The 2000s Vision of the Future - Frutiger Aero Explained

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friediger Arrow the up and coming term for the aesthetic we've been seeing for almost decades now maybe you've never heard the term maybe you have and maybe it's what you thought the world would start looking like by 2023 instead of The Bleak flavorless oversimplification of logos and other designs Frederica Arrow was how we viewed the future but little did we know that at the time we were already living the so-called aesthetic and that in the actual future the world will look close to nothing like this the 2000s did and I don't think we were all that aware of it we didn't know it'd become this nostalgic phenomenon we didn't know what the hell weird core was but I am confident in saying that friediger Arrow was just another stepping stone for the liminal spaces that we love today and now viewing this imagery makes you yearn for being able to see the world through those two thousands eyes again or at least it does for me this is going to be a journey of nostalgia luminal spaces internet culture and more so let's just get right into it friediger Arrow can be summarized as the aesthetic that was prevalent from around 2004 all the way to 2013 so nearly a decade the term was coined by Sophie Lee a member of the consumer Aesthetics Research Institute their website is absolutely fascinating to dive into by the way you can go through and learn about the different Aesthetics throughout history they Define it starting from 2005. the components of the aesthetic are listed as skeuomorphism in UI ux design this is when say a logo mimics its real-life counterpart instead of this flat design that is more common in modern day glossy designs friediger and other humanist sans-serif typefaces which are fonts intended to be clear and highly legible at a distance or at small text sizes tertiary color palettes glassy or transparent materials Aurora Borealis bokeh photography these are the pictures with those circles and grass or nature in general specifically water and cloudy yet bright skylines other elements include fish along with bubbles or spheres we're going to call them orbs so it seems kind of like techy futurism meets ethereal nature which I think is very fitting for the 2000s because it was when the internet and Technology were evolving but kids still touched grass the name frigar Arrow derives from the aforementioned fritiger fonts and the windows Arrow user interface from Windows Vista I have created a sort of concise timeline of friediger Arrow blossoming followed by its fading out just to give it more chronology and background this is my opinion essentially based on Vibes and might make no sense the Memphis aesthetic and CGI surrealism of the 80s and 90s morphed than had a baby with the internet which made Y2K y2k's successor due to the increase in technological advancements was friediger Arrow the amount of touching grass lessened the internet increased and we were met with what Aesthetics Wiki calls friediger Metro the flat less interesting version of friediger Arrow then all flavor was gone and flat design was born born people got bored and vaporwave became more mainstream vaporwave was inspired from that Memphis aesthetic and surrealism and had a baby with the internet all over again with the addition of nostalgia and this created the love for liminal spaces people made weird core dream core Etc out of it and in the end that's still kind of where we're at now but I think we are evolving into something else and this friediger Arrow Nostalgia is starting to become a pretty substantial fad which I think can influence some sort of resurgence in the aesthetic alright now that we've got the informative segment of my thesis out of the way let's move on to some examples so we can get more of a true feel for the friediger arrow atmosphere [Music] I've divided all of these examples into a few different areas in media we have material objects physical places television consoles and software and lastly video games some of these we're gonna gloss over others will go more in depth the fertigo arrow mascot should be the fish on the soft soap bottle no further explanation needed for the duration of this ecstatics run time the design was prevalent on products like soaps detergents computer mouses even board games and so much more remember the eye dog the robotic toy dog that would play and dance to music I don't know I never actually had one the closest I ever came to having one was a hand-me-down techno dog from another family member that never had working batteries in it but the eye dog is a great example for this time periods fixation of futurism and what would later be known as friediger Arrow another that is a toy I did successfully convince my family to get me as a child was a fidget friend a rubbery Furby knockoff with a digital face there's also certain lamps that articulate this Vibe so well notably the multi-colored multi-head lamps that a lot of us had in the 2000s this is debatably between Y2K and friediger arrow however an indisputable example is the iconic aquarium lamp it goes without saying that Lighting in general is such a fundamental component to creating the right feel for any aesthetic and a plethora of advertisements for technology or cars during the era fit right in as well moving on to physical places I would consider some specific liminalish hotels and hotel pools to be friediger Arrow it's mainly that fresh aura that particular hotels have two thousands or currently outdated dentists and doctors offices typically pediatric offices but maybe I only think that because I was a kid in the 2000s but man them waiting rooms and hallways with all their colors and dated chairs Peak for the gray Arrow really but Nintendo World New York in the mid-2000s is the absolute Paragon of it I went through so many pictures of this place while doing my research because I just fell in love with how it looked and I wish I could have experienced being there considering Nintendo created the DS and Wii they're kind of like the friediger overlord okay it's time to out myself as a Midwest kid so my apologies if the next few instances are too Niche but not only are they near and dear to me but I think their exemplars of friediger Arrow the architectural design of Nebraska Furniture Mart and the interior design as well even today some parts of the location closest to me still gives a slight friediger Arrow Vibe sure most of the modern day Decor is kinda ugly and boring but the layout and actual architecture has