Thank You Lord - Praise and Worship Songs Of All Time - Worship Songs Of Don Moen

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one two three [Music] i come before you today there's just one thing that i want to say thank you lord [Music] thank you lord [Music] for all you've given to me [Music] for all the blessings that i cannot see like you thank you lord [Music] thank you lord [Music] with a grateful heart with a song of praise with an outstretched stars you lord thank you lord thank you [Music] for all you've done in my life you took my darkness and gave me your life thank you thank you lord [Music] you took my sin in my shame yes you did you took my sickness and [Music] [Music] [Music] i just wanna thank you [Music] lord i just wanna thank you but i just want to thank you thank you thank you [Music] lord thank you lord we thank you today for your goodness for your mercy thank you for your love for loving us when we were quite unlovable people [Applause] thank you lord oh thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] with a son [Music] [Music] i just wanna thank you lord you thank you thank you lord i just want to thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i just want to thank you lord thank you oh lord you [Music] there is none like you [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you do [Music] and i could search for all eternity and find there is none like you [Music] [Music] no one else can [Music] there is none like you mercy flows like a river soul wide and healing comes from your hands [Music] [Music] there is none like you there's none like you there isn't [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you do and i could search i could search for all eternity and find there is [Music] there is [Music] [Music] there is none like you and king david said behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity and how great is our god or sing with me how great is our god and all we'll see how great how great is our god oh how great is our god sing with me how great is our god and all will see how great how great [Music] is the [Music] my is [Music] oh how great is our god sing with me how great is [Music] it's the voices how great is our god sing with me how great is our god and all we'll see how great how great [Music] he is give him praise thank you lord you're a great god we exalt you lord you [Music] lord god is good [Music] all the time [Music] he put a song of praise in this heart of mind god is good so good all the time through the darkest night [Music] his light will shine god is good god is good all the time [Music] god is good all the time put a song of praise in this heart of mine god is good all the time through the darkest night his life will shine god is good god is good all the time if you're walking through the valley there are shadows all around do not fear he will guide you he will keep you safe and sound he has promised to never leave you or forsake you and his word is true god is good all the time he put a song of praise in this heart of mine god is good all the time through the darkest night his life will shine god is good god is good all the time we were sinners and so unworthy still for us he chose to die he filled us with his holy spirit now we can stand and testify that his love is everlasting and his mercies they will never and god is good all the time he put a song of praise in this heart of mine god is good all the time through that darkest night his life will shine god is good god is good all the time [Music] though i may not understand all the plans you have for me well my life is in your hands and through the eyes of faith i can clearly see that god is good all the time he put us on a praise in this heart of mind god is good for all the time through the darkest night his light will shine god is good god is good god is he's so good he's so good god is good he's so good all the time [Music] god is good all the time and all the time god is good i believe it i was actually at a at a revival meeting and the evangelist would say god is good all the time don't forget that god is good [Music] lord i offer my life to you everything i've been through use it for your glory and lord i offer my days to you lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice lord i offer you my life [Music] use it for your glory and lord i offer my days to lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice lord i offer you my life things in the past things yet unseen wishes and dreams that are yet to come true [Music] my heart and my hands are lifted to you [Music] [Applause] lord i offer my life to you and everything i've been through use it lord use it for your [Music] glory my days to lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice i offer you [Music] [Music] [Music] everything i've been through use it lord use it for your glory and lord i offer my days to you lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice [Music] lord i offer you my life lord i offer you my life oh yes [Music] [Music] god will make a way [Music] where there seems to be no way he works in ways we cannot see he will make a way for me he will be my god hold me closely to my son with love and strength for each new day he [Music] [Music] that's right he works in ways your son with love and strength [Music] rivers in the desert will i see heaven and earth will fade but his word will still remain that's right and he will do something new [Music] [Music] today [Music] hold me closely to this town [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and strength by a roadway and rivers in the desert will i see heaven and earth will fade but his word but his word will still remain that's [Music] right he works in ways [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he will be [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Applause] yes [Applause] i see well god has always made a way my friend through every storm through every circumstance and he's still making a way today a roadway in the wilderness and the river in the desert to those who have lost hope be encouraged christ the hope of glory is in you [Music] and god is bigger than any struggle or storm that you're facing he can calm the storm in your marriage he can calm the storm in your business he can calm the storm of disease that may be raging in your body tonight hear these words from the savior today peace be still god will make a way for you and now lord we join our hearts together and