The 2023 Hummer SUV Is As Stupid As The Truck... And That's Fantastic

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today I'm out in Napa driving one of the most insane new vehicles you can buy in America today this is the all-new Hummer SUV not to be confused with the Hummer pickup truck which is basically this plus a few extra inches in the back and of course that pickup truck bed in the rear the Hummer EV has been very divisive in EV circles because any way you look at this it's totally insane practically every specification on the Hummer truck and Hummer SUV is absolutely Bonkers but the first thing you'll notice is probably the width of this vehicle it is significantly wider than a Wrangler or a Bronco in fact many of the dimensions of the Wrangler could probably fit right here inside the Hummer logo between the turn signals in the front end and this whole bar really makes it look even wider than it really is it's so wide we have clearance lights on top and we have three windshield wipers rather than just two because of the width of that windshield now going in for a closer look you'll notice that this light bar does not contain the headlights those are actually down here in the middle of this lower bumper portion we have absolutely enormous shackles down here on the bottom that's because of course the Hummer truck weighs over 9000 pounds this Hummer SUV is over 8 000 somewhere between eight and nine thousand pounds I don't have official curb weight specs just yet but anyway you slice it the Hummer is definitely large and in charge from this angle you'll probably notice two things right away the massive fender flares front and rear to accommodate the wide stance in the Hummer it also really accentuates the look with the doors that come in a little bit the cab is about the same width as a half ton truck but the body panels front and rear definitely push things out to the sides you'll also notice this rear wheel which is canted toward the outside that's because this has standard four-wheel steering the rear tires will move a little bit over 11 degrees in the opposite direction as the front tires to give this a turning radius it's actually about the same as a Chevy bolt that really pays dividends in parking lot situations since this is so big but also in off-road conditions moving around to the side the truck and the SUV version of the Hummer share basically the same front half but afterwards the Hummer SUV has been shrunk versus the truck and then obviously we don't have a truck bed back here that means this is still a convertible you could remove the four roof panel sections independently of one another and we still have a big battery pack underneath the vehicle in fact you can really see how big it is if I open one of these doors then you see exactly where that seat's located there the bottom approximately 18 inches of the vehicle is All Battery the next thing you're likely to notice is the spare tire on the rear it has one and it is standard which is a little bit different than the truck because in the truck there was nowhere to put the spare other than the bed so you can get your Hummer truck without a spare or with a spare or with two spares if you so desire this is perhaps the most opposing view for the Hummer because this really accentuates the width of the body with those massive fender flares back there big tail lights back here and a really big fifth door this is a door not a hatch because of course we have a the spare tire back here and because of the size and the weight of the door it is powered both open and closed but no sensors back here to tell you not to run into the vehicle behind you other than just it will stop when it hits something whether that is a human right here as the door closes or somebody or something as the door opens it actually stops pretty quickly but you could still scuff that up if you're not paying too much attention in say a parking lot one really handy touch the glass does roll down although oddly enough no wiper back here even though we have three up front wondering about the charge door you'll find that back here on the driver's side ccsdc fast charge connector there and the standard j1772 Port one quick correction before my inbox is flooded this is the model with the more aggressive off-road package you could tell because we have these slightly different Wheels over here there was some confusion earlier in the day the tires are still good to your Wrangler tires but these are the mud terrain not the all-terrain versions We have slightly different rock rails over here and then of course the skid plates up front but as you can see the rest to the truck looks basically the same now let's get to the nitty-gritty there are a decent number of specifications that GMC has not released for the new Hummer EV just yet I for instance don't know the exact capacity of the battery pack I suspect it's somewhere around 170 kilowatt hours so definitely a big big battery but smaller than the one on the truck because again the wheelbase is shorter and they've removed four modules the removal of four modules means that this is no longer an 800 volt DC system when charging this is about 670 volts or so so Peak DC fast charge rates dropped down to about 300 kilowatts Peak according to GMC but it won't sustain that for too long they've said that from 20 to 80 percent state of charge this is going to average about 117 kilowatts an important thing to know about the ultim platform is that at least for now system voltage is defined by the number of modules that the vehicle has on board also smaller number of module Vehicles will not be able to do the serial versus parallel charging thing that we see in the Hummer line here's