The 12 Lessons of Raja Yoga Lesson 5: The Cultivation of Attention - Exercises and Meditation

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welcome to the reality revolution I'm your host Brian Scott and today we're going to continue with a series I have called the twelve lessons in Raja yoga based on the book a series of lessons in Raja yoga by yogi Rama Taraka the pseudonym for William Walker Atkinson the classic New Age New Thought author who was one of the original writers about the law of attraction this particular book is a fascinating set of exercises and steps to increase your power of manifestation some of them may seem simple and the lessons are easy but when when used together are amazingly powerful when somebody learns how to play basketball when you go and learn basketball the coach is going to teach you the fundamentals you're gonna learn how to dribble the ball you're gonna learn how to shoot free throws well if you want to learn how to create your own reality it's easy to go on the super advanced stuff but a lot of times you're ignoring the fundamentals and these are the fundamentals learning how to control your thoughts control your mind control your attention and create a greater level of concentration when you do this and you follow these steps you will find that you've become an incredible creator I really think it's the difference between the good manifest errs and the great manifest errs these lessons have been developed over centuries by gurus and yoga and these lessons when applied will help you massively in the process of reality creation so far the previous videos we've talked about several issues we've talked about the eye understanding our mental tools the expansion of the self in the last lesson was mental control and the amazing thing about this is that each one is more intense and more powerful the exercises are just fantastic I don't know what place that you're at in your journey in understanding your awakening or your ability to create your own reality whatever place that you're at when you try these exercises out and these lessons they will expand your understandings each of these have a short lesson and then exercises that are sort of like a meditation and then there's an affirmation at the end so I would definitely recommend you check out the previous videos but if you haven't had a chance don't worry about it you can do these exercises independently you will find this to be so powerful that you'll want to go back anyway and when you apply them on in order you will fundamentally become a master in reality creation so today we're going to talk about the fifth lesson which is the cultivation of attention in our last lesson we called your attention to the fact that the Yogi's devote considerable time and practice to the acquirement of concentration and we also had something to say regarding the relation of attention to the subject of concentration in this lesson we shall have more to say on the subject of attention for it is one of the important things relating to the practice of Raja yoga and the Yogi's insist upon their students practicing systematically to develop and cultivate the faculty attention lies at the base of willpower and the cultivation of one makes easy the exercise of the other to explain why we lay so much importance to the cultivation of attention would necessitate our anticipating future lessons of this series which we do not deem advisable at this time and so we must ask our students to take our word for it that all that we have to say regarding the importance of the cultivation of attention is occasioned by the relation of that subject to the use of the mind in certain directions as will appear fully later on in order to let you know that we are not advancing some peculiar theory of the Yogi's which may not be in harmony with modern Western science we give you in this article a number of quotations from Western writers and thinkers touching upon this important Faculty of the mind so that you may see that the west and east agree upon this main point however different may be their explanations of the fact or their use of the power gained by the cultivation of attention and I will say if you go and look at previous lessons on the podcast the one thing that can unify everything that we talk about everything from reality Tran surfing to neville goddard to alan watts to Abraham all of it is the importance of attention as we said in our last lesson the word attention is derived from two Latin words odd tenderly meaning to stretch toward which is really what attention is the eye wills that the mind be focused on some particular object or thing and the mind obeys and stretches toward that object or thing focusing its entire energy upon it observing every detail dissecting analyzing consciously and subconsciously drawing to itself every possible bit of information regarding it both from within and from without we cannot lay too much stress upon the acquirement of this great faculty or rather the development of it for it is necessary for the intelligent study of Raja yoga in order to bring out the importance of this subject suppose we start in by actually giving our attention to the subject of attention and see how much more there is in it than we had thought we shall be well repaid for the amount of time and trouble expended upon it attention has been defined as focusing of consciousness or if one prefers the form of expression as detention in consciousness in the first case we may liken it to the action of the Sun glass through which the sun's rays are concentrated upon an object the result being that the heat is gathered together at a small given point the intensity of the same being raised many degrees until the heat is sufficient to burn a piece of wood or evaporate water if the Rays were not focused the same rays and heat would have been scattered over a large surface and the effect and power lesson and so it is with the