help The Plea of the Prophet Muhammad sallam for his ummah and the Believers and the other prophets for their ummah but mostly Muhammad will be placed as the best intercessor on that day for his ummah and so will the Believers and the angels as well after how long tells us a person who on the day of judgment is brought who had lived the most comfortable and luxurious and happy life ever from the beginning of creation to the end of time and he will be dipped once into Hellfire because of bad Deeds once and taken out and the angels will ask him what do you remember he will say I do not remember a single happy moment ever truly and literally the man forgets every single happy memory has ever had we're talking about a fire in which a thousand years distance Journey its heat reaches the disbeliever's eyes on that day and they explode from its heat its heat reaches very far you want to be dipped for a day a day in jahannam could be a thousand years in accordance with some ayat in the Quran the days are not like here my brothers and sisters in Islam compare that to a person who has not victimized anyone and their scales are full and there are more records being brought more rewards like that man who has the card in which is written the angels are about to take him to Hellfire and Allah says hold on we have with us something that we have kept for him on top of that there is also the fasting of Siam did not do not hear the Hadith Prophet saws everything that my servant does is for him or her except for fasting it is mine metaphor Allah is saying the fasting is mine and I will reward especially with it on that day Allah will keep those these hidden even the angels don't know the value of those deeds for that fasting person who fastest truly and properly voluntarily and compulsory Allah will bring the special rewards and sow their scales will even increase oh what great light and what great happiness that servant of Allah will be on that day Allah tells us in the Quran about the difference between these two and as we and as we move on from stage to stage in the Hereafter you see faces getting brighter or faces getting more misery faces that were once bright become a little bit miserable faces that are a little bit miserable they become a little bit brighter until finally the Criterion the absolute distinction is made we read in one Hadith that the prophet sallam tells us about some believers they will be gathered on the day of judgment Allah says in the Quran first of Allah the day We Shall Gather those with taqwa those who who protected themselves from the things which Allah this is is displeased with unto the most gracious like a delegation the meaning the Believers will be gathered on that day like a delegation what does that mean narrates it means they'll be riding riding on a beautiful creature in another Hadith it says that the people will be gathered when the believer comes forth from his grave and goes on through the day of judgment he will meet the most handsome form he has ever seen and it will have the nicest fragrance he will say who are you the being will reply you do not know me the believer will say no but Allah has made you sweet smelling with a handsome face the being will say I am Your Righteous Deeds this is how you use to beautify and apply fragrance to your deeds in the worldly life I was riding upon you in the entire length of your worldly life so will you not ride upon me now coming right on top of me this beautiful creature so the believer will therefore Mount the creature this is the meaning of Allah's statement the day We Shall Gather those with taqwa unto the most gracious like a delegation now this is the believer State however do you think that maybe the believer will lose that position as they progress through the Hereafter that we have read there is a possibility that they will that will lose that honor on that day Allah knows best how we read from the statements where Allah tells us in the Quran and so we approached all the good deeds they did and we brought them on that day but then we made them like scattered dust in the Wind this is in relation to disbelievers disbelievers and idolaters however this is if this is their state why does Allah make their deeds scattered because the good things that this disbelievers did in this life if they were not sincerely for the sake of Allah and they were not in accordance with the laws of Allah they are not accepted similarly with the Believers Allah says in the Quran [Music] oh you who believe now he's addressing the Believers do not cancel out your charity in other words your good deeds but here the example used is the charity do not counsel out your charity while other by Me by means of insincerity or harming others you want to boast about what you do hypocrisy insincerity or you do good deeds in order to look better than someone else so they can take their position for example to harm others there are many ways Allah tells us the Believers themselves can lose their honor on that day so all the Deeds are brought you see them they are weighed they are heavy suddenly they lose their weight suddenly they lose their weight about some people whom Allah will bring their deeds and all those good deeds that would have been heavy they would have been heavy Allah says on that day we will give them no wait they'll have no value they will have no value here is another example which is a Muslim he said beware of jealousy jealousy is when you are envious towards your brothers and sisters and you wish that they didn't have the blessing that they had and so you are jealous of them and you hate it and you begin to possibly backbite them or try to want to do things to make them lose it so beware of jealousy foreign for verily jealousy Nam what did I say foreign just as fire eats away wood you see those good deeds they're shown to you suddenly they have no weight why because the warnings