cry out on behalf of our nation tonight lord have mercy say it with me lord have mercy move in the hearts of our leaders we pray give them your wisdom knowledge and understanding as they lead us let there be peace on our borders and peace in our cities where there has been division we ask you to send your healing and bring unity let it begin today in this place come and rule and reign in the hearts and in our nation according to your word lord we your people who are called by your name we humble ourselves we seek your face and turn from our wicked and sinful ways may our humble cry and confession find the same favor as generations before us have found we give you thanks and praise in anticipation lord what you have done among your people before we ask you to do it again do it in us make a way god will make that's right will make a place [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] he will make [Applause] he will yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to be where you are take one [Music] and i just want to be where you are dwelling daily in your i don't want to worship from afar [Music] draw me near to where you are and i just want to be where you are in your dwelling place forever take me to the place where you are cause i just want to be with you [Music] i want to be where you [Music] feasting at your table and surrounded by your glory in your presence that's where i always want to be [Music] i just want to be i just want to be with you and i just want to be where you are [Music] dwelling [Music] draw me near to where you are and oh my god you are my strength and my soul and when i'm in your presence though i'm weak you're always strong and i just want to be where you are in your dwelling place forever [Music] take me to the place where you are cause i just want to be [Music] i just want to be with you [Music] i just want to be [Music] i just want to be [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] for all you've done for all you're going to do we give you thanks and we lift our praise to you and we give we give praise for we know that all things work together for our good we give we give praise for by faith we know your grace for we know that all things work together for our good we give praise for by faith we know your grace those things that we don't understand and we give thanks we give praise for we know that all things work together for our for by faith we know your grace even if we stumble even if we fall you will not forsake us you are and lord of love we give praise for we know that all things work together for our good faith lord by faith we know your grace for we know that all things work together for our good we give back we know your grace will see us through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi friends you know god really has our attention these days as we're going through this pandemic i was reading from second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land and that's what we need today we need god to come and heal our land and there are conditions for that we humble ourselves and pray we seek his face we turn from our wicked ways then he will come forgive our sins and heal our land i was reading from malachi chapter 3 verse 7 it says from the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them return to me and i will return to you says the lord of hosts and in jeremiah chapter 24 verse 7 it says the lord says i will give you a heart to know me i will be your god. and these are the conditions if we'll return to him he will return to us and this pandemic has has got all of our attention and i think god is calling us to return to him to ask him to forgive our sins and heal our land and that's the promise if we return to him he will return to us and that's my prayer today for you for me for all of us and as i read that the other day i just got up from my chair um i just read return to me and i will return to you and i started singing return to me and i will return to you i'll give you a heart to know me anyway and uh so i just uh sketched out a new song i'd love to share with you it's called return to me if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways i will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land if my people will humble themselves and pray return to me and i will return to you you will be my people and i will be your god return to me and i will return to you i'll give you a heart to know me and i will be your god if my people will humble themselves and pray as your people [Music] we confess we have failed we humble our hearts today will you hear from heaven forgive our sins and heal our land as your people we humble our hearts and pray return to me and i will return to you you will be my people and i will be your god return to me and i will return to you i'll give you a heart to know me and i will be your god if my people will humble themselves and pray we cry out to you we cry out to you lord have mercy on your people we humble ourselves and and pray from our wicked ways lord have mercy on our nation forgive us of our sins revive our hearts again we return to you we return to you we return to you we return to you yes we return to you we return to you you said return to me and i will return to you you will be my people and i will be your god return to me and i will return to you i'll give you a heart to know me i'll give you a heart to know me i'll give you a heart to know me and i will be your god [Music] if my people will humble themselves and pray if my people will humble themselves and pray if my people will humble themselves and pray and pray and pray just lift your voice right where you are cry out to the lord for your nation come and heal our landlord we cry out to you lord we cry out to you lord lord have mercy on your people we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways lord have mercy on our nation forgive us of our sins revive our hearts again we return to you we return to you yes we return to you we return to you yes we do we return to you we return to you [Music] uh [Music] [Music] my heart is filled with songs of praise you gave me hope you made a way now i long to live in your presence for all of my days [Music] my soul sings my spirit shouts with every breath i'm crying out i want to live for you alone you have captured my heart lord i give you my whole heart me corazon amazing grace has rescued me you paid the price you set me free yes you did i will sing your praises