mind if it is allowed to scatter itself over the entire field of a subject it will exert but little power and the results will be weak but if it is passed through the sunglass of attention and focused first over one part and then over another and so on the matter may be mastered in detail and a result accomplished that will seem little less than marvelous to those who do not know the secret Thompson has said the experiences most permanently impressed upon consciousness are those upon which the emigrate esteem attention has been fixed another writer upon the subject has said that attention is so essentially necessary to understanding that without some degree of it the ideas and perceptions that pass through the mind seem to leave no trace behind them Hamilton has said an act of attention that is an act of it concentration seems thus necessary to every exertion of consciousness as a certain contraction of the pupil is requisite to every exertion of vision attention then is to consciousness what the contraction of the people is to sight or to the eye of the mind what the microscope or telescope is to the bodily eye it consists in the better half of all intellectual power and Brody adds quite forcibly it is attention much more than any difference in the abstract power of reasoning which constitutes the vast difference which exists between minds of different individuals Butler gives us this important testimony the most important intellectual habit I know of is the habit of attending exclusively to the matter in hand it is commonly said that genius cannot be infused and by education yet this power of concentrated attention which belongs as a part of his gift to every great discoverer is unquestionably capable of almost indefinite augmentation by resolute practice and concluding this review of opinions and adore sment of which the Yogi's have so much to say and to which they attach so much importance let us listen to the words of Bedi who says the force were with anything strikes the mind is generally in proportion to the degree of attention bestowed upon it moreover the great art of memory is attention and inattentive people always have bad memories there are two general kinds of attention the first is the attention directed within the mind upon mental objects and concepts the other is the attention directed outward upon objects external to ourselves the same general rules and laws apply to both equally likewise there may be drawn another distinction and division of attention into two classes viz attention attracted by some impression coming into consciousness without any conscious effort of the will this is called involuntary intention for the attention an interest is caught by the attractiveness or novelty of the object attention directed to some object by an effort of the will is called voluntary attention involuntary attention is quite common and requires no special training in fact the lower animals and young children seem to have a greater share of it than do adult men a great percentage of men and women never get beyond this stage to any market degree on the other hand a voluntary attention requires effort will and determination a certain mental training that is beyond the majority of people for they will not take the trouble to direct their attention in this way voluntary attention is the mark of the student and other thoughtful men they focus their minds on objects that do not yield immediate interest or pleasure in order that they may learn and accomplish the careless person will not fashion his attention at least not more than a moment or so for his involuntary attention is soon attracted by some passing object of no matter how trifling a nature and the voluntary attention disappears and is forgotten voluntary attention is developed by practice perseverance and is well worth the trouble for nothing in the mental world is accomplished without its use it's amazing because this book was written so very long ago in 1906 so people had a lot less distractions than we do now but this lesson is clearly showing us the importance of attention and this lesson may be more timely than ever before the attention does not readily add fasten itself to an interesting objects and unless interest can be created it requires a considerable degree of voluntary attention in order that the mind may be fastened upon such an object more than this even if the ordinary attention is attracted it will soon waver unless there is some interesting change in the aspect of the object that will give the attention of fresh hold of interest or unless some new quality characteristic or property manifests itself in the object this fact occurs because the mind mechanism has not been trained to bear a voluntary attention and in fact the physical brain is not accomplished to the task although it may be so trained by patient practice it has been noticed by investigators that the attention may be rested and freshened either by withdrawing the voluntary attention from the object and allowing the attention to manifest along involuntary lines toward passing objects or on the other hand by directing the voluntary attention into a new field of observation towards some new object sometimes one plan will seem to give the best results and again the other will seem preferable we have called your attention to the fact that interest develops attention and its holds it fixed while an uninteresting object or subject requires a much greater effect effort and application this fact is apparent to anyone a common illustration may be found in matter of reading a book nearly everyone will give his undivided attention to some bright thrilling story while but a few are able to use sufficient voluntary attention to master the pages of some scientific work but right here we wish to call your attention to the other side of the case which is another example of the fact that truth is composed of paradoxes just as interest develops attention