TFS: Battle of the Tungsten Colors

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Hey look I got the green screen that's done well I'm actually revisiting the tungsten episode now I didn't realize the first time that this is the ridiculously sensitive topic and some of you guys like Wow but here we go I'm putting five different pieces up here and we're gonna see how well they perform and the completely unbiased no branding no nothing just simply colors the tungsten everything else like that and we'll see how they perform check this stuff out after the central rolls [Music] so let's roll all of our tungsten in here and show you what we're testing up today let's start with our multi mixed pink color which is meant to replace the 2% 3 to red then we have e 3 purple one of my favorites 2% laminated which is extremely popular among the welders Q 4 which is also supposed to be a replacement for 2% 3 to the red and then we have 2% serie ativ which is a little less common but still I see it being used quite often now if you're not sure about 2% Syrian it is well the grey band it used to be colored orange and somewhere in the middle of all this it switched over to grey so just in case you haven't kept up with your color codes now we're gonna put all these to the test now I'm sure that they're actually clamped down and the spacing on the torch height or at least the torch body spacing to the piece that we're firing into is set at a quarter inch on the stack two coupons that's gonna stay this way the entire time now I'm gonna sharpen all these pieces of tungsten up and I'm gonna use the arc zone Sharpie tungsten sharpener because it's gonna offer the most uniformity to it now there's going to be probably a bit of a gripe in here because this happened on Instagram but this is the result that I gave for sharpening and if we get it really close it looks kind of beat-up and when we get closer and some of the samples you'll see that it's uh it's pretty gnarly and then some of the actual samples and when we get really high def and close up it looks like they are actually sharp and improper but this is the result of the tungsten sharpener that we used so that's just kind of how it is now let's nut kind of dispel a little bit of a myth here about the balling theory now the balling theory is pretty simple straightforward they usually say tungsten needs to be bald in order to be used on AC now the answer to that is not necessarily and here's why now there's a couple of key players that directly affect the amount of balling that happens on the end of the tungsten there so aside from the tungsten type itself some are more susceptible to it than others but the biggest key player above all is the AC balance so the practice of balling is based on the tungsten type and the amount of positive AC balance and this is something you need to test your settings with with the Tungsten's you have and on the machine that you have in order to determine how much it's going to actually ball on your settings now we kind of have that out of the way let's talk about some tungsten let's put it on to the test here now each one of these pieces of tungsten is gonna be fired the exact same way and I'm gonna set my spacing with a coupon the exact same way what setting out an eighth of an inch above our piece of metal that were firing into now we're gonna take the power tick to ten EXT from Everlast and I'm gonna set it up with a thirty percent positive AC balance at 60 Hertz in 125 amps and we're gonna fire these all for one minute now I'm checking a lot of different things here we start with the best arc start here and we're gonna get a super slow frame by frame and you'll see a little timer down at the bottom that says exactly how long love it lapse time we've got here now these results are definitely a toss-up because right off the get-go at three hundreds of a second he got III with a pretty faint arc and a solid cone already developing we're at 1/10 of a second the 2% series comes around a little stronger cone but no arc and eventually q4 comes in at the same time we're a three gets are really solid arc and then pink comes around and it will get a solid heart but then two percent length was holding up the rear but when it does fire it comes in solid so this is a bit of a toss-up but I'm gonna have to assign this one to e3 purple because it fired first before Lambton ADA did even though lengthen it he came and stronger when it did fire I can go back and review that if you want to decide for yourself now on the right here we've got our settings once again this is what we're burning out we're gonna burn for an entire minute here and I'm gonna you know I took a while to focus and look at this footage here you can go back and check it out again if you'd like but I'm studying a few different things here primarily I'm looking at the size of the cone the focus of the cone and things like this how soon it develops it's it's ball basically so the pink was the first one to actually really get its ball after the purple did and it did quiver a little bit which was a little strange but at least it happened early on because if it doesn't happen early on it's gonna kind of mess up your weld about midway through so we're probably about 30 seconds into this burn right now and q4 is finally starting to come around it got a little quivery you know and then finally our 2% latha nated it's gonna get a nice little flat spot here which was a little weird to see especially close to the end of the burn so at almost a full minute it's finally starting to deform and you know make its shape but after the burn is up let's take a look at all these pieces here super close up and you probably wouldn't even see half of this stuff to the naked eye which is really fascinating to look at it but you can see some of them are lopsided some of them form nice this one here has a tail so we'll just kind of take a look at everything we got here here's our colors just as they burned pink obviously is well that's some pretty super deformed even though it was relatively focused I personally thought purple was the most focus but it is a little lopsided there and that was most likely from the backside of the camera angle where we couldn't see two percent lanthanides blue nice and good formation of the tungsten there and it was very focused the entire way through our q4 it's a little bit lopsided and of course our gray has a tail so out of all of this reviewing the footage and now reviewing the results of the tungsten after we pull them I'm going to assign the most stability or the best of stability out of that arc and this is a very very