forever my savior my soul sings my spirit shouts with every breath i'm crying out i want to live for you alone you have captured my heart lord i give you well i will give you glory tell a wondrous story how you [Music] [Music] now i stand before you playlist [Music] do that [Music] [Music] my soul sings my spirit shouts with every breath i'm crying out i want to live for you alone you have captured my heart my soul sings my spirit shouts with every breath i'm crying out i want to live for you alone you have captured my heart lord i give you my whole heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um and here we are lifting our hands to you here we are giving you thanks for all you do and as we praise and worship your holy name you are here dwelling within our praise for every answered prayer for always being there for love that hears us when we call for arms that lift us when we fall you have always been right beside us leading us all along the way and we've made it through because of you and here we are lifting our hands to you worship you lord here we are giving you thanks for all you do and as we praise and worship your holy name you are here you are here dwelling within our praise for days we cannot see for all that's yet to be the trials we may have to face when we'll be leaning on your grace well it will be your strength that saves us your love that makes us strong and through it all we'll sing this song sing it and here we are lifting our hands to you worship you lord here we are giving you thanks for all you do and as we praise and worship your holy name you are here you are here [Music] dwelling within our praise you are here dwelling within our praise and i just want to be where you [Music] all are [Applause] [Music] like a deer that pants for water [Music] i am thirsty for you lord and in my heart there is a longing i still believe there's more so open up the heavens and let your spirit fall like rain [Music] wash me in your presence refresh my life again a hungry heart is [Music] is there by faith the table is set with mercy and grace with a hungry heart as i come into his presence i am made complete feasting at his table [Music] and sitting at his feet [Music] i will rise on wings my for the lord will be my strength [Music] a hungry [Music] [Applause] with all the goodness [Music] the table is set with mercy and grace [Music] just as i am without one thing but that my blood was shed for me and as you bit me come to thee a hungry heart is [Music] with all the goodness he provides [Music] the table is said with mercy and grace [Music] so i with a hungry heart [Music] ah great is thy faithfulness oh god my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changest not thy compassions they fail not as thou hast been thou forever will be summer and winter spring time and harvest sun moon and stars in their horses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness mercy and love greatest thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness pardon for sin and a peace that endureth own dear presence to cheer and to guide strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow blessings all mine with ten thousand besides oh great is thy faithfulness great thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness lord unto me oh great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see all i have needed by hand have provided great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness lord of to me [Music] hey friends uh i want to uh remind you to to uh remain in god's word during these days uh when you you find yourself having fearful thoughts uh listening to too much news or uh hearing strange reports uh just go back to the word uh get your mind fixed on god's word because the word of god is going to stand forever while everything is being shaken god's word will remain i've got just i just write down a bunch of scriptures here that i try to review every day keep my head right there philippians 4 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in christ jesus first peter 5 7 cast all your care upon him because he cares for you um psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god isaiah 43 1 in fact isaiah 43 verses 1 2 3 and 4. i mean just it says don't be afraid i've called you by name that you are mine when you go through the deep waters they will not overwhelm you when you go through the fire of oppression you will not be burned up for i am the lord your god the holy one of israel your savior um anyway they're just psalm 91 because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling and i disclaim that for you today father we come before you we thank you for the power of your word and we say be it unto me according to your word according to your promises lord we can stand secure so we choose to put our faith and our trust in you and in your word today in the name of jesus obey it unto me according to your word according to your process i can stand secure carve upon my heart the truth that sets me free according to your word o lord be it unto me you promised your blood will deliver lord we believe it's true you've promised us joy like a rich lord we receive it from you these things you have spoken and you're bringing to past this world's disappearing but your word will last so be it unto me according to your word according to your promises i can stand secured carve upon my heart the truth that sets me free according to your word o lord be it unto me you promised to carry our sorrows lord we believe it's true you've promised an ending tomorrow lord we receive them from you you will be our provider in your word it's revealed and by the stripes that you bore lord we have been healed so be it unto me according to your word according to your promises i can stand secure carve upon my heart the truth that sets me free according to your word o lord be it unto me according to your word o lord be it unto me [Music] amen [Music] [Applause] if we call to him he will answer us if we run to him he will run to us if we lift our hands he will lift us up come now praise his name all ye saints of god sing for joy we'll sing for joy to god our strength [Applause] [Music] [Music] draw near to him he is here with us give him your love he's in love with us he will heal our hearts he will cleanse our hands if we rend our [Music] our strengths singing for joy to god our strength our strength if we call to him he will answer us if we run to him he will run to us if we lift our