TF2 Bug Busters: Pyro Bugs

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[Music] if there's any class in TF2 that's kind of known for being buggy it'd be spy yeah it's spy but if there's a second one it's still spy I tricked you but uh pyro is definitely a contender and you can probably tell by the sheer length of this video that there are a lot of documented pyro bugs more than any other class even more than a spy though I would probably argue that spy bugs are overall bigger and more potentially detrimental to the class as a whole but in terms of numbers pyro easily wins and had I made this prior to Jungle Inferno this video would be even longer pyro was an absolute mess of a class before that they're far from perfect now but at least we don't have to worry about the flamethrowers range being determined by connection to the server and that was a real thing but all right all right enough stalling we've got a lot of bugs to get to in my uh 4-Hour video essay on the philosophy of pyro bugs or something so okay let's go but wait how about a little bit more stalling how about this weather have you heard about the game awards winner for best mobile game honai Star rail it's got a new update with new maps and events wow you can even swap between mobile PC or PlayStation 5 if you want to play at home or or on the go or in your bed at home because you don't feel like getting up and this update adds two new limited five-star characters Ron May a ice type support character with the ability to increase speed and break effects and Dr ratio yes that is his real name you better hope he doesn't reply to you on Twitter Dr ratio is an imaginary type character that gains Buffs based on the debuffs of his enemies all that along with a brand new story with a brand new space station map and if you log into hunai star Whale by January 17th 2024 you'll receive Dr ratio this is going to be the first time they're giving out a limited five-star character and you can use my link here to download the game and also use this redemption code to receive 50 Stellar Jade so uh check it out our first pyro bug is going to say that the swing animation on third person for pyro is using an all-class melee weapon is delayed causing the melee hit to register way before the animation is actually over so with multiclass melee weapons like the pan there is in fact a very noticeable delay between when the Pan actually hits me and when it visually looks like it should I mean let's pause it cuz this is the frame where I actually got hit and it looks like the Pyro barely even started the swing animation so that is a pretty big delay and for our next general pyro bug it says that many times after using the flamethrower and quickly switching weapons flame particles will appear to shoot out of the flamethrower these Flames don't damage players and don't consume ammo so this bug has been on the wiki since before the jungle Inferno update in 2017 and that update did overhaul a lot of things about how Flames work so I don't think I was able to fully recreate exactly what this bug was talking about but I did find that if you tap the fire button and then immediately switch weapons you will shoot out what is essentially an invisible puff of fire that also won't getum ammo but will damage players here's how it looks with the flamethrower hitbox debug on showing that if you switch right away a few flame particles will come out but they won't actually be visualized as fire and you actually won't see the Fire come out from third person either it does require a little bit of precise timing and you can't get a ton of damage out of this but it does have a little bit of practical use you get some damage out of the flamethrower without actually using any ammo but as for the original bug I guess it's kind of busted I mean these Flames are invisible and they do deal damage as opposed to being visible and not dealing damage so it's like the exact opposite and I guess we could call that busted afterburn in general even has its own section for bugs with the first one claiming that a burning player will cease to take damage if the enemy who inflicted afterburn changes teams but will visually remain on fire for the default duration and this one is also true if the person who set you on fire changes teams you will immediately stop taking damage but the fire visual effect will still be there until it would have stopped normally the next bug says that being set on fire and then switching to another team will cause the HUD afterburn effect to remain there until the player disconnects but the player will not say fire related responses or receive damage and this one is not true switching teams while you're on fire will not keep the afterburn screen effect and that even sounds like it would be a really old bug so in this case it's just no longer true afterburn from the dragon's Fury does not reduce direct medigun healing or resist Shield Effects by 20% so uh the dragon fury description never actually mentions it has these effects on many guns but I guess the idea here is that if it's a stock ability and the dragon fur lacks that it should be listed but for example for something like the vaccinator the flamethrower afterburn will reduce the shield Effectiveness from 70% to 60% but with the dragon's Fury's afterburn it will keep its full Effectiveness and hey what do you know Air Blast also has its own unique section for bugs and the first Air Blast bug says that reflected grenades Sentry rockets and Detonator flares all incorrectly inflict 85 to 170 self damage so normally rolling grenades lose a lot of their damage once they touch the ground right but if you Air Blast a rolling grenade it becomes even more lethal than a direct hit but only to you for some reason the damage increases dramatically to the point where I'm surprised I've never actually noticed this in an actual match and the same thing applies to Sentry