That's Why People Don't Have Black Eyes (Never Ever)

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no human being has truly black eyes well unless you get in a fight but let's play nice okay some of us do have a lot of mel in it so the eye might appear almost pitch black but a lot depends on lighting conditions in fact those who are believed to have black eyes just have a really dark brown eye color an eyelash is here to stay for 150 days only the world record for longest eyelash was about three inches you can whip yourself with that eyelashes are also home for tiny mites the world's most common eye color is brown there are loads of different shades of brown but the fun thing is they're actually blue underneath all blue-eyed people have the same ancestor as every other blue-eyed person in the world tears aren't just salty water they're made of lipids which is basically oil water and mucus the salinity makes our tears antibacterial the coolest camera so far has 200 megapixels the human eye has 576 megapixels that's why sunsets are so much better in real life than in photos we blink about four million two hundred thousand times a year at least once every eight seconds it would be cool if we were given a cent every time we blink we would make more than one hundred dollars per day it takes about a month for all your skin cells to renew we shed about thirty thousand dead cells every sixty seconds losing about eight pounds of skin each year our fingernails grow way faster than toenails toenails grow almost four times slower because they accrue less damage than fingernails even though we often stub our toes a sudden circulation burst doesn't usually last long a human produces from half a quart to one liter of saliva every day depending on the person that's enough saliva in a year to fill a bathtub no spit saliva acts as a perfect remedy wounds in our mouth heal way faster than everywhere else it also helps to taste food our taste buds are ready to perceive food only when it's dissolved by saliva it may sound incredible but our bones are stronger than they may seem a cubic inch of human bone can bear about nineteen thousand pounds making it four times stronger than concrete wait is that where the term block head came from the only thing that makes our blood types different is sugar a b and a b types have sugars while o has none making it perfect for donors no sugar doesn't make o type less sweet in fact it attracts mosquitoes even more than other blood types people have only eight blood types while cows have 800 and possibly more holy cow usually we shed about 50 to 150 hairs a day an average lifespan of a hair is five years and as soon as an old hair says goodbye to your scalp a new one starts growing immediately human hair is stronger than the same diameter copper wire a single strand can hold up to 3.4 ounces of weight and if used properly a full head can hold up to 18 500 pounds our stomach is bigger than it may seem with a capacity of nearly half a pound in extreme conditions the average is around 32 ounces food is digested within four to six hours and it can also dissolve metal so capacity matters lips are much more sensitive than fingers having around a million nerve endings that makes them 100 times as sensitive as fingertips so doing the math i'm guessing that kissing is 100 times better than holding hands maybe grooves and furrows make our lip print unique just like fingerprints they also remain unchanged throughout our life your tongue print is unique too by the way our belly buttons have an entire zoo in them with a range of about 70 different bacteria some of them can also be found in soil in japan and even bacteria typically found at the polar ice caps yeah right there your belly button our bodies actually glow now we can't see it with our regular eyesight because the light we emit is 1000 times less intense than the minimum level we can perceive so you'll have to trust me on this one humans are the only living things on earth that can blush it's provoked by an adrenaline rush carmon used in blushes and lipsticks is a red dye made of ground up beetles our eyes keep growing throughout our lives they sweat too and earwax is actually a kind of sweat they produce by the way the nose never stops growing either especially when you're lying the heart is the only muscle that never gets tired the aorta is massive its diameter is almost as large as a hose in your garden we emit about 500 to 1500 milliliters of gases every day which is enough to fill a small balloon hey get the neighborhood together and fill up a blimp it's worth a shot fat helps our bodies consume vitamins vitamins a d k and e will absorb better when consumed with fat our bodies have enough fat to produce seven bars of soap some parts of the brain can self-cannibalize eating its own neurons and proteins if you don't provide them with enough nutrients for example the hypothalamus responsible for your sleep hunger and body temperature can do so believe it or not you can't inhale and swallow at the same time i know you just tried the pharynx is used as an air passage when you inhale or as a food passage when you swallow if you flatten all the wrinkles that your brain has it would look like a pillowcase when we're awake our brain may produce enough energy to power an electric bulb it has 10 watts of power in your body you carry enough bacteria to fill a can bacteria makes about three to five pounds of your weight representing two percent of our total weight still most of them are waste products the average body temperature is a range of 97 to 99 degrees fahrenheit the highest fever ever recorded was a critical 115 degrees a pinky finger may be the smallest one but it's the strongest one too fifty percent of your hand strength comes from your pinky a human being has about twenty thousand to twenty five thousand genes seems impressive right still corn flakes have more genes than we do cornflakes one human zero luckily it's about sophistication not the quantity this time we consist of many chemical elements including iron the iron in our bodies is enough to produce three nails each one inch long the carbon in our bodies can be used for 900 pencils our liver has a superpower of regenerating if part of it was removed it can grow back to the size that your body needs a roller coaster actually tosses your organs around when you feel like your stomach's falling down it's actually falling inside your body even though people have an absolute unique smell identical twins smell almost the same it must be because they have identical genes almost half of your taste buds will have gone away by the time you turn 60. so maybe you'll finally start eating that broccoli your sense of smell gets less acute as you get older too when you cough you release the air at about 60 miles per hour our skin is the biggest organ we have it's also one of the most massive organs weighing up to nine pounds if we could spread out all the skin we have it would cover about 20 square feet hiccups is a two-step process first you suck in a lot of air because of a muscle spasm and then bang the airways are closed the air is blocked and the famous sound goes inside we don't smell when we sleep that's why it's almost impossible to notice a gas leak at night while sleeping we can rely only on sound because sleep can be disrupted by noise out of all the senses smell is the most acute except if you're sleeping we remember 65 percent of odors after a year but only 50 percent of what we've seen over the last three weeks we also get a new nose every 28 days because the nose cells are renewed every four weeks as for taste again we mostly rely on our sense of smell since it helps us perceive up to 95 percent of the flavor without smell it'd be hard to tell an apple from a turnip well a bunch of flowers may be fragrant for you some people suffer from caccosmia they perceive all sense as something odorous we need ears not only for hearing but for balance too our vestibular system occupies the inner ear canals in your inner ear contain fluid and tiny sensor hairs that help you keep your balance if you have red eyes in a photo blame it on bouncing light the flash jumps off the capillaries in your eyes creating that effect finally all the bones in our body are connected to each other except for the hyoid this bone serves as a support to your tongue and it's one of the rarest bones to break
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Views: 2,329,934
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Keywords: human ear, human skeleton, muscular system, human body facts brightside, human body facts for general knowledge, the human brain, facts about the human body, vital organs, nerve cells, muscle facts human body, human body, human heart, bright side, human body facts, crazy human body facts, human anatomy, human teeth, human body facts in english, human body fun facts, hair growth, human skin, cool human body facts, brightside, fascinating human body facts, human eye
Id: PPF2--_EbAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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