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[Music] on the street in the water at the track if you drive it we can fuel it so in 1968 the folks at Chrysler decided that they needed to build the ultimate stock and Super Stock machine from their factory they teamed up with Hurst and what they built was a run of 50 barracudas and dartz a total of 50 cars were built with 426 Hemi z' they were not street-legal they were not street driven and they were only designed to go out and destroy Fords and Chevrolet's on the drag strip [Music] [Music] [Music] so here comes Gary wolf quit slow qualifier has the fire run here first time down the racetrack wall quits leaves a beautiful wheel stand powering down the racetrack and another run in the low 50s this is a guy who definitely has a plan together they got part in the horsepower in the right chassis setup so Darren Robinson coming up now Robinson has not had this car out at the event for more than a day the storyline a bear has problems Stephen a bear is not even gonna finish the run and it's gonna be tearing Robinson a huge upset here the first round [Music] Gus man is coming up now man is the beautiful blue Barracuda and mr. fassl or is over there in the former Wolfowitz raised earth way car vanna's comes up and he has made it up by the Christmas tree the whole shot has gone and Gus Manus goes to the finished night's fight a little smoke coming out of the back of that car hopefully it's not hurt so Steve can't coming up next to Steve Camela Cabela's car one of the original 50 of these examples ever built the tray comes down again get down first not the best run he's made all weekend for sure but Steve Camela took his own took his own kind of destiny into his hands here or the red light start [Music] when the house got away with one there did me they would have been when you pull second gear you were offender behind 11:24 four off the throttle for house whose car was rocking back and forth after it landed from a wheel stand moves him on at will crap william craft is gonna be sick after see at that time slip a brand new effort for Dale meters and jail beers unfortunately jumps the tree so it's going to be Russ Campbell and the Missouri mule going out of an x-ray and a nice run for Campbell his best friend of the weekend by over 1/10 866 7 1 55 they've said he'd run the track for three days to test for to come up here and write all three days brutal and Mears is an engine builder by trade so this is kind of a multi-level challenge for him he wants to try to make the big power yeah here comes Tony to pill all the four-speed Hockett Hemi 68 barracuda and read on the Chevy side and Marlin Bogner the vogner automotive gar over there on the race yeoman side [Music] and the pillow got off the starting line second bro traction and shut it off Bogner goes 888 348 his best run of the weekend by nearly a 10 track better I think I think the air definitely drier and cooler than we have seen and I also think these guys are probably some professional level sandbaggers during qualifying as well and mortgage starter Brookville Ohio and as I look at you or if you're looking at that thing and you know exactly why because it's it's the way they originally sat yeah that's what they look like 68 they're all set up in the back Morgan's car is still on leaf springs and as I said a caltrak bars and it is an original car and is called the motivator it says it across the trunk lid it has been raced for ever and ever in a day and it is spectacular it is certainly a little bit like bringing a gun to a bazooka fight here but you never know we've seen crazier things happen as Joe two-tone rolls up in the fame the candy CUDA here on the Chevy side of the racetrack normally run by Bucky has a libido [Music] yo crushed it with that old leaven reaction time a little bit of smoke rolling off the back of Oregon's car and Joe Teuton goes 859 6 at 156 at Dan Morgan goes 1090 with a 5 at 126 and correct me if I'm wrong but again not that far off from what we would have seen in 1968 that's right no they were a little quicker nut but yeah Matt Welker and Bucky has coming up now Bucky has driving the brand-new psycho CUDA painted by his incredibly talented son Travis using Jason line horsepower and Matt Welker is very classically painted the Crimson the silver paint job over there very classic and the old-school lettering of the doors look at the launch perhaps a bounding leap once it came down to the ground and flew again 123 of the eighth mile for Bucky and he goes 878 with a five at 154 they did just start running it he only made one qualifying pass that's a family business to tend to and he came back and he is moving on around to as Welker goes nine forty one nine at one forty four having problems Jim pancake and Rick Johnson coming up there right now pancakes car another the great legacy cars that are out here from the original run of 50 and Rick Johnson from Minnesota the 1968 Barracuda Johnson has won the US Nationals before in that car with that main team number 17 qualifier is Johnson pancake was number four on the sheet and pancake has taken his time and he better hurry up with only 49 Jim pancake has spotted Rick Johnson a whole bunch of real estate out there at Rick Johnson doesn't appear to be willing to give any of it back but he's gonna catch him at the stripe by 900 that was way closer than it needed to be my man 863 beats in 893 but the margin of victory less than a tenth hmm whoa that's hard high gear Stevie interests in Kyle for accounting got the antis and other of the former Bucky Hess cars over there Kyle for driving this beautifully painted example on the Chevy side 426 cubic inches across ram intake manifold it's more like an inline medical these day up over two carburetors on it and the tale of two launches right there is the antis may have been second to react to the light but he ate up tile core in the first half of the race 865 5 at 154 32 as core goes 1110 with the six at 88 Jim Daniels and mark house I look forward to that as Mark house gets ready to stage his car from north from New Brunswick Canada and Jimmy Daniels the 22 year old