Texture Painting in Blender 3 | Complete Starter Tutorial

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foreign [Music] and welcome back to my channel in this tutorial I want to show you everything that you need to know to get started with texture painting and blender now I'm really sorry I've been MIA for quite a while there's been some really big life changes that also mean that there's very little time for YouTube at the moment so my choices right now are either release a whole lot less content like one video every couple of months because I usually spend 20 to 40 hours editing every single video or release content that's a little bit more raw a little bit less edited so there's likely going to be a little bit more waffle in this tutorial just because I'm going to leave some stuff in to make the editing part a little bit easier however as always you will find timestamps to everything down in the video description so you can jump to anywhere in this tutorial that you might find interesting I'm going to try to cover all of the basics how to set up your models for texture painting how to use the brush tools how to use texture masks and stencils now we're going to talk a little bit about some of the common problems that you might encounter when you're just getting started with texture painting and blender now do note that I will assume that you are familiar with the basics of how blender works if you're just brand new to blender you've never really used the program before I've got a completely free beginner course on my website that you can go and check out link to that down in the video description it's about three hours of training and it takes you through all of the basics for blender and then this tutorial will show you how to do texture painting now because the format of this video is going to be slightly different a little bit less edited I'm really Keen for your feedback on whether you like this sort of content it just allows me to produce more content rather than you know a couple of videos every year so please leave all of your comments any questions and suggestions you have as well down below but now enough waffle let's jump into blender and finally get started here we are blender and just a note I'm currently using version 3.3 but most of the stuff I show you here should work in version 2.8 or later however there's been some changes to the workspaces and some of the UI throughout the month and years of blender development so make sure you have 3.3 or later you shouldn't have a problem following along now first and foremost if you are getting stuck like you can't paint or something doesn't quite work the way it does in this tutorial be sure to come up into your file defaults and make sure you select to load factory settings this will simply reset any brush masks or other settings that you might have enabled either deliberately or accidentally via shortcut key that might make this not work the same way I've got everything reset to default and for this tutorial we're going to use this Pokeball right here as always you'll be able to grab this file from our website and the download link to this will be down in the video description so you just grab that and you'll have this file right here now as you can see this Pokeball already has a couple of materials assigned to them and in my outliner you can see I actually have two objects I have the Pokeball itself and I have this Pokeball details object if I hide that for a second let's just release those little details that I've added on using a plugin called randomflow which I might make another tutorial and it's really cool you can add some really nice things to your model so just wanted to add a little bit more detail to make it look a little bit more interesting let's hide the Pokeball details for now and let's talk about how to actually paint textures onto your 3D models now in blender the easiest way to do texture painting is to use the texture painting workspace and you'll find that at the top bar here where you can right now on the layout workspace if you come over to the right hand side and select texture paint you're going to jump into the texture paint workspace over on the right hand side everything is gray at the moment and I also noticed that in the outliner can you see how this little paint brush icon is actually on my Pokeball details which is hidden you want to make sure that you actually click on this little dot next to the item you want to paint we want to paint the Pokeball because the Pokeball details is hidden so make sure that that brush is actually active on the object that you want to paint on the reason that happens is if you return to the layout workspace we have the Pokeball details selected so if you select the Pokeball details and with that object selected you go to texture paint blender will assume that you want to texture paint that particular object and that's the one that's enabled for painting but we want to paint on Pokeball so make sure that paint brush sits on that object and right now it shows as pink because we don't actually have any textures assigned per se now if you go to material preview or rendered view you can see there's materials however those materials don't have any textures any image data that you can actually paint into in fact with the Pokeball selected come into the material tab let's make this just a little bit bigger and I have three materials on this Pokeball right now one called Pokeball top you can see it's just a really simple principle bsdf with the red color Pokeball bottom which is gray and the Pokeball ring which is black but there are no image textures this is really just pretty plain materials so let's return to solid view make sure you're still in texture paint mode and that paint brush icon is on the Pokeball and if I