Thai Kings Family Tree

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last week the official coronation of the new king of Thailand took place I therefore figured it was a good time to show you the family tree of Thai monarchs using my Asian royal family trees poster and the Thailand section is located near the bottom in the light brown with the other Southeast Asian countries so let's zoom in there the area we now know as Thailand has been ruled by several different kingdoms over the centuries in this video I'll be focusing on the Kingdom as it has existed since 1782 which is when Bangkok was made the capital and when the current dynasty was established that dynasty is known as the house of chakri so I'll be starting with the first Chakri King Rama the first and tracing the line down to the current Chakri King what here a long corn also known as Rama the tenth [Music] prior to the Chakri dynasty Thailand had been ruled for many centuries by the aut ax dynasty that dynasty was defeated in 1767 by the kanban dynasty of Burma but later that same year a general by the name of toxin drove out the Burmese and reunified Thailand he established a capital at Tong bori near Bangkok and became king of the new Kingdom but the Thanh bori kingdom was short-lived in 1782 a rebellion broke out against toxin this individual here who was a general at the time quashed that rebellion but instead of placing toxin back on the throne he had toxin killed and then he took the throne for himself becoming Rama the first note that Raman the first was also the father-in-law of toxin the great the new king went on to fight many wars against the neighboring countries of Cambodia Burma and Vietnam and established Thailand as a major power in the region Rama was followed by his son rama ii who unlike his father had a very peaceful reign but when he died in 1824 there was some controversy over the succession during this time period Thai Kings had many concubines or mistresses in addition to their primary wife who was usually given the official title of queen these two individuals here were both sons of rama ii but were half-brothers because they had different mothers nunc Lao was older but his mother was one of the Kings concubines whereas monk ooot was younger and his mother was the queen according to tradition monk Courte was the more senior air being that he was the son of the Queen but his half-brother nang'k Lao actually became King instead because it was thought that he was more capable during the reign of non-cloud Thailand renewed contacts with western countries and fought wars against Cambodia and Vietnam Nong Clow had many sons but he didn't raise any of his concubines to the status of Queen so when he died the throne ended up being passed to his brother monk oude after all now at this point I should mention a few things about names first of all I've been referring to Thailand as Thailand which is what we call it now and is close to what the Thai people have always used when stating the name of their country however for a long time other countries referred to Thailand as Siam and during the reign of mong-koo thailand started using Siam for official purposes as well in fact they kept the name Siam as the name of their country up until World War two when it was officially changed back to Thailand also you'll note that each king is called Rama followed by a number the first three kings of the Chakri dynasty didn't actually have official names during their reigns by the time of nan Clow they were simply called the early king the middle king and the later king eventually a system developed whereby each King was named Rama which was more of a title than a name followed by their number so we get Rama 1 Rama 2 etc which basically means the first King the second King the third King and so forth okay so most people have heard of the novel Anna and the King of Siam which has been made into many plays and movies over the years such as the King and I featuring Yul Brynner and Anna and the King featuring Jodi Foster while Munk coot is the King featured in those stories the movies are based on real events but have been highly fictionalized so there was in fact a woman named Anna Leonowens who lived in Thailand and served as a teacher for the wives and children of Hmong koot including the son that went on to become the next king but the parts where mong-koo and anna have all sorts of romantic tension between them are fiction and in fact are considered quite offensive in Thailand which is why those movies have been banned there that being said mong-koo is remembered for having embraced certain Western innovations that led to the modernization of Thailand thus he played a similar role to that of Emperor Meiji in Japan monk it was followed by his son to lalangue corn who continued to modernize the country however because of his clever negotiating Chulalongkorn was able to prevent thailand from ever becoming a European colony during his reign Britain controlled Burma on one side and France controlled Vietnam Cambodia and Laos on the other side but Thailand remained independent and is therefore one of the very few countries in the world today that can claim to have never been controlled by a European power Chulalongkorn had four main consorts and about 100 concubines together they gave him a total of thirty three sons and forty four daughters two of his main wives were his half sisters this sister was considered the most senior consort and therefore his eldest surviving son by her is the one who ended up succeeding him as king the name of that King was what hero would he married four times but had only one child a daughter he therefore named his younger full brother Raja deepak as his heir there was