Rockets too for example from this range the rocket normally did 64 damage but when I reflected it to myself it did 107 it's actually pretty tricky to pull off but this does apply to the Detonator as well also something I find interesting is that the Detonator could still be detonated by the Pyro who fired it even after it's been air blasted so it'll change colors but the original pyro will still be the one who gets detonate I'm not sure if that's a bug but it does feel off but anyway what's even weirder about the original bug is that while Air Blast from the dragon's Fury will also increase the self damage from these projectiles it's significantly less than the other flamethrowers which is very strange but it's all true refle flected flares from The Scorch shot do not inflict radius damage upon hitting a non-player surface so here a Scorch shots explosion would be able to hit this heavy from this angle but a reflected one will not because a reflected scor shot's flare just doesn't explode at all even though the Pyro is credited for any kills given by a deflected sticky bomb that the dman detonates including the dman himself this has no effect on the domination counter if the dman is not yet dominating the Pyro however if the dman is dominating the pyro a Kill from deflected sticky bombs will reset the counter this is worded way more complicatedly than it really needs to be and not all of it is true pyro isn't credited for their teammates being blown up by air blasted stickies like the bug seems to imply I don't know if that used to be the case but it's not now however pyro is credited for air blasting stickies and having the dman blow himself up though this can never lead to a Domination by the Pyro it doesn't matter how many reflect sticky kills you get it won't ever dominate but if the dman is dominating you you can get revenge that way so most of this is true headshots with deflected arrows use the kill icon of normal head shots as opposed to that of an arrow headshot now this is what a headshot icon from an arrow normally looks like and then this was an intentional demonstration I would never miss time an Air Blast but here you can see a reflected Arrow Head shot will still use the normal sniper rifle headshot kill icon enemies killed with reflected rocket launcher Rockets do not increase kill streak or strange counters this is half true and half not true reflected rocket kills will increase strange counters my flamethrower starts at 456 then after this reflex kill it goes to 457 but my kill streak didn't go up despite this also being a killstreak flamethrower however when the soldier himself is carrying a killstreak rocket launcher it will increase the kill count I've always wondered about this because this is actually something I come across fairly frequently though reflecting seemingly any other kind of pro will always counter the flamethrower killstreak regardless but also if that soldier with a killstreak rocket launcher happens to be on a kill streak when you reflect his rocket the kill feed will actually act as if you'd continued it here going from a kill streak of four to the feed showing five even though the soldier had just died your kill streak will still only go up by one though when using the Air Blast enemies directly behind pyro may be pushed away at certain angles yeah the Air Blast hit box is infamously pretty massive and you really don't have to try very hard for it to push people away who are behind you all you really have to do is look up or look down you do have to basically be inside the Pyro back for this to happen so I can't imagine it coming into play very much in an actual match but it is easy to do if you're purposely trying to set it up reflected rockets and grenades ignore the original weapon Splash radius attribute this means that a reflected Direct Hit rocket or anything with a smaller explosion will have its normal Splash radius which is actually pretty nice for the Pyro this also Al applies to the explosion penalty of things like the Lock and Load too but if the reflected grenade does hit a surface it will still shatter like normal well now that we've got Air Blast bugs out of the way maybe we could do something a little bit less buggy like the flamethrower oh yeah like I said though the flamethrower was way worse in the past like maybe one of the buggiest weapons in the game so it's not as bad as it used to be but it's far from perfect we still have plenty of bugs like the first one that says that the flamethrower medig gun heal and resist reduction is not actually 20% as stated in the patch noes healing is reduced by 50% with any of the medig guns and by 100% 100% And 75% with level 1 2 and three dispensers respectively and this has been a weird stat since it was first introduced in meor match originally it was supposed to be that direct damage reduced medigun healing by 25% then jungle Inferno made it so that just after burn applies its effect but for 20% instead the thing is it's never been 25% or 20% okay for the shield reduction it is but never for the healing as far as I'm aware this has always straight up haved medigun healing I'm not sure why they'd be so specific about changing the percentages for it to not change at all unless they meant it as like reduces medigun healing in general and also resist Shield Effects by 20% as like a separate thing but hey it is what it is and it's it's 50% though it was never mentioned in the patch notes that this does also have an effect on dispensers dispensers will still reduce your burn time so that's good but yeah they won't heal you at all if they're a level one or a level two level three dispensers will heal you but at a 75% reduced rate and conceptually I'm actually pretty okay with the idea of large healing reductions from afterburn though a big part of me does also wonder how much this was intentionally set up this way at Point Blank damage ramp up takes