now click and drag on this Pokeball to paint look at the bottom there's an error coming missing textures detected it's because well I don't have any textures assigned to any part of my 3D model that I could actually paint in the properties panel let's return to the tool settings and in here while you're in texture paint mode you actually have the options to Define how you want to paint so in here there's a number of texture slots and a mode which right now is set to material if you pop this open you can actually decide whether to paint onto a material on your 3D object I'd recommend always go with this one it's likely the one that you want so this allows you to paint on the base color the specularity the metallicness the roughness bump mapping you can paint individual layers of of your material onto your 3D model it's super useful if you select single image you actually can select a Target image you want to paint onto whether that image is assigned to a material somewhere in your scene is totally separate so I highly recommend material is much easier now let's select Pokeball top material right here and while this material doesn't have any texture so there's nothing for me to paint on however what I can do is under no textures I can click on plus and select base color so I'm now saying I want to add an image texture and I want that image texture to become the base color input on my Pokeball top material so let's click plus select the base color let's call this top base color width and height right now is 1024 by 1024 I recommend if you want more detail in your textures check this up I usually like to go with somewhere around 4000 do know that that does make your texture painting slower though now you can decide to enable alpha or not so it's going to have an alpha Channel I don't really need it because I'm not going to paint on transparency so let's disable that it just saves a little bit of memory you can generate a certain image to start off with I kind of want to start with blank but you can also generate a UV grip or a color grid so your image will have a texture like there'll be something in that image by default but let's just go with blank color yeah like some darkish red just what we'd expect the top of a Pokeball to be maybe just a little bit desaturated that all looks good let's hit OK and immediately you see that red color now shows in our texture painting workspace on the top of the Pokeball if you go back to the materials tab on this Pokeball top material you can now see that the base color here if you expand this actually comes from our top base color texture image that we've just defined so this texture image that we've defined now gets fettered to this material and therefore we can paint on it if you come over into the shading view or the shading workspace actually and you have this Pokeball top material selected you can now actually see how we've got this top base color image defined and that color flows into the base color of our principled bsdf so that's kind of the base setup that you essentially setting up through that texture workspace let's return to the texture paint workspace and on the left hand side let's zoom out by scrolling down on our Mouse wheel this is now actually our texture you can see that at the top here this selected the top base color texture that we've just created and over on the right hand side if you now click and drag you can actually now paint on this image and as you let go you can see that texture or that paint appearing on the left hand side you can also click and paint on the left side and that will reflect over on the your 3D model now there's two things that might happen the first one that's going to happen when using my tutorial file is that you're getting this weird mirrored effect now that might be what you want it's probably not the reason that is happening is because I use the mirror modifier when I created this 3D object but when you're downloading something from the internet your 3D object may not even have a UV map which means blender doesn't actually know how to map the 3D geometry of your model to a two-dimensional image so let's fake that for the moment let's undo this with Ctrl or command and z and by the way there's there's you know shortcut keys being Blended in the middle of the interface just in case like even though they show people still ask me hey what button are you pressing you should be able to see that at the bottom of the interface so let's undo that make sure you have the Pokemon selected come down here into the object and data properties expand UV maps in here you'll find the existing UV map on this Pokeball and let's delete it so that now deleted the UV map the texture has vanished because blender now doesn't know well how does this texture even map to this 3D object and if you come back into the tool settings click and draw you're going to get an error saying missing UV is detected and that's because this 3D model has no EVS blender doesn't know how this maps to a texture and therefore you can't really paint on it so in order to fix that with the Pokeball selected press tab to go into edit mode with the cursor over the 3D view so that's now our 3D object press a to select everything come up into the UV options in your menu bar by the way if you can't see these a lot of people just have the interface so small it's like there's no UV setting it's because you can't see it so make sure your workspace your 3D view is big enough so you should be able to see UVS and then in here select smart UV project that's simply going to unwrap your 3D object like in like an origami piece of paper and flatten it out so let's select that UV protect hit OK and now on the left hand side you should be able to see the UV map of your 3D object laid out if you return to the object data