Allah gave us we did not heed them and one of the ways is harming the rights of others they will take your Deeds they will take your Deeds how will they know that you had Deeds if they weren't shown and valued huh give you an example what's gold to US why is it so I mean if you're a child you show a child gold a child doesn't care about gold or money about that paper twenty dollar paper or the 50 paper 100 paper who cares about it but as that child grows old and begins to learn that that paper money has value gold has value what people think of and what it could do for you then they want it greed begins to develop on the day of judgment same thing happened but it's not gold and it's not pearls and it's not wealth rather it's the Deeds that people will be greedy for now wallahi they will be greedy for them to take him even and you know what no one can trust anyone the child the son or the daughter will try and take good deeds of their father and mother and the father and mother will try to take good deeds off their son and daughter of the brother of the sister of the wife of the husband anyone take even one good deed we want them want to make our scales heavier on that day so the children will blame the father and the mother if they can and the father and mother will blame the children if they can just to get that extra deed and those Rewards compare that however to Pious believers who used to be companions in this life on the day of judgment they will congratulate one another they will say congratulations and the other one will say congratulations one of them will say look what I got the other one will say look what I got alhamdulillah we were Believers and we LED each other to the right path they grab each other's hands and they cross over and they go to Jannah are waiting at the door before Muhammad sallam arrives for the door to be opened what a beautiful ending compare this to that Allah says in the Quran which we recited last week Allah swears and Earth he says this this uh Message of Islam will reveal or is a word of separation of the two Criterion separation of right and wrong the good from the evil and on the day of judgment this fossil will happen the separation of between who was righteous and who was not the truth will be revealed in all of its in all of its value so now the scales have been resolved what is next now the sentencing now the sentencing Allah is the one who sentences the angels have been given orders you know when you enter a courtroom and the judge finds the person guilty or not guilty if he sentences them he doesn't need to tell the police or she tell the police officers what to do they already have the orders they already know they have studied they've gotten a course they know that they now have to Shackle the person and take him in a certain procedure if they are great criminals the law specifies how they'll be Shackled some of them in some laws be Shackled with their feet and their hands some of them are placed distant from everybody they are placed in in a glass room so thick some of them are in different ways some of them stand with you and then the police come and take them from their families some of them get to say goodbye some of them cannot depending on the level of the crime and the threat of the criminal the danger on the day of judgment same thing will happen and also for the Believers who have passed the sentencing will happen of good what will they receive and so there are angels of blessings and there are angels of torture and there are different various angels angels for various jobs to do and so the person's Deeds which failed him or her the sentencing will be in accordance with that they'll be driven to the fire those whose Deeds failed them they'll be driven to the fire Allah describes how he will drive the Believers and the disbelievers were recited before the verses on that day the day We Shall Gather those with taqwa unto the most gracious like a delegation even Abbas says they will be riding on Beautiful Creatures so imagine that Allahu Akbar those who pass you're riding on this beautiful creature full of light Allah what it looks like but it's beautiful and smells beautiful imagine in your head although this is not it but I want you to imagine yourself coming before The King The King has summoned you a great king and he wants to reward you with something you've done something wants to rewards you on the way to his Palace he sends people with beautiful well-groomed horses the best and fine horses and you are to mount those horses and you have to come riding in the with these horses to face the king this beautiful King who will reward you on that day you will reach Allah finally or you'll be driven to Heaven into the doors of heaven where you will meet Allah on beautiful creatures that you will write on some of them with nor lightest light as as much as mountains some of them as much as men some it is the light it is the light on that day which drives you ahead it is the light which you have earned from your deeds in this world it's actually it's actual light because everything else will be dark if you have no light you will not know your way and the angels will drive you the other way the lights will guide you on that day real light no tells that on that day he will notice will notice his ummah those who followed him on that day through their light the light which emanates from their faces their arms and their legs they are like the striped horses among dark black horses they will have whiteness coming out from their faces their arms and their legs legs regardless of your color in this world you will have that note says I'm recognize you with that and he will be able to guide yourself with that note as for the disbelievers or those who their deeds failed even from among the Believers if they have no light they will fail along the way what will happen to them when their sentences are