is what happens in the Hummer truck and the Hummer SUV if you take this to a 350 kilowatt station say one of the new Electrify America stations it's going to connect the upper battery pack and the lower battery pack in series so it will present this as a 670 volt pack to the charger that's when you can hit 350 kilowatts peak in the big battery Hummer or about 300 kilowatts in this Hummer SUV now if we're talking about a different ultium platform vehicle that would only have a single layer pack they're not going to have that option the reason they do this is because you can also present the battery pack in parallel as basically a 335 volt pack and that will charge at a lower rate of course with those older 400 volt stations but it gives us the flexibility to charge at whatever rate your station supports without additional onboard Electronics like for instance we find in a Porsche ticon there will be different versions coming later but at the moment the Hummer SUV is available only in one power level 830 horsepower and over a thousand pound feet of torque the the amount of horsepower is also dependent on the number of modules in the system and that's why the Hummer truck is rated for more horsepower than this one is but you'll still go 0 to 60 in three and a half seconds in this nearly 9 000 pound SUV so still very very impressive we don't have official EPA estimates just yet but they should be coming because this will not be classified as a class 3 truck because the Hummer truck is classified as a class 3 it does not have to be EPA tested or officially crash tested but this one will get both of those ratings I wouldn't be surprised if the official range came in somewhere around 300 miles again really big battery pack but it could be a bit lower because so far today we've been averaging about 1.4 miles per kilowatt hour now let's start to scratch the surface with some of these charging numbers according to GMC if you hit the exact right state of charge range and have the exact right charger and the battery is preconditioned you could get 100 miles of range in about 14 minutes now that is definitely less than you'll find in other EVS but none of the the other EVS out there are as big or as capable as this EV so certainly keep that in mind but any way you slice it charging will take quite some time with a big battery like this 10 to 80 that's going to be somewhere between about 50 minutes and an hour because of the average charge rate that we find on board again 117 kilowatts so it is going to go up to about 300 kilowatts and then it's going to come quite far down as the charge cycle completes to get that average of 117 from 20 to 80 certainly keep that in mind but it does support battery preconditioning to help you get the best charge rate possible also know that not every charger out there is going to be able to support the maximum current draw from this vehicle so GM has given us a little display in the instrument cluster to tell you exactly what's going on with the charger so you know whether it's the charger or the vehicle as far as why it's not charging too quickly now most people don't DC fast charge on a regular basis so the AC charging via that regular j1772 Port is probably more important and that's where this really comes up Trump's because it's going to have an onboard charger rated for just over 19 kilowatts that means that you can take this from zero percent to 100 charged at home much more rapidly than the first generation Hummer EV trucks that came out because they had a much slower onboard charger now for 2023 the truck and the SUV both get the new onboard charger and the new vehicle to load capability so not only will you be able to plug in an adapter here that will power things like a 240 volt Appliance or your home or a saw or whatever it is you want to power but you'll also be able to plug in a j1772 adapter here and one into another vehicle and then offload power to that other EV when it comes to the onboard charging GMC giveth and GMC taketh away because the onboard evse is only a 32 amp rated evse if you want to charge at 19 kilowatts or higher you will have to buy that evsc on your own and those 100 amp evses are pretty darn expensive let's start out our interior dive talking about the seating up front we have four-way adjustable lumbar support a nice touch that honestly I wasn't expecting I kind of expected to see two-way lumbar in here like we find in some trucks in America we do have a power memory linked tilt telescopic steering column but the range of motion is somewhat limited the other thing you'll notice is that the seating position in here is not quite the same as a traditional half ton truck even though this is based on the half ton electric truck in GM's lineup I'm sitting in perhaps a bit more of a reclined position because the body is a little bit shorter since we have that enormous battery pack underneath me the Hummer certainly has a lot of ground clearance and then of course we have that 18 inches worth of battery under there and that really lifts you quite high off the ground as a driver or as a front passenger speaking of the front passenger seat it has the exact same range of motion as the driver's seat hopping into the back seat it's basically the same story the seat bottom cushion is a little bit closer to the ground than the average half ton truck or full-size SUV because of the general dimensions of this body also you'll notice on the outside that the roof line does slope to the rear it's not as boxy as you might imagine and that does result in a little bit less Headroom in the second row than you might think the rear seats are also fairly reclined I think to give you a bit more Headroom feel inside