longer to reach his maximum damage taking up to 2 seconds this can be mitigated by looking a bit downward while attacking uh yeah I mean looking at this side by side you'll see that looking downward will reach over 100 DPS much faster it's in about half the time is looking forward so if you're that close make sure to look down when damage ramp up on any Target Begins the first particle always deals maximum damage so Flames have a type of ramp up that to my knowledge is based on how frequently the target is being hit by fire in a certain time frame and that ramp up will reset when you miss but apparently the first fire particle will always start at that maximum ramp up and when we slow this down we can see that the very first particle here deals eight damage when the following particles only increase the damage by three so it's true and it's a very minorly beneficial bug the flamethrower can be inspected while being fired if you're already inspecting your flamethrower and then start firing it it will cancel the inspect animation but if you're firing it first and then start inspecting it you can inspect it and burn people at the same time Slaughter your enemies while admiring the beauty of your war paint I don't have a war paint but if I did I would I'd be admiring it and this does work with all of Pyro's primaries except for the dragon's Fury while deployed the flamethrower emits a constant gas noise upon using a compression blast this noise stops completely and does not resume until firing Flames or switching weapons the noise itself is very quiet and can be a bit hard to hear due to just ambient noise in general but if we go to a completely silent map like the this box art map you can definitely hear it but like the bug says Air Blast will stop the noise until you fire again or switch weapons take a listen Flames can shoot over long distances if the Pyro is using the Detonator or the scor shot to build up speed and is stuck inside a map surface or object object huh that's interesting this is actually one of the few bugs that has a link to proof with a video by some guy named Grandpa swo demonstrating it sounds like a nerd but uh in that video he does show that if you get stuck inside a map like when the sign comes up on badwater you're still able to increase your velocity by repeatedly hitting yourself with a Detonator and doing so will continuously increase your flamethrower reach allowing it to hit crazy far away if you actually had something to hit and the map wasn't blocking you you could probably get pretty much infinite range this way and Visually from the opponent's perspective the Flames actually don't look like they're being stretched but from the perspective of the person doing it you could straight up see how far they actually go I guess you could hypothetically use this for some kind of exploit Shenanigans but you're also literally stuck inside a wall so uh who really cares the Degreaser attributes minus 66% afterburn damage penalty is incorrect as it actually deal 75% less after bur damage when compared to the flamethrower this is because the jungle Inferno update increased the default afterburn damage from 3 to 4 but the attribute did not get updated rather than the damage penalty cleanly reducing three down to one pre jungle Inferno it now goes from 4 to 1.36 which still rounds down to one so it's actually not a 75% damage penalty and you can see that with mini crit afterburn from the Degreaser because that does deal two damage where if it actually was a 75% damage penalty mini crits still wouldn't round up to two I guess you could argue that maybe this was intentional specifically for mini could after burn but more likely than not valve probably just forgot to change it and it's not like it really matters either way but yeah the damage penalty is still 66% the attribute minus 66% afterburn damage penalty also applies to any reflected projectiles afterburn such as the flare gun despite it normally dealing full afterburn damage and yes it does a reflected Flare's afterburn damage will be reduced from 4 to 1 if it's deflected by the Degreaser but I also immediately notice something else they reflected after after burn duration seemed very short it was only like 4 seconds when flare guns normally burn for 7.5 I tested this with the flamethrower 2 and the after bur damage was normal but it still had the reduced duration and a reflected Flare from the dragon's Fury was reduced even further only having one tick of afterburn damage so it seems like flares all take on some attributes from the flamethrower that reflected them both in terms of afterburn damage but also duration though the dragon's Fury is supposed to burn for 2.5 seconds and it only burned for like half a second so I don't know how to explain that but uh overall the burn duration is going to be reduced no matter what now the flator despite being a pretty simple weapon stat-wise does actually have a lot of listed bugs and the first one says that after activating mof followed by switching classes the M glowing particle effect will be present when taunting though that is not true if you activate M and switch class and then taunt there will be no lingering effect m gained is not reduced to reflect damage resistance the fistor normally takes 300 fire damage to fill its meter so for example killing a full health sniper would normally only fill like a little over a third but killing a danger Shield sniper who resists fire will fill the M meter almost entirely and the same thing goes for a Dead Ringer spy and especially against the vaccinator medic but what I also found out that's not listed anywhere is that damage vulnerability also has an effect on this killing a full health heavy should always fill the meter because he has 300 health but killing a heavy who has vulnerability from the stake and the warrior Spirits won't fill the meter which is pretty interesting and again that's