so it is a truth that attention develops interest if one will take the trouble to give a little voluntary attention to an object they will soon find that a little perseverance will bring to light points of interest in the object things before unseen and unsuspected are quickly brought to light and many new phases and aspects of the subject or object are seen each one of which in turn becomes an object of interest there is a fact not so generally known and one that it will be well for you to remember and to use in practice look for the interesting features of an uninteresting thing and they will appear to your view and before long the uninteresting object will have changed into a thing having many sighted interest voluntary attention is one of the signs of a developed will that is of a mind that has been well trained by the will for the will is always strong and it is the mind that has to be trained not the will and on the other hand one of the best ways to train the mind by the will is by practice involuntary attention so you see how the rule works both ways some Western psychologists have even advanced theories that the voluntary attention is the only power of the will and that the power is sufficient for if the attention be firmly fixed and held upon an object of the mind will do the rest we do not agree with this school of philosophers but merely mentioned the fact as an illustration of the importance attributed by psychologists to this matter of voluntary attention a man of a strongly developed attention often accomplishes far more than some much brighter man who acts it voluntary attention and application is a very good substitute for genius and often accomplishes far more in the long run voluntary attention is the fixing of the mind earnestly and intently upon some particular object at the same time shutting out from consciousness other objects pressing for entrance Hamilton has defined it as consciousness voluntarily applied under its law of limitations to some determine an object the same writer goes on to state that the greater number of objects to which our consciousness is simultaneously extended the smaller is the intensity with which it is able to consider each and consequently the less vivid and distinct will be the information it contains of the several objects when our interest in any particular objects is excited and we wouldn't wish to take obtain all the knowledge concerning it in our power it behooves us to limit our consideration to that object to the exclusion of others the human mind has the power of attending to only one object at a time although it is able to pass from one object to another with a marvelous degree of speed so rapidly in fact that some have held that it could grasp several things at once but the best authorities Eastern and Western hold to the single idea theory as being correct on this point we may quote a few authorities John Frye says that it is established by experience that we cannot give our attention to two different objects at the same time and Holland states the two thoughts however closely related to one another cannot be presumed to exist at the same time and lose set has told us the nature of our organism prevents our having more than one aspect of an object at each instance presented to consciousness Whateley says the best philosophers are agreed that the mind cannot actually attend to more than one thing at a time but when it appears to be doing so it really is shifting with prodigious rapid rapidity backward and forward from one to the other by giving a concentrated voluntary attention to an object we not only are able to see and think about it with the greatest possible degree of clearness but the mind has a tendency under such circumstances to bring into the field of consciousness all the different ideas associated in our memory with that object or subject and to build around the object or subject a mass of associated facts and information and at the same time the attention given the subject makes more vivid and clear all that we learn about the thing at the time and in fact all that we may have afterwards learn about it it seems to cut a channel through which knowledge flows attention magnifies and increases the powers of perception and greatly aids the exercise of the perceptive faculties by paying attention to something seen or heard one is unable to observe the details of the thing seen or heard and where the inattentive mind acquires say three impressions the attentive mind absorbs three times three or perhaps three times three times three or twenty seven and as we have just said attention brings into play the powers of association and gives us the loose end of an almost infinite chain of associated facts stored away in our memory forming new combinations of facts which we have never grouped together before and bring out into the field of consciousness all the many scrapes of information regarding the thing to which we are giving our attention the proof of this is within the experience of everyone where is the one who does not remember sitting down to some writing painting reading with the interest and attention and finding much to his surprise what a flow of facts regarding the matter in hand was passing through his mind attention seems to focus all the knowledge of a thing that you possess and by bringing it to a point enables you to combine associate classify and thus create new knowledge Gibbon tells us that after he gave a brief glance and consideration to a new subject he suspended further work upon it and allowed his mind under concentrated attention to bring forth all his associated knowledge regarding the subject which he renewed the task with increased power and efficiency the more one's attention is fixed upon a subject under consideration the deeper is the impression which the subject leaves upon the mind and the easier will it be for him afterwards to pursue the same train of thought and work attention