but if I lean my head back to the headrest I only have about half an inch left the reclining feature in the rear seats is fairly minor you can see it moves maybe three quarters of an inch there it's a little bit difficult to see at this angle but this large structural bar right over the second row seats is the limiting factor when it comes to Headroom although not quite as practical as the Hummer truck the Hummer SUV has a huge and very Square cargo area also as you'd expect pretty darn wide but like in the Hummer truck the interior of the Hummer SUV is not as wide as the exterior might indicate you can really see how much space on the side is used by the body cladding the fender flares Etc but still a really large cargo air in the back also very high load in height you can see this is about waist height for me at six feet tall so if you are concerned about loading some of those larger cargo items inside this is going to be a little bit harder on your back than some but again pretty big area front lovers Rejoice the Hummer has one up front the button to open it is right there and we find a front trunk that is a little bit easier to load than we find in the rivian lineup currently because that section of the Grille opens up allowing you to load cargo a little bit lower even though this is generally higher off the ground than the rivian the Riven you really have to load things in on top and that does risk scraping up the bumper up front this front trunk is not as big as the one that we find in the F-150 Lightning or in some of the other EVS that you'll find on the market that likely has to do with the air suspension and the general unibody design of the Hummer now this is a little bit controversial but yes the Hummer SUV and the Hummer truck are unibody Vehicles General Motors likes to call them body frame integral that's a unibody because either you have a frame that is separate from the body or you don't and it's a unibody there are really only two things there is not a third category I'm sorry to shatter anybody's dreams but the Hummer is a unibody vehicle and that is absolutely not a problem because some of the best off-road vehicles in the world rent Land Rovers Range Rovers Grand Cherokees Etc are also unibody Vehicles it just has to do with the way that GM decided to design this vehicle it has no impact on off-road capability or durability now let's go for a spin around the interior as you'd expect this is largely the same as the Hummer truck so basically the same sort of controls up here just above that digital rear view mirror this of course has OnStar you can get different roof panels there are opaque or translucent roof panels these are the opaque roof panels so no light shines through even though it kind of sort of looks like a moon roof you can see the handles for removing that front section right there the handles for removing the rear section back there there are four panels they can lift out and then they can store in the front trunk so you don't have to leave them somewhere worry about that moving over to the seating area we have high-dustable shoulder belts for the dry driver and front passenger two-way adjustable headrests big Hummer EV logo right there in the middle of that seat back and these seats are both heated and ventilated bolsters on the front seat aren't terribly aggressive so larger folks shouldn't have a problem with that although I would love to see adjustable bolsters at some point in time those would be really handy for off-roading moving over to the front doors we have a combination of hard plastics down at the bottom and then more premium soft touch materials up above there this model has a very Moon theme I guess you could say with this interior we actually have Moon maps on the speaker grilles Moon themed floor mats throughout as well big bottle holder down there at the bottom really handy grip there for off-roading as well as a large chunky grip up there on the a-pillar moving over to the dashboard basically the same sort of squarish design that we find in the Hummer truck the width of this interior is definitely narrower than the first generation actual military Hummer but about as wide as the average half ton truck a little bit different than GM's truck lineup though in that we don't have two glove boxes so no storage area going on up here we just have this one storage bin below you can see it is a fairly small bin I was not able to fit in 11 inch tablet computer inside it is just a little bit too small in the middle of the dashboard we find this big LCD touchscreen infotainment system some folks have asked how I feel about the interior Plastics and interior parts quality in here I think I like the design of this some folks dislike the hard plastics we find in here keep in mind that hard plastics are generally going to be more durable especially if you're really doing off-roading have muddy things dirty things in the vehicle soft Plastics are not going to wear as well but some people might expect softer materials in their hundred thousand dollar vehicle if that is you you might want to take a look at the rivian back to this infotainment system we have Apple carplay and Android auto integration but as you can see it only occupies that small portion of the screen the factory Google mapping occupies the entire screen this is running GM's latest software package which I have to say is really really well featured it has tons of camera views got something like 13 cameras all the way around the vehicle side cameras top cameras under body cameras hitch cameras all that sort of stuff here is the underbody camera you can see the back you can see the front so if you want to know where every tire is you can see the inside