not listed anywhere so we discovered something new in some cases fire particles will still be in the air while activating M will also be crit boosted strange warding aside this has also been on the wiki for over a decade at this point and it does say in some cases so it might not be very common but I could never get this to happen happen the fire particles could be actively hitting another player when you taunt but they would never crit the flator and fire particles in general have gotten so many changes over the past 10 years that I would be pretty comfortable in saying that this one probably doesn't happen anymore and as far as I'm aware there's never been any proof that it ever happened so I'm okay calling it busted if m is activated and the round changes the effect will continue until the moof bar is depleted if you activate moof right before the next round is supposed to start it won't continue until the next round it just stops like it probably should if the player is switched to the enemy team and the round ends with full Mo the charge particle effect in the client view will still be the old team's color and it is for like a split second it evaporates pretty much immediately and when you get M back again it is the right color so I mean this one is true for like an extremely brief period I guess using an action slot taunt with full mom will cause a Charged particle effect to disappear and it does when you have that crit effect thingy and you do another taunt the effect will disappear but it will come right back as soon as you switch weapons if the player activates M with this weapon and then switches to another primary weapon via resp or another method the new weapon will retain the remaining crit boost gain from moom this does also work with the soda popper and the hitman's heatmaker and it will work with the Fator too you can activate your M then immediately pick up a flamethrower off the floor and you'll have both crits and the ability to Air Blast once the crits would normally end it will still end but that is pretty cool and this can also be done with the resupply cabinet but that's less fun if the Pyro activates M and I feel like I've said M like 37 times now and receives any sort of knockback the taunt will be interrupted but not its invulnerability this is because the invulnerable effect is set to a number of seconds as opposed to to when the taunt finishes so the flator is supposed to give you knockback immunity when you're taunting to prevent this exact type of thing from happening and most of the time it works as intended no matter how many times I tried to get this to fail it wouldn't fail but I also know for a fact that this can happen I've seen it happen I've seen it happen semi- recently but I just don't know what causes it to happen though the original bug description would make it seem like it happens easily from any type of knockback but that part isn't the case the dragon's Furious projectile can go through thin walls such as setup Gates when fired at the correct angle I find that this wall on Pipeline is a good place to test these things out because it seems like a lot of projectiles can go through it and the dragon Furious projectile can do it too though I couldn't easily get it to go through setup Gates the attribute deals 300% damage to burning players is incorrect the damage bonus applies to buildings and other non-player Targets this is because the base damage of the weapon is 75 and the damage is reduced against non-b burning players and I mean yeah the dragon fury does deal 75 to buildings and stuff like that though I feel like maybe in this particular case they might have worded it that way in the description because it was maybe a little bit more intuitive for it deal more damage against burning players rather than less damage to non- burning ones so possibly not a bug but it is true either way when killed SL killing via reflecting the weapon projectile this weapon shows a reflected rocket kill icon in the kill feed and win getting a reflect kill with the fireball it will in fact show a reflected rocket icon the fireball projectile can become harmless by colliding with certain projectiles specifically Rockets needles Huntsman arrows rescue Ranger bolts flares and the fireball spell but this was actually fixed a few years ago so luckily it doesn't happen anymore but if you're curious as to what it looked like I actually did demonstrate this in a video quite a while back uh syringes in particular just absolutely disintegrated your Fireball which was kind of sad but uh now it's fixed when equipping another primary weapon after equipping the dragon's Fury and touching a re cabinet a pressure meter will appear on the bottom right corner and I remember noticing this pretty soon after the dragon's Fury first came out a pressure meter will show up when you switch weapons though I don't think going from Loadout a with the flamethrower to Loadout B with the dragon SP will do it I'm pretty sure it's just if you switch weapons in the same load out and then touch the cabinet but it does show up and I actually kind of wish the dragon fury had a functional pressure meter to begin with I think it' make it easier to know how soon you could Air Blast again and I have to imagine at one point it was going to have a functional pressure meter but obviously it was scrapped at some point along the way when CL flip view models 1 is enabled the primary fire still comes from the right side in the worldview so when you flip your view models projectiles will literally come from the left side of the screen and that can make a difference when you're flying around a corner or something like that but in the world viiew they will also come from the left side of your character's body however for the dragon's Fury this this isn't the case they don't come from the left side even in first person with the flip view models it still kind of looks