revealed some of the criminals the angels will grab them with brass claws they'll rush to them and grass claws some of them their brass claws will immerse into their foreign here and into their legs and they will be Shackled so they're driven along in shackles Allah says in the Quran [Music] which means and we shall Drive the criminals to Hellfire in a thirsty State a thirsty state they have no water to drink in another verse Allah says they are Shackled they are feebled None Shall have the power of intercession for these people there will be no one who can intercede for them like the Believers who intercede for each other these disbelievers will have no one and they will call out as they are driven foreign they will call out like this now we have no intercessors nor a close friend to help us that's when they will begin to scream and cry where are they driven they know where they are being driven to screaming and crying they will cry so much pleading out to the angels and as they are crying the Angels Have No Mercy those ones they go and grab each person in accordance with their the what they have been sentenced some of them will be wrapped around with Pythons coming out from hellfires like like tongues coming up from Hellfire these are the people who had wealth and never gave the zakat the the Judy owed to the poor and those others who have the right to it in accordance with Allah's laws some of them they'll see they're Abode inside of Alpha and they'll see what is awaiting them according to what they did in life some of them for example will see that their wealth will be transformed into iron and this iron that will come to them waiting for them and they'll see others being ironed burnt on their sides and on their front and on their backs and on their everywhere and they'll say oh my God this is what is awaiting us and some of them will scream and say oh Lord just give us another chance give us another chance huh give me another chance we admit we admit but there is no response from Allah the angels will say you have been given the chances you have been given the chances and everything every reason for you to know what's right and wrong some of them will be thrown with the brass claws into jahannam some of them will be led into jahannam some of them jahannam will grab them some of them cannot have any way to even reach them and the angels will fly with them let's have a look now what is am I talking about just before they are taken to jahannam and Allah describes as well those who disbelieve they will be driven to Hell Fire in Rose the worst of them in the front the worst of them in the front and as you go back the the less worse but they're all bad so the worst of them in the front will receive the first punishments and the worst of the punishments among the disbelievers there will be believers however they showed off their deeds The Scholar who showed off his knowledge for the sake of being called a scholar the reciter who showed off his or her recitation so that people can praise them the charity Giver who gave charity so that people will say what a generous person the person who died a Mata well died in saying in the cause of Allah saying that I died for the cause of Allah but only so that people can build monuments out of him or her or to be called a hero the intentions were not for Allah they're intentions were for people they were insincere these among the Believers will be the first who will Who the hell with whom Hellfire will be ignited will they be saved later on maybe with the intercession of the Prophet saws but the disbelievers will be in there forever those who chose to disbelieve in Allah they will all reach the third and last station we said the hisab accountability has been done receivable of the books secondly the weighing now the Crossing what is this Crossing in the Quran foreign [Music] then we shall bring them around Hellfire there's a difference of opinion and what it means some of the sahaba said it means sitting sitting like that with shackles waiting to cross others they said standing but with shackles then Allah says [Music] then indeed we shall drag out from every sect all those who are worst rebellious against the most gracious Allah so they're the first of Allah order the angels to take out receive the worst of punishment before everyone's eyes when these people reach and they see this and they start to be placed in Hell Fire what happens a conversation begins to happen between them what do they say the people of al-fair Allah says in the Quran foreign the last of them will say to the first of them our Lord these misled us so give them a double torment of the fire so now the disbelievers themselves begin to blame each other And when they see the worst of them being thrown they will say they're the ones oh Lord look look please give them at least double the torment they know they can't get out of it so what do they say give they they are the ones who let us astray so at least give them double our punishment May then burn double hours so what happens then those will be taken they will say back to the people who blame them they will say why are you blaming us you are equal in the Sin as we were Because you responded and you helped usually they are the leaders and the people who led the people astray they are the same what does Allah reply to them when they start saying our Lord give them double and give them this and give them triple Allah says then verily we know best those who are most worthy of being burnt therein and their level and Allah says he will say for each one there is a double torment but you know not meaning for those who we know reserve the double torment will give them for those of them who deserve only a lesser torment we will give them we know this is none of your business everybody you are responsible for your own Deeds as for the Believers what will happen to them they will be looking