is a prerequisite of good memory and in fact there can be no memory at all unless some degree of attention is given the degree of memory depends upon the degree of attention and interest and when it is considered that the work of today is made efficient by the memory of things learned yesterday the day before yesterday and so on is seen that the degree of attention given today regulates the quality of work of tomorrow some authorities have described genius as the result of great powers of attention or at least that the two seem to run together some writer has said that possibly the best definition of genius is the power of concentrating upon one given subject until its possibilities are exhausted and absorbed simpson has said the power and habit of thinking closely and continuously upon the subject at hand to the exclusion for the time of all the other subjects is one of the principle if indeed not the principal means of success Sir Isaac Newton has told us his plans of absorbing information and knowledge he has stated that he would keep the subject under consideration before him continually and then would wait until the first dawning a perception gradually brightened into a clearer light little by little a mental sunrise in fact the degree of attention cultivated by a man is the degree of hyssop acity for intellectual work as we have said the great men of all walks of life have developed this faculty to a wonderful degree and many of them seem to get results intuitively whereas in truth they obtain them by reason of their concentrated power of attention which enables them to see right into the center of a subject or propositioned and all around it back in front and all sides in a space of time incredible to the man who has not cultivated this mighty power men who have devoted much attention to some special line of work or spent a research are able to act almost as if they possessed second sight providing the subject is within their favorite field of endeavor attention quickens every one of the faculties the reasoning faculty the senses the deriving qualities the analytical faculties and so on each being given a fine edge by their use under a concentrated attention and on the other hand there's no sure indication of a weak mind than the deficiency in attention this weakness may arise from illness or physical weakness reacting upon the brain in which the case the trouble is but temporary or it may arise from a lack of mental development imbeciles and idiots have little or any attention the great French psychologist Luz speaking of this fact says imbeciles and idiots see badly here badly feel badly and there sudden soaring them is in consequence in a similar condition of sensitive poverty its impression ability for the things of the external world is at a minimum its sensibility weak and consequently it is difficult to provoke the physiological condition necessary for the absorption of the external impression in old age the attention is the first faculty to show signs of decay some authorities have held that the memory was first faculty to be affected by the approach of old age but this is incorrect for it is a matter of common experience that the aged manifest a wonderfully clear memory of events occurring in the far past the reason that their memory of recent events is so poor is because they're failing powers of attention has prevented them from receiving strong clear mental impressions and as is the impression so is the memory their early impressions having been clear and strong are easily recalled while their later ones being weak are recalled with difficulty if the memory were at fault it would be difficult for them to recall any impressive recent or far-distant in time but we must stop quoting examples and authorities and urging upon you the importance of the Faculty of intention if you do not now realize it it is because you have not given the subject the attention that you should have exercised and further repetition would not remedy matters admitting the importance of attention from the psychological point of view not to speak of the occult side of the subject is it not a matter of importance for you to start in to cultivate that Faculty we think so in the only way to cultivate any mental or physical part or faculty is to exercise it exercise uses up a muscle or mental faculty but the organism makes haste to rush to the scene additional material sell stuff nerve force to repair the waste and it always sends up a little more than is needed and this little more continually accruing and increasing is what increases the muscles and brain centers and improved and strengthened brain centers give the mind better instruments with which to work one of the first things to do in the cultivation of attention is to learn to think of and do one thing at a time acquiring the knack or habit of attending closely to the things before us and then passing on to the next and treating it in the same way is most conducive to success and it's practice is the best exercise for the cultivation of the Faculty of attention and on the contrary there is nothing more harmful from the point of view of successful performance and nothing that will do more to destroy the power of giving attention than the habit of trying to do one thing while thinking of another the thinking part of the mind and the acting part should work together not in opposition dr. BT speaking of this subject tells us it is a matter of no small importance that we acquire the habit of doing only one thing at a time by which I mean that while attending to any one object our thoughts ought not to wander to another and Granville adds a frequent cause of failure in the Faculty of attention is striving to think of more than one thing at a time and Kay quotes approvingly a writer who says she did things easily because she attended to them in the doing when she made bread she thought of the bread and not of the fashion of her next dress or