The 10 BEST STATES in AMERICA for 2019

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America sure is a nation of hot and cold some people like guns some hate them some people work hard and many of us don't want to work at all some people love our president and some think he's a real jerk it's never a dull day in America within the USA there's some really lousy places to live and some super great places to live even in some large cities there's a safe side of town in a rough side of town in a last video we talked about the worst places you could live in America unfortunately New Mexico came in as a winner and undoubtedly the residents who live that are took it really rough in this video we're gonna tell you where the best States to live are and I'm sure many of you are gonna say my state wasn't mentioned but I love where I live to that I would say great good for you just like the video so we can get more views would you now we can make a pretty good guess as to which states we say are the best they're the places where crime is lower there's better jobs and where the best Mexican food is so grab a taco and turn up the volume as we visit America's best States to live as we come in for our first landing we look out the window at the awesome state of Iowa where it's early morning here in Iowa that means breakfast at one of many awesome diners where Iowans love to gather and eat with one another that's the type of place Iowa is good-natured hardworking Americans most of them anyways the numbers show it Iowa has the nation's lowest unemployment rate at less than 3% that means if you don't have a job in Iowa it's because you don't want a job not because there aren't things for people to do for work Iowa's economy has been pretty steady one leading news site said Iowa has the nation's 10th best economy Iowa also ranked first in the country for cost of doing business which means low taxes and lower than average utility costs other factors that make iOS super-chill its relatively affordable and it ranks outside the top 10 for cost of living what's not so picture-perfect for Iowa it ranked 16th in terms of safety which isn't great but not amazing either what are they stealing out their corn Iowa also ranks as one of our nation's most boring States too Iowa is all mom jeans and flip actually some of the cooler Iowa women wear ripped mom jeans slow boring but overall Iowa's pretty great we spent a day here we hardly saw any bombs and we were welcomed over for dinner what we were told God loves us over corn pudding [Music] look there's an island let's set the plane down there it's Rhode Island our ninth best state to live in America it's lunchtime so maybe we should have some of Rhode Island's famous lobster now here in Rhode Island the statistics are pretty solid this is the ninth safest state you can live in based on violent and property crimes per capita it's also ninth in terms of residents who have medical coverage and 13th in terms of secondary education what's also interesting about Rhode Island is it's the second most densely populated state in America some might say that's bad they want wide-open spaces however Rhode Island's commute times are about average nothing like in nearby New York in New Jersey that means while there's people all over the place here it's not overly crowded howdy fellow Rhode Islander I guess the only bad part about living here would be the amount of gossip in town you can bet if you get a DUI a lot of people will find out about it did you know Rhode Island has more doughnuts per person than any other state that's right mappy I had heard that before there's doughnut shops everywhere here sounds like you can get practically any type of doughnut on your short drive to work each day so Rhode Island has a lot to boast about on this trip we ate some awesome clam cakes gossiped about everyone in town and met some pretty smart people by Rhode Island's we don't have to fly to our next date so let's just hop in the Subaru and head west for a few hours until we get to New York remember in the 80s when New York City was a complete dump that was trash graffiti and crack everywhere then mayor Giuliani came in and clean the place up now New York is ranked the 12th safest state in the nation and New York City is totally safe clean and fun again now that's not all that's great about state of New York it ranks eighth highest for income levels so there's a lot of opportunities for growing your career and or opening new businesses and New Yorkers are a smart Bunch ranking tenth from the nation on education metrics annually however one thing that brings New York down is the high cost living as a whole New York ranked second to last for affordable a lot of that is because it costs like five jillion dollars to rent an apartment downtown much in New York though is wide open spaces this is what they called upstate did you know New York was voted as the best state for bagels however New York also has the highest number of food poisoning cases in the nation as we depart New York we're pretty pleased we walked away with some cool trinkets ate some amazing food and didn't even get sick our next flight leaves out of JFK because who the hell flies out of