properties we have our UV map back so we just generated this new UV map that tells blender how this 3D model maps to a 2D image if I talk too much again there's timestamps you can skip all of my waffling but I want to be very thorough with how I explain this because people get stuck so much in this texture painting workflow and or they get errors with the model that they've got of a video game or downloaded from the internet I want to show you how exactly you can fix that and why that is happening to begin with so let's return to the tool settings also here's another thing that gets people called out if you can't see these UVS on the left hand side here expand this a little bit make sure you come into these overlays options here and you enable display texture paint UVS if you disable that those UVS will vanish so let's enable that also the UVS will only show for the selected geometry so right now I have everything selected but if I press a a to unselect everything my UVS will vanish it's just because well I have nothing selected if I only select the top part of this Pokeball only the UVS for my selected geometry in edit mode will show so if that doesn't show it's likely because you've unselected your object so let's select everything again press tab to come back into texture paint mode also at the top you need 3D view make sure that you are in texture paint mode if you go into object mode accidentally again your UVS will vanish and you can't actually paint because you're no longer in texture paint mode happens more often than these things so make sure you are in texture paint mode and now if you click and drag we can now properly paint onto this top part of our Pokemon which is really cool so you can now draw whatever pattern you want on there and again it shows on the left hand side and because you now have UVS really nicely laid out you can also come in here and paint on very specific parts of your image you can also export this image take it into Photoshop then add textures or whatever and bring it back in and then that texture will map to your model again you're kind of not using texture painting there but it's a nice workflow to just assign very specific colors or textures or materials to part of your 3D model now let's talk about brush options and brush settings that you can do to you know make painting a little bit more interesting rather than just painting boring white not to use 3D objects the other thing I also want to do is that when you are downloading a model from the Internet you may not have materials on it just yet so what I'm going to do for the next part let's go into the materials Tab and let's delete this Pokemon button and this Pokeball ring material so now the only material on R3 object is this Pokeball top material but let's say we now want to paint this bottom here specifically now I can paint onto the same material for my top but it would be nice if this was a separate material it's just so we can adjust its you know metallicness or its properties differently the other thing I might actually want to do anyways with this Pokeball top well actually you know what let's undo that so we don't see it on the Pokeball top material let's come down a little bit what I might actually do is I might actually bring down the roughness and up the specularity a little bit and I'm also going to jump over into material preview so I get this really nice shiny effect so I can see a little bit better what that looks like now I don't want the bottom to be quite so shiny so we do need eight different material now if you return to the active tool settings and in here I now can't actually select individual materials anymore because there's only one material on this object so there's nothing here to select so in the materials tab let's create a new material slot let's create a new material let's call this one bottom with the cursor over the 3D view tab to go into edit mode Let's unselect everything let's select the face on the bottom and Ctrl or command in L so select all linked faces all linked to Geometry so let's select all of that select the bottom material hit assign to assign that let's tap back out of that that looks a little bit better so the top is really shiny the bottom is a little bit more flat now if I return to the active tool settings I can see my two materials again in here and my bottom again on the top one I've got this base color image that I can paint on on the bottom I have nothing to paint on so if I click and drag it may look like nothing happens but can you see how there's something white that appeared here and that's because when you paint in texture paint mode you're actually going to paint on all materials at the same time now it's a little bit confusing so let's actually set this up first properly so Ctrl or command Z to undo all of that with the bottom material slot selected let's click plus hit base color this is called bottom base color four thousand by four thousand yep let's leave all of that on default maybe I'll make it just a little bit darker hit okay so now I have an image assigned here click and drag so now I can paint on the bottom now I can't see that on the left hand side here because on the left hand side I've still got my top a base color layer selected so you can either click on this and select the bottom base color image and then you can see the one for the base the other thing you can do as well is with the material selected so if I select the Pokeball top go into edit mode and come back out that's going to change my image to that image that's assigned so that switches that back to top base color goes back to the bottom tap in and out and then on the left hand side I can see my bottom base color now this all looks pretty ugly but hopefully the basic flow makes sense to you let's return to the materials