like they're coming from the right side so for the dragon's Fury it seems like flipping the few models doesn't make a difference at all the dragon spher projectile can collide with certain invisible map elements that it's supposed to pass through effectively making the projectile disappear into thin air in some map locations if you remember the soldier Bugs video This is actually the exact same problem that the righteous bison had in some very specific locations the projectile just kind of stops functioning the fireball only collides with enemies when you're basically touching them this bug mentions practically all of Watchtower as an example and the dragon's Fury in the Bison basically cannot be used on this map it's I mean it's that bad you're playing on Ultra hard mode if you're trying to kill someone with the dragon's Fury here and it does also list the stairs leading up to the top Tower in high tower as an example but as far as I can tell the dragon fury works fine on this map I don't know if it means these stairs these stairs or these ramps but it did work on all of them but obviously some other maps and some other locations aren't as lucky the flare gun can self damage the user if shot at the wall and extremely close proximity under a very specific angle in such case it deals up to 25 damage if the user dies because of this the kill icon will be that of the Detonator and ever since I learned about this a few years ago I kind of just do it when I'm messing around during setup time once you get the right angle it becomes very easy to replicate all you have to do is stand right next to a wall and at this angle for some reason you could damage yourself with a normal flare gun and if you do kill yourself it will in fact be the Detonator icon and this does also work with the manmelter as well I have no clue if there's any kind of practical use to this like I don't know if you could use that damage for momentum or anything but uh if you feel like killing yourself with a weapon that you normally couldn't kill yourself with well the this is the bug for you go get them tiger being affected by the Detonator explosion will remove the visual effect of geran bleeding from the user screen and yes it does screen effects like the yellow tint from gerat and the red tint from bleeding will be removed by The Detonator explosion this applies both to yourself and to enemies hit by the detonation when an enemy is hit with a detonated flare the blood particles will come from where a flare detonated instead of the player this is very subtle and can easily be misidentified as part of the actual explosion but yeah blood will spray from the explosion itself rather than from the person being hit firing the Detonator underwater will not fire any flares or waste any ammo but will immediately play the sound of a flare impacting a surface with no effect and this one is also true and can actually even be heard from the perspective of other players as well reload speed upgrades in man vers machine place the loaded flare outside of the Detonator model and this last Detonator bug is also true kind of when you increase your reload speed in Man versus machine you'll notice that a flare model will very briefly become visibly stuck to the bottom of the gun I think it might just be that the projectile from the reload animation is lingering around just a little bit longer than it should be and despite only being listed on the Detonator page this actually applies to the flare gun in The Scorch shot as well when the man melter projectile is reflected it's reflected as a flare so the man melter normally launches a flare with a very fancy laser particle effect but once it's reflected it will still just look like a normal flare the critical hits counter does not show when the active weapon is not the manmelter and yeah the crit counter is only shown when the man melter is actually out which I mean doesn't necessarily sound like a bug but weapons with similar gimmicks like the frontier Justice and the Diamond Back do always have their counter visible at all times which would make it seem like the man melter should as well firing at least one time will cause the weapon to not fully go back to its resting position well I don't know about firing once but I guess because the manmelter has no reload animation when you fire the manmelter and continue to hold down the fire button you'll have your arms pulled back slightly further until you let go once you release the fire button completely your arms will go back to the default resting position while holding down the alt fire after having saved up charges trying to fire while still holding the alt fire will instantly deplete the man melter of all its saved charges and the crit counter will reset to zero the weapon does not actually fire anything while this happens Happ s so I actually used the man melter a decent amount probably more than most people would and this kind of blew my mind I mean it doesn't matter how many crits you have stored if you're touching the right click when you try to fire you'll just you'll just lose all of it and it's not even just a visual bug on the HUD your crit count will just straight up reset to zero you lose all of it that's terrible luckily I've never done this by accident but if you do that sucks literally cuz like it sucks in air that's kind of the gimmick you you get the joke I don't have to explain it to you if a friendly pyro is inflicted by afterburn from the gas passer and the Pyro extinguishes the friendly pyro they receive points in health but not a stor critical and this is partly true if you extinguish a friendly pyro that's burning from the gaspasser you won't receive a crit and you also won't receive Health the exact same thing actually happens if a friendly Soldier ignites himself with the cow Mangler too and I'm pretty sure this is due to an old exploit fix that used to let you farm crits off of