hands he will lift us up come now praise his name all ye saints of god draw near draw near to him he is here with us give him your love he's in love with us he will heal our hearts he will cleanse our hands if we rend our hearts he will heal our land yes he will for joy to guide our strength we'll sing for joy to god sing for joy to god our strength we'll sing for joy to guide our strength we'll sing for joy to god our strength our strength [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hear our prayer we are your children and we've gathered here today we've gathered here to pray hear our cry lord we need your mercy and we need your grace today hear us as we pray our father who art in heaven [Music] our father hear us from heaven forgive our sins we pray hear our son as it rises to heaven may your glory fill the earth as the waters see our hearts [Music] every anything that's standing in the way of coming to you today our father our father who are in heaven halloween our father hear us from heaven forgive our sins we pray we're surrounded [Music] [Music] holy is the [Music] let's worship the lord [Music] is [Music] hear our prayers we are your children and we've gathered here today we've gathered here to pray hear our cry oh lord we need your mercy and we need your our grace halloween [Music] our father hear us from heaven forgive our sins we pray our father our father [Music] [Applause] forgive our sins we pray forgive our sins we pray [Music] forgive our sins we pray oh yes [Music] ah [Music] [Music] our father you are hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be on [Music] forgive us our earth as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from them forever [Music] [Music] hear our prayer we are your children and we've gathered here today [Music] we've gathered here to pray hear our cry lord we need your mercy and we need your grace today yes we do hear us we pray our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name our father hear us from heaven who forgive our sins we pray hear our song as it rises to heaven may your glory fill the earth as the waters [Music] that is [Music] our father who are in heaven [Music] [Music] forgive our sins we pray we're surrounded by many [Music] forever [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the lord hear our prayer we are your children and we've gathered here today we've gathered here to pray hear our cry oh lord we need your mercy and we need your grace we pray you are in heaven halloween hear us from heaven forgive our [Music] are sins heaven halloween our sin we pray forgive our sins we pray forgive our sins we pray oh yeah [Music] psalm 24 lift up your heads oh you gates and be lifted up you everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in how many want the king of glory to come in here tonight amen [Music] [Music] take his rightful place lord of lords [Music] and death is for our king his name is [Music] [Music] lift up your hands open up your hearts [Music] is for our king of grace is is his name is jesus we welcome you king of of peace for me [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] if we call to him he will answer us if we run to him he will run to us if we lift our hands he will lift us up come now praise his name all you saints of god our draw near to him he is here with us give him your love he's in love with us he will heal our hearts he will cleanse on our heads yes our space he will lift us up [Music] he's in love with us [Applause] [Music] foreign oh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] our strengths [Music] yes for sure [Applause] [Music] thirsty for more of you more of your spirit and truth wash me from all my sins and fill me with your spirit [Music] filling my heart [Music] like streams in the desert giver of life and love to set me free heal me and i'll be here save me [Music] i will [Music] with the peace if anyone is thirsty let him come on in when you drink the living water [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with me happy with peace set me free set me free [Music] [Applause] [Music] what can i give what can i bring that would be pleasing to my king where i'll give my heart not just a part i'm lifting up my everything well it's all i had to offer and it's all i have to give two hands [Music] that's what i give to you use me today use me today i know you can lord i surrender to [Music] and it's all i had [Music] that's what i [Music] well it may not seem like oh much i will i have two [Music] [Music] two what i give to you that's what i give to you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who holds the heavens in his hand who made the stars by the word of his power who put the spirit in man [Music] and causes all the earth to cry out glory glory to the lord he is [Music] who holds the righteous by the hand who is the way in this marvelous hour boosters [Music] and causes all his saints to cry out glory glory to the lord worshiping the god of our salvation glory to the lord is glory to the lord now [Music] glory to the lord he is [Music] glory to the lord honor says [Music] we give you honor [Music] hallelujah we bless your name lord we bless your name lord we give you honor and we give you glory for you the only one who is worthy to be praised and adore tonight hallelujah we worship you lord we worship you lord as we worship you let all the world come and see how the mercy we've received from you can set them free and as we worship you let all this joy that fills our hearts bring a hunger and a hope to those who stray so far as we bow in adoration and stand in reverence show your majesty and glory but your anointing fall as we declare your name lord jesus as the holy name who says may the power of your salvation fill each heart we pray as we worship let all the nations hear our song the song of jesus and his blood that proved his love as we were may all the lost and broken come may they hear your still small voice [Music] [Music] as we declare your name lord jesus as the only name [Music] may the power of your salvation fill each part we pray let all the world come and see how the mercy we've received from you can set them free and as we worship you let all this joy that [Music] [Music] as [Music] may the power of your salvation fill each heart we pray as we worship oh yes as we were [Music] as we worship [Music] before we welcome you here [Music] that [Music] [Music] salvation each heart we pray as we worship [Music] as we worship [Music] like where you are just lift your hands and begin to worship [Music] [Music] [Music] as we worship [Music] oh we welcome you here [Music] oh yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] oh [Music] as we were [Music] as we worship and here we are [Music] lifting our hands to you [Music] here we are [Music] giving you thanks for all you do and as we praise and worship your holy name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for every answer [Music] for love that hears us [Music] [Music] and here we are lifting our hands to you here we are [Music] giving you thanks for all you do and as we praise and worship [Music] for days [Music] when we'll be leaning on your grace oh yes it will be your strength is a will that saves your love that makes us here we are lifting our hands to you worshiping here we are [Applause] [Music] [Music] and worship your holy name you are [Music] you are me dwelling within our praise you are oh we thank you you inhabit the praises of your people so you're here with us for your presence and have your way [Music] right now have your way [Music] holy spirit fill our hearts and have your way [Music] and as we pray to you speak your word [Music] holy spirit fill our hearts and have your way [Music] as we pray we pray to you speak your work into our hearts and have your way speak your word speak your word into our hearts and have your way right now speak your word into us and have your way [Music] have your will [Music] speak to us lord have you not known have you not heard the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary there is no searching of his understanding he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint teach us lord to wait amen [Music] amen [Music] oh my soul do you not know have you not heard it's been told from the beginning the lord your god is on your side [Music] oh my soul don't be afraid hope in the lord by his righteousness and power [Music] for the lord's way are beyond my thoughts i will trust in [Music] him oh my soul do you not know have you not heard he's been told from the beginning the lord your god is on your side oh my soul don't be afraid hope in the lord find his righteousness and power he will strengthen he will die foreign [Music] and i will rest upon his promise patiently i'll wait [Music] i will run foreign i will trust in him i trust your life and i will rest upon his promise patiently always we wait for you lord [Music] oh we wait for you lord [Music] we wait for you lord we ask you to forgive us for being in a hurry with our lives we all lead such busy busy lives forgive us for not giving you time because we know that our strength comes from waiting on you so right now we take this moment to wait [Music] and receive your strength we're not in a hurry god [Music] we wait we're not in a hurry oh we need you lord we waited all our cares and worries we lay aside for you oh how we love to see your face [Music] for your embrace [Music] we're not afraid to tarry we yeah we wait for your mighty wing to carry us [Music] into your presence lord [Music] let your holy fire let your holy fire you'll fill this place [Music] we do [Music] we and as we fill this house with praise [Music] right now as [Music] as well [Music] as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet [Music] lord we wait for you let your glory fill this place tonight you inhabit the praises of your people so here we are tonight we love you we worship you we honor you god you alone are worthy you alone are worthy [Music] i thank you lord thank you though the fig tree may not blossom nor fruit beyond the vines though the labor of the olive may fail and the fields yield no food though the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls yet i will rejoice in the lord and i will joy in the god of my salvation lord we determine tonight with all that's in us that we are going to bless your name [Music] in spite of every circumstance we are facing we choose we choose to bless you thank you [Music] so [Music] [Music] lord you seem so far away a million miles or more it feels today [Music] and though i haven't lost my faith i must confess right now that it's hard for me to pray but i don't know what to say and i don't know where to start but as you give the grace with all that's in my [Music] through the sorrow in the face [Applause] [Music] because your word i will sing [Music] lord it's hard for me to see all the thoughts and plans [Music] but i will put my trust in you knowing that you died to set me free oh thank god but i don't know what to say and i don't know where to start but as you give the grace [Music] [Music] in my hands to honor you because your word is [Music] [Music] i will pray lift my hands to honor you because your word is [Music] we sing to you lord [Music] i [Music] i will see [Music] we love you lord those of you who have lost your desire to sing [Music] i'm asking god to put that melody back in your heart tonight cause you to lift your voice and sing to him even though you don't understand praise him tonight hallelujah you're good lord you're good yes you are so good and you're good all the time hallelujah [Music] where would i be if you had not been by my side how could i rise to meet the morning of the day [Music] your tender mercy always calling from behind at times i could not see you even though you were close by and lord you are good you are good and your mercy [Music] forever [Music] where would i be if you had not been by my side how could i rise to me the morning of the day your tender mercy always calling from behind at times i could not see even though you were close by and lord you are [Music] [Music] help me to see your loving [Music] help me to see you as you are help me help me to see you as you are [Music] as you really really are [Music] [Music] forever [Music] just tell him tonight oh lord and your mercy forever [Music] forever [Music] god is good yes he is thank god he is [Music] amen [Music] [Music] lord we come to worship and we have come to pray lord we come to listen and hear what you would say lord our hearts are longing to meet with you today for we have come to see and we have come to say you are worried king of kings lord of lords you are worthy of wishes and wisdom [Music] to the land we need forgiveness we've wandered far away [Music] look down and tender mercy forgive our sins we pray lord we need revival all across this land yes we do come move among your people king of kings all right [Music] to