tab let's hit another add another material slot let's create a new material let's call this one ring I'm actually going to make this black like that I'll give it a bit of metallicness high specularity and lower the roughness so this is going to be for the ring here so let's go into edit mode AAS and select everything select the face on the ring and maybe a couple here on these faces on the front and at the back just a bit of geometry selected Ctrl L to select all connected geometry that looks alright select the ring material hit assign to assign that tap to go back out of that and that's not too bad maybe I'll load the roughness just a little bit more specularity app and metallicness up so that's that looks alright so if I now return to texture paint mode on the ring material here you can see on the bottom I've got the base Pokeball top I've got the top one ring has no textures yet so again let's add a base color image let's keep that at blackhead okay and now I can paint on this as well now one thing that actually happens is that in texture paint mode if you paint on your 3D model you can kind of paint over all materials at the same time and that's not always what you want what if you wanted to add you know you just wanted to paint the upper edge of this ring here without a bleeding on the top let's undo those two paint strokes and the easiest way to do this is by using paint masks so let's select some geometry that we want to paint on so go into edit mode by pressing tab the ring is already selected because we've assigned a material to it let's press a a to unselect everything and now you can either select some faces and Ctrl and L to select that link geometry but let's unselect all of that go back to the materials select the ring material hit select so you're just going to select the geometry that material is assigned to one thing I really love to do is I like to create vertex group for these face selections because I might have you know like a couple of faces selected here very specifically for logo or a certain area of a 3D model and I just want to paint that so the easiest thing you can actually do um let's actually come up here to the top what I'm going to do is I'm going to select this top ring here and maybe the next one out and let's create a Vertex group just for that so let's come into the object data properties under vertex groups press plus let's call this one top rate and with the faces selected hit assign let's press a a to unselect everything and now this top ring vertex group if you click select you can reselect it quite easily without it being you know associated with where you forgot the material assigned or not and it makes it really easy if you've got certain areas of your model that you want to select so with these faces selected now press tab to come back into texture paint mode and on the top panel you've got an option here to select or to enable a paint mask if you enable this this will essentially block everything from being painted on except for the selected faces again and tap to a dead mode so now we can only paint on these selected faces if I'm not click and drag I can now only paint on the faces that I've got selected tap back out see now I've only painted that top part let's disable the paint mask again and now I've really just painted on the faces at the top and it makes it really nice and easy so for example let's say I only want to paint the edge of this ring so it's going to edit mode select an edge of this ring or go into materials select the ring material hit select let's actually go into vertex groups as well and create a ring vertex group hit a sign on that tap out again and make sure you select the paint mask at the top and again you can see I can now only paint on the selected geometry so if we can paint on that and we can get a really nice clean edge here at the top disable the paint mask and you can see I've only painted the selected objects now I've messed everything up pretty good and you can go into the left side here select your top layer for example on the texture draw click on this color swatchy on the left hand side on this white Color Picker select the base color again and you can now you know kind of go over and clean all of this up that's pretty painful what you can do as well you can also come up into image and if you haven't saved your file just yet you can select reload that's just going to reload the current image back from disk so I haven't saved my file yet so I can go reload that's just going to reload the image that I had at the base or when I started out let's select the bottom image reload and the ring as well image reload so now we've kind of cleared those materials back out again but now I'm going to go Ctrl and S to save my project usually do that quite often actually and let's talk about a few of the brush settings that you have available so you're not just painting your own really boring Strokes so let's return to the active tool and we've talked about texture slots plenty let's come down into the brushes now here you have a number of different brush settings so it's blend mode a radius and a strength so right now my radius is pretty small you can check this up and you get a much bigger radius right here you can also press F and just drag in or out to change that radius much more fluently it works much better you also have a strength which is the opacity of your brush so one is fully opaque you know 10 opacity is it'll paint a whole lot less opaque what I might actually do let's change my color here to Black F make that a bit smaller click and drag so you can see this is pretty faint if I inject the strength up click and drown you can see this strength makes that brush more opaque in order to adjust the brush strength shift and F and you can adjust the opacity from fully