That Time I Got Abridged as a Slime Episode 7

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[Music] so so then lelouch says what do you mean there's just soup oh and then what happened we have visitors goddammit it was just getting to the good part my apologies an envoy of lizardmen has arrived look we already have enough religious fanatics here so if you're trying to sell me jesus just go away but if you have cookies rejoice dear peasants oh dear god he is trying to sell jesus for i have arrived to save you from your dying fate we practice rimaruism here go away or we'll [ __ ] eat you oh i'm so proud do you not know of the terrors that are headed toward you at this very moment i'm about to release a terror upside your head as we speak an army of orcs is marching on this land oh yeah funny how we keep forgetting about that you knew we have a wonderful spy network yo i'm here to recruit your village town of goblins where are your goblins did we get the wrong place i could have sworn we rode south of pride rock where the map said yeah it's funny how we didn't see any dire wolves rhonga i don't see any goblins anywhere but i do see a set of fantastic tits so it feels like having real busy tonight oh you're taken to hemorrhoids so well no stop so should i go grind them into a medical powder instead no did zella eat them no we are not a tribe of zany cannibals where's annie definitely all of us oh sweet is it dinnertime seriously what the hell is wrong with all of you this is not how i raised you you're not my real dad [Music] okay rule five no cannibalism oh fight this guy but i don't wanna if you do i'll have kirobi make you a sweet weapon you mean it wait a slime is your leader you got a problem with that not at all i just find it pretty surprising you must be exceptionally wise gophta take it easy on them okay [ __ ] that if you lose you have to eat more of dave's cooking anything but that i didn't do it why he just ogled my boobs i do that all the time yeah but i like you come at me let us test your metal how could you we let you borrow that spear where did he go i will never eat dave's cooking again sounds like an [ __ ] i said to take it easy on him i did take your leader and don't ever try to peddle your religion here again we just wanted to join forces with you and defeat the army of orcs oh yeah that how do we keep forgetting about that i'll go do some recon [Music] how do we keep forgetting about this there are two hundred thousand works i guess we should start taking this seriously then lord rimeru please stop calling me lord one of my body doubles has reported a new visitor do they have cookies she's a dryad so that's a no to the cookies see that bull in front of you holy [ __ ] cookies and their chocolate chip now you got your hair out guys so you want us to take out the orc lord and his army yes cool we were going to do that anyway you were we got nothing else to do we're building a town i meant me in the kitchen oh i would still like the fight though too bad you open your mouth you're on town building duty this orc lord seems to be under the control of imagine who seems to be under the control of a demon lord is it leon no that sexy [ __ ] wouldn't be so underhanded he'd do it himself like a real man this is probably just some low-level piece of [ __ ] demon lord looks like we're teaming up with the lizardmen so way i'll leave it to you as you wish chieftain we have a visitor did they bring cookies my apologies i forgot to ask for a handful before i left there could be no peace if there are no cookies well subjugating you would be easier how could you be so hard and so heartless at the same time reamaruism ha your religion sounds like a bunch of made-up [ __ ] no one insults my lord and savior hold on a minute we can talk this out peacefully even without cookies you will join us that was so hot understood and next time i'll bring cookies father what is the meaning of this we have formed an alliance with rimaru tempest did they bring the peace offering of cookies well no then there can be no alliance arrest them you will regret this father please i was chosen by lord galman i'll be fine lord gabby we're we're surrounded [ __ ] things are rather dire man but do not give up slaughter as many piggies as you can tonight we shall dine on porn look gabriel you look intimidating you must be the orc lord come and face me you foul beast are you blind i'm just an orc general our lord is far more powerful than i but i will gladly accept your challenge you're not the orc lord even though you're this powerful let's get started marvellous we have all the creatures of the forest fighting each other nothing can stop us now it won't be long before my plans become complete and my monster rules this forest and then i'll leave my forest now what no cookies those are only for invited guests and neither of you [ __ ] were invited here a triad of the forest this doesn't bode well sir kelmod they are the guardians of the forest really yes now if you would kindly get the [ __ ] out of my territory make me spirit summoning selfie hold on why did you have to antagonize her like that i've heard enough aerial blade leave faster fine we've already achieved our goal anyway bye bye lady [Music] chaos eater as if i'd lose here [Music] next time stay on the ground where you belong lizard [Music] the one true goblin that was prophesized in the holy texts huh did i hit this guy in the head too hard earlier or was he always just a [ __ ] you've come to save us that's kota the captain of the goblin riders and occasionally a good boy the direwolf tempest wolf and i'm always a good boy um okay the name's ronga by the way we're here to clean up this mess in the name of reimaruism rimaruism sounds like a cheap flash in the pan religion yeah you probably shouldn't have said that did we miss a great mage amongst your lizardmen looks like i need to end this quickly just what in the world is going on we found your sister and this