of her partner at the last dance Lord Chesterfield said there is time enough for everything in the course of the day if you do but one thing at a time but there is not time enough in the year if you try to do two things at a time to attain the best results one should practice concentrating upon the task before him shutting out so far as possible every other idea or thought one should even forget self personality in such cases as there is nothing more destructive of good thinking than to allow morbid self-consciousness to intrude one does best when he forgets himself in his work and sinks his personality in the creative work the earnest man or woman is the one who sinks personality in the desired result or the performance of the task undertaken the actor or preacher or orator or writer must lose sight of himself to get the best result keep the attention fixed on the thing before you and let the self take care of itself in connection with the above we may relate an antidote of Whateley that may be interesting in connection with the consideration of this subject of losing oneself in the task he was asked for a recipe for bashfulness and replied that the person was bat bashful simply because he was thinking of himself and the impression he was making his recipe was that the young man should think of others of the pleasure he could give them and in that way he could forget all about himself the prescription is said to have affected the cure the same Authority is written let both the extemporary speaker and the reader of his own compositions study to avoid as far as possible all thoughts of self honestly fixing the mind on the matter of what is delivered and they will feel less embarrassment which arises from the thought of what opinion the hearers will form of them the same writer lately seems to have made quite a study of attention and has given us some interesting information on its details the following may be read with interest and if properly understood may be employed to advantage he says it is a fact and a very curious one that many people find they can best attend to any serious matter when they are occupied with something else which requires a little but a little attention such as working with the needle cutting open paper leaves or for one of some such employment fiddling anyhow with the fingers he does not give the reason for this and at first sight it might seem like a contradiction of the one thing at a time idea but a closer examination will show us that the minor work the cutting leaves etc is in the nature of an involuntary or automatic movement and as much as it requires little or no voluntary attention and seems to do itself it does not take off the attention from the main subject but perhaps acts to catch the waste attention that often tries to divide the attention from some voluntary act to another the habit mind may be doing one thing while the attention is fixed on another for instance one may be riding with his attention firmly fixed upon the thought he wishes to express while at the same time his hand is doing the writing apparently with no attention being given it but let a boy or person unaccustomed to writing tried to express his thoughts in this way and you will find that he is hampered in the flow of his thoughts by the fact that he has given much attention to the mechanics of writing in the same way the beginner of the on the typewriter finds it difficult to compose to the machine while the experienced typist finds the mechanical movements no hindrance whatever to the flow of thought and focusing of attention in fact many find that they can compose much better while using the typewriter than they can by dictating to a stenographer we think you will see the principle and now for a little mental drill and attention that you may be started on the road to cultivate this important faculty so here's where we begin the exercises and mental drills and in this particular lesson there are two exercises so we begin with exercise one begin by taking some familiar object and placing it before you try to get as many impressions regarding it as possible for you study its shape its color its size and the thousand and one little peculiarities about it that present themselves to your attention in doing this reduce the thing to its simplest parts analyte is that as far as it is possible dissect it mentally and study its parts in detail the more simple and small the part to be considered the more clearly will the impression be received and the more vividly will it be recalled reduce the thing to its smallest possible proportions and then examine each proportion and portion and mastering that then pass on to the next part and so on until you have covered the entire field then when you have exhausted the object take a pencil and paper and put down as nearly as possible all the things or details of the object examined when you have done this compare the written description with the object itself and see how many things you have failed to note the next day take up the same object and after reexamining it write down the details and you will find that you will have stored away a greater number of impressions regarding it moreover you will have discovered many new details during your second examinations so pause the video right now or the recording and go and find an object and do everything that I just said break down the color and size and find a thousand and one little peculiarities and go smaller and smaller into the tiniest details and then write them out on a piece of paper first examine them write them down with a pencil and paper and then once you're done come back okay so the next you're back make sure that the next day tomorrow that you go and do the same thing and you'll you'll notice a lot more this exercise strengthens the memory as well as the attention for the two are closely connected the memory depending largely upon the clearness and strength of the impressions