redeem us back to god again [Music] foreign [Music] again [Music] to redeem us forever [Music] foreign [Music] glory [Music] i'm not praising his name all you saints of god [Music] [Music] if [Music] foreign [Music] foreign come on hallelujah [Music] do [Music] one thing have i desired forever will i see to behold the beauty of his holiness and to dwell within the presence of the king well how could i ask for more [Music] he's done so much for me for i have tasted up the goodness of the lord and i feast it at [Music] i just want to know him [Music] i just want to know him [Music] well you've called me by your name and filled me with your love you have covered me with mercy and with showered grace with blessings from above [Music] and yet i know i hear you calling me to a place where i have never been where your before is flowing deeper than the sea [Music] i just want to know you more i just want to know you more [Music] i just want to know you more [Music] [Music] lord i want to see all you have promised and given to me oh i want to know the secrets that are hidden in your [Music] and one day i'll see your face [Music] and i'll look into your eyes and through all eternity i'll sing your praise and forevermore fulfill my heart's desire [Music] i just want to know you more i just want to know i just want to know you more i just want to know you more [Music] i just want to know you [Music] more [Music] i am the god that he left me i am the lord your healer and i said my word and i healed your disease i am the lord your hebrew this is his word i am the god that healeth me i am the lord your healer and i sent my word and i healed your disease i am the lord your healer this is god's word it's his promise in exodus 15 verse 26 he says i am the god that healeth thee in psalm 107 verse 20 he sent his word and healed us the bible says his word will not return void but it will accomplish the purpose for which it is sent god's word in the name of jesus is more powerful than cancer heart disease or any disease that you can name today so let's put his word on our lips and let his healing come to us as we sing it to him you are the god that healeth me let his healing come as we say you are the god that he left me you are the lord my healer you sent your word and you healed my disease you are the lord my healers sing it you are the god you are the god that he left me you are the lord my healer you sent your word and you healed my disease you are the lord my healer you sent your word and you healed my disease you are the lord my healer yes you are you are my strengths [Music] as we gather in this place today holy spirit come and have your way have your way as we lay aside our own desires sweep across our hearts with holy fire and have your way this is your house it's your home we welcome you lord we will come this is your house it's your home we welcome you [Music] today as we offer up our hearts and lives let them be a living sacrifice be glorified in everything we do yes lord we glorified in everything [Applause] this is your house [Music] today [Applause] as we praise we pray oh we long to hear from you cause this is your house it's your home we welcome you lord we welcome this is your house it's your home we welcome you today it's your house this is your house it's your home we welcome you lord we welcome you this is your house it's your home we welcome you today we welcome you today yes we do we welcome you today oh yes [Music] uh [Music] he never sleeps take one when you prayed every prayer that you just remember the lord we'll hear and the answer is he is mighty he is faithful he never sleeps he never tires of hearing our prayer when we are weak he becomes stronger [Music] do you feel that the lord has forgotten just remember that god is always working in ways [Music] he is mighty he is faithful he never sleeps he never dies [Music] [Music] he never sleeps he never sleeps [Music] the bible says to cast all of your cares on him because he cares for you my friend it's more than a promise it's a command so be at rest because while we're worshiping guess what god is working in ways that you cannot see he never sleeps he never sleeps he never tires he becomes stronger [Music] when [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] king of my life i thee now blind shall the glory be lest i forget thy thorn lead me to calvary lest i forget money [Music] lest i forget thy love for me lead me to calvary may i be willing lord to bear daily my cross for thee even thy cup of grief to share thou hast born all for me lest i forget guess i forget this [Music] lead me to calvary [Music] lest i forget [Music] [Music] hey everyone you know last week i i sent out a facebook post just thought it would be good to talk about some positive things to focus on uh what's good uh about your life and uh in the middle of all that you've been going through to just take your eyes off your situation and uh look at what's still good i was so encouraged by all of your comments i i just want to read a couple of them to you and i i know it'll bring a smile to your face too um here's just a few of these good health for me and my family uh feeling joy in this situation is a blessing from above only god could could put peace when we face an uncertain future um i'm still alive and i have a job that gives me an income praise god uh one somebody said i'm sleeping in okay good i'm healthy here's another one i still have a job uh thank you for the sunshine lord um anyway it's just though my income has been affected god has given everything i need i'm happy we have enough food at home and above all we're safe and free from covet 19 what else could i ask for then to magnify the name of the lord amen my family is safe and and blessed in god's protection for me and my loved ones i'm a nurse and i'm still working to care for others god bless you rennie we appreciate you um i'm thankful god has given me another day that i'm that i'm still well there's i'm thankful there's internet so i can be able to communicate with my loved ones i'm thankful for that too because here we are been able to connect and anyway i could go on and on uh there are thousands and they all blessed me so thank you for those uh i'll close with this one carmen says i woke up and my two healthy legs allowed me to have a great day anyway i want to thank you for these uh these positive words in the middle of i know you're going through tough situations but um to be able to take your eyes off your