Thanksgiving Fear Factor: S05E13

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tonight Thanksgiving Fear Factor world reality it tastes like dead welcome to fear show contestants from around country battle each other and extreme stuff these stunts are designed to challenge the contestants oh my god so grow if your intestine is to be afraid to complete a stunt they're eliminated if they fail is done but if they succeed step closer to the grand prize $50,000 testing their feathers here vector I'm Joe Rogan's welcome to a special Thanksgiving episode of fear factor sucks you're about to see we're all designed and supervised by trained professionals they're extremely dangerous should not be attempted by anyone anywhere anytime I'm not here to be on TV I'm not here to make friends have fun I'm here to win their $50,000 that's all that matters people think that because you're short that means you can't compete I'm here just to prove them wrong I'm here because I missed the Olympic team by two spots in the women's pole vault last summer I hate losing with a passion and I hated losing that spot and I'm here on fear factor to win the money so I can keep training so I can make the 2008 Beijing Olympics I'm here to challenge myself I love a challenge I've been known to hang with the big boys Racing mountain bikes jet skis it doesn't matter guy or girl I'm gonna come out on top and this is no exception it's not what I got to do and that's that 50 G's there is a chance that I might be gone today I think they call that chance when hell freezes over fortunately for me it's looking real sunny outside I've always been surrounded by people that have more talent in the mouth in wartime all right I don't want to be around cheerleaders I don't want to be around people that are there to run their mouths physically I know I can't do it mentally I know dad and I've always watched the show together and my father actually has been battling cancer for like a year and a half and they gave him six months six months ago and now with me being on Fear Factor I can prove to my dad that his baby's gonna be okay on her own what's up how's everybody doing Thanksgiving we use six people have been brought here from all over the country for one reason to stare fear in the eye as you compete for $50,000 when the money you're gonna have to complete three extreme stunts stunts it will not only test you physically but mentally as well you're too afraid to temper stunts you'd be eliminated tries type of fail to complete it you're gon do succeed you'll move on to the next round and be that much closer to the cash race you first up yeah here is your first done you will each be riding and dinging is dragged behind this boat in the choppy waters of the Pacific Ocean on go love I'm out of the dinghy and onto the car go back one onto the cargo net you will have to clip six flags onto your waist and then release a final flag stop the clock the two men in the two women that complete this stuff the fastest move on to the next round others will be eliminated we've randomly selects today's order and caffeine you are lucky number one ready excited yes honey nut good bye I wonder how I'll handle the water yes I don't know she's a little yeah not much me you know like the rest of y'all she's one of five people in my way of $50,000 Oh wholesale see but the best man or woman win all right Cathy you're up first so you talked with water yes very I love the water deej any water sports uh yes I do i jetski actually do you real yes everybody yeah competitively real yes so like what's that about well my husband got me into it we're a stand-up jetski so uh I took like eighth in the world so I'm a teen idol pretty cool waters yeah thank you for how fast you go on those things like 56 so you comfortable in the water you're not nervous about falling in or anything I'm like a cold water though that's all right all right Kathy what do you thankful for this Thanksgiving I'm thankful for my family and all my friends and to be here on fear factor oh that's our fun good luck thank you so what's up how's Kathy gonna do I'm just wondering how she's gonna go how she's gonna get out the boat that's my mother boat maybe she's just gonna leap and fly what do you think she's got a whole lot of options for how she's gonna get out of the boat it's the best way that's when yeah I want to know all right in the boat in place discuss the answer desk don't go let's go do this let me go rescue you girl this is already busting loose all right here we go Oh I got the first leg up we'll be back yet I got number three flip it on come on Cathy hustle all right Cassie good job you completed the stunts I completed it fifty nine point seven seconds way to go so we're set the bar April you're up next how do you feel about that I got a beat you got it yeah how confident yeah hey what do you think I like to see you're trying you've gone against see a try you ready okay let's go good luck I think she's gonna do you know what there is you know I don't wanna say too much haha it's fun you just got to be really quick so if she she goes quick she's got a chance you surprised me did really well after Amy died on this music so tell us how you got to be on three attraction um I applied through that zero internet contest really what you have to do just in an application in a video and it went from there I went from there and here you are yeah now you're obviously you look at you're in great shape you work out a lot what do you do Jodi Sports I'm a professional pole vaulter a