The 25-Year-Old Who's Ageing Too Fast | BORN DIFFERENT

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progeria makes me look different so it is something that everyone can see and i saw too criteria helped me to understand what i want to do in my life i wouldn't change the world in my little way [Music] i'm sami basso i'm 25 years old and i'm affected by artisan guilford progeria syndrome i am one meter and 38 centimeters and i am 20 kilos to understand well what pedroia is you must remember that our body is formed by many cells billions and in each cellular nucleus there is the dna that are like codes in progeria only one of these codes is mutated so we have this little mutation but in a very important point of the gene progeria is called premature aging because it's very similar to the condition of inaged people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my parents they never had what progeria is for me progeria is a normal thing of my life i started to see myself different since when i was very young i mean progeria makes me look different so it is something that everyone can see and i so too there are some drugs that i take for example the third the first experimental one that now are approved as the first drug for progeria and this one for the heart when it was diagnosed criteria has a negative side but also positive side for example i cannot i cannot work for a long time i can't run i can jump but from the other side criteria led me to do many experiences the italian president gave me the knighthood and it was so crazy for me a young boy or 25 years old i am very proud of this childhood progeria helped me to understand what i want to do in my life when you are in love and you have to use acids or something like that you have to put this kind of glasses to protect the eyes i feel like a crazy scientist i wouldn't change the world in my little way i'm studying molecular biology i love it my graduation thesis will be focused on progeria okay here we can see a normal nucleus and here a progeroid nucleus i spent many times on studying progeria almost all the body is affected by progeria so it is very interesting to study heat we are working also to cure properly progeria we know the theory we just have to understand how to put it in a medical way this is the gillette and it's a special wheelchair that permits me to run with lack of my friends we are training a bit we're starting again after the pandemic to run a little bit more and hoping to go in the marathon [Music] [Music] important [Music] gave me the life that i'm living if i could choose if to born again i would like this life you
Channel: truly
Views: 104,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing stories, amazing story, barcroft tv, barcroft, documentary, real life, Truly, 2021, Born Different, 246673, Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, Italian Association of Progeria, Venice, Italy, Sammy Basso, Sammy Runners, Milan Marathon, April 2021, Progeria, scientific research
Id: MLgUjM4tdJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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