texture paste techniques and recipe

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[Music] crass crazy hi I'm Donna from our craft crazy and today we're going to be making homemade texture paste this is really easy to make and what I use it for is to cover things like this I'm going to be doing a mixed-media design on this paintbrush container you need white glue I used PVA glue because it's all I have you need baby powder or talcum powder and white acrylic paint have some water on you need because it starts off a little bit thick and a jar now I'm moneymaking a quarter of a cup so I have only got a small jar and the last one I made was lasting me about four months they need a stirrer as well so start off by just pouring in your quarter of a cup of the talcum powder and put that in the jar [Music] now measure out your one tablespoon of white glue and add that to the talcum powder and measure out the white acrylic paint one tablespoon pop that in the mixture now I don't use a spoon of just using my bone folder here and just stir it up and you can see it's quite thick well it's quite thick to start off with and you can see why I don't use a spoon it is a really good tip to use your phone older cow got stirred all through just add a little bit of water at a time don't make it too thin because when you use it it'll just it's rather it be a texture it'll just run I do a demo in a minute and show you what it's like using it with a stencil see the coverage is reasonably good but I've done a second coat here and it covers it perfectly the background is gone you see how you can get effects here by you know you get texture effects just by dabbing in the paintbrush or you can pull it down and smooth it now don't worry about how rough it looks because when you use it for mixed-media like I'm going to do on this container it's going to get covered up or you're going to put a stencil over the top the whole idea of it is to be a texture now you can see here if you need to make an adjustment you are the add more powder or more water so you don't have to use a paintbrush to put it on whatever you do it you can use a credit card or one of those little things called oops I can't think of it pallet knife that's what I was looking for but anyway just I'm just showing you here if it's too thin it'll just blend back into itself and you won't get a lot of texture I'm just doing this for demonstration purposes I'm not going to leave this on my container so here's an idea I just used this stencil and put some paper flowers on it this is telecom wire third telephone I just pulled the wire out at the center you can use anything you like and this is what it looks like dried this is the second stencil technique for this container the smaller stencils work better the I have thick of this paste a little bit now I added a bit more powder so you'll know as you go along how quick you know if you do a little test there's you'll know if you need to add a bit more powder and thicken it you don't have to cover the whole stencil you can do just little bits like this and lift it straight up it's very effective the works really well and it's so cheaper to make this is a quite a large stencil and it works just as well if this was too thin this stencil would not work so you've got to have a reasonably thick texture paste same sort of thing just smooth it out with the pallet knife you'll notice at the top there I've got a bit of a line don't worry about that that all adds to the mixed-media look lift it straight up and this one turned out pretty good so you just set that up to dry I'll let mine air dry I don't rush it along with heat or anything it sometimes it'll crack if you do that so I'm pretty happy with the homemade product so there's three different stencils three entirely different looks you can grab the recipe from my website I'm Donna from our craft crazy thanks for watching and bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Junk Journal ideas
Views: 93,311
Rating: 4.9081583 out of 5
Keywords: texture paste techniques and recipe, texture paste technique, texture paste painting, texture paint ideas, texture paste art, texture paste technique art craft crazy, texture paste ideas art craft crazy, texture paste recipe art craft crazy, jennifer mcguire, embossing paste, stencils, cardmaking, art craft crazy, texture paste recipe, paper craft, DIY texture paste, junk journal ideas
Id: xfUBFK2vmdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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