Texturing Characters in Substance Painter - Setting up the scene | Adobe Substance 3D

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[Music] so the first thing we're going to do after opening substance painter is set up our project I always like to make sure that I sport my model out of the 3d package as an FBX file so I assign a new material to ever mesh that I want to be on a separate map so we're going to create a new project and select our FBX file and we'll leave the document resolution at 1k for now we can always change that later and in their Maps we're going to choose our normal map this is something that might surprise you I don't actually bake my face normal map in any other software rather than ZBrush I feel like the ZBrush normal maps give me the nicest result on the faces it's not too harsh and also it doesn't have any problems around the mouth area and the eye area usually I find that with substance for example when I bake my normal map I get if the mouth is closed I get artifacts which can be cleaned quite easily if you search for it online you'll find tutorials on how to clean it but I just don't want to go through that hassle so now that we create a new project this is what we get directly at the beginning and the first thing you can notice is that the camera is not very flattering it's he looks a bit like a fish so we're going to change our camera setting and in the field of view we're going to put instead of the default 50 we're going to put 15 to make it look a bit more flat 50 is better for a full body character but for our head for a bust 15 to 20 is much better setting another thing is the lighting so by default when you open substance painter you get a panorama 3 panorama environment map which has color in it so it's basically a sky with a bit of ground and grass underneath it which gives the model a lot of blue and yellow tones which I don't want I want something a bit more neutral so I'm going to scroll down and find Tomoko studio I used to work with the studio 3 as well alone but I find Tomoko studio is slightly brighter and it's also very neutral it's black and white has a slight bit of color in it but not enough to affect my textures and it also has a nice top-down lighting now that we have this out of the way we can look at the texture settings so if you looked at your texture set list they there's basically a list of all the materials that you export it with your FBX file so as you can see I have a separate material for the head for the jewelry that he's wearing for the horns and for the eyes this way I can always hide the materials and make selections easier so now that we we are happy with this we can look at our texture settings and in the texture slots I'm going to put my normal map out of ZBrush and bake the rest of the maps based on that normal map so this is something else that I like to do I don't usually export the high res mesh out of ZBrush I just use my normal Market area created in ZBrush as a base for the other textures it may be controversial but it works I find it works very well and I have no problems with it I don't change any other settings I just let substance use default settings and bake my maps so now you can see all the other texture maps have been put in the respective slots and we'll use some of those map especially the curvature and the thickness map later on in the texturing process because I find they're very useful and give very nice results so this is the basic setup and now we're ready for texturing
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 92,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d art, 3d character art, Allegorithmic, Authoring, Games, Material, Offline, PBR, Paint, Painter, Physically based rendering, Real-time, Render, Sculpt, Substance, Substance Painter, VFX, animation, art, character artist, game art tutorial, game character art, hand painting, mapping, materials, painting, skin, texture, texture baking, textures, texturing, vfx tutorial, zbrush
Id: N-FwA4A0nks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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