remained pretty much the same over the years Crown Center in Kansas city is another that to this day has the remnants of it it's honestly a gorgeous place and I've gone there to do pretty much nothing but walk around which is probably something anyone that lives somewhere or sneer it can relate to lastly for physical places we have the Great Mall of the Great Plains now unfortunately demolished the Great Plains Mall holds a special place in child Kylie's heart since it opened in 1997 a lot of the mall was more Y2K but in certain images you can see the further slipping in there were more areas of the mall that I remembered but couldn't find photographic evidence of but I compiled what I could friediger arrow and television is almost exclusively children's TV at least all that I could think of Teletubbies is Y2K according to Aesthetics Wiki and I'd say buba is fruitinger Arrow the show's Wiki even States visuals were inspired by scientific photographs of microscopic life and cell structures the main characters babubas are atoms of energy who sleep in charging pods fun fact the very first clip featured on this channel was of Bupa the entirety of The Backyardigans episode robot Rampage the town takes place in the buildings and houses that inhabit it the Interiors of all the rooms I could go on iCarly in general fits but the theme song specifically utilizes the aesthetic wow wow Wubbzy is one of my favorite examples because it is 2D however implements the whole skeuomorphism element mentioned earlier resulting in the opposite of it feeling flat we of course have to mention Meet the Robinsons considering its plot residing in futurism I used to love love this movie as a child but it also was sort of Bittersweet to me because I think it gave me one of my first existential crises I think this film is the epitome of this vision of the bright utopian future we had and then on the other hand we have Wally which depicts the bright technological future in a much more Bleak light for consoles and software we have already briefly touched on Windows Vista but I would consider its predecessor Windows XP to also be friediger Arrow it seems to kind of be a debate on whether or not XP is Y2K or frigger Arrow but with some of the themes XP had it's skeuomorphic icons XP Media Center and media player 10. I'd say it should be at the least considered a part of fredericker Arrow Windows 7 is without question the startup sound itself is like the audible adaptation of friediger Arrow and mostly everything about it is on theme what isn't entirely on theme is the Birdman wallpaper but I wanted to feature him in the video before we get into consoles there's LimeWire this was my uh music downloader of choice as a kid all the songs on my frudiger MP3 player came from LimeWire this nostalgic design and Hyper realistic lime logo makes it worth mentioning now they like sell nfts or something and replace the Beloved lime with a boring ass corporate Memphis logo as have most companies following the demise of friediger Arrow the PlayStation 3 and Wii are definitely the console embodiment of fruitiger Arrow look at the PS3 menu and home PlayStation home is literally what a fruit a girl world would look like and everything about the Wii is fitting from the menu with all the channels to the Wii shop the little screen before the GameCube disk registers as a GameCube game and a multitude of Wii games that we'll be getting into in just a moment the Wii U I think marks the Aesthetics departure the console itself I'd say is just as friediger as the Wii their menus look strikingly similar the icons have that glossy skeuomorphic design me versus did and it still has that feel to it but it was released in 2012 and kinda flopped the generally agreed upon ending year of frudiger Arrow was 2013. so I think it makes sense in my eyes the Wii U symbolizes the beginning of the end of frudiger Arrow the last excerpt of examples is video games so there are a few GameCube games that predate the supposed birthday of frudiger Arrow but still fit the aesthetic undoubtedly in my opinion areas in Super Mario Sunshine's gnocchi Bay portray the whole water aspect very effectively Sonic Adventure 2 has friediger elements throughout the entire game and the other worldly Chow Garden is worth specifically mentioning the final selections of the GameCube games would be Super Monkey Ball 1 2 and even Adventure I guess the aesthetic is one thing Adventures got going for it the friediger arrow and Super Monkey Ball is less apparent than Super Monkey Ball 2 but you can still see it seeping through like the way that this architecture looks the underwater section and this fountain with trees in the desert area for Super Monkey Ball 2 the worlds that I think are best representations of friediger Arrow would have to be Jungle Island taking into account its watery natureness inside a whale I think the futuristic aspect is really heavy on this one the amusement park is a great example and I think so is the bubbly washing machine with Dr bad Boon's base I couldn't decide if I considered it for the air or not because I can't tell if it's like too green time to get into all of the Wii games Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are widely agreed to be like The Frigid arrow games especially Galaxy 2. I think some parts of Fort Francis in Super Paper Mario sort of give off the vibe but the woe Zone in chapter 4 of The Game certainly does Wii Sports tennis and golf do as well and pretty much all of Wii Sports Resort did anyone else play the aquarium weeware game while flipping through the pages of all of my childhood memories I remember this it's just called my aquarium and it's extremely friediger Arrow it was such a relaxing Pleasant game following this Reawakening of my memories I started to think about random games that also were vertigo Arrow pets cats too has the nature qualities of it and the Art of balance which was another we our game is honestly gorgeous and clearly has a friediger arrow Essence to it moving on from Wii games we have portal from beginning to end it has this atmosphere to it that I absolutely adore and it's pretty much the Pinnacle of friediger arrow that concludes all the notable examples without dragging this video on for ages [Music] I did come up with a lot of them on my own but this friediger Arrow lore went deeper than I originally thought when I had first heard of this aesthetic I found r slash friediger arrow and it was a massive help for creating this video I skimmed through nearly every single Post in the subreddit Gathering as much