at other believers who are not able to pass and they feel sorry for them and so they begin to ask God and supplicate to him for them but before that happens something occurs to both sides Allah says in the Quran now after this he says in [Music] [Music] which means there is not one of you but will pass over Hellfire there is not one of you but will pass over it Hellfire this is with your lord a decree which must be accomplished then we shall save those who had taqwa and who shall leave the and we shall leave the wrong doers in Hell Fire jithia in misery down on their knees feebled there is not one of you that will pass over it in accordance with the Hadith reported by IBN jadid from Abdullah that he said concerning Allah's statement every one of you will pass it he said the bridge over hell is like the sharp edge of a sword the first group to cross it will pass like a flesh of lightning the second group will pass like the wind the third group will pass like the fastest horse the fourth group will pass like the fastest cow the then why they're using horse and cow because this was the vehicle used in those days for transportation so in other words if we were talking in today's terms you talk about the vehicles we ride in today cars and motorbikes and so on then the rest will pass while the angels will be saying O Allah save them save them about the Believers this narration is supporting narrations my brothers and sisters similar to it from the prophet saws in the two sahirs and other collections as well these narrations have been recorded and reported by many sahibas of the Prophet saws including anas and other companions the messenger of Allah was once in the house of hafsa his wife when he said of the Muslims will enter into the Hellfire then has said doesn't Allah say in the Quran there is not one of you but will pass over it the messenger of Allah replied by reciting then we shall save those who had taqwa the remainder of the verse in the two sahirs there is a Hadith reported from Azuri from from the messenger of Allah said no one of the Muslims who has had three children who will Who all died will be touched by the Hellfire except from an oath that must be fulfilled what is that oath that must be fulfilled it is the oath of Allah where he says every single person will pass by it this is a decree that we have promised and it will be accomplished this is the oath meaning some people will cross and will not be into Hellfire if they were Believers in Allah of course and fulfilled its conditions and they've had three of their children who had died yeah children before the age of puberty who died this is a mercy from Allah one of the blessings which Allah gives on that day that he will save you from the fire because of the sadness and the sorrow that he made you go through in this life because of your children but you were patient Allah rewards you for your patience so fire will not touch you yet even those people whose Allah's Mercy reaches they will pass it even the prophet Muhammad sallam will pass it every person will pass the Surat this bridge which is bestowed over Hellfire we ask Allah to save us from Fullington into Hell Fire with it the people with great light will pass very quick the people with a little bit of light they will have it on the edge of their thumb in accordance of the sahih Hadith and it will sometimes light up and at times it will go darkened describes this bridge over Hell Fire as well saying Hellfire will be burning underneath somehow and it has clothes that reach it to try to grab people from there it's hungry it has a tongue which comes out as well and it will scrape people some people will cross it and they have been scraped by the claws of Hell Fire and burnt some of them will fall and they will be saved later on and some of them will fall and they will never be saved hmm now here the disbelievers when they come to pass it it means that they're all go on to the bridge and then I will fall they will not be saved there will be people who are hypocrites they used to say we're Muslim but they weren't And when they see the light on people among the Muslims that they used to know in this life and find and discover how fast the the the they're Crossing they plea to them they will say to them this is in the Quran please wait for us wait we used to know you in the former life in other verses as we used to know you know let us take a little bit of your life just a little bit angels will scream at them go back you have no room go go back and you try and find light behind you meaning what did you leave behind of Good Deeds for you to find any light the only light on that day is the light which you put forth and left out and left behind meaning you will find on that day a wall is separated between them and the Believers in Baltimore one side it has Mercy and the other side it has torture and torment so these Hypocrites will fall and they will be in the lowest of the lowest pits of Hellfire even lower than Iblis himself the crossing of this bridge my dear brothers and sisters is a very dark one it's very very dark and only your light will make you cross as we said Allah says then we will save those who had takwa what is taqwa is a term used by Allah in the Quran for those people who when they are about to do something wrong they remember Allah they remember his punishment they love Allah so much that they do not want to lose that love so what do they do they physically avoid the Forbidden thing and they don't question why is that Haram I'm going to keep doing it until I'm convinced why Allah told you it's not good don't and it also means those who did the wrong but then later on remembered Allah and repented these are the people of taqwa these are the people who will be saved when they cross and some of them who fell into Hell Fire they'll also be saved later on through the intercession as we said of the Angels the