actually two other full brothers in between these two but both died before what Jiro would only one of those brothers had a son but the mother of that son was a Russian noblewoman and therefore that line was barred from inheriting the throne interestingly if that line had been allowed and female heirs had been allowed this woman here would be the current queen of Thailand and her son a British musician named Hugo would be the crown but I digress the line passed to Praja Park and during his reign a really important event in Thai history took place the Siamese revolution of 1932 basically what happened was that a group of influential military and civilian leaders got together and organized a coup demanding that Thailand changed from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy the coup was successful and in fact mostly peaceful with projeto Park accepting the change however tensions between the king and the new Legislative Assembly grew and in 1935 he was forced to abdicate which means that he willingly gave up his throne he did not have any children though and there were no more male heirs left in this branch of the family so they had to look carefully at the succession laws to find out who the next king would be those laws dictated that the next most senior line would be the descendants of this Queen here the eldest surviving son from that line was Prince mahi dal he had already passed away but he had two young sons so the next king was the eldest of those two sons Ananda Mahidol he was only 10 years old when he became King and he spent most of his reign in Switzerland where he was going to school he only returned to Thailand in 1945 when he was 20 and his brother was 18 but then something happened which until today still remains a mystery six months after his return he was found shot to death in his bedroom there have been several different theories about what happened one is that he was assassinated and another is that he committed suicide however it's also possible that he shot himself by accident while playing with his gun or even that his younger brother shot him by accident while the two were horsing around again to this day no one really knows for sure what happened but what we do know is that his brother Bumi Paul became king at that moment and then went on to reign for over seventy years that's the second longest verifiable reign of any king or queen in the entire history of the world the only king who reigned it longer was louis xiv of france who reigned 72 years queen elizabeth by the way is currently in fourth place at sixty-seven years if she's still alive by the end of January next year she'll move into third place surpassing Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria but she'll need to reign until 2022 to surpass boom appalled and until 2024 to surpass louis xiv but back to the time monarchy king bumi paul died just a few years ago in 2016 his son would jira long corn became king at that time however coronations do not always take place right away in this case Thailand has waited until this month to officially crown which year long corn as king now although we've reached the present always like to end my videos with a brief look at what can be expected in the future and as the cases in many countries the situation in Thailand is pretty complicated which year long corn has been married three times but he also has been divorced three times with his first wife he had one daughter named Bhadra kita ABBA but Thailand currently follows male only primogeniture so she's not actually in the line of succession with his second wife and actress he had four sons and one daughter but following the divorce he disinherited his four sons and therefore they are currently barred from the line of succession as well with his third wife another commoner he had a fifth son that son named deep on corn is currently the heir presumptive to the throne however since his mother and father are now divorced it is possible that the king could marry again disown him and name a new heir that is if he were able to have another son so there are lots of options for a future monarch Thailand could change its laws and simply go with the firstborn child Bhadrak ET abba second it could reinstate the eldest of the four brothers from the king's second marriage his name is gieux tava Chara third it could stick with de pon corn who is currently 14 years old and the official heir presumptive or fourth the king could remarry and try for another son which do you think is the best option let me know your thoughts in the comments quick update after recording this video and just a few days before his coronation what jira long corn had a surprise wedding and became married for the fourth time the new Queen was previously his unofficial mistress and one of his chief bodyguards as to whether or not they will have a child and whether or not that child will take precedence over the current ere we will have to wait and see if you find history genealogy and monarchies interesting be sure to subscribe to the channel if you check the playlists you'll find that I have videos covering the family trees of famous dynasties from all over the world and to see what else I'm up to follow me on Twitter or Instagram thanks for watching
Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 245,936
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Keywords: thailand monarchy, new king of thailand, king and i, anna and the king, Bhumibol, King Bhumibol, Bhumibol the great, Chulalongkorn, Mongkut, taksin the great, king of siam, kings of thailand, thai history, thailand history
Id: ywbZ_43IWBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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