solid to kind of fade it out so that's kind of a nice way to adjust those the blend mode controls how the color is added on top of the color that already exists in your image right now mix just add exit into this like you know like if you're painting on a piece of paper the new color simply gets mixed in with what is already there but there's quite a few number of different modes but for that let's talk about the Color Picker first because right now both are my colors my primary and my secondary are set to Black which isn't very useful so let's click on the left one let's bring that back up to White the one on the right is your secondary color let's just change that from black to maybe like a kind of a bluish color and by the way in order to paint with either color left click gives you the primary color it's a bit faint so shift and F let's check the opacity back up to one click and draw so you can draw with your primary color Ctrl left click and draw draws with this secondary color so I get a secondary color and I can switch between the two really nice and easily now the blend mode controls how these colors are being added right now it's set to mix if you change this over to for example additive let's paint with our secondary color so this is now painting with blue but in a additive blend mode can you see how that's kind of just lightening the color it's not as solid so there's lots of options here play with them try them all out or I'll subtract for example again let's paint you can see how that's now kind of making it a bit darker again so there's lots of options to paint and play with here whatever you want now a really cool feature is the color palette so sometimes when you change you know you may paint with more than two colors you may want to save them you may want to remember them without having to use the Color Picker to then pick them off somewhere from your model so you have this really cool color palette and here you can go new let's add a new palette and then under here you can simply add new colors plus we'll simply add your primary color which right now is white to this palette so if I click I've got a white tab here let's just switch the White and the Blue by clicking this little rotating Arrow icon here so now my primer in secondary has switched plus now save that as well but maybe let's change it to a green hit plus so now I've got a new color plus and then I can reselect those colors just by clicking on my color palette it just makes it really nice and easy to remember the colors that you were working with let's change these over again so white is my primary color let's expand the advanced options here and there's only two options in here right now effect Alpha whether you're painting on the alpha Channel if your image has one so you can paint things like transparency if you've got your shaders and everything set up that way but you also have this option for accumulate now what accumulate does let me make the brush a little bit bigger shift in F and lower the opacity just a little bit to maybe 30 percent or something accumulate is disabled so if I now click and draw and I draw over the same spot it doesn't get any darker with a single stroke I can only lay down 30 of opacity at most let's undo that let's enable accumulate and for now click and draw can you see how that's getting much much darker so the paint essentially layers on top of each other until you reach maximum opacity now my blend mode is set to subtract so that looks a little bit funky let's enable or set it to mix let's undo that click and draw and you can kind of see how that works much more solidly maybe I'll lower the opacity to something really faint but now if I paint multiple times over the same area can you see how that builds up so the paint just accumulates and that's what this option does let's again undo that disable accumulate collapse advanced there's texture now texture essentially assigns a texture to your brush so you're painting with that image and you're painting the colors from that image it's kind of like a projector blowing light through an image onto your canvas and you're painting that image on we'll get to that in just a minute so let's collapse that first texture mask is kind of a stencil again it's an image on your brush but rather than transferring color from that image onto your 3D model it's just a kind of like a grayscale to say whether you can or can't paint on certain areas so this is really just a mask that defines which areas you can paint on again we'll get to that in just a minute now stroke is super useful so right now if I make my brush a little bit smaller and I just click and draw and maybe I'll undo that and make my opacity a bit bigger to one let's draw this gives me a solid stroke however I can Define the spacing I can break this up so that I can't get a dotted line or dashed line or you know there's lots of nice options so if I increase the spacing to maybe 100 if I'll click and draw this now gets broken up now there's lots of other options you can have you know airbrush lines curves Dash ratios Jitter you can introduce all sorts of things but again a nice way to you know if you just want to kind of add some detail and you don't really want to you know like click a million times to create these dots or dashes or lines it's super useful feature the next one or the last one in the brush settings that I really want to touch on is fall off so right now if you click and paint oh yeah this is useful and this is why sometimes it's really useful to just come in here and say you know defaults load factory settings because you may have some funky stuff set up in here so let me just reset that to default value undo and that looks a little bit better so let's make the brush a little bigger click draw and there's a certain