a friendly pyro that was damaging themselves with the Detonator which would make sense why it wouldn't work with the cow Angler but I'm not really sure why it wouldn't work with the gas passer because for that one it's coming from an enemy so that's kind of strange but yeah you can't get a crit that way if the player taunts with the scor shot and is moved the projectile will still fire from its original place and this doesn't seem to be true I mean General knockback will cancel the taunt so that doesn't really work and even if you're teleported mid taunt right as you're about to fire it won't fire from its original place so pretty sure that one's busted if the player fires the last flare and taunts the player will still be able to do the taunt kill the scored shot consumes One ammo when the taunt is used so hypothetically you shouldn't be able to do the taunt with zero ammo but if you fire your last flare and then taunt immediately afterwards you will still be able to fire a flare with that taunt despite having no ammo left firing a critical hit with a scor shot flare caused the following shots fired with the execution kill taunts to deal only critical hit damage of 59 instead of the full taunt damage of 400 this effect lasts indefinitely and is removed by dying switching class or sometimes by making normal attacks with the scor shot or other weapons in this instance I just get a random crit with a scor shot and then after that every crit I fire from the taunt becomes a crit that deals the standard crit damage and that includes that close range where it should normally be dealing taunt kill damage so uh this means that if you get a random crit and then after that you choose to only fire it from the the taunt kill you can get crit Scorch shot flares indefinitely though as far as I could tell just firing a normal shot afterwards would always seem to fix this now in terms of sheer number of listed bugs I think the thermal Thruster has everything else for pyro beat and it actually might have more documented bugs than anything else we've covered in this series so far I mean a lot of them are minor so I probably wouldn't call it the buggiest weapon overall or anything like that but I do think it's worth noting and uh for example the first one says that despite with description suggests the Pyro can launch backwards by using the charge while moving backwards and uh yeah you could just jetpack jump backwards if you want to despite the description saying that it launches the Pyro in the direction they're aiming this is beneficial to the thermal Thruster and honestly if it's a bug I wouldn't want it fixed the thermal Thruster is always deactivated in the loadout menu whether or not the animation is playing normally the thrusters on the thermal Thruster should always be out when it's the active weapon but in the loadout menu they're or not when the player has models enabled in the HUD the thermal Thruster will appear as red regardless of the team and this has bugged me for 6 years when the player dies with a thermal Thruster equipped the player will still have it on their back and there will also be another one dropped that can be picked up when you die with the thermal Thruster equipped and active you will miraculously spawn an extra jetpack that could be picked up while still also having that one attached to your back again this we has a lot of bugs but most are super minor sometimes the thermal Thruster will not appear on other players who have it equipped I find that this is particularly true for players who picked up the thermal Thruster off the ground in that case it seems to not show up more often than not the thermal Thruster may disappear on disguise spies and again it seems to almost never show up on disguise spies even if the Spy pretends to have it active the Pyro will be holding holding their hands like they have the thermal Thruster but there will be nothing on their back despite the April 12th 2018 patch fixing an issue with the thermal thrusters animation if the Pyro switches weapons when falling from a high place the Pyro will be in a reference pose until they reach the ground that update added a neat little stomp animation when the Pyro Falls from far enough after doing a blast jump the problem is that if you switch off the thermal Thruster at any point during that animation the P will a pose until you hit the ground if the Pyro dies while the thermal Thruster is active it'll still appear in its activated animation despite the Pyro holding a different weapon and yeah if you die with it active the thrusters will stay out when you respawn even if you have your primary or melee active it's only a visual thing though and it can be fixed just by switching back to the thermal Thruster again if a pyro picks up a weapon while a thermal Thruster is active some of its attributes will be retained letting the player take less fall damage and giving them the ability to stomp on players by by landing on them okay it's important to note that this doesn't just happen by picking up another secondary with the Thruster active if you just do that then the attributes won't carry over you have to pick up another secondary during the actual jump and if you do it correctly then yes the reduced fall damage and the stop mechanics will carry over though what they don't tell you is that if you do this it comes to the drawback of hearing the flying sound constantly the whole time and that'll probably be enough to annoy you into not doing it but what's funny is that if a quick fix medic at any point heals a thermal Thruster py when they blast jump the same effect will apply to that medic permanently until they die and that's a pretty fun bug if a pyro uses a charge while above water the charge animation and the swimming animation will play at the same time while the powery is moving but from what I've seen the swimming animation doesn't play at all instead you're