time we came with cookies i see if that is the case then we are allies but what is causing that magical attack oh that the kitchen are just trying to show off for lord rimaru that showing off who are you ogres now now we're just simple disciples spreading the word of our great savior brimarou tempest you gotta give us a pamphlet or something not exactly we're gonna show you the teachings i really wish they'd stop doing that i have no time to waste on you your worthless religion with its weakly god worthless wiggling and this little piggy turned to bacon it's bacon tempest wolves don't know it's not big nice damn my powers are sweet you are all already dead bring me that fine piece of ass this body is only for my lord dreamer isn't that right lord rimaru i did not ask for any of this really glad we made them our friends i brought them this time father master zoe it's good to see you thank you for the rescue bold of you to try and release these lizards i the strongest of the orcs will feast on your flesh fly didn't ask don't care you didn't have any cookies do you hear that puppet master next time bring lord remiroo some who the [ __ ] is rimaru and why the hell are all my plans going to [ __ ] [Music] if you want something done right [Music] you have to do it yourself who the hell are you people and why are you wrecking my plans do you know how hard i work to make this battle happen to create a new demon lord this was years of planning and you just ruined all of it seriously who the hell invited you you when you destroyed our entire village murdered practically everyone we know and love for something as stupid as this fine i guess i'll just have to do it all myself and i'll start with you useless lizards my men hang in there gobby roo you're all right i'll kill you but you're already dead death watch is that really all you've got i'm just the slime but i can do better than that here have some potions for your men thank you everyone else got to have fun i guess it's finally my turn [Music] hey that was mine i called tips first i never heard you say that [Music] my name is girls the demon lord guilt and i am now going to eat you like hell you will see this is what happens when you guys interrupt my fights you make the bad guys stronger now let me handle this actually i'd like a turn [ __ ] you man this is my life oh come on i'm pretty bored here i even have the perfect soundtrack for this fine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] okay it's my turn now you've had your fun fine it seems i win you cannot stop me from eating you oh but i already called dibs on what on you hey stop that bad you're supposed to be my stack too bad cause you're my main course here eat this father please you don't have to keep doing this as the old king i regenerate and the children are dying off after only a few days this fairman has been especially harsh i will head to the forest and bring food and that is where i met gilmud he promised to keep my people safe if i did as he asked and went to war in the forest that is why i can't lose i must win for my people because that is what a leader does yeah i haven't really been much of a leader this whole time but i can't let you eat me either besides it's too late you're already dying but i'll promise you this i'll consume all of the sins of your people with you from this moment forth i will look after the orcs the sins of this war will die with you thank you rest now in here i'll take the love of your people and carry it onward and pass it down to them for you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] father rest peacefully our hunger is saved [Music] is [Music] shut up steve hi guys uh richie roberts here i am the writer and director for slime abridged we're sorry that episode 7 took so long that it took us a month to get this out but unfortunately uh you can see from the size of this episode that it's pretty crazy and it was pretty daunting and the amount of audio work that had to be done into it was kind of uh kind of really yeah it slowed the project down uh speaking of which here is calvin our audio editor and the voice of ranga to kind of briefly touch on what all happened with the audio this episode because there was a lot a lot of in-house stuff that had to be made yeah there was a lot of in-house sound effects there was a lot of audio wrangling that i had to do from the show itself various uh resources that i could scour throughout the internet um i regaled richie with this story about how i needed tentacle sounds and how i got it from a random japanese website if you're interested dm me about that but anyway but uh besides that there's over 300 individual sound effects in this entire episode so um needless to say i really had my work cut out for me so um i apologize that it took this long but um i do hope that um the uh the weight was worth it and i think we have a really really awesome episode that we've put together here i agree that we are finishing up here so i'm i'm i'm i'm sad that it took this long but i'm happy that the final result i'm happy about the final result all right and that is basically it guys we are already underway on slime eight on the scripting it's turning out a lot funnier than i expected so look forward to that coming up in a couple of months and yeah uh we got lha 11 dropping out january 1st so the surprises are keep rolling on in and uh if you're watching this on the 24th look forward to another surprise coming from calvin tomorrow bye bye [Applause] huh [Applause] you
Channel: PhatDogStudios
Views: 299,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PhatDog Studios, Abridged, Richie Roberts, Like Zoinks Gaming, Calmeji, FelTheVA, CatPuff, Tensura, Slime, Anime, Parody, Great sage, Shion, Benimaru, Gobta, Hikaru, Souei, Ranga, Rimuru, Kijin, Reincarnated, War, Kirby, Episode 7, Geld, Gelmud, Orcs
Id: tucTnEn7tHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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