Fallout can you see there's like a softness on the edge here of the brush I think Photoshop calls this brush hardness so you can Define how hard the edges of the brush is so right now this is defined by this nice curve here and you can simply click on these points and adjust them so I can say you know give it a really harsh Edge so if now come in here and click and draw can you see how the the front is like really sharp but then it softens out towards the edge I can also go the other way kind of make like a really harsh Edge in here click and draw and I'll get a really hard Edge there's a whole bunch of options in here as well so it can go sharper so if you don't want to Define them yourself um there's you know some smooth Fall Offs some constants inverse like a whole bunch of options for how that brush falls off again this gives you more control over you know exactly how that brush is being applied to your 3D model let me just undo most of that let's clean up this top here looks pretty horrible so let's come back to the top base layer I can see where I've painted here now I'm going to go a slower route just select some color with this Color Picker increase my brush size make sure my opacity is one you just click and draw over these ones to kind of kill that off actually on my fall off I might also reset this one you can just right click and select reset to default value or hit backspace and just resets it to what it was and then you may need to select to reset curve to select that curve back to its default setting as well so that looks pretty good so if we kind of clean that up let's come back into the active tools if you're not already on it and let's talk about texture so let's come in here just a little bit and let's say we want to paint an image like a stencil onto the 3D object so under texture let's click on this there's no texture to select we haven't created one yet so let's create a new texture for our brush let's hit new click into the name and let's call this one meow we've got cats I love cats so you know that's likely going to be cat related and if you click and draw you can't paint anymore and if you think that's just because I've got red selected let's select green paint I can't paint because I've got this texture if you clear this texture click and see I can paint but if I again reselect this texture I can't paint anymore again this is another thing that a lot of people trip over where they say I can't paint it's because they either have a texture or Texture mask a sign that doesn't allow them to so let's undo that again and let's actually load the texture for that you actually need to come into the properties panel to the very bottom here into this texture tab up at the top under your brush there's a number of textures you can select right now we've only got one texture called now now the type you can change to whatever you want it can be a movie it can be a cloud distorted noise so let's for example select clouds that's going to essentially set this texture to be your meow texture if you return to the active tool come down to where we have texture our texture is now a cloud texture and if I click and draw I'm now drawing the pattern of that texture now because the texture is only white and black I'm actually transferring the green color through wherever it's white let me undo that again and let's use something a bit more interesting so let's go back to texture change our type from clouds over to image or movie hit open and let me jump in where do I have it I've got it under textures there's a cute cat image that's it open that's this cute cat image here and if you now again let's come back to the active tool so you can see this a bit better come down to texture this now should load your cute cat and if you click and draw you are now painting this cat image on it's green because my base color is green so let's undo that let's reselect our white color or just make sure this is this is fully white so this looks good if you now click and draw you're not painting this cat image on which looks really cute now it kind of gets squished because you're painting this image on and it's tiled to where you're applying the brush so it looks a little bit wonky however you can control how this image is applied to your model right now the mapping is set to tiles you can set it to come from the viewplane so if I click and draw this is essentially you just want to click once with your mouse because you're literally painting it every single time you move the brush so let's undo all of those again new plane tile you've seen before 3D is essentially a ginormous 3D shape so this essentially uses the UV map of your 3D object to kind of map that texture out so that's kind of just how this aligns how to our Pokeball it kind of looks cute kind of works you know it's just kind of resting on top right there that's actually pretty cute but let's undo that again as well again as well come in mapping you can set it to random which really is you know like you're really spraying it around and this is great if you want to add scratches or dirt or paint other things that you want to have randomly dispersed over your texture let's undo that and the last one I use this one the most is called stencil now with stencil selected if you hover over the 3D view you can see the stencil down here at the bottom and what actually happens is if I click and paint I can't actually paint because I actually need to move my view so that my 3D object is over this stencil and I can then stencil this cat on however that's kind of silly to move the 3D object over the stencil so you can actually move the stencil so if you right click onto the stencil you can move it around and drag it in your 3D view so you can align it where you want it if you hold down shift and right click and drag