from County Pennsylvania a guy who is signs in this if Clark house is going to make him sing for his supper here his house get out of the starting line blocks first but it's supplying all that rebar horsepower to go 852 or the too low ET and the beat so far at one hundred and fifty six point three five miles an hour mark house goes eight seventy one with an eight 152 and just didn't have a horse that could run hard enough yeah Jenny Jimmy's a really good driver young boy you know he's got a lot going for him he's got a good horsepower a good car when you told me a little bit before he spent a very informative summer of his life somewhere he stayed with Ray Martin when he was 13 years old and stayed at Ray's house and worked in the shop for right when he was 13 years old for an entire summer yeah for the whole summer that is like if that is one of those old school stories that you hear about guys that did it in the 60s or 70s but this happened much more recently the kids only 22 years old so we're talking at 2010 he was hanging out for a summer soaking up a lot of great knowledge at Ray bar and racing engine well that's why we're talking hurry you get a young person involved in this when they're in their teens 12 13 years old in that neighborhood get them out of junior traction when they're about 10 nowadays and they'll be there for an hour because you never get away from this no clearly you're here [Music] [Applause] so Lloyd Warford unable to appear means that Jerry castle have a free pass into the next round this is another one of those cars like we saw earlier with Dan Morgan's car where it has a ladder bar style suspension it's an old-school style you know at one point that was the hot ticket or go to the for link right I was going to say you must love watching that [Music] and Jerry Casa goes 9 34 3 142 and he's got a trip to round 2 in his pocket now this is the car I was telling you earlier they bought in California six Illinois automatic the kid was driving her back for school every day damn father and Bill Virdon the 68 Carnot 6l automatic call good he saved it from a very mundane life I got promised to that so Dan's Ross was supposed to be facing rich Locker unfortunately Locker had an issue with the systematic machine sponsored car so that means that Dan's rust the Gold Coast Hemi will be running down as a solo the final car of this first round of the Dodge may be challenged circa 2018 trust not wasting the opportunity with a note 12 reaction time 119 in the eighth mile and Dan's Russ flexing his muscles but shutting the car off early to go 9 12 6 at 127 miles an hour so now we have Steve Kent and Darren Robinson both guys kind of made it out of the first round if not a look certainly by the skin of their teeth and once again Robinson down first fifteen reaction time Kent is very late spun the tires but here comes the horsepower Steve Kent outmuscles Darren Robinson at the stripe at Robinson might have thought he had that one locked up but can't read him down and only by nineteen hundreds of a second he is driving that thing like a boss a no.15 reaction time is Kent was 247 on the tree and the things fun the tire thankfully Steve had enough oomph to catch Robinson the window house may need a pull were having out of a hat here just Gary wolf quit says the second quickest are the property and Samantha's Wendell has about to temp gonna try to buy some time here wolf wood from Whitehouse Station New Jersey went allow that East Coast guy but for these two from Canada up there rocks a New Brunswick mark houses son eliminated Rob one looking on and the dad gets printed appear down performance side of this racetrack before two o'clock there if you see how the Stars turn the tire has wolf winces car and pulled a nice wheel stand no wheel spin no problems for Wolfowitz what's the last time going to look like 852 of the six they're printing time slips down there the dance rust and James Daniels coming up right now Jimmy Daniel 22 years old The Rave are racing engines house car went 852 with a - I believe last time down and dance rust in a position of needing to get off the starting line first and perhaps capitalize on a Daniel's of the state because if this thing goes cleanly dance rust is not as at least not yet shown us that he has the power to hang with the door handles on and Daniel star Dan thrust fully states as Daniel Tao finds his spot on the heavy side Dan's Russ tried to throw the kitchen sink at him but he whipped othor t6 red light started for thrust Daniels we saw her 52 out of Wolfowitz of 54 - at 156 out of Jimmy Daniels and again a 16 foot time a bottom 120 the wall colors are 52 6 so to tonica's madness leah to town a monstrous wheels fan but it's mantis with a better reaction time a double o8 to town was stabbed with a no 29 and Gus mantis goes to the lights a whispered telltale smoke out of the back of the car the speed beginning to go down he goes 860 101 52 but I wonder what cost Joe to Thanh 864 at 156 they were both getting after it yeah we've got four cars there within a tenth of a second that's pretty impressive with these cars next pair here is Jerry casein and Bucky has remember casein had a competition signal and rod one Bucky has this is a brand new race car that is a good thing Jason leaves that's the with entity ladder bar car with its high riding stance Bucky has the lowered stands the Jason line horsepower will be enough to go 869 one at 153 as cacif goes 937 at 142 and again huge props to Jerry caster for coming out here and having a blast with us this weekend fell in love with that dart when I first started earlier in the week and he may not have the ridiculous levels of horsepower a Bucky has has but that car is awesome Stevie Ennis and Jim pancake the antis over there Charleston South Carolina the 68 Barracuda and it is pancake in the dark Chevrolet side oh I think we're going to have one is Jim pancake leaves the starting line with a no 48 reaction time leading the 84 light of the antis and he is going to drag him down the track on a leash 867 for at 151 as the antis goes 888 for at 152 and tell your pancake story Jim said he was 19 