The 10 Stages of Every Gorilla Tag Player...

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all gorilla teag players come from humble beginnings until turning into pure Insanity stage one this is the beginning of any future gorilla tag player most likely they installed the game out of pure Curiosity on the Oculus store or they paid 20 bucks off of steam but those people actually don't exist or alternatively they saw a video on YouTube and they just so happen to have a quest too after being completely engulfed by the Captivity of the game they begin their Journey with a simple install of the game typically if they're younger they scream a lot but if they're older they're completely innocent harmless and honestly they just want to learn and typically when they ask can someone teach me how to play this game they get bombarded with people saying [ __ ] you and a lot of times just learn by themselves stage two the first tag it is truly beautiful to see a monkey's First tag not a Pity tag from some other player but an actual tag after they've been putting in the work this stage is usually reached just after a few few hours or even minutes it's one of the most amazing sites to ever see if you get the chance because they just start flipping out how they just got a tag cuz they've been tagged nonstop and usually around here is whenever they start to get engulfed by Tik Tock gorilla tag and they'll probably learn their first Juke which is obviously just the one where you jump up in the air but very soon they start to get much much better they begin learning Jukes and routes after playing for long enough eventually they will have to reach competitive and that's when we get to stage three after unlocking competitive queue most of the time just a switch is flipped and suddenly people are very toxic just screaming the nword at everybody trying to Juke the out of them usually they get tacked pretty easily by more advanced players but you know usually they'll Rush straight to competitive mode after unlocking it eventually people will learn more advanced things like Lucio wall running and so many other things but during the end of this stage people began having much better sportsmanship at this point people have usually filled up their Cosmetics with plenty of rare things that might never go into the shop again and we'll probably Flex on people saying you wish you had this cosmetic don't you they might even start posting videos on Tik Tok or YouTube and this brings us to stage [Music] 4 not every single person will go throughout this stage a lot of people actually don't but since I only do YouTube I can only talk about it here Tik Tok you can go watch some other guy now this is actually the first step into what I call Gorilla tag VAV where you play basically every single day and it may seem like that's a good idea since you might get the most content but your ideas run dry very quickly depending on how fast you post and people begin freaking out cuz their videos aren't receiving any views and subscribers super low but honestly it's nothing about that it's just your videos are mid I would know my first video is mid but that's no excuse for your videos to be bad after posting for 2 months Le and buddy we don't talk about that video but like if you guys want to like watch that video like you don't but anyways that's pretty much it for this stage since this one was an optional one I'm just going to keep it short people usually reach stage five after just a few months of playing already and they start to realize their true capabilities and they start to go God mode realizing they don't really have to scream anymore and can just be chill and actually tag people people like w professional and if they really feel like it they can either join or create a Clan but not everybody does this and if they do decide to join a clan it's good for them for about a week and then while they're just in school people are like oh we're going to have this clan battle you're like oh I have school during that time they're like oh just [ __ ] cancel school like what the [ __ ] now they could just drop out of school and do gorilla tag full-time but you know that's not very reliable if you're not the best of the best you're probably just going to get like VR accessories and not any actual money because you know you're just playing gorilla tag it's just a VR game bro chill and also the gorilla tag competitive scene isn't even that like good I mean like go kiwi design for like keeping the thing alive and stuff but like damn stage six is usually just half a year after you first pick up the game people begin taking longer and longer breaks eventually sometimes people just never come back now this can also VAR from just 6 months to a year to even just a week it happens way earlier with people who have ADHD or whatever so yeah now gorilla tag hasn't been really out that long just about 2 years now and people like me are still waiting to see what next big YouTuber might leave like a bunch of big YouTubers left fortnite because it was getting really dull and people are kind of about to go through that but with the Christmas update coming out we're good and usually people will come right back to gorilla tag with the Christmas update why because the cosmetics and a lot of other stuff actually like the rush of new players and that brings us to Stage seven stage seven is usually about the time whenever a player will get ingrained with the community of gorilla tag a lot of people will become very active in the Discord server chatting about new updates and such just becoming a real team player if you know what I mean and whenever someone asks them if they want to play mini games instead of telling them to go and off themselves they actually join in nah no I'm just playing they still tell them to go screw off but more in a caring way you know what I mean now this can also mean that they start posting fan art of their favorite YouTubers or just gorilla tag in general which is really awesome to see by the way and a lot of gorilla Tag's charm is that it's like around YouTube and Tik Tok so it's like a community game a lot of people will start to meet their favorite content creators whether it be like jamman Curley being in one of his videos or uh uh Cub cub5 I don't know listen man I don't play a lot of gorilla Tech anymore okay I don't know the content creator and typically whenever they're asked if they want to be in a YouTube video usually they'll say Yes And if someone needs help they'll actually help if they find that they seem like a real genuine person that needs to be helped cuz you know they might suck balls around this time is whenever they'll start going into casual lobbies just to hang out talk to new people and make some new friends this stage is mainly about communication meeting new people helping new people you know it's all of that stuff and if you meet them in like a casual Lobby they're just going to be chill as hell there and whenever they're infection and are just juking the [ __ ] out of people then they'll start doing things like getting off a walls getting off trees actually letting people tag them after they've very basically won the match helping new people on how to wall run how to Juke how to do all these magical things and then they can get much better much quicker and then you know you know it's just like a circle of life you know what I mean man but hey we don't want to beat the dead horse any longer stage eight Insanity we are back to the point of no return people around the stage begin inventing new Jukes okay they they're going crazy they've been playing longer than anyone else it's been 2 years since they first boot up the game they're always the last person alive juking the hell out of any infections player casual competitive they're always the best despite being someone that could probably Power Trip they're always super chill for some reason like what why this man could probably tag the entire Lobby in Just 2 minutes okay he could just keep the game running forever make people have to leave to join an actual game but no he just gives everybody the win whenever he's done it's truly beautiful but the next stage it's even better Stage Nine becoming a moderator is so many little kids dreams like all you get is like a stick and a little badge but that's pretty much it but so many kids want this for no reason just that they could report people even faster or that they know Lemmings well yeah I guess I know now not many people will reach the stage and probably some people never eventually after weeks maybe even months they're done with Gorilla attack they're never going to Play It Again stage 10 It's The End they've sunk thousands of dollars into gorilla tag they have every single cosmetic and they're done with Gorilla tag they're never going to play it ever again maybe the servers have shut down at this point but no one is ever going to play this game again py that's an alternative route in reality gorill tag might last like 10 years in total I don't really know what happens after stage 10 but that's your choice bro this video is pretty ass but if you want to hit subscribe I can make better videos you know what I [Music] mean
Channel: Ambrose
Views: 8,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gorilla Tag, Gorilla, Tag, How To, New, Gorilla Tag Free, Free Hat, Free Badge, Free Cosmetic, Free Cosmetics, Free Glasses, Free Face, Gaming, Games, VR, Oculus Quest, Oculus, Oculus 2, Quest 2, Meta Quest 2, Steam Vr, Steam, Gorilla Tag Long Arms, Apollo Gorilla tag, jmancurly, jman, VMT, Mod, No Steam, No Steam Modding, Quest 2 Mod, Gorilla Tag Mod, Gorilla Soccer, TroutVR, Trout, CJ, Gorrila Guns, Guns, Death, Blood, Demons, 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, Free, memes, hamburger, how to, hertz
Id: vV2vsW5URSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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