professional pole vault yeah they do have national pole vaulting yeah these Mel's you play for prize money is it like a league guys money sponsorship you get travel paid for it a lot of meat now how did she involved in pole vaulting I wanted a scholarship in college just decided pole vaulter yeah let it go it was brand new for women and they were just given scholarships out so Wow now if you win the money what are you gonna do with it oh it's gonna go towards my training for the 2008 Beijing Olympics well that's in four years but today fifty nine point seven seconds get all six flags stuff into your belt and pull that last one yeah cool thanks man thanks which makes me pretty good shape right yeah that what do you think she's gonna do she got those long arms and long legs I think that's gonna help her out all right let's go head up there and watch here we go in three two go I'm go you have to climb out of that dinging onto the cargo net collecting flags as you go all right here we go three two go 33.8 where I congratulations April thanks 33.8 seconds you're in automatically Elizabeth's up to you feet fifty nine point seven seconds and Kathy's going home and you move on ready ready telling me let's go good luck Liz that was good that was really good luck job got me nervous now you have nothing to be see I had to just go with it you're right absolutely right so good yeah waters not that cold yeah multi-party bailiff LP why is everybody new into the water it's two geese from Utah we're really tough to beat those two so she looks fit but you just don't know how hopefully not better than 15 all right Elizabeth it's all unto you this is it all you have to do is to be fifty nine point seven seconds you do that Kathy goes home what do you think I hope I do it you hope you do it but you're gonna do I'm gonna do it gonna do it okay how dare you I hope you've got it right I'm gonna win it off that's what I'm talking about did you learn anything watching those guys any strategy um my my biggest fear is what when I get off the boat yeah it's what make it off the boat right just get off the boat quick you keep tripping on getting off the boat you're talking about earlier I know you saw two people do it seems pretty simple I'm off the boat on there why is it so complicated to you I don't know what's your motivation to join a show um my dad your dad was that he's been sick and this is his favorite show this is his favorite show she don't want a pretty dad I'm gonna win it for my dad love you dad all right you know what you have to do you be fifty nine point seven seconds Cassie goes home you move on good luck Thanks all right who's going home Cathy Elizabeth finger Elizabeth oh wow he was going over your nipples don't go to pierce I was like you got like some tumors phn why'd you do that man oh why not cuz it hurts no it doesn't you're crazy look at you feel no pain all right Kathy she's gonna send you home or not come on let's go check it out all right Elizabeth this is it are you No Oh got language I've got to yes I've got two three before Oh Oh nice job Happy Thanksgiving it does start going home first I really wish I could have stayed and proved myself a little better but it was a great way to spend Thanksgiving and I would do it all over again if I could all right congratulations Elizabeth you are moving on to the next round padeen you ready to start off the man definitely was do anything other he might wave that net down yeah we underestimate him anybody who puts pins to his nipples for no reason you like pain like that he's scared of nothing I'm not understand nobody here with a name like Vadim he called me on the phone Toby's name is the D my hang-up that's scary like I like my situation though oh yeah what's that last yeah yeah I think being in the middle as this event so cuz in the beginning gotta go first at the bar at the end it's like I'm tied can we go now all right for Dean starting off for the men that's right excited about that oh yeah I'm gonna set the bar high set the bar high it's very high Italy you're in good shape so you lift weights a little bit rock'n'roll you're crazy man you girls get your nipples pierced I knew you were something good he's looking pretty good he says yeah he's declaring that for himself now what this is all about like climbing the up big hands are strong else um I don't have big ins put the Strunk conscience fingers on right there are you not that big right no there's whatever that's genetics you can't do anything about that all right man I want room for you you ready to do this definitely right now what you got to do you're setting the bar for the men so set it high here lock all right what do you guys think of our Dean glad he's going first guys going first oh yeah it was nipples Mikey cot on the rope thank you oh you could get rid of that all right we got him in the boat so let's head on back and see how he does okay let's go - deem you bet here we go three first one here we go three Oh but that I have one still do you already did Oh three point four damn dude Cathy beat you sitting at home and I'm trying to clip the six flag I thought I had it on but next thing I know it falls off it wasn't on all right the team not such a hot score dude you know I'm so good Jason what do you think about that I think it's my turn I think I might have to do some damage right now after some damage my costume being angry dumb baby and I'm that angry man hey Jason gonna make a matter I think he's gonna be a little upset to make a matter I think so hi telling me sir