The #1 BEST WAY To Extend A Fast & BOOST Autophagy | Dr. Mindy Pelz

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okay let's talk about how we can help you extend your fast so you can go into a longer fast get more healing get more autophagy so I want to break that down because what I'm seeing from a lot of your comments is so many of you are trying to go into these longer healing State and I really applaud you I'm really excited for you I really want you to go into some of those extended fast that I mapped out and fast like a girl but I also don't want you to suffer so let's talk about how you stop the suffering when you get over into the fasted state so I have three major hacks and two concepts that I really want you to think about start with the first concept the first is really to understand what is a fasted State because remember that a fasted state is when the blood sugar starts to come down enough that it tells your metabolism to switch over from burning energy from blood sugar and to start burning energy from fat so those of us that want to lose weight this is a great place to be because when we switch over the body starts to burn fat to make a byproduct called a ketone for energy this switch happens somewhere between 8 to 12 hours without food so this your blood sugar has to come down enough you have to have enough of a time period for that blood sugar to come down so that you can switch over and then once you click into this fasted State somewhere in between 8 to 12 hours now the trick is how do we stay there longer and one thing that you can really if you can really wrap your head around this is that you stay there longer by not elevating your blood sugar that's really really important when I map out these three things that you can do to stay there longer you literally cannot have your blood sugar rise this is why when a lot of you ask me well can I have Diet Coke or can I have something with nutrasweed in it well we know that actually NutraSweet can Spike insulin it can Spike blood sugar even though it technically is a drink that doesn't have sugar in it it can Spike those two taking you out of that fasted state so everything we do have or eat or drink because I'm going to go through some things you can eat here has to make sure that it doesn't Spike blood sugar or insulin so that you stay in the fasted State okay so that's the first concept the second concept that I really want to make sure that you're clear on is autophagy so autophagy and ketosis are different really want you to think about this when we switch over into the fat burning State we usually now are in a state of ketosis making ketones just because on your meter it shows that you have ketones doesn't mean you're an autophagy autophagy Clicks in about 17 hours in the fasted state so somewhere the research is showing somewhere between 17 and 72 hours is where this autophagy effect is going to be at its best believe it or not some people believe that after a 72-hour fast autophagy actually the the return on autophagy is diminishing you don't get as great of an autophagy experience so we want if you want to stimulate autophagy you're going to want to get in that fasted State between 17 and 72 hours and what kills ketosis is blood sugar going up what kills autophagy is protein going up so there's two concepts that often get sandwiched together so if we want to extend the fast we've got to keep blood sugar down if we want more autophagy we have to keep protein down so here are my three hack keep you in this fasted State longer hack number one absolute favorite I wrote about it in fast like a girl it's a fasted snack so a fasted snack is a pure fat bomb this is based off of research and now we've applied it to millions of people and we see that it works that you can have a a pure fat bomb like an avocado or you all know I'm a huge fan of Keto cups or like Nut Butter something that's just that dense and what a fasted snack will do is it it helps you with the hunger hormone because remember that when you take a fat bomb in that fat actually can create a chemical reaction in your body that goes up into the brain and turns off your hunger hormone so eating fat you can even do this with a meal is a way to kill hunger but it doesn't elevate blood sugar so it keeps you in a fasted State I have seen this over and over and over again in my clinic where we would put people in three-day water fast to heal improve healing and 24 or 48 hours in they were struggling we would have them eat a half of them on avocado and that was just enough to let them go to that next level and get all the way to the 72 hours so don't fear the fasted snack in fast like a girl I'm map out all my favorite fasted snacks I just told you three of them okay I gotta interrupt this video because I have a free guide for you so you can Master fasting it's called a beginner's guide to a fasting lifestyle and all you've got to do is click here and you can Jump Right In okay second favorite hack and this is one that I recommend you do either in coffee or you do in a tea and that is MCT oil so there is something really magic about MCT oil because what MCT oil can do is it will go up into the brain and turn off hunger but it does this better than any other fat that we know there's actually something specifically and it's actually you know MCT oil if you're not familiar with what it is it is one section of coconut oil so when we look at coconut oil and it's saturated fat portion of it a lot of people are nervous to be doing a lot of coconut oil because it has too much saturated fat so what they've what MCT oil is it's only one piece of coconut oil it's called a C8 oil and this C8 oil does really well at killing your hunger hormone so this is why it's really good in coffee now I know a lot of you that go into these longer fasts have asked me like can I have coffee and my I'm sort of changing my opinion on this because I really want more people going into the longer fast to get more healing so it may be that if getting off coffee is the thing that's preventing you from a three-day water fast it might be that you need to just put some MCT oil in one cup of coffee and you have that every morning of the three-day water fast coffee can stimulate autophagy if you put the MCT oil in it it's most likely going to keep you in the fasted state so and it's kind of fun to have something to be drinking in the morning when you're doing these longer fasts so don't fear a cup of coffee with MCT oil it in the morning to help you get through a longer fast okay third hack this one is really interesting and I haven't talked a lot about this and I know this is going to open up a big can of worms but here we go and the third hack is exogenous ketones you all have been asking me about well could I take some kind of Ketone to help me from the put from the outside in to help me go into a deeper fat and I've been really anti-exogenous ketones um I I believe that when we throw exogenous ketones at a Fed State when our blood sugar is high we're actually putting ourselves in an unnatural environment so I don't like you eating a meal and then taking an exogenous Ketone but if we're going into a 48 hour 72 hour fast what is really helpful often is to take an exogenous Ketone and we'll leave some of our favorites in the links below and that exogenous Ketone moves you into a deeper ketosis when you're in a deeper ketosis those numbers are higher like let's say they're at 1.0 or 1.5 48 hours in your hunger is going to be down your mental Clarity is going to be higher and you're going to have motivation to stay in that fast longer so you could literally put all three of these together to rock a three-day water fast you could do decide in the afternoon you're going to have a half of an avocado you could decide in the morning that you're gonna have a cup of black coffee clean black coffee with some MCT oil and you could decide maybe midday you're going to throw some exogenous ketones in if those three things are going to help you get from a place of of not being able to do a longer fast where you're like struggling at 36 hours in and those three hacks get you to 72 hours that is healing that is still working within the principle now I know a lot of you out there are like fasting zealots and you follow the research and you don't like the ambiguity and and when we look at the research those three hacks aren't necessarily in the research although the fastest snack is in a is in some pretty cool research and I wrote about that in fast like a girl um so if you're a Puritan and you're like no I just want the best I can get out of the three-day water fast and I don't care if I suffer then then get rid of those three hacks but if you are like I really want to do a 72 hour fast but I can't give up my coffee or I I get to 48 hours and I'm gonna kill somebody or I'm gonna pass out try those three things they really really work so don't you know we have to look at this as an art and in an art there's creation and create and what I want you to do is create your own fasting lifestyle that works for you and those three things maybe those special hacks that help you bridge the gap between a shorter fast and a longer fast okay so if you love this video you're going to want to check out the next video In My fasting series I know that fasting helps you lose weight without changing your food but if you're intermittent fasting and gaining weight then I really recommend that you look at three food changes
Channel: Dr. Mindy Pelz
Views: 478,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mindy pelz, mindy pelz intermittent fasting, mindy pelz menopause, mindy pelz autophagy fasting, mindy pelz fasting, mindy pelz fasting timeline, mindy pelz weight loss, mindy pelz thyroid, mindy pelz 36 hour fast
Id: GgH0M_2fiIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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