and the outside of the tire in all sorts of different angles we of course have GM's trailering features and theoretically this should be able to tow somewhere around seven thousand Pounds official towing capacity for the Hummer SUV has not been released just yet below that touch screen we find a non-touch screen section of the display you can see we have toggles here that's how you interact with that I did find myself wanting to touch that section regularly however down here we have controls for the heated steering wheel rear Locker front Locker that's really cool keep in mind of course the rear Locker is not a traditional Locker it's an e-locker so it's not going to behave quite the same down here we have two air vents a large storage area with a wireless charging mat two USB inputs and you can use either wired or Wireless carplay here two big cup holders over there a joystick style shifter here this is the drive mode selector it also controls the crab walk this is not a Masonic symbol over here although it does look like it belongs on the one dollar bill that's the programmable my mode button and then down here you can see that we have a huge storage area under this sort of floating center console that's enabled by the flat floor we have in this dedicated battery electric platform that's a really cool touch and it really differentiates this from something like the lightning or some of the other EVS that don't have this kind of functionality especially vehicles that are based on more traditional platforms moving over here to the driver's side we have a very eccentric instrument cluster has these cut Ins at the bottom I kind of wish they'd given us a square display with a bit more information but as we see in a lot of different GM vehicles tons of information is provided on this display and it's highly configurable moving down from there we find the Hummer EV steering wheel big chunky controls for the adaptive cruise control over there this of course has SuperCrew so we have that little indicator on top and that's also why we find the driver monitoring module there on top of the steering column controls over here adjust that multi-function LCD cluster over there the last thing to know on the steering wheel is this regen paddle on the left side this is not adjustable throttle liftoff regen like we find in some EVS you can enable and disable One pedal driving mode in the infotainment system however this paddle is just regen on regen off but it's not Max regen it actually is I don't know kind of moderate it will take you to essentially a complete stop but it is not the most adjustable thing and I think I would rather just have paddles on the back that would let you adjust that regen up and down now it's time to get the Hummer out on the road the first thing you'll notice is the amount of power we get from this tri-motor setup 830 horsepower total over a thousand pound feet of torque riding on mud terrain tires in this top end version with the advanced off-road package this is definitely a handful but it is very very fast now 0-60 time in here and the horsepower total is a little bit lower than the regular Hummer because of the battery pack it's missing those four modules the removal of those four modules drops the nominal voltage of the pack to the electric motors down to 335 volts from about 400 volts in the regular Hummer and when DC fast charging it will serial the packs together presented as a 670 volt pack to the charger versus 800 volts in the regular Hummer truck that's the reason the power drops down and that's the reason the performance is a little bit lower but it is just as Bonkers and as we see in other EVS with powerful front electric motors there is torque steer in here and that's simply due to the fact that we don't have a mechanical connection between the front wheels and the back wheels the feel of this system as result of that powerful electric motor is not far off a Tesla plaid or the high horsepower versions of the rivian r1t and r1s now out on the road and out on the trail you will notice a bit of a difference between this tri-motor setup and the four motor setup that we find in the rivian in the rivian the wheels are scrambling Along on an off-road Trail very much like the average crossover like a RAV4 or something along those lines and that's because it does not have the ability to truly lock the two front wheels together or the two rear wheels together in this it's maybe a variation on the theme you can lock the front axle with this Locker over here and that will give you an actual lock of the front axle but in the tri-motor setup there is no true lock going on in the rear so the rear tires are always going to be spinning at slightly different rates the electric motor setup will attempt to give you a e-locker back there but here's what's going on much like a crossover like a RAV4 or a CRV or an escape Etc a wheel has to slip before the system decides it needs to send more power across to the other side then of course remember that you cannot combine the output of those two massive electric motors in the rear and deliver all that power to a single wheel all you've got on a wheel is what that motor is set for on this vehicle though on the front axle things are a little bit different because the front axle can lock and you can send the entire front motor output to just one single front wheel the other thing you'll notice out of the road is the really aggressive EV sound that this vehicle is playing I'm not the biggest fan of EV soundtracks and this one does come across as a little extreme fortunately you can quiet it down you can go over here to the my mode motor sound and you can put it and relaxed it essentially goes away the