let's go that can't be like T all right this is our special Thanksgiving show what do you have to be that girl's my mama my Papa being here so many things looks like it happen dude I'm not very happy doing though now if you win what do you do with the month threw a little party in pop a little champagne got a pop a little champagne right give to the poor gifts the poor kidding that's kidding oh so the poor got excited there for just a second and you took it away from here yeah you look at you're in good shape kind of sports you do I don't do any sports no sport I do a lot of walking I walk all around walk in the morning I do I where do you live do you always walk it x square x squared oh that's different kind of walking yeah I got Josh mugger is a lot of fun and very physical walk right that's like an obstacle course it's crazy you ready I'm ready all right good luck my thanks a lot man all right meet 103 points for here we go 3 coming clean so good forty-four point six four aces when I jumped off the dinghy there was water everywhere it looked so much easier from on top of the ship I mean there was waves splashing in my face and I could have sworn I mean maybe I'm crazy but I thought I saw a fish or something off on my arm good job climb up hop in the vault land and come with me all right Landon misses it now I understand you've been playing soccer all over the world that so you've been doing uh yeah professionally I'm gonna start back this October and how long you been doing that for uh since I was six but professionally success 22 Wow so you're in good shape obviously we'll see okay now you were born in Georgia right worse Alabama mm-hmm he didn't say that people of Alabama so you born in Alabama but you got this weird accent man what's that all about I've been around British lifestyles if ever since I was in college oh yeah it's just been a rub off ever since I was around it so you just kind of picked up this English accent yeah I've never really been around southern boys what is your motivation for doing the show three things tell you how when we walk something down now you leave me at rest kill him I've been spent a so okay it's fair enough no I'll deal with it good luck Mary daily all right the team how you feeling man I don't know they're not looking so good for you - it's not I do oh never no never no never no right let's hope let's hope let's check it out you ready go see it let's go three point four three two one go struggling with it so God please God over me sir Oh Hardy sorry 52.1 seconds Dean sorry man nice to meet you yes me and your happy Thanksgiving mm good luck good luck I'm not gonna make any excuses I messed up and that's the reason I went out first round this thing's getting really Sun I didn't get to win $50,000 but it's all right there's always Christmas everybody congratulations on making it to the next round and since this is our special Thanksgiving show we have four stunts for you guys oh they're a little bit more excitement for everybody all right well since we're getting close to LAN let's head ashore and find out what your second starts gonna be come on yeah they coming into today's done I'm even more excited now that there's only three people in my way of winning the $50,000 my biggest competitor is April being that she's very athletic and has a lot of confidence in herself the competition I mean I sized it up and you couldn't get anything better than them I mean landing look like a broke Brad Pitt and the girl from the Olympics what's she gonna compete in I mean I asked y'all to give me some competition and you come up with this I believe in stating the obvious and it's obvious that everyone's going home but me if today were to be one of the grosser stunts and I have to put some slimy stuff in my face or down my throat I'm up for it as long as I stay mentally strong I'll be okay I'm ready I feel really confident going into the next stunt because I totally annihilated them on the last one I'm not scared at all they could throw food at me and I'll still get through it I'll eat it all swallow it all it's all going down what's up Oh Joe what's going on Batman what's up sup Joe welcome to our Thanksgiving feast fear factor style yeah now I bet you think that you're probably going to have to eat that maggot covered turkey well you're not instead you're going to choose three of these five mystery side dishes which are ten times worse than that rotten Turkey the good news is no one is going to be eliminated today instead for each of these three disgusting side dishes you consume you will get to throw an axe at that target and whoever gets closest to the bullseye is going to win $10,000 from Activision's Call of Duty finest hour a first person action game available for PlayStation 2 Xbox and Gamecube in addition to winning the cash and the game you will also get to pick tomorrow's order that's a beautiful thing that's a beautiful thing ok ready girls see what's in our first container ooh do you think Elizabeth you want some of that I'm going to choose three of these five mystery side dishes for each of these disgusting side dishes you consume you will get to throw an axe at that target and whoever gets closest to the bullseye is going to win $10,000 from Activision's Call of Duty finest hour okay ready let's do it let's roll see what's in our first container mmm worm green beans hmm nice do you think Elizabeth you want some of that oh my god yeah shoes I do you like that yeah okay you three I think they're gonna turn green she's gonna go with worm green