tough decision but once again based on the footage and the final result here I'm gonna give the best stability to our 2% lengthen aided blue at 30 70 balanced to 60 Hertz and 125 amps now on to test number two the only thing we're gonna change up here is the AC balance we're going to run this at 5050 so setting up the machine to 50% everything else will stay exactly the same now since we mentioned earlier 50% AC balance is going to ball the tungsten so this is what we call the ball test we're gonna line them all up the exact same way and check out these arc starts now all of them right off the get-go they're all kind of struggling to find their spot and that's kind of normal but at 0.1 3 seconds we finally got our 2% blends both gray and blue fired but very violent when q4 came in nice and tight finally the pink at 2/10 of a second fired right in nice and refined III was pulling up the rear but when it finally did fire at three tenths of a second here it was pretty violent so out of all this you see them focus and refinement out of all of them pink was the one that seemed to hold it the best out of all of it so the best arc start on this one is going to the pink side so let's run another burn on these go throw another full minute you see some of these cones some of these arcs they're relatively violent some of them they're obviously a little less stable than the 30% balanced version of it but all of them formed their ball relatively fast which is good bit of fluttering but the biggest thing I'm paying attention to here is the cones where as you see the top three here that we highlighted they're all projecting right and they're all starting to wander just a little bit which is a pretty difficult to weld with that we were for the most stability that we can get out of it so now it's down to the e3 purple and our multi bigs pink which our purple side has a really nice tight art Kohn on it when you compare it to the pink side it's just a little bit smaller it's got a bit more focus on it and of course we're gonna pay attention to the stability of the cone and how many times it's gonna flutter and flicker and all the rest and stuff and I'm also paying attention with a burn back now if you notice they all started with the same height but the purple is still sticking out a little bit while the pink burned to back up so it really boiled it down to here which one of these fluttered less and kept its stability now counting all of that pink was the winner in that one in my opinion because it had the most stability despite the fact that it burned back more now I initially forgot to shoot the resetting of all of the tungsten now what that basically means is I dropped every single one of them back down after they burned back I reset every single one of them to the proper eight inch height for that we're running four on this test now since this is such a sensitive topic you get to watch me talk about this and tell of you about it because I don't want somebody going back and picking the video apart be like you cheated on the tungsten test or something like that yeah me know how it goes right it's YouTube ha so check this out here we go everything's been reset all at the 8th inch height let's watch these arc starts and see which one of these is the most stable about 50/50 balance all right now get ready because this one is gonna be left up to you now I know I did all of the review and analyzing and everything like that so now it's your turn so we're gonna fire these up in slow motion and you're gonna be the one who tells me which one is the best one here we go very interesting now up top here you're gonna see this little pop-up here that's a pole that's for you to vote on which one you think is the best arc start you can also comment below I know I have a pretty good idea of which one I'm gonna say but I'm not gonna say it so here's what we need to look at everything that we were looking at before stability of the arc direction of the arc focus of the arc all the rest of that good stuff and well you know maybe we'll pay attention to some of the burn back some of the fluttering some the quivering you know I can see there's a couple issues with the gray with the green blue-purple pretty good Pink's pretty much solid so we're just gonna run these ones out here and you can tell me which one you think is the best as soon as these soon as these ones wrap up getting doing that burn here [Music] definitely interesting results now here we go again another poll it's gonna pop up here that's where you get to vote on which one is the best most stable arc at 50/50 balance and you can also drop a comment below you want to join the conversation so there's you some results hopefully that satisfies you just a wee bit more than the first one and you know if I really have to go back and revisit this again I will go over it and talk about how to sharpen and I'll bryggen you know go over all the arc starts and all the rest of that stuff again and maybe I'll actually wire a machine into my CNC machine to actually make all this happen and I'll see which one actually welds better I mean maybe if you guys actually want to see that I mean we'll find out who watches these videos all the way through to the end right ha all right so here we go you're probably not gonna switch your tungsten based on this results maybe you will maybe you'll find out that there's a better one for you maybe you'll find out that there is maybe a lesser one for you maybe you find out the one you were using was not so good or maybe you're not gonna change at all I have no idea but either way there's some straight-up no you know preference completely unbiased results and there's the ones that made it through so take that as you will anyway I want to thank you guys for watching as always don't forget to subscribe to the fabrication Series YouTube channel for more really awesome content and yes if I have to revisit this one again I'll revisit this one again all right we'll see you guys on the next episode make sure you check the description of the links and all the rest of that good stuff have a good one
Channel: The Fabrication Series
Views: 247,230
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: tungsten, best tungsten, tungsten for aluminum, tungsten for steel, which tungsten should I use, best tungsten for all metals., which tungsten is best, battle of the tungsten, head to head tungsten, Season 3, #TIGSimple, Welding videos, the fabrication series, the fabricator series, TFS, The Fabricator, #GetStrong
Id: g4_iBmK8mhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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