one thing to keep in mind is that it is speed and throttle dependent so out on the highway it is really loud and really droning which is weird because the cabin in here is actually pretty quiet we have that enormous battery pack beneath us and especially if you get the all-terrain tires or the all-season tires that are standard it's going to be quiet in here relative to the average half ton truck if you get these Mud terrain tires it's going to be louder but it's actually still pretty quiet compared to a lot of off-road vehicles with dedicated off-road rubber so something like a Bronco Raptor it's definitely going to be louder in the cabin than this this is a strange experience in that way it's this combination of absolute Bonkers enormous dimensions and a little bit of Civility tossed in here and there now there's certainly a lot of body roll just as you'd expect this has an air suspension it is fantastically heavy it's riding on 305 with mud terrain tires not as wide as you might expect for a curb weight this heavy so keep that all in mind when you start trying to carve your favorite winding mount the road like this a little bit too quickly this is not going to handle like a Bronco or even something like a Wrangler the Wrangler is not the best handling thing on the planet it is still going to cut a corner perhaps a little bit more elegantly than this because of the size and the weight and you will really notice the size earlier in our Odyssey we were driving this from downtown San Francisco not its natural habitat at all up here towards rural Napa County and it felt very wide I was definitely white knuckling it on the Golden Gate Bridge on city streets it feels just as wide based on our estimate that this battery pack is around 167 kilowatts that would put this at a real world range of maybe 210 to 220 miles depending on how you're driving it obviously you'll get longer range if you get the regular Tire setup these knobblier off-road tires are definitely going to have a big impact on your range also keep in mind that when the EPA range figures come out for this vehicle and we will be getting them according to General Motors that is going to be a combined range figure Highway plus City and these numbers are probably be more applicable to highway driving especially if you're driving 70 75 or 80 miles an hour like you can in some states especially if you live in Texas and you're interested in the Hummer you're not going to be going that far out on the open Highway and then if you're adding a camper or a roof tent or you're towing something Etc keep those range figures in mind you're going to be dropping down more towards 100 miles of all electric range even with this absolutely massive battery pack and that's simply the reality of driving an off-road vehicle a lot of people are going to be upset about that but these same people don't think twice about the fact that a Ford Raptor is going to get 12 miles per gallon and that is really terrible versus a RAV4 Prime these are not the same kind of vehicles if you want the kind of off-road capability you'll find in this vehicle that comes with shorter range and lower efficiency it's just the way things are now you will find higher efficiency in the rivien r1s that is mainly because it is narrower and it's a little bit more focused on Arrow than this vehicle but the size is definitely a critical thing it has narrow retires it's lower to the ground it has an arrow mode where it actually gets very very low to the ground compared to this Hummer all of that is really going to impact your range and your efficiency scores so if that's what you're interested in you're going to want to shop over there if you want the Rough and Tumble look and the absolutely enormous Dimensions You're simply going to have to pay the piper the other thing to keep in mind with rivian comparisons is that there are three battery packs in the rivian lineup most of the vehicles going off the line have the big battery it's about 130 kilowatt hours in total capacity there's also going to be a Max pack that's gonna be about 200 kilowatt hours in capacity according to rivian that should get you about 400 miles of range in the r1s if you get the road tires and all the right options all the right settings Etc the r1s does have a range extending mode which is quite effective as far as conservation goes it lowers the vehicle down and it just uses the front electric motors for the maximum efficiency in kind of a weird twist we don't see any sort of range extending mode in the Hummer and that's another thing that I would really love to see I would love to see something like a mechanical rear axle disconnect a range extending mode I think is a very rational vehicle in something like this even though it is targeted in an off-road audience because you want to be able to get to the back of Beyond and get home and you can't always charge out there in the back of Beyond so you have to be able to maximize your efficiency getting there do whatever it is you want to do there and then maximize your efficiency getting back home until we live in a world where there are going to be DC fast chargers at every National Park every BLM property every private Campground Etc this is certainly something that you need to keep in mind obviously this is not going to win any handling Awards with the tires and the ground clearance that we have on this model but I would be intrigued to see what a street Performance Truck would be like from General Motors and they certainly have the bones to do that maybe they're going to do that at some point in time with the upcoming Silverado EV and the Sierra EV the bones of this are going to be transplanted basically directly into those