beans for item number one it's get a nice little stupid here oh yeah baby they're like neon green or something like April would you like some warm green beans yeah I'll take some of those yeah I give me some of that you write bold remember you don't have to eat all of these you could pass on two of these dishes please really oh it's a family affair you know all the rest of the things of ice-cream Ladon love so place sure certainly hey nice little gathering I ate earlier otherwise are joining us let's see what's in mystery dish number two maggoty mashed potatoes yup pastor house yeah sure yeah that was good I'm gonna say Lisa is it potatoes in there too or no some potatoes in there see mostly maggots to be honest for them oh my gosh I heard is really good for pole-vaulting huh good protein that's what I heard always good what do you think watch some of that get the fat one once the maggoty mashed potatoes um yeah give me scoop oh look at you bold girl do we but don't forget you can't have your maggoty mashed potatoes unless you have really crap that's nasty rotten fish sauce great knock [ __ ] come on that's wonderful Jason would you like some maggoty mashed potatoes and rotten fish sauce gravy no I think I'm gonna pass on that ya know Landon what do you think I'm gonna pass on that once we got a pass yeah Wow see what's in container number three it's bile gelatin with African cave-dwelling spiders I stick to my maggot those are some crazy spiders - you ain't seen spiders like that guy King unless you live in the Congo those fighters are from the hood they look like they're ready to fight what do you think I'm passing you sure success of course I'm gonna be the anything these dudes are that oh god lay yo April what do you think watching that's a negative that's the Mega Man pass Jason no I know spiders are crazy Alex no Emily was passing I'll tell you what you dummies I would eat that before I eat any of this crap how bad could that possibly be you've already agreed to eat worms come on can I choose which spider I want sure I like that little [ __ ] the one with he's got little pink ears we have one yeah hello some file gelatin sir yeah and I go with your fingers Jim no thanks I'll pass that's good violet a bad African King don't say that don't pose you food Piru my mom always told me that Brandon would you like some African cave-dwelling spider and some file gelatin late you have something you have to stop the run first haha laughter the biggest one oh damn do you want the feisty one that's fightin it's you that's a gang leader alright Lizabeth you're definitely stuck with the next two hangers you passed on two items yeah let's see what you're gonna have to eat for number 300 beat a worm and cockroach stuffing oh oh that's gonna be nice manage a nice scoopful here give me that oh you're gonna love it that definitely does not smell like Thanksgiving it does at my house those are stink beetles two distinct um always April would you like something let's go with the worm theme I'm gonna take a scoop okay get away listen yeah yeah that's good they don't know yet that's a lot of stuffing nice uh Jason hey yeah I'll take some eggs up yeah might be brave sit you're all done you have to get the last okay Landon what do you think you gotta have a scoop of that I'm so nobody wants what's in here she gets I have to have it that's right Elizabeth gonna get it you know don't you what do you think I'm the host dessert can it be ice cream well it's not ice cream but it is dessert sheep's brain pie with worms hmm touch up in my slice oh yeah Oh rings just like grandma used to make all right everyone has their food well it's traditional during a holiday meal to say a prayer but no prayers are gonna help you now now so let's just cut to the chase are you ready no yes you are already we were already you watch the show on TV you know what you're getting into here we go you just have 9 minutes to finish the three disgusting food items on your plate for each food item that you finish you will get one hatchet you will get to throw at that target whoever gets closest to the target will win Activision's call of duty finest hour and $10,000 here we go in three two one go take it Oh decently right for a spider April goes for the maggoty mashed potatoes right away you can Oh get in there you haven't eaten anything at least eat one thing and get one hatch it's gonna get a shot this challenge ah how's that disgusting vile gelatin nothing tastes like chicken here are you doing over there Landon whoo we're good and is this having a good time man is an animal he's just showered April's chowing down Elizabeth hadn't even attempted it come on Liz I'm trying in fun I invite you over for Thanksgiving dinner this is how you treat me disrespectful eat that keep that worm chew it come on especially good for you April you're just concentrating only on the Magna mashed potatoes say fair Oh get the worst oh that's the worst huh landed how you doing over there wanna eat that spider oh yeah nice uh-huh big sloppy liquidy handfuls come on Elizabeth eat it all you gotta at least get one hatchet I some of the brains here it's his blood okay you believe brains I've eaten brains before so that bad Landon's doing well looks like Lana's getting three hatchets for sure that dudes a savage look at them just dig it in Oh big handfuls of sloppy green worms Oh once you get your worms have you gotta suck up all that slop on your plate - yeah that's right since Thanksgiving you have to be thankful yeah give thanks give thanks to the