and 68 he went up by Corvette the guy the Gimli plays baby man so he got mad left he went over the college store said he went to dodge store he told the guy he want something really fast and the sample said we just got this letter here were there film in 68 dark with a Hemi in it he said okay I won't have much since they worked out a price and got all the coaching and their master kind of gas mileage under and Russ Campbell the Missouri mule in boggers car sliding around early in the run you saw it kind of try to go side to side it was a bit caddywhompus there for a second does it give it up opportunity to Campbell it does 872 in the five at 150 494 Russ Campbell the Missouri mule is heading to the semi-final round of the Dodge Hemi challenge and Marlin Barger 896 one after spinning the tires down low so Jim actually work out of gas mileage of God the guy said son this is a race car maybe what kind of gas mileage guys hit me with two full barrels I'm across track he said well sir if I can't drive it to work every day I can't for the pay phone he said I didn't hit the bottom wow he's out here now with his car his car was always good at Jim's a great guy he does a lot he's been very involved in this since you go [Music] after the starting line in his dark trying to change their own world and make a move to the while round any challenge baking the paper [Music] [Music] [Music] the Colorado because you're a mule of rust handle will be heading on to the next round that's a six especially wait a sec away now we get the Missouri mule rolling backwards trying to get a core number kg for race control and exactly what may or may not be happening right now they have an absolute bush campaign top of the racetrack yet and they haven't pushed cross handle off the racetrack editor go ahead Jim panting will not be heading down the retractor as you can imagine [Music] now we got some bankers here brake light and nobody goes health workers to be honest acting down there mr. Weinstein who is a dreaded ranchers being one of the age they're between the yeah Lisa V if you will watch it from the starting line as Jimmy Daniels is gonna try to go down and fix this he thinks a wolf is kind of watching your back or these two cars that you share more life hey Lords the race now logistic our end [Music] 150 5.76 file Brown this is gonna get good here because we got four really good cars yes we have Russ Campbell and Jimmy Daniels to start us out with and Gary wool quits and Gus Mantis to follow that act up with and appropriately we have two darts and two barracudas left absolutely you made the mention of some days it's better to be lucky than good and rushed me amble the last round against Pete Kent you know by rights on paper issues but here he is [Music] yeah Daniel's we can say with confidence has been the best of us consistently BER in this category this weekend by a longshot so Russ Campbell is fully staged he is geared up getting ready to step off the clutch give Daniel's an automatic transmission in there how about you how about your Russ cam we'll get out on the kid but it looks like the Ray partner horsepower is going to shovel them out of the hole as they get down to the top end 8:51 with a 1 and 156 and Russ Campbell makes his best line of the week at no shame at that here it is low ET of the meat so it's Gary Wolfowitz and Gus Mantis coming up right now whoa quit city be kind of you know candy apple red with a darker red flame job dark and Gus Maness in that beautiful blue Barracuda 51 the number to shoot for wolf Woods has really been the only guy this through the entire event that has been close and acquaintances he's been is 52 the dark a good shake out that way is it's gonna be walk winces second disdain a red light start for mantis and the one time that gun Gary wolf woods missteps Gus mantis rent lights his chances away 861 8 at 152 for Gus Mantis and Gary wolf woods with a win light goes 1165 at 82 Wow pretty interesting I think on sheer numbers you looked at the safety lanes of morning and figured the barracudas had him surrounded right [Music] Jimmy Daniels had a lot of success in this room only 22 years old but he certainly has been driving like a dairy wall goats on the left side James Daniels Jimmy Daniels on the right side how nerve-wracking is it that it's now dust as it gets darker you see the tree better you're gonna react to the light better and I think the chances of lighting that bottom bulb were probably going up a little bit Gary Wolfowitz kind of got away with one in the last round when his opponent went red and his car did not make a clean run it's the final of the Dodge Hemi challenge at the 64th annual US Nationals picked your favorite dirty old drivers green both I returned to tire just a little bit Jimmy Daniels government banners on the starting line and Gary Wolfowitz has given up the chase Jimmy Daniels wins it again 866 at 156 miles an hour Herbie moved first but both drivers turn to tire a little bit to 60 feet Daniels got history recover Gary wolf who would Stroeve it down a little before the eighth mile and went all right that's enough unprecedented three times in a row winning the semi challenge what's that like it's like winning it for the first time I the feeling is amazing it's unbelievable there's just so many people that go into making this thing so successful my father my mother girlfriend her parents my grandfather's here my teammate Gary walk with to Iran in a final ray and David Barr and the list goes on I mean it's just an unbelievable feeling what was your biggest challenge today running my teammate that was the hardest round that I had to do there and because we got same power comes out of the same shop instead of the car so it was gonna be good thank you best memory of all three wins being able to have our friends and family here I mean the crowd that's on the starting line that's from our crew is insane we got so many people that support us and that's it
Channel: CompetitionPlusTV
Views: 57,820
Rating: 4.8649788 out of 5
Id: W-Mt-yEzeI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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