information and examples as I could because I really wanted to make this right and feel special to not only me and my nostalgic experiences but other people's as well and it's for sure a subreddit that I'm going to continue to frequent apart from being beneficial in an educational sense there's so many innocuous posts that just made me happy to see because a lot of parts of the internet have negativity no matter what the contents are but the most negative thing I saw in the sub was people being like that's not frigarrow and then some other debate on if an aesthetic called fruit or Glacier existed within Happy Feet or something like this user asked if a light bulb was a fruit of your arrow and the comments are so welcoming give it a blue Sky background with clouds and it'll be legit or just hella frudiger Arrow user that one guy 125 made a post with a head and shoulder shampoo bottle saying that the style was coming back considering the Lively fruit and Bubbles surrounding it the frigger arrow Aesthetics Wiki does predict a neo-arrow being underway in the future so maybe he's on to something there's a decent amount of AI generated for the Arrow images on the subreddit as well which I thought was pretty fascinating a few other of my favorite posts I came across were a picture of this iron with the title this is not Y2K and this user commented now we're talking this is the reality of friediger Arrow bored of seeing Y2K Nostalgia on the subreddit for bigger Aero phone this is probably what they'd be using a monkey ball and Cooking Mama back button that's it that's the post exploring the subornet really made me realize how embedded friediger arrow is within us or anyone who lived through its years of service it trans ends just the visual appearance of it like I deceived posts asking what music people associate with it and realized I associate certain music with it too I mean I already mentioned that the Windows 7 startup sound sounds like it and all of the aforementioned games as soundtracks do as well so does the smallest weird number by Boards of Canada and someone even asked about smells associated with it this has 41 comments with people giving all kinds of examples Citrus and wet wipes shampoo mint and petrichor what you smell after it rains unwrapping and opening a console game disc or guidebook for the first time chlorine disinfectant Morning Dew hotel lobbies maybe even Cheez-Its buttery popcorn and or nachos and cheese at a movie theater office smell the laundry detergent aisle at a store and the blue part of a Bomb Pop all right the mere thought of all those smells evoked the friediger arrow Within Me scent is well known as the most powerful scent we have our nose's memory is better than our brains the most random scent can trigger such a vivid memory or even something we can't put our finger on but like you know that scent reminds you of something that's why I love candles so much I think this brings about an almost humanistic element of it all I don't want to sit here and make it this profound thing that's deeper than it is but there is some sentimentality to it when I was creating the timeline of Aesthetics at the beginning of this video I noticed something it's the constant recycling of past Aesthetics and the liminal quality to all of them like when things got too bland and boring after frigo arrow with the whole flat design corporate Memphis thing vaporwave became mainstream and after that the liminal spaces did I've always said vaporwave was the predecessor to the liminal space craze they both have the same nostalgic yet surreal feelings of them they both were rooted within 80s to the early 2000s to stall anesthetics and now people talk and all the blandness within companies designs beige baby Aesthetics less colorful more lifeless I could go on just like the Aesthetics Wiki said they foresee some kind of neo-era movement we very well may be in the process of undergoing it but this recycling of luminality brought up a question of mine why do humans like it what's with the progression of what we now call luminal spaces and the fact that they seem to have been sticking around for roughly 40 years now the world doesn't look like this not anymore anyway so is it nothing more than us being obsessed with Nostalgia and not wanting to accept the world for what it actually is right now maybe but I think our memories ideas and Imagination are all sometimes Better Than Physical reality whether we want to admit it or not I have no idea what the world legitimately looked like Through The Eyes of four-year-old Kylie but in my memory it looks like this and my fixation with luminal spaces comes from how they summon this creativity within me that no other visual thing does it feels like the you picture in your head people are always saying how they look like dreams frudiger Arrow was rooted in this idea of a utopian future that didn't actually exist and guess what I'm sure tons of people complain about some of the tackiness of it I specifically remember everyone being iOS 7 was groundbreaking and cool because it looked cleaner and more advanced who wanted the friediger arrow anymore and now we want it back I think it's some strange mix of how much Nostalgia really does impact us and this almost unlocking of creativity in a pleasant nearly childlike view of the world that comes with luminality now maybe you don't understand what I mean or simply don't agree and that's completely okay this is probably going to be different for everyone especially if you are younger or older than me for me early vertigo era reminds me of playing DDR in the summer than like going outside and finding a dandelion to make a wish on or early 2000s Walmart and the Great Plains mall later friediger era was like playing Super Paper Mario in the summer you may not have the exact same experience but when I say that the smell of the blue part of a Bomb Pop feels like friediger arrow and you know exactly what I mean there's something to it and it just makes me feel more special about the world and humans in general that we can connect over the blue part of a Bomb Pop and this stupendous imagery I hope you enjoyed this video I know it's different than what I've been doing lately but I truthfully had a ton of fun making it and trying to formulate some kind of conclusion of this liminal phenomena I think I've sufficed for now thank you [Music]
Channel: kylie boggly
Views: 515,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ostolucALTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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