situation and focus on the lord lord we just choose to do that today you've been so good to us and in spite of what we are going through we choose to give you praise we choose to give you thanks and declare your goodness even though our situation may not look all that good right now we declare god you are good and your mercy endures forever amen where would i be if you had not been by my side how could i rise to meet the morning of the day your tender mercies always calling from behind at times i could not see you even though you were close by and lord you are good you are good and your mercy forever indoors oh lord you are good you are good and your mercy forever endures where would i be if you had not been by my side how could i rise to meet the morning of the day [Music] your tender mercies always calling from behind at times i could not see you even though you were close by and lord you are good yes you are you are good and your mercy forever endures oh lord you are good you are good and your mercy [Applause] forever endures help me to see your loving kindness help me to see you as you are help me to see your loving kindness help me to see you as you are [Music] as you really really are where would i be if you had not been by my side how could i rise to meet the morning of each day [Music] your tender mercies always calling from behind at times i could not see you even though you were close by oh lord you are good you are good and your mercy forever endures oh lord you are good yes you are you are good and your mercy forever endures and your mercy forever and your mercy forever endorsed amen god bless you [Music] your steadfast love extends to the heavens your faithfulness it reaches to the clouds your righteousness is like majestic mountains and your wisdom like the depths of the sea and you [Music] kindness [Music] i find my peace in the shadow of your wings your wings i eat my fill from the abundance of your household and i drink from the streams of rejoice oh jesus you are my king you are you are my king you are my king [Music] and your steadfast love extends to the heavens your faithful your faithfulness reaches to the cloud yes your righteousness is like majestically mountains [Music] kindness i [Music] of your household and i drink from the streams of rejoice oh jesus you are my king [Music] you are my king you are my king you are my king [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Applause] what can i give what can i bring that would be pleasing to my king well i'll give my heart not just apart i'm lifting up my everything well it's all i have to offer and it's all i have to give two hands and one heart one [Music] that's what i give to you [Music] use me today i know you can lord i surrender to your plan you made this hard and you made these hands take me and use as i am well it's all i have to offer and it's all i have to give [Music] [Music] for you hands and one heart that's what i give to you [Music] little comes a lot when it's in your hands take me and make me more like you it may not seem like much but with the master's touch i know that i'll be more like you oh yes i will i have two hands [Music] and one heart that's what i give to him [Music] that's what i give to you that's what i give to [Music] hiding place take one [Music] [Applause] [Music] then [Music] you are my place and i run to you i need your mercy to see me through so i'll run [Music] and i run too i need your mercy to see me you are my strength oh god [Music] oh yeah you will [Music] my strength [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh you are need your mercy and grace [Music] i'll run to you [Music] my strong tower [Music] hereby oh [Music] here [Music] oh yes you are everything else is shaking long my hiding place my strong tower [Music] my refuge i hide in place oh yes [Music] heal me o lord and i will be healed save me and i will be saved heal me o lord and i will be healed for you are the one i praise you are the one i praise singer heal me o lord and i will be healed save me and i will be saved oh heal me o lord and i will be healed for you are the one i praise you are the one i praise jeremiah 17 14 says heal me o lord and i will be healed save me and i will be saved for you are my praise nobody would doubt if jesus touched you at this moment that you would be healed you know the same power is inherent in god's word when his word touches you it brings healing his word will not return void but it will accomplish the purpose for which it's sent he sent his word and healed us sing it back to him and let his healing come as we sing it heal me lord heal me o lord and i will be healed save me and i will be saved oh heal me o lord and i will be healed for you are the one i praise you are the one i praise you are the one i praised [Music] with a grateful heart with a song of praise with an outstretched star i will bless your name and thank you [Music] [Music] as we gather in this place today holy spirit come and have your way [Music] have your way [Music] as we lay aside our own desires across our hearts with holy fire oh have your way this is your house home we welcome you lord be well this is you today [Music] as we offer up our [Music] let them be a living [Music] we sacrifice in everything we do be glorified in everything we say [Music] this is your house your home we welcome you today as we [Music] is [Music] this is your house your home we welcome [Music] this is your house [Music] we welcome you today yes we do we welcome you [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] blessed be your holy name you are worthy to be praised [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it be your days baby you are worthy to be praised [Music] me [Music] recipe hey friends you know a couple days ago i sent out a facebook post what's your favorite bible verse and why you know well today as of today two days ago ten thousand comments ten thousand and i guess the thing that hit me first of all i'm so proud of you i'm i'm just proud of you for pressing into uh into the lord during times like this and i i'm gonna read a couple of them to you because you know there's there are so many conflicting reports today uh you listen to the news you read this read that you don't know what to believe i'll tell you what you can believe this you can believe god's word because it is the truth and it will stand forever so when you start getting confused and and fearful all the things you're hearing go back to the word