trucks different battery packs different electric motors here and there but a lot of what makes the Hummer really interesting is going to be applied to those trucks in maybe a more pragmatic more rational format let's talk a bit more about regenerative braking there are multiple ways of controlling it in the Hummer we have the micro panel on the back of the steering wheel I do find that a little bit tiny maybe a little bit silly we can then adjust the throttle liftoff regen in the infotainment system and there are three different levels there's basically imitating an ice vehicle so relatively modest regen we have normal one pedal drive mode and then we have high regen for the one pedal drive mode high is pretty aggressive coming to the stop here if I do that it's not quite an emergency braking maneuver but it also oddly gets stronger as you come to a stop this vehicle does have Blended braking so this is not like a Tesla or a rivian where the throttle liftoff regen is all you get if you put your foot on the brake pedal you get more regenerative braking into the battery until the system decides it needs to start blending in the friction braking because this vehicle has a blended braking system it is going to feel different than the rivian because the rivian does not when you put your foot on the brake pedal it's just going to be operating the friction brakes when you lift your foot off off the accelerator pedal that is all the regen you will get in that system hence Blended breaking not Blended breaking over there there are definitely pros and cons here the brake pedal feel in a rivian is definitely more normal than this also in a Tesla more normal than this this does have a bit of a kind of a disconnect between when the friction brakes are engaging and when they're not on the other hand a blended braking system like this gives you a bit more control over exactly how much power you're stuffing back into the battery and in really aggressive braking Maneuvers you'll actually be putting more energy back into the battery than is possible in those other systems because the moment you touch the brake pedal in any of those vehicles that doesn't have Blended braking you're basically leaving electrons on the table and in this kind of system you're not this also gives the ability to control your speed going downhill a little bit more easily a little bit more finely if you have a heavy load in the vehicle or if you're towing a trailer in the back so a little bit less of a concern of brake overheating in the vehicle and in the trailer as well I don't have a a good answer at the moment as far as whether the single pedal system in this system will engage the trailer brakes because we have a trailer brake controller here but I don't have a trailer connected so I can't see exactly what's going on but I suspect it probably does if it's anything like the other EV trucks that are out there once you hit a specific level of deceleration number of G's it seems like it will engage the trailer brake controller in the back and in something like the Ford Lightning essentially it's whenever the brake lights are engaged in the vehicle that's when it's going to engage the trailer brake controller even the integrated one so that doesn't seem to be a concern but hopefully we'll get a better answer on that we can get this back in the office and do a complete review sorry for this video being a little bit different than normal but right now it is sunny I haven't been able to spend too much time in this Hummer we have been able to explore a little bit on an off-road course and drive around but the Sun is setting right over there and tomorrow it's going to be pouring rain the entire day that we will be behind the wheel of the Hummer and that's why you'll notice that some of the drive sections Etc are in the rain because that's what's going on to tomorrow now let me know what you think about the Hummer SUV down there in the comments section below is it inefficient you betza is it big is it crazy is it insane is it Bonkers yes all of those things together and that is why I love the Hummer and the Hummer truck so much these are the electric personification of crazy vehicle and some people say that that has no future in America or in an electrified world and I would say if you want to convince everybody that they should be driving an electric vehicle and I mean everybody from top to bottom then we need every form of vehicle electrified from Tiny commuter cars to convertibles to sports cars to Big Bonkers off-road vehicles like the Hummer SUV and the Hummer truck and that is exactly what this thing is this is the biggest brashest most in-your-face electric vehicle you can possibly buy in America today and for that I absolutely love it but I probably would never buy one myself but I am absolutely thrilled that this exists for someone that maybe could be convinced to get out of something else and into something like this Hummer EV let me know what you think about that down there in the comment section below of course hit that subscribe button stay tuned for other videos we will get our hands on a Hummer truck and a Hummer SUV for complete testing at home pretty soon it's actually probably going to be a Hummer truck coming up pretty shortly so be sure and stay tuned for that video in the meantime find us on Facebook Instagram Twitter all those social places see all of you next week foreign [Music]
Channel: EV Buyers Guide
Views: 20,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex Dykes, Alex On Autos, Review, Detailed Review, Road test, Driven, Car, EV, Electric
Id: HQ3WxcrTDEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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