Believers and the Prophet Muhammad now there is a group of people who will reach in accordance to some narrations some sahibas interpreted this verse saying that they will reach a high cliff on the bridge somewhere very high on the cliff but they have not passed yet and there will be stationed there they can't go forward and they are also not falling into Hellfire so they're safe from the fire but they can't also go forward they're right in the middle why are they on high Cliffs they said because they are called the araf that's their name they're called the araf and in Arabic when you refer to ORF in it generally means a peak somewhere High that's why they said they'll be somewhere high and Allah Knows Best also means those who you know or not a lot of his Customs but someone who is known so these people will be known by who they'll be known by the Believers and they'll be known by disbelievers who are they they are the people whose Good Deeds were exactly equal to the amount of their bad Deeds what does that mean it doesn't mean that you did exactly the same amount of Good Deeds as the amount of bad Deeds no it means that the value on that day you might have lesser Good Deeds but their value is heavy or you might have more bad Deeds but their value is less and so it's equilibrium until they're equal and the same on the scale the same worth same this is worth this much is worth this much oh they're equal so what happens to them their Good Deeds protect them from the fire but their bad Deeds prevent them from going forward what happens to these people Allah is not oppressive Allah talks about them in the Quran the disbelievers in the Hellfire will save them and they begin to give them bad hope they will say you're going to fall and the Believers on the other side will say our Lord save them what is the point of these who are stationed there it is one of the hopes which Allah gives in order to show the disbelievers in Hell Fire more misery but at the same time they can't pass because it's unfair other people have to beat them they are left towards the end then a voice calls out to the people of Hellfire and it will say as in the Quran see these people that you knew in the former life they did some wrong things with you you thought that we are going to place them with you in here but today we'll give them our mercy and before your eyes watch how we will save them and so Allah will save the people of the araf and take them over the bridge and they'll await at the door of Jannah or they will enter Jannah after the Believers so Allah says that this believes in Hellfire this is one of the torments for them these people you thought will also put them with you we've saved them but you you don't deserve it that's how bad your Deeds were that's how bad your belief was your lord is not an oppressor to any of his servants no one Muslim or non-muslim now we reach heaven and hell and the entrance of it so I want to stop here and share Allah heaven and hellfire insha Allah but I leave you with this story about The Good Deeds there was a man by the name of Malik a great scholar of the past this man was a thief before he became a scholar and he used to drink alcohol one day Allah wanted to guide him and one day he saw a tyrant man who had an employee and this employee was poor and the man would not give him his his wage for the day so he said to him give him his wage he had some mercy and the Tyrant would not give him so mad again took out some wealth and gave it to the poor man and said to him tell your daughters tonight to make the heart for Malik they may die for him and one day he wanted to get married no one would give him their daughter because he was a thief and alcoholic so he bought a slave there were slaves in those days he bought a slave freed her and married her and then Allah gave him a daughter named Fatima at the age of five his daughter died he loved her so much and he was saddened for her loss time passed and one day he saw a dream as if the world had ended and he saw in front of him fought the fire and behind him there was a a dragon chasing him he said I ran away from the dragon and I reached the cliff and in that Cliff I was about to jump but there was Hellfire so I turned away and the dragons behind me he said I ran and reached the ocean the sand and the ocean and there I saw a very old man he couldn't even speak to me so he pointed this way and said go that way I went and I found a cliff and in that Cliff there were children and the children called out Fatima save your dad and then I saw my daughter Fatima she came up to me and she did this with her hand in the dragon faded away and she said to me dad look your bad Deeds are the dragon they weren't big enough to save you and your good deeds are the old man they're not even enough to save you the bad Deeds are so bad that they're so big and your good deeds are so bad that they couldn't save you and then she recited which means is it not time for those who believe to turn to Allah before the hearts hardened are you tired of all these annoying ads 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Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 219,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islamic lectures, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, nouman ali khan, eman, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, hellfire, jannah, makkah, dua, salah, sin, fasting, muslim lecture, 1 islam productions, sadness, Quran, Merciful Servant, Islamic Lectures, Ramadan, Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Muslim videos, Lectures Islam, Ramadan videos, Khalid Yasin, One message foundation, Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq, omar suleiman, Bilal Assad, Mohammad Hoblos, Hoblos, emotional islamic lectures
Id: eohCtT5HJNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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