'That's A Failure On You!': Mark Green Tears Into Blinken Over Afghanistan Evacuations

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greene of tennessee who's a ranking member of the subcommittee in the western hemisphere civilian security migration plan to get people into the gate just get them through the gate my colleagues and i had hundreds of people on the phone that were us citizens sitting at the gates and they couldn't get in that's a failure on you either to plan or you had a horrible plan but those u.s citizens citizens couldn't get through the gate just own it get some credibility own it you keep telling us that the dod and president biden had no idea that the taliban would be so successful the collapse of the afghan forces and then you want us to believe you when you say the russians and the chinese aren't empowered by this that that that kills your credibility by saying hey we failed to predict that this would happen nobody had an idea that they'd collapse like that and then you say oh but i assure you the russians and the chinese aren't empowered by this and we're supposed to believe you um i've already talked about the documents the united kingdom i'm sure you're familiar what went viral um a member of parliament in the united kingdom on the floor of the house of commons tom tugan hat basically called the withdrawal president biden's withdrawal shameful and said that the uk our greatest ally should reconsider how dependent they are on the united states yet you sit here today and tell us that nato was completely fine with with everything y'all coordinated everything with nato and it was all good that's what you've communicated to me at least or here today and yet a member of parliament is saying it was a shameful withdrawal on the floor of the house of commons our greatest ally the headline of the economist a few weeks ago i don't know if you saw it but it said biden's debacle i'm not so sure nato will agree with you that they were all in on this together um now i will say this it is against the law the united states law to give material aid to a terrorist organization you said earlier today when i asked you before if the taliban was a terrorist organization you said yes 85 billion dollars i would consider that material aid to a terrorist organization mr secretary and you have here we are oh well but wait you admitted we had no idea that the taliban would be so successful we had no idea that um you know the afghans would fail like this well that's your fault that's your administration's fault i guess maybe it's the intel community's fault that's what you're really saying hey cia and all you other guys you failed to give us good intel here we had no idea this was going to happen and about we're supposed to trust you when you tell us um other things about the chinese and the russians considering rumors of isis support for the i i'm sorry isis support for the taliban have you guys reached out to india as a possible staging area for the over the horizon forces and i'm talking northwest india as a potential because we all know qatar and our the doha the other places are just a little bit too far kuwait all that what about northwest india and have you reached out have you thought about that let me just say generally congressman we're deeply engaged with india across the board uh with regard to any specifics about uh over the horizon capabilities and uh the plans that we put in place it will continue to put in place uh i'd rather take that up in a different setting and i think the chairman referenced that at the start of the hearing that i think that's very fair and i appreciate you saying that and i'm glad to at least know that there's an opportunity to talk about that because i i think that from my standpoint is uh an opportunity we should we should seize i'd like to go back to the documents and give you a few seconds to talk about that because i do want to hear your plan for those individuals if you can today and if you can't then fine we'll we'll talk about it behind closed doors but i am very concerned about people who destroyed documents can you elaborate at all on that i i really appreciate that and i just want to uh assure you but i'd rather have this this conversation in in a different setting that uh we are uh putting in place uh plans to make sure that people uh can get documents that they need and documents that the taliban says it will recognize to allow them uh to leave the country i'd be happy to pursue that conversation thank you mr chairman i yield gentleman's time is expired i now recognize represent
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 436,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rep. Mark Green, Sec. Antony Blinken, Afghanistan
Id: 8H6LqJpkdvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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