fear factor gods how does one speak now and then there's a just stone-faced in closed mouth you guys better keep eating if you want to get those hatches this is for $10,000 and the groovy Activision Call of Duty finest our video game is that nice landing is almost done Landen make sure you suck that juice up afterwards so got that oh here it comes man land is about so low hang in there buddy hang in there buddy you strong eating worms on just relax look at me Jason's just laughing through this you're a freak dude what do you eat at home not this what does it help you when you play with it yeah get a feel for it then I can feel this on hands a-shaking two and a half minutes left folks come on let's go hustle she was volunteer chew and swallow get that half with $2,000 come on uh-huh if you don't chew it then they're gonna live in your sock yeah I suppose eat it now the acid won't eat it they can survive through the ground you don't think they can survive your stomach acids yeah that sounds so gross Elizabeth got all her worm green beans she gets one hatchet April looks like she's got all her worm green beans down but she still has maggoty mashed potatoes she has two down she hasn't even touched her cricket worm and cockroach stuffing Landon looks like he's definitely got three hatches oh the spider is going down oh it's a struggle a battle in his mouth with your beats man your beats just over a minute left we've got to do let's do it come on that's it hurry up guys the more you eat the more hatch yeah come on come on Elizabeth smile uh my name is pramatta just slip it down you're not gonna get that third hatchets ooh five four three two one time no more eating I'm scared of him okay Elizabeth you ate your worm green beans you will get one hatchet for that April you ate your worm green beans and you ate the maggoty mashed potatoes so you will get two hatchets Jason you're gonna be a little disappointed you ate your gelatin and spiders but you left a whole bunch of pieces here beetle stuffing kept running away beetles I try to catch them you got to dig it out yeah so you only get one hatchet that's what I need landed on the other hand you ate everything yeah you will get three hatchets you ate your spider gelatin you ate your worm green beans and you also ate your cricket beetle and gross stuffing good job Google puke oh my goodness but ain't you both alright wipe your mouths and step on up so we can throw some hatchets for each food item that you finish you will get one hatchet so you will get the throw at that target randomly selected the throwing order and Elizabeth you are first thank you have you ever thrown a hatchet no no first time for everything right never you know where now to first in one day crazy crazy good you ever won $10,000 no well maybe three first $10,000 from active missions call of duty finest our video game you ready Elizabeth plays on the wood here we go terrible you get nothing a worm's for nothing get the bag alarm April you're up next okay April you get two hatchets you get one hatchet for your warm green beans and one hatchet for your maggoty mashed potatoes which one tasted worse oh the mashed potatoes the shell for show no shell that's bad Oh God smell bad oh I still smell it on my lip oh well we'll give you the recipe all right you ready sure okay Kent can you hold my fork oh please killed a chipmunk why didn't work out so good here comes number two oh nothing sometimes they stick sometimes they don't nada back of the line Landon you're up next a Landon eating everything so you get three hatchets my friend through it you're throwing a hatchet before no sad I'm from Alabama the first time I do this is in California all right one yeah I wanted stuck look two people screwed up that might be enough to win right there number two mmm two's a dud number three oh he's got two not bad Landon that's not bad you deserve it not bad I'm gonna pull out your first one because that was the furthest away this is your closest one we're gonna leave that one in there looking pretty good get to the back of the line sir Jason you got one hatchet throw to steal it away my friends all right that's what I'm gonna try to do this is it thank you sir if you don't stick it Landon wins the $10,000 okay oh wow all right Jason Landon's mark was 12 inches away from the bullseye you got ten inches away from the bullseye congratulations you have one Activision's call of duty finest hour from Playstation along with $10,000 graduation is sound it you get to pick tomorrow's order Oh rest of you you are still in the hunt for $50,000 let's get out of here and see what tomorrow has in store for you come on coming into this third stunt I feel pretty confident in myself I did just enough to get by and the first two stunts and now it's time for me to really kick it in so I can win the $50,000 over the past two stunts I've proven to these guys that I'm a force to be reckoned with they will not beat me today I'm taking everybody out think they got a little taste of it on the first stunt and if it's physical it's all over for them losing Jason sucked he doesn't seem like a guy with a lot of heart you know I don't want to lose to a kid with no heart Jason can have his bonus money because he's gonna keep a smile on his face temporary I'm not here to win little battles I'm here to win the war and today is a warrant I already won $10,000 but I'm not satisfied yet Landon he's got nothing Elizabeth she's nothing was the other one Nate I don't even know their names that they're not winning they're not