That's Wrong By The Way - Reloading is Art.

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wielding of firearm requires precision gravitation powder load barrel length wind or even a slight twitch with your trigger finger will affect your shot however precision isn't limited to just pulling the trigger precise manipulation of your gun is essential for safety speed and durability of each and every part incorrect manipulations can result in misfeeds damaging of internal parts unintentional firing and it's further consequences in video games flawed animations have far less severe effects which may make you chuckle or lets you shake your head but that's it Digital weapons don't care how you treat them in the end they are as real as the targets you shoot at before we dive deeper into this I want to point out that wrong doesn't equal bad although a reload animation could be technically incorrect it could still be visually pleasing and be well executed by the animator after all it happens to the best when animating any type of weapon there are numerous mistakes that could be made especially in dated first-person shooters it was common to use the same animation for both a dry reload or swapping a halfway depleted mech counterstrikes display of some actions is notorious for quite some creative Liberty in the first episode we already took a look at the m4a1-s forward assist that was repurposed as a charging handle not to mention how your virtual operator [ __ ] the firearm every time we switch weapons I mean it looks cool but I would advise against it in real life your dispense on unused ammunition be gigantic but you should direct the charting handle once you run dry and swap magazines your ak-47 would be thankful speaking of ammo contrary to popular belief you can actually increase your hit probability by a white margin if you put rounds into your gun instead of air one might say that those flaws are relics of the past caused by technical limitations at the time the small size of developer teams or limited access to real firearms to learn from those are legitimate reasons but these kind of wrong animations still crop up in more recent games with a far greater production budget in Battlefield Bad Company and its sequel chambering a new round is mostly done by smacking the magazine a bit harder apparently charging handles are for the weak when the first in-game footage of Call of Duty World War 2 was revealed it didn't take long until everyone knew that the self-proclaimed authentic game had a number of issues with weapon animations from open bolt guns that now suddenly fired from a closed bolt - stripper clips that were inserted from a tilted angle the internet made sure to spot each and every mistake on a side note the spinning magazine of the newest gun is actually correct there is a curious trait that is shared by many first-person shooters mainly those released before 2010 will suppose the ejection port and these spent casings being directed towards your face there clearly is something off for a right-hand shooter it was a weird trend to mirror the firearm it has worn off by now but why was it done in the first place you might have seen this first encounter strike 1.6 back in the days the game was often played was a left-handed perspective this meant that the gun was displayed correctly however changing the settings to right-handed simply mirrored the view model resulting in a vertically flipped gun transitioning from left to right and shooting and the other way around requires a different reloading technique that would also mean a new animation for every gun flipping the entire model was a logical conclusion to provide a simple and cost-efficient solution but what about games will pose a higher budget and without a left-handed option after all this 22 continue for a while you might be thinking about licensing issues just like the one our other name change for some weapons but the answer is much more banal with the ejection port visible at all times there is much more movement on screen your rifle becomes more imposing some would refer to it as cool rido techniques are determined by training military doctrine the extreme stress a soldier finds itself in during a fight and to weigh a firearm works it's pretty safe explaining that you can't reload a breech loader the same way as a belt-fed machine gun unlike most modern military guns the mp5 doesn't look open after the last shot was fired despite what farcry might teach you you have to manually operate the charging handle also if your g statistics magazine removes itself without the pedal release being used you might want to get a checked seriously please use the pedal it's a mistake I'm Way too familiar with and if you do insist on slapping your rifle please slap the part that actually matters just from this brief overview you should see what could go wrong when animating weapon in the end I want you to keep in mind that it's just video games we're talking about even if it does upset you to see wrong animations please don't be too bitter about it just tell yourself that's wrong by the way and appreciate the artistic freedom after all reloading is art thank you so much for watching I am very sorry for the extreme delay of this episode there are more episodes in the making that you can look forward to so please be patient but for now our wiedersehen and goodbye
Channel: ninfreak
Views: 1,237,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, Battlefield, Escape from Tarkov, Black, Bright Memory, Bad Company, Reloading, Technique, AK-47, M16, AR15, Big Red One, Half-Life, Insurgency, Sandstorm, Far Cry, XIII, Grand Theft Auto, GTA V, TimeSplitters, Shadow Warrior
Id: _L1pO29uNI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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