just constantly bombing up and down while doing the flying animation I mean to me it doesn't seem like the Pyro was doing any kind of swimming animation it's not kicking its legs or doing anything associated with swimming so uh there's a bug there but it's just not really as described upon taunting with a thermal Thruster the Pyro's default oxygen tank appears while the animation plays out causing clipping with the weapon and disappears once the animation ends yeah the tank on Pyro's back will magically come back as soon as you start the thermal Thruster taunt it's still mostly covered up so I actually never noticed it until now but uh it's definitely there if you get stunned at the same time you activate the thermal Thruster you'll be unable to move for the duration of the stun this was actually a bit tricky to pull off the first time I tried it I jumped right as I was scared by The Ghost and I was able to move around just fine but the second time with seemingly the exact same general setup I jump right as I was scared and I was locked into place when I landed so that's strange but it definitely can happen being soaked by the gas pter then jumping with the rocket jumper or the sticky jumper will will still light the user on fire this is true and apparently according to the bug description is due to the gas effects triggering based on what the game considers taking a hit which includes things like harmless explosions and fall damage the gas passer does not appear when inspected from the backpack menu and no no it does not also to get this out of the way now neither does the hot hand the gas passer can be thrown through any wall given the players is close enough at first I thought this just meant that the gas effect would go through walls which it can but no you could also just straight up Chuck the entire can through some walls but also the gas cloud effect itself will seemingly go through any wall and that includes spawn doors too so uh you could cover enemies in gas while they're still in spawn if you really want to the gas bter on the hands of the player while in third person will constantly go up and down while said player is currently moving but it doesn't doesn't seem to the only thing close to this I could find is that when you stop moving the gas can will do this little Bob not really sure why it does that but it will only do it once and only when you stop moving when you're running around though everything looks fine when reflected by an enemy pyro boosted by the crit grig the gas bass's color will not change see uh the thing here is that it it does change if you're crit boosted and reflect a gas passer the the color changes like it should and even if you reflect a crit boosted gas passer it also still changes color so uh yeah a sniper wearing the Darwin's danger Shield cannot be ignited by the gas passer and a danger Shield sniper will not be ignited by the gas passer and neither will a spical spy but uh here's the thing why should they be maybe conceptually it seems like maybe they should be but the gas baster description never mentions being able to bypass afterburn immunity all it says is that it could ignite pyros so I don't think there's any reason to think this is a bug at all finally on to melee weapons and the back scratchers one bug says that the Crusader crossbow is unaffected by the stat minus 75% Health from healers on wearer unlike things like The Equalizer or the Escape Plan the crossbow will still heal its full amount to a back scratcher pyro which of course is beneficial to the Pyro but uh I'm not really a fan of that I I kind of like it when downsides work as they're intended to the third degree also has one bug that says that if a player getting healed by the amputator healing taunt gets hit by the third degree the medic will as well and if you watch the pyrx damage video then you know that we were able to use that to good effect there but uh despite not literally being a medigun beam the amputator taunt has the same effect on the third degree allowing the medic to be hit if any of the people he's healing are hit though it is worth noting that if the medic is the one hit the third degree won't transfer to the people he's healing with the amputator and the hot hands despite being an incredibly simple weapon actually has the most bugs of any of Pyro's melee weapons including this weird bug that was both introduced and fixed during the making of this video when this year smithsmith update happened they somehow made it so Pyro's default glove was clipping through the hot hand and this was fixed not long after that but I also happened to have recorded a lot of the gameplay for this video in that window so I captured a little time capsule here for that week when the hot hand looked like a absolute mess that's kind of cool right I don't think many people notice this because uh who uses the hotand but the hot hand's first documentary bug claims that the attribute minus 20% damage penalty is incorrect the damage penalty is- 57% per slap or- 14% if both slaps hit yeah the hot hand is a very weird weapon because every attack swings twice and those slaps will only deal 28 damage which is 57% less than the fire ax damage of 65 and if you combine both slaps damage into one it would be 56 which is 14% less than 65 and still not the 20% damage penalty the description says it is though it would be a 20% damage penalty off of Scouts melee base damage of 35 and that does kind of Swing faster too so maybe it uses that as a base not really sure why it would but it would kind of make sense if the player assists a slap kill the kill icon will not be highlighted in the kill feed like other kills and assists and this is the exact same bug we saw with the holy mackerel in the Scout video while I am still credited for the assist here when he's killed by a slap the kill notice won't be highlighted like it normally should be taunt kills with a hot