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Channel: TF Blade
Views: 516,274
Rating: 4.9076619 out of 5
Keywords: tf blades, tf blade, tfblade, challenger, top laner, league of legends pro, LoL, league, rank 1, LCS, LEC, best irelia, best jax, bet, 5k bet, rush, korea, C9 Rush, stream highlights, irelia god, insane irelia plays, season 10 ranked, irelia guide, league of legends, best moments, pentakill, lol highlights, outplays, montage, league of legends ranked 2020, season 10, TF Blade vs Rush, TF vs Rush, gaming, gifted subs, korea ranked, placement, placement matches, placements
Id: 1PVvuvm7VWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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