received while the impressions depend upon the amount of attention given to the thing observed do not tire yourself with this exercise for a tired attention as a poor attention better try it by degrees increasing the task a little each time you try it make a game of it if you like and you will find it quite interesting to notice the study of a gradual improvement it will be interesting to practice this in connection with some friend varying the exercise by both examining the object and writing down their impressions separately and then comparing the results so if you have someone in your house and you can do this then compare the results this adds interest to the task and you'll be surprised to see how rapidly both of you increase your powers of observation which powers of course result from attention now in past exercises I paused and given you time for this but this takes long enough that I recommend just pausing the video and doing it and then going back to it the next day and trying it again [Music] exercise 2 this exercise is but a variation of the first one it consists in entering a room and taking a hasty glance around and then walking out and afterwards writing down the number of things that you've observed with the description of each so pause right now find a room go in look around come out and write down the number of things that you've observed with the description of each you will be surprised to observe how many things you've missed at first sight did you do it and how will you improve an observer observation by a little practice this exercise also may be improved by the assistance of a friend as related in our last exercise it is astonishing how many details one may observe and remember after a little practice this is something that I I have done and it's very powerful just amazing how much you miss it is related of Hugh Dean he the French conk conjurer that he improved and developed his Faculty of attention and memory by playing this game with the young relative that would pass by a shop window taking a hasty attentive glass at its contents then they would go around the corner and compare notes at first they would remember only a few prominent articles that is their attention could grasp only a few but as they developed by practice they found that they could observe and remember a vast number of things and objects in the window and at last it is related that who Dean had could pass rapidly before any shop window bestowing upon it one hasty glance and then tell the names of it and in closely describe nearly every object in plain sight in the window the feat was accomplished by the fact that the cultivated attention enabled Houdini to fasten upon his mind a vivid mental image of the window and its contents and then he was able to describe the articles one by one from the picture in his mind who Dean taught his son to develop attention by a simple exercise which may be interesting and of value to you he would lay down a domino before the boy a five-four for example he would require the boy to tell him the combined number at once without allowing him to stop and count the spots one by one nine the boy would answer after a moment said his hesitation then another domino of three four would be added that makes sixteen cried the boy the two dominoes at a time was at the second day's task the next day three was the standard the next day four and so on so the boy was able to handle twelve dominoes that is to say give instantaneously the total number of spots on twelve dominoes after a single glance this was a tension in earnest and shows what practice will do to develop a faculty the result was shown by the wonderful powers of observation memory and attention together with instantaneous mental action but the boy developed not only was he able to add dominoes instantaneously but he had powers of observation it seemed a little short of miraculous and yet it is related that he had poor attention and deficient memory to begin with if this seems incredible let us remember how old was players note and remember every card in the pack and can tell whether they've been played or not and all the circumstances attending upon them the same is true of chess players who observe every move and can relate the whole game in detail long after it has been played and remember how one woman may pass another woman on the street and without seeming to give her more than a careless glance may be able to relate in in detail every feature of the other woman's apparel including its color texture style of fashioning probable price of the material etc and a mere man would have noticed scarcely anything about it because he would not give it any attention but how soon would that man learn to equal his sister and attention and observation of women's wearing apparel if his business success depended upon it or if his speculative instinct was called into play by a wager with some friend as to who can remember the most about a woman's clothing seen in passing glance you see it is all a matter of interest and attention but we forget that the attention may be developed and cultivated and we complain that we cannot remember things or that we do not seem to be able to take notice little practice will do wonders in this direction now while about the above exercises we'll develop your memory and powers of observation still that is not the main reason that we have given them to you we have an ulterior object that will appear in time we aim to develop your willpower and we know the attention stands at the gate of willpower in order to be able to use your will you must be able to focus the attention forcibly and distinctly and these childish exercises will help you develop the mental muscles of the attention if you could but realize the childish games young yogi students are required to play in order to develop the mental faculties you would change your mind about the yogi adepts whom you've been thinking about as