LaGuardia as we begin a short trip to the Midwest today we stopped off in Minnesota where luckily it's winter yes sure the weather here can be a real nightmare Minnesota winters were actually voted as the worst in America there's long stretches in Minnesota when you're trapped at home snow day anyone but what makes this huge expanse of a state so great first of all Midwest values pal Minnesota has the stereotype across America as being a place where people are nice Minnesota nice they say they're actually not really that nice they're just being pleasant and polite to each other but we'll take fake-nice over mean any day overall in Minnesota people work pretty hard and have good values the unemployment rates the fifth lowest in America and for darn good reason there's pride in work in Minnesota at least outside of North Minneapolis Minnesota has the nation's fourth lowest poverty level and did you know Minnesotans have the best credit of all Americans Minnesota thinks that should be first in America that's a little aggressive Minnesota you're pretty cool but not that cool as we depart Minnesota we're reminded that back home where we live it's much warmer but at least we got to try some ice fishing ray coffee and didn't even hit a deer on our way to the airport we'll be back to the Midwest again we're taking a red-eye from Minnesota to our next best state to live Vermont people in Vermont are like stop saying we're awesome we don't want any more people moving here sorry for mom it's just that you're so likable Vermont's home to the hippy libertarians who drive Subarus and eat grass but Vermont hippies aren't the lazy unproductive types you might think only three other states outwork Vermonters and they earn above the average salaries in the state where's the second safest state in America Vermont is the only other safer place to live in America is right next door in New Hampshire there were only ten murders in Vermont in all of last year in Chicago that made people got shot at one party did you know Vermont has the least number of fast-food restaurants interesting point but for many Americans I'm sure they would think that was a bad thing Vermont also ranks as the third best place for health insurance - which means people here are healthy as a clam stuck in the mud now some people like diversity but you won't find that here it's practically all white people in Vermont that means the culture here is very one-sided goodbye Vermont we'll miss you we're gonna have a good next flight as we drink the syrup and eat the ice cream we got there can I get a burrito over here somebody please we're coming in for a landing back in the Midwest again this time in the state of Wisconsin home of cheese and cheese they're certainly not the healthiest Bunch we're gonna visit however there's a lot going on in Wisconsin these days in case you didn't hear of the nation's best cities to raise kids about one in prayer here in the beer state [Music] great fun for the bad so much to see how can you not think Wisconsin is the best state after watching them it's just across the board generally at least above average in every category we looked at it's pretty safe there and people work hard in terms of quality of life not bad things to do sort of boring but not too bad education pretty good if Wisconsin was a sports team I guess they'd be in the playoffs every year most people would say racial equality is a good thing however not here in Wisconsin blacks are three times more likely to be out of work and blacks are 11 times more likely to be locked up get along that was Rodney King everybody it's a pretty state Wisconsin is Minnesota says they're the land of 10,000 lakes but in fact actually that's a myth Wisconsin actually does have 10,000 lakes google it we leave the Midwest once again with promises that we'll be back one more time what a blast we drank practically the entire time and with total strangers we have plenty of snacks to tide us over as we come in for a landing in the state of Connecticut oh why do I feel this way must be the money does money make a place a good place to live well it certainly doesn't make it a bad place to live that's for sure and money is what Connecticut has a little bit ago we called it the fourth richest place in the nation Connecticut airs are also very educated there's only three other states with bigger brains than here in terms of crime Connecticut's the tenth safest in America and its sixth lowest overall for violent crimes however they're certainly not spending all that money on the roads nor are the highways in Connecticut safe the pothole state was voted as having the nation's worst roads half of them are considered in disrepair at any given time there's a big gap between the rich and poor in Connecticut though drivers can be selfish and the wealthy people here are sort of snobby however the state has great school and great hospitals I guess you just have to have thick skin to live here plus we discovered that if you like people with fresh breath connecticut is your place connecticut errs have the cleanest teeth in all the land okay we just upgraded to first class so we could fly in style to our next destination while in connecticut we picked