even in my sight right now I'm so focused what's up hey good how you doing so Joe another stumped on our Thanksgiving Day show I'm sure you're all pretty thankful that you have been eliminated so far right very family yeah well let's all go change right now here is your next stunt you guys are going to be bound by the ankled and shackle to this ball and chain what's attached to you you will then have to walk that plank and drop down into the water once you're in the water you must unscrew the shackle swim up the surface and touch the boat stop clock whoever does this fastest it's gonna get to pick the order in the final stunt whoever does it slowest it's going to be eliminated Jason you get to pick today's order who's going first hmm hmm well you know my mama always told me to let ladies go first so really I think we're gonna go with to April bring it on oh you scared you April I think you a little fret about you do you think she's your biggest competition here absolutely not about absolutely not Landon is she the biggest competition Chavous I mean when you see some competition let me know and then Oh Mike not else energy is oh my goodness so no one is competition no one what about Landon this dude's crazy wanna see we'll send all that from up came to you settle down were you a little needy look a little bit hey I was gonna get to you after Landon I have an order I go oh okay it's all mine it's all mapped out oh don't you know what about landed yeah especially a soccer player look at him he's an athlete threw down all that nasty food the only one to power down all three I'd be more nervous about him now his two doesn't like to lose not angry he is he threw three hatchets and got nada sorry make that stuff through it I'm not worried about any of y'all I'm sorry to you like that Landon's feed my fire like oh man I'm not worried game bro you ready to shackle up a multiply sister huh bring it on alright come on VIN good luck look babe you'll need it I think she's gonna do she's good she's a water baby I know this ain't no swimming pool whole lot different not not water you're fit sharks I used to have a pet shark really yeah I'm gonna can't wait till you go me neither Kenway see ya it can't wait either I should have gone first man playing mind games with yourself boy I don't play games I just win them all right 8-ball my hole this check how's that feel too bad not too bad that's your bad worried about this now you seem pretty calm yeah okay you guys stay calm right underwater you can't freak out now you are the Net Zero internet competition winner yes that's correct let's see if we can make you the fear factor winner all round okay ready do this yeah let's get on the final stunt yep good luck thanks hon hold on to that hmm all right time for you to walk the plank everybody else come on over I feel an April little nervous nice knowing you girl shut him out back time starts me hit the water time stops when you hit the boat she goes she's in takes you down shackled by the ankle to this ball-and-chain forced to walk the plank it takes you down oh man alright she's got a hood screw the shackles swim to the surface and touch the boat to stop the clock she's working on it she got it go baby nice job bubbles were hard to see through and as the bubbles are rushing up from my goggles I started looking for the screw and sort of twisting as soon as I felt it twenty point four seconds hey monster good job that's pretty quick yeah yeah 20 points for seconds you didn't seem like you're down there very long at all okay what do you think about I don't know let me know yeah we'll see you're not happy with it no you're right allows down there I made a couple mistakes oh oh did you really yeah I'm not gonna tell them though oh really there's nothing late well lucky for you they can't see you so they can't learn for your mistakes you know and all they know is that you did it fast good job thank you so much Jason what's up man who's going next um you know I really do like you and that's why I'm gonna send Landon first you're predictable sneaky see how he did that very crafty sure predictable Landon what do you think about that I'm good to go all right Landon step on over what what do you think man so good so good yeah hey start I'm twenty point four seconds what'd you think about that quick pretty quick yeah this is freaking you out at home that's not my first time with ball-and-chain John it's not really why tell us about it maybe later Joe maybe later that brings us to the three reasons why you're doing the show what are the three motivations for you again from you twenty point four or if I advance I'll tell you but what if you don't be twenty point four well for two its own assault el you okay yep you ready yeah good luck - thanks I'll give you I think it looks pretty good he's gonna beat you I don't know to be close no say no is that gonna come on okay course is not gonna be you know he's not gonna that's what I'm talking ever Elizabeth how's he gonna do think he's gonna be good but not as good as jr. here right not at all no no you already know my answer Oh Jason you set yourself up for the hard fall yeah well you know you're gonna be that guy right yeah they know they're I don't want to be that guy I'm gonna be that guy I can't little are you gonna be that guy then guy with 60,000 the old Connie can you through one hatchet we'll all right you ready brother time to beat is twenty point four seconds time starts when you hit the water time stops when you touch the boat go ahead man so now there he