out and in you can scale it up or down Ctrl or Command right click and drag you can rotate it so let's rotate the cat a little bit shift right click and drag in to scale it down so we can align our stencil with wherever we want this to sit I can paint a cat on right there so now I've painted this cute cat on let's paint one on the other side and I'm going to rotate this one the other way Ctrl right click follow command if you're on a Mac right click and drag so now let's paint the cat on here so now I've painted two cat stencils on my 3D object and this is super useful if you want to add tattoos or wounds or you know logos or text or anything that you've got created in another image program just load it as a texture and just paint it on your 3D object so that is one nice thing let's just remove this texture close this and so now if I click and draw I can just draw freely again let's come down and let's expand texture mask now texture mask kind of works the same as texture except you're not transferring color texture mask works pretty much the same way except it limits where you can paint so let's select texture mask let's just use the same image called meow let's come in here and again the mapping is set to tiled right now let's again set that to stencil I can see it down here at the bottom and can you see it's actually black it's kind of actually got this this outline happening right there and if you right click the stencil and drag it doesn't do anything and this is really confusing in blender that the shortcut keys for moving a texture mask stencil is different from moving a texture stencil now the reason these shortcut keys are different is because you can both use a texture and a texture mask simultaneously and you may want to place them independently from one another so that your texture mask defines where you paint the texture defines what you're painting with and you can do both at the same time so the shortcut keys for those two are slightly different so what you need to do is hold down alt option right click and then you can drag it so let's drag it there hold down alt or option and shift right click and scale it so essentially all you in addition to the normal shortcut keys you also need to hold down alt or option or hold down control or command on the Mac alt and option on the Mac right right click and then you can rotate it so let me just shrink this down a little bit to zoom in and if I'm now again with the white paint color click and draw what's now going to happen can you see I've actually only painted where the image is not black so essentially this texture mask is actually using a grayscale like a black and white version and where the image is white or has is bright I can paint on everything that's black I can't paint on it's also got transparency around the edges so I can't see that either now this cat image because it has color doesn't quite make sense as a texture mask though you can obviously use it so let's add another one if you click on this texture mask right now I only have this texture available so let's come down to the bottom click this little duplicate icon here to create a new texture let's call this one tribals come into the texture properties on the brush let's click on this and select tribals right now that's an image or movie it's black so if I now click and paint I can't actually paint because wherever this image is black I can't paint on so again another reason why you might not be able to paint but under the image settings let's hit open under footage textures I'm going to select this tribals image here let's return to our active tool come down a little bit our texture mask is now set to yeah see you've cut this in twice and it's it's a bit weird what's happened is that under texture it for some reason also selected this tribal image so I want to remove this from the texture close this and now I've just got this stencil right there and now let me hold down alt option and shift right click and scale this up F make my brush a little bit smaller and now I can essentially kind of paint this tribal icon on or this tribal imagery on so that looks all right so now I've painted some tribals on but the image is the wrong way around right I kind of want to paint the pattern not necessarily everything around it let's undo that there's a really nice way to do this on the left hand side in the image editor let's open up our tribals PNG zoom out a little bit and let me actually disable the mapping to you know from stencil to view plane just so it doesn't pop over everything so wherever it's black we can't paint where it's white we can paint but we want it the other way around so simply come up into image and I'm going to go invert invert image colors that's just going to invert the image so now if I return to my three view or my texture paint View let's come over here let's change this mapping from view plane back to stencil the preview has an updated yet if you go to texture paint select that tribals brush again that'll update here and you can now return to the active tool and come down let's again remove it from texture because again blend has reassigned it to texture as well and in my texture mask I don't know why this isn't updating but you can see the preview has already updated so if you now go in here let me select maybe a black color this time so let's go with a dark black I'm just going to paint over this tribal icon here in the middle so you can see I'm only painting on where that image is black if I now remove this or set this to the plane I've now painted this tribal icon or this tribal logo on and again you can kind of obviously adjust it to whatever size you want to kind of match what you're looking for to paint onto your 3D object let's remove the stencil or the texture mask and yeah this is a really