mere dreamers far removed from the practical these men and their students are intensely practical they've gained the mastery of the mind and its faculties are able to use them as sharp edged tools while the untrained man finds that he has but a dull unsharpened blade that will do nothing but hack and hope roughly instead of being able to produce the finished product the yogi believes in giving the eye good tools with which to work and he spends much time in tempering and sharpening these tools no no the yogi are not idle dreamers their grasp of practical things would surprise many a practical matter of fact Western businessman if he could but observe it and so we ask you to practice observing things the two exercises we have given our but indications of the general line we could give you thousands but you can prepare them yourselves as well as could we the little Hindu boy is taught attention by being asked note and remember the number color character and other details of a number of colored stones jewelry etc shown for an instant in an open palm the hand being closed the moment after he is taught to note and describe passing travelers on their equal pages houses he sees on his journeys and thousands of other everyday objects the results are almost marvelous and this way he is prepared as a cella or student and he brings to his guru or teacher a what a brain well developed a mind thoroughly trained to obey the will of the eye and with faculties quicken to perceive instantly that which others would fail to see in a fortnight it is true that he does not turn these faculties to business or other so-called practical pursuits but prefers to devote them to abstract studies and pursuits outside of that which the Western man considers to be the end and aim of life but remember that the two civilizations are quite different following different ideals having different economic traditions and conditions living in different worlds as it were but that is all a matter of taste and ideals the Faculty for the practical practical life of the West is possessed by the cella he saw fit to use it but all hindu youths are not jealous remembered nor are all Western youths captains of industry or Edison's so those are the two exercises now I'm gonna repeat these affirmations and they will be repeated several times to let them soak in so you can listen to this end part as you wish or you can just remember to mark this and go back and listen to this until the next lesson as a reminder what I recommend is that you memorize the affirmation so that you can say it without the recording and let it sink in I do find these affirmations are they tend to accumulate I am using my attention to develop my mental faculties so as to give the eye a perfect instrument with which to work the mind is my instrument and I am bringing it to a state of capacity for perfect work there is but one life one life underlying this life is manifesting through me and through every other shape form and thing I am resting on the bosom of the great ocean of life and it is supporting me and will carry me safely through the waves rise and fall though the storms rage and Tempest roar I am safe on the ocean of life and rejoice as I feel the sway of its motion nothing can harm me though changes may come and go I am safe I am one with all life and its power knowledge and peace are behind underneath and within me oh one life expressed thyself through me carry me now on the crest of the wave now deep down and the truck of the ocean supported always by thee all is good to me as I feel by life moving in and through me I am alive through thy life and I open myself to they full manifestation and inflow I am using my attention to develop my mental faculties so as to give the eye perfect instrument with which to work the mind is my instrument and I am bringing it to a state of capacity for perfect work there is but one life one life underlying this life is manifesting through me and through every other shape form and thing I am resting on the bosom of the great ocean of life and it is supporting me and will carry me safely though the waves rise and fall though the storms rage and tempest roar I am safe on the ocean of life and rejoice as I feel the sway of its motion nothing can harm me though changes may come and go I am safe I am one with all life and its power knowledge and peace are behind underneath and within me Oh one life Express thy self through me carry me now on the crest of the wave now deep down and the truf of the ocean supported always by thee all is good to me as I feel thy life moving in and through me I am alive through thy life and I open myself to thy full manifestation and inflow I am using my attention to develop my mental faculties so as to give the eye perfect instrument with which to work the mind is my instrument and I am bringing it to a state of capacity for perfect work there is but one life one life underlying this life is manifesting through me and through every other shape form and thing I am resting on the bosom of the great ocean of life and it is supporting me and will carry me safely although the waves rise and fall though the storms rage and tempest roar I am safe on the ocean of life and rejoice as I feel the sway of its motion nothing can harm me though changes may come and go I am safe I am one with all life and its power knowledge and peace are behind underneath and within me Oh one life Express thy self through me carry me now on the crest of the wave now deep down and the truf of the ocean supported always by thee all is good to me as I feel by life moving in and through me I am alive through thy life and I open myself to thy full manifestation and inflow I am using my attention to develop my mental faculties so as to give the eye perfect instrument with which to work the mind is my instrument and I am bringing it to a state of capacity for perfect work there is but one life one life underlying this life is