goes all right landed all right what are you doing several chuckle down there man oh he's quitting his wedding oh my goodness it's a good size a good time landed what happened unimportant you didn't pull it as I'm turning it and Charlie internally I thought okay I'm almost there I'm almost there and as I'm ripping it out it's not coming we walk crap here we go here we go and I think I was exerting so much energy of really messing me up well dude I'd like to wish you happy Thanksgiving but from the looks at this it's not gonna be so happy now sorry man I told Joe that if I finished the water plank of it I tell him my three motivational factors I didn't do well those three things that I'll keep inside me that's where they'll stay well an unexpected surprise the good news is all you two have to do is finish the study the bad news is Jason still gets to pick who goes next Jason what do you think you're gonna be you uh you know what him now good night you go yeah I'll go for real yeah wow that's totally the next unexpected turn of events why don't you come on over here everybody screwed over yeah Jason get him out oh ho you severely disappointed in our man Landon I can't believe he's gone what happened there I don't know man or you did not expect that I was pathetic how sad sorry Landon all right sweetie think about that tunes dog yes my hair what do you think I got five words for you okay Last Man Standing Last Man Standing that's it you last man standing and now it's you and two women man they're ganging up on here exactly right you got that ten thousand thousand dollars of course they're gonna be mad you got that game I've been mad at me too I can't stay got to be that long hi Steph look at you can't can't take that smile off your face huh all right you know exactly what you have to do all you have to do is complete this time you complete the stunt no matter how much time it takes you and you'll move on to the next round I'm ready just get your shackled out all right looks nice how're you gonna do I think Elise completed what about you I'm gonna worry about you I'll be honest me a little worried about you wait wait this you're kind of like a real laid-back I'm a little relaxed not that aggressive ca4 I wasn't really worried about just crazy look at her she's not aggressive ah she's a competitive athlete I'm an athlete too are you really yeah I played basketball in college that was a long time ago right no just graduated two months ago are you upset that she got that blisteringly fast time gosh Phaethon and I definitely she's definitely not me yeah definitely I guess you did in the first time right kicked everybody's totally not a prediction you wanna listen you know why you won't get it she wants it now not you buddy I feel a Jason I'll feel good are you ready sir I'm ready walk the plank so man those chickens dead I'm chicken oh yeah never seen a guy happier than him you ready Jason we good mama MP you papa and you too Joe thank you I'm an excellent company all right he's working on it you got it 22.5 it's not psychological hey very nice good job climb back on in here Elizabeth what do you think athlete I can do it you can do it faster right I knew faster 20.4 that's nothing nothing 18 seconds okay right yeah doing for you dad turn it for my dad you ready do it yeah get on up here come on are you ready yeah walk the plank you can do it you're on you can do it stuff finish come on then when you get yeah she said oh my gosh let's see if Elizabeth tougher the land and seven for your time but you did an excellent job good job Elizabeth let's get you out of the water let's find out what the final stunt will be all right this is it we're down to the final three the final stunt so far you guys have been dragged behind this boat you had to eat disgusting Thanksgiving Day feast and you had a weight tied your ankle and you were dropped in the water today one of you is gonna walk away with $50,000 and here is your final stunt on go you guys are gonna have to dive into this water and swim under the hull which is almost 12 feet deep and 22 feet across once you're under there you will have to release as many flags you can and clip them to your belt within two minutes whoever can clip the most flag so their belt the fastest is gonna walk away today with $50,000 and the title of Thanksgiving Fear Factor champion flee April you did best that last done so you're gonna pick the water in the final step let's go first I want to live live it together Elizabeth yeah what do you think let's go you ready to do this yeah all right come with me come on Idol of big girl go you got it why'd you want to go first honestly good no I got the energy now I want to go ahead and go for it why are you gonna make me go last aren't you I don't know maybe we'll see we'll see how you feel Mo's good gelling groovy yeah you happy to be going first ah yeah I don't mind you don't mind me well it's a good spot if you can set the bar it's pretty straightforward son all you have to do is just dive in there you proved it good underwater ready had a great score earlier you ready to do this you ready to kill it now what's your main motivation when you're under there what are you gonna be thinking about um it's just the money I'm RT this far why not have to go you were worried about your competition here what I'm not I think it's all it's a fair chance fair game which one of them do you think is more competition April cuz she's gotten the best time Jason cuz he talks a lot of smack and he's gonna back that up right yeah that's a