hand will announce a slap kill in the second kill feed and they sure do that's not a slap kill the hot hands view model is not affected by the use minimized view models option and minimized view models do not have an effect on the hot hand upon selecting the hot hand on Pyro's Loadout menu and then switching back to another melee weapon that's for all classes the right hand will be elevated more than normal when holding the other weapon this is because the right arm is slightly more elevated when using the hot hand however the game doesn't return to the proper right hand position after going back to an all-class melee weapon this only happens in the loadout menu and is incredibly subtle to the point where I'm surprised anybody NOS at all here's pyro holding an allass melee weapon now here's pyro with the hot hand equipped now here's pyro holding an allass melee weapon after having the hot hand equipped Pyro's hand is ever so slightly higher scandalous it's a lot easier to notice in editing when they have these back to back with each other but when you're actually switching weapons I'm genuinely surprised anybody noticed so uh Kudos whoever found that first the glove won't appear on a Pyro's hand after death and the hot hand will disappear when the Pyro dies with it active it's one of those few weapons that can't be picked up off the ground during Halloween events the Thriller taunt has a chance to replace the hadoken taunt when it does not normally replace taunt kills so uh apparently Thriller isn't supposed to replace taunt kills during Halloween there's supposed to be a 40% chance that every time you taunt it ends up being the Thriller and when you have the hot hand out it still has a chance to become the Thriller taunt but I also got that with the shotgun which has the same taunt kill and uh I did try this out a few more times I I couldn't get the Thriller with the thermal Thruster or with a flare gun or with the Sandman but I could get it with heavy fists and I could get it with a spice knife so uh you know what I really don't know for this one it seems like Thriller can replace taunt kills sometimes for for some weapons okay we've we finally made it we're in the home stretch it's been a long road but we we made it to the Pyro achievement bugs and the first one claims that the pyromancer achievement does not show progress if viewed through Steam that achievement is normally earned for dealing 1 million fire damage and that progress will not be shown if you do view it through Steam many Pyro achievements can be earned by using flaming Huntsman arrows and by the cow Mangler 5000 all right we tried this in Soldier bugs with the cow Mangler and we'll try it with the Huntsman here too so here's me trying to get baptism by fire for making 10 burning enemies jump into water and there's no progress there here's me trying to get cooking the books nothing there trying to get dance dan emulation I get a sniper achievement but I don't make any progress on the Pyro one I couldn't get got a light spontaneous combustion was also a no and at this point especially with no documented proof I'm pretty confident in saying this is both busted for the cow Mangler and the Huntsman the pyot Technics achievement can be earned through any invulnerability effects and not only from Uber charge the achievement pyrot Technics is normally earned for killing three enemies in a single Uber charge and this bug description does list spawn Uber effects and Capture the Flag crit boost as example of things that will trigger the achievement but here if I get three kills after capturing the flag I'll get the achievement campfire but I won't get pyrot Technics and if I killed these people during the man power Uber spawn effects I'll get weeny roast but still no pyrot Technics the arsonist achievement can be earned by destroying sappers with the home wrecker mul or neon Annihilator and arsonist is normally earned for destroying 50 engineer buildings and while sappers are also technically considered buildings the achievement does specify engineer buildings but yes either way it is true and finally our last pyro buug says that the attention getter achievement doesn't count pyros regardless of whether or not they've been covered by the gaspasser and does count snipers wearing the Darwin's danger Shield attention getter is normally earned for igniting 100 players with a flare gun and pyros will never count towards his achievement even if they're covered in gas and can be ignited but both danger Shield snipers and spicy spies will count towards the achievement despite not being ignited that's it that that's it it's over the longest video I've made so far about pyro bugs of all things I guess I'm not too surprised I mean pyro does have a lot of weapons and has always been known for being kind of wonky and you know what despite the sheer number of bugs here I don't think pyro came out as bad as I might have thought still very buggy but not what it used to be and hey that's a step up well we could be proud of pyro for being a semi functional class now but the last class for this main part of the series is going to be the engineer and that will also likely be a pretty long video with all of his buildings and everything like that so hey maybe engineer will give pyro a run for its money in terms of video length we'll have to wait and see but if you made it this far thanks for watching and a special thanks to my patrons like veric Captain Forex eggox Colonel probably vinegar konus Kelo the pirate pillman's fox some crazy idiot Azon she shells salt God Lavi taupe timec consuming man 344 Nolan 46 and melodi all right peace out dogs [Music]
Channel: SquimJim
Views: 137,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, TF2, Pyro, Bugs, Bug Buster, SquimJim, After Breakfast
Id: GxE1FLslMb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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