manifesting through me and through every other shape form and thing I am resting on the bosom of the great ocean of life and it is supporting me and will carry me safely although the waves rise and fall though the storms rage and tempest roar I am safe on the ocean of life and rejoice as I feel the sway of its motion nothing can harm me though changes may come and go I am safe I am one with all life and its power knowledge and peace are behind underneath and within me Oh one life express thy self through me carry me now on the crest of the wave now deep down and the truf of the ocean supported always by thee all is good to me as I feel thy life moving in and through me I am alive through thy life and I open myself to thy full manifestation and in flow I am using my attention to develop my mental faculties so as to give the eye perfect instrument with which to work the mind is my instrument and I am bringing it to a state of capacity for perfect work there is but one life one life underlying this life is manifesting through me and through every other shape form and thing I am resting on the bosom of the great ocean of life and it is supporting me and will carry me safely though the waves rise and fall though the storms rage and tempest roar I am safe on the ocean of life and rejoice as I feel the sway of its motion nothing can harm me though changes may come and go I am safe I am one with all life and its power knowledge and peace are behind underneath and within me Oh one life express thy self through me carry me now on the crest of the wave now deep down and the truf of the ocean supported always by thee all is good to me as I feel thy life moving in and through me I am alive through thy life and I open myself to thy full manifestation and in flow I am using my attention to develop my mental faculties so as to give the eye perfect instrument with which to work the mind is my instrument and I am bringing it to a state of capacity for perfect work there is but one life one life underlying this life is manifesting through me and through every other shape form and thing I am resting on the bosom of the great ocean of life and it is supporting me and will carry me safely though the waves rise and fall though the storms rage and tempest roar I am safe on the ocean of life and rejoice as I feel the sway of its motion nothing can harm me though changes may come and go I am safe I am one with all life and its power knowledge and peace are behind underneath and within me oh one life express thy self through me carry me now on the crest of the wave now deep down and the truf of the ocean supported always by thee all is good to me as I feel thy life moving in and through me I am alive through thy life and I opened myself to thy full manifestation and in flow I am using my attention to develop my mental faculties so as to give the eye perfect instrument with which to work the mind is my instrument and I am bringing it to a state of capacity for perfect work there is but one life one life underlying this life is manifesting through me and through every other shape form and thing I am resting on the bosom of the great ocean of life and it is supporting me and will carry me safely although the waves rise and fall though the storms rage and tempest roar I am safe on the ocean of life and rejoice as I feel the sway of its motion nothing can harm me though changes may come and go I am safe I am one with all life and its power knowledge and peace are behind underneath and within me oh one life express thy self through me carry me now on the crest of the wave now deep down and the truf of the ocean supported always by thee all is good to me as I feel thy life moving in and through me I am alive through thy life and I opened myself to thy full manifestation and inflow and that ends this particular lesson next lesson is the sixth lesson is the cultivation of perception so we've gotten through these we have six more to go and each one just gets a little more intense with a lot more information you can see how this is developing and we are developing the fundamentals of creating our attention and concentration and willpower and by doing so you it's like becoming that free-throw shooter this is going to improve your manifestations beyond anything you can imagine so please put in the comments how your exercises are going how have you been so far is there anything that you'd like me to change or add is there anything that you want me to do with these lessons I will continue to do these until the end they're not as popular as other videos I have on the channel but they're important to me and I want everybody to at least have these as tools in your arsenal if you want to learn the fundamentals of knowing your mind if you want to go on the path of creating a reality so please use the comments as a laboratory on this and tell us how you're doing on your path I want to know how you're doing and if there's any way that I can help please let me know for all episodes of the reality revolution you can go to the reality revolution com for coaching go to advanced Success Institute calm thank you and I can look forward to this next lesson and with all the love I tell you welcome to the reality revolution [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 3,189
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Keywords: a series of lessons in raja yoga, william walker atkinson, william walker atkinson audiobook, william walker atkinson mind power, william walker atkinson thought vibration, the 12 lessons of raja yoga, the i raja yoga, yogi ramacharka, brian scott, the reality revolution podcast, mind yoga, william walker atkinson law of attraction, lessons in raja yoga, twelve lessons in raja yoga, attention, cultivation of attention, raja yoga lesson 5, power of attention, improve focus, yoga
Id: la-Zn1euYQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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