of god just like you did on all these 10 000 comments excuse me here's a couple uh john 4 24 these god is spirit his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth psalm 91 sabina said this he who dwells in the secret place of the most high god shall abide under the shadow of the almighty this psalm makes me feel safe in god and it should psalm 91 is is one you should be reading every day philippians 4 13 i can do all things through christ who strengthens me this verse says it all when we set our eyes only on him no matter our circumstances we always win um amen to that psalm 46 god is my refuge and strength a very present help in time of trouble therefore we will not fear though the earth should change and i am relieved whenever i pray this psalm psalm 46 an excellent verse um here's uh ibanez writes this i was in a horrible car accident and i couldn't think or remember anything but i the moment i woke up all i did was speak out joshua 1 9. it's all i could remember and i said it over and over and over again until i was cut out of the car and after that i went into shock but i woke up in the hospital and again joshua 1 9 was in my heart and my spirit joshua 1 9 says have i not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid or dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go and these go on and on and on uh a couple more isaiah 43 verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with thee when you through the rivers they shall not overflow thee when thou walk through the fire thou shall not be burned neither shall the flames consume you that's from ruth and several of you commented on jeremiah 29 11 uh before i know the plans i have for you says the lord uh plans for a future and a hope and uh and he has a future and a hope for every one of us so thank you for your encouraging uh words your comments uh again i'm i'm just i'm so proud of my friends for turning to the word of god in times like this so lord we thank you we put our trust in your word today whom have i in heaven but you there is nothing on earth i desire besides you my heart and my flesh many times they fail but there is one truth that always will prevail god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever whom have i in heaven but you there is nothing on earth i desire besides you my heart in my strength many times they fail but there is one truth that always will prevail god is the strength of my heart god is the strength of my heart god is the strength of my heart in my portion forever forever whom have i in heaven but you there is nothing on earth i desire besides you my heart in my strength many times they failed but there is one truth that always will prevail god is the strength of my heart god is the strength of my heart god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever oh god is the strength yes he is of my heart god is the strength of my heart god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever forever [Music] forever forever amen [Music] there is a longing only you can fill a raging tempest only you can still my soul is thirsty lord to know you as i know drink from the river that flows before your throne take me deeper deeper in love with you [Applause] jesus hold me close in your embrace take me deeper deeper than i've ever been before well i just wanna love you more and more how i love to be deeper in love sunrise to sunrise i will seek your face drawn by the spirit to the promise of your grace my heart has found in you a hope that we'll love by take me deeper deeper in love with you jesus hold me close in your [Music] embrace take me deeper oh yes deeper than i've ever been before but i just wanna love you more and more oh yes [Music] [Music] take me deeper deeper in love with you jesus hold me close in your embrace take me deeper oh yes deeper than i've ever been before i just wanna love you more and more to be deeper in love oh yes [Music] do [Music] we give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the holy one give thanks because he's given jesus christ his son give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the holy one give thanks because he's given jesus christ [Music] i am rich because of what the lord has done for us let the weak say i am strong let the poor say i am rich because of what the lord has done for us give [Music] thanks we give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks [Music] give thanks because he's given jesus christ his son his son give thanks with a grateful heart give back to the holy one give thanks because he's given [Music] weak jesus i am strong let the poor say i am rich because of what the lord has done for us and now let the weak say it i am strong yes because of what the lord has done for us give thanks for we give you thanks we give thanks we give thanks [Music] um [Music] when we walk with the lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way while we do his good will he abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust [Music] not a shadow can rise not a cloud in the skies but his smile quickly drives it away not a doubt nor a fear not a sign or a tear can abide while we trust and obey [Music] oh trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust [Music] then in fellowship sweet we will sit at his feet or we'll walk by his side in the way what he says we will do where he sins we [Music] trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey o trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and tis so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know the same jesus jesus how i trust him how i prove [Music] him jesus jesus preaches jesus oh for grace to trust him to trust you [Music] more [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Top Hillsongs
Views: 1,157,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FzCIlWRtBic, Don Moen, Don Moen worship songs, Don Moen songs 2021, Don Moen praise and worship songs, best worship songs of Don Moen, Don Moen top worship songs, Don Moen songs, praise and worship songs, best praise and worship songs, worship songs, christian songs, best worship songs, Don Moen playlist, Don Moen Hits, Don Moen Full Album, Don Moen Top Tracks, worship songs 2020, melhores musicas, Adoração, Louvores de adoração, Thank You Lord, There Is None Like You
Id: FzCIlWRtBic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 24sec (14244 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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