lot of weight all right you know what you got to do your set at first do it for your dad do it for the cash you ready I'm ready good luck thank you all right listen get ready hey you feeling good give him quick fiction how's she gonna do I think she look pretty good no no though how many flags she got two minutes I'd say five five flags what do you think for for flies all right not as much faith that's gonna be down to us - you think definitely will get you cocky yeah let's head it over to the other side and see how she does come on all right Liz you ready to do this yeah here we go in three two one go let's go live come on all right she's under some big deep swim in cold water she's not hooking the first one oh she's staying under he's got to be claustrophobic being trapped under there Osia laughter bikini top I'm go you guys are gonna have to dive into this water and swim under the hall you will have to release as many flags as you can within two minutes here we go in three two one go go live all right Thunder it's a big deep swim in cold water she's unhooking the first one oh yeah she's gone for two it's got to be claustrophobic being trapped under there OSHA lots of the key top don't worry about it all right here she goes alright set the next flag she's not hooking it one more flag go go go deep breath go go you are great in there is one more flag left you got it time seven flags in a minute and 52 you got all the flags did a great job alright good job good job girl but I want to put your top on now this is a family show as soon as I got to the third flag I felt something floating I realized it was my top and I started freaking out and I swim up to the top to catch my breath it's going to make a huge impact on whether or not I win this stunt April who's next Jason Oh Jason you ready yeah I'm ready are you ready I'm so ready right now I'm with me sir let's go ah take care girl all right Jason seven flags in a minute 52 seconds what do you think I'm ready to go yeah it looks like she should waste a lot of time she was fumbling there top yeah if you lose your top you're gonna be okay I think I'll be all right with that okay with that yeah you're worried about April people who April that other girl April that's November okay Oh loosen it yeah Carmen I don't wanna hold you back you know what you got to do I know it I got to do you beat seven flags in one minute 52 seconds all you have to worry about is uh what's-her-name may April hey good luck Becky all right Liz you were doing fantastic till you lost your top you were doing it all under one breath I know you're all we're all under it with one breath holding it together we think about that um I'm a little upset highly upset yeah how do you guys think Jason's gonna do I think he'll do faster unfortunately in this latter time we've seen one dude choke this show let's see if Jason's gonna show good there's any advice for Jason good luck you ready to do this I'm ready in three two one go go he does big breath maybe his pants on someone tied taking a breath in between that's the only one you're going for the second one coming back up come on Jason even a hostile man be sitting on it the three flags it's not get up half million already don't get too that's number three she's getting bored come on yes stop taking these brats get over there flip it on you go go go come on flip it on you and go let's go take a deep breath and go suck it up Oh Jason come on man you losing here coming up on a minute 30 she's learning out you be man you gotta pull my mirror on down right now take a breath and go what are you waiting for you'll get one shot at this twenty twelve seconds Jason what how dare you guys that guy Jason you are that guy it's over for you dude hope you had fun Happy Thanksgiving fix gobble gobble me up golly y'all when I hit the water all I kept thinking was all right I'm gonna grab the first flag grab the second flag come back up and then go back again only when I came up I could not breathe and like I just realized I might have fear and that fear is being underwater trapped historically on fear factor brothers have not been doing that well in the water I'm walking away from this show with $10,000 I mean would I have liked to get the other 50 absolutely but you know what I'm good with my 10 G's all right April this is it all you have to do is beat seven flags in one minute 52 seconds you do that you'll win $50,000 and B fear factor Thanksgiving champion are you ready here we go girl in three two one go she's going onto it one Brad she's not doing anything like Jason he's got the first one he's got the second stop for the third that's number three alright the other side till her first breath got five Wow nice you're doing great you can donate bro come on that's six congratulations get on up here so we can celebrate congratulations hold off blistering fashion you've got behind you got jumpin fear back there fees he got past being dropped in the water with a ball and chain and you've got the best time here you're the net zero get that [ __ ] now you are being back to Thanksgiving champion and evidently fear is not effectively you only those with the guts let's do this after back-to-back episodes continue next only on Cilla you
Channel: Sumo Sanchez
Views: 435,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thanksgiving Fear Factor: S05E13
Id: uZmFnjIHtj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 50sec (4130 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2015
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