up this nice watch and somebody handed us a new toothbrush felt good to live in the 1-percent though for about 55 seconds or so our next stop is truly an island paradise we're heading to Hawaii the great trout birds of continental airlines will bring you here in a very nicest way man or all the women in Hawaii sexy hula girls oh darn there's lots of things that make Hawaii a great state Hawaii got an A+ by CNBC for its latest quality high score siding clean air a ton of things to do and really low crime rates plus there's rainbows everywhere and amazing beaches and holy crap look at all the Mexican food that's what I've been waiting for Rosa knows a better way to cook yeah there's so many Mexican restaurants within a short drive of Honolulu that you wouldn't even be able to pick it's expensive to live in Hawaii sure home prices were the highest in the land the average Hawaiian home costs six hundred and ninety thousand dollars what the what the I guess you get what you pay for though there's beauty around every corner and most residents live a healthy safe life according to the numbers did you know people in Hawaii sleep the least amount each night no I didn't know that but isn't it time for you to take a nappy mappy sadly it's time to leave island paradise for good but we got laid and solve all Kano burn a house down so that was cool we're heading back to the Midwest one more time as we land in Nebraska the land of corn and corn and corn and corn corne anyone all right it's supper time here in Nebraska so we're likely going to be sitting down with ma and pas enjoying a meal of corn creamed corn corn pudding corn gravy corn yellow corn flakes and probably a big old steak that's what Nebraska people eat right anyway despite the fact that I haven't actually been in Nebraska I can say that when I read about it for five minutes and measured all the stats I'd give Nebraska a big fat a here's why commute times are basically nothing practically everyone has a job here people are nice and fat and always seem like they're in a good mood Nebraska is night for infrastructure and 9th for quality of education and I read on Wikipedia that Nebraska kids have the highest graduation rate in America for every N there's a yang though your farmhouse might get jacked up by a tornado any given afternoon that sucks and Nebraska isn't necessarily the most interesting place to live if you actually want to do fun stuff and you might find out one day your wife is actually your cousin just kidding that's West Virginia what an interesting evening in Nebraska where they fed us so much corn we pooped a whole cob now as we recover from that unsettling moment we make our final arrival in America's finest state at least for now New Hampshire oh look New Hampshire guys driving his truck around doing New Hampshire stuff New Hampshire just kicks butt in many ways to start crime is the lowest in the country when you look at the number of people killed in each state it's pretty telling California is way up here and New Hampshire is way down here there's a hundred and thirty times less violence in New Hampshire New Hampshire also has the nation's least number of people living in poverty that's a sign people are self-reliant and independent two things we support on this YouTube channel it doesn't cost an arm and leg to live here people are really educated and pretty healthy the only setback for youth is the high cost of getting a college degree there's a lot of jobs in the area when they're done the unemployment rate here is basically zero no place is perfect and while there's no income tax here property taxes are through the roof though overall if you live in New Hampshire you're likely a pretty happy camper there's certainly way worse places you can call her for sure same goes for the other states we talked about today now a while ago we talked about the worst states in America and there's a link to that video at the end of this video overall New Mexico Arkansas Mississippi won that contest hopefully they can turn some things around there and try to be on par with the states from this good list that's it we take off from New Hampshire and we venture out to our next destination where we'll find something else to make fun of people for hey guys if you learn something new or you just like this video make sure to like it and if you really like this video make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get all of our videos about what it's like to live in different places in America peace
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 852,581
Rating: 4.6080251 out of 5
Keywords: geography, geography (field of study), geography hub, where I live, where to live, facts about the world, us cities, america, rankings, United states, states, connecticut, hawaii, iowa, nebraska, new hampshire, vermont, new york, minnesota, rhode island, wisconsin, best states, best places to live, best states in america, good places to live, the best states in america, usa, best states to live in the us, america's best states, best states in the usa, best places to live in america
Id: axKP6KBH49c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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