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Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 75,443,311
Rating: 4.7865815 out of 5
Keywords: emirates, first class, THE $23, 000 FIRST CLASS AIRPLANE SEAT, business class, suite, ethihad, caviar, sing
Id: 84WIaK3bl_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I've always always wondered what it was like for those first class people while us peasants are cramped in groups of three-five for hours on end. Just knowing makes me happier.
I want to be that guy near the end. Obviously disgustingly rich and attractive as hell, and in answer to "did you shower" ON AN AIRPLANE, simply says "yeah of course."
Like that's fairly common in his life, he doesn't really get why this guy is asking.
Quite amazing, but I'm not sure it's worth $21 grand for what, an 8-hour flight? I guess you only fly first-class though if $21K is chump change.
I've just done the same thing, first class on Emirates, from London to Sydney (I'm still there). It is pretty much as epic as he makes out.
Although if some sunglasses-wearing dickhead were fucking about filming shit for his YouTube channel in the next seat over I might be slightly annoyed.
and then somebody looks over the doors, lol
Something about this guy's demeanor really irritated me. Good shooting but I'm probably not going to watch another video of his