nice way to kind of paint colors textures images or patterns onto your 3D objects now the last thing I want to show you is just that you can paint more than just the base color of your materials on the left hand side let's just reselect this topic base color layer just so you can see what we've painted you can see all of the cat images as well as the tribles having been painted in here and yes the UVS we can see are only the ones that we have selected so if you go to edit mode we only have the ring selected now so press a select everything you can see all of the UVS again tap back out into texture paint mode Let's reselect this Pokeball top image layer and right now for example you can see that it is uniformly shiny or uniformly rough it doesn't have a lot of roughness which is why it's very reflective the cool thing is with this Pokeball top layer selected you can actually hit plus under the textures and select to paint on the specular roughness metallic normal bump or displacement layers so let's say we want to paint on the roughness I'm just going I don't think it needs to be quite that big so maybe I'll give this a 2000 by 2000 hit okay by default that should look pretty much the same if you go into the material properties come down now you should see that the roughness property now actually comes from an image which is our Pokeball top roughness image and if you return to the brush tool with the Pokeball top material selected you can now change whether you want to paint under the base color layer you can see a change here or on the roughness layout which is kind of this color here so if I now select maybe a well the black color is not too bad so F make that brush a bit bigger shift F left make it a bit less opaque if I'm not paint black into the middle here that's going to make it more shiny now it's hard to see so let's actually change this color to white click and draw this looks it's much better can you see how well the color is still the same but it looks really dull it's because now the roughness of this material is controlled by this roughness texture that we have right there so maybe shift F make this a little bit weaker so I can now essentially paint rough patches onto my Surface the cool thing is this works really well with texture masks let's not use the tribals let's actually create a new texture mask let's call this one maybe we'll go with voronoi come into textures under the brush let's select a voronoi change the type over to voronoi just this metric minkowski 4 maybe and you can do you know just play around with some of this stuff just to yeah make this nice and detailed I want it quite small quite noisy to be honest against tweak this in any way that you want you can you know give it a bit more contrast let's return to the active tool we don't need it selected as a texture so unselect that we don't want to transfer it we just want the texture mask the mapping I'm going to set to view plane you could also set it to random if you wanted to do now click and draw actually note let's go let's Swizzle this change my primary color to Black so I can paint both so let's paint with the black shift in F let's make this a bit more opaque as well let's paint that on so just too small it's a bit too small I think so let's come back into the texture reselect our voronoi texture here maybe make it just a bit brighter as well and I might make it a bit bigger I think it's a bit too small actually to see come back to the tool yep that looks alright again texture removed from the texture I don't want it there I just want it on the texture mask let's actually set it to tiled click let's paint shift F let's make the opacity a bit bigger so let's just paint a little bit here Ctrl or command and click to paint with the other color and you can now see what we're doing because we're essentially just painting this roughness on and we're using a texture mask to get a little bit of a pattern so you kind of get this really nice irregularity to some of your materials and you can do the same with specular with bump mapping with all sorts of other things so you can you know add all sorts of you know roughness patches scratches anything to your 3D models play around with this there's a million options but I just wanted to quickly show you how you can paint on different types of layers within the same material and as I said in this material mode you can actually paint on quite a few different ones if you wanted to so add them have fun with this there's a lot you can do and as I said if you do get stuck anywhere either leave me some comments questions anything you want down below I'm usually pretty responsive although there's been a lot of spam on YouTube lately but if for whatever reason you can't paint you can't follow this tutorial properly using the files that I've provided and do make sure that you come into your file defaults load your factory settings to clear all of the you know any settings under texture or under your Advanced or maybe you've got a stroke enabled that you know only paints every thousand stroke or the sizing of it isn't you know matching your 3D model so that doesn't work then do make sure you have your UVS set up properly and again if you don't know how to do UV mapping it is part of my beginner course that I've got available on my website for free so go and check that out if you're just getting started with that once you've got your UV set up properly you should be able to add textures to your materials have those materials assigned to your 3D models and again if you don't know how that works check out my beginner course I can't say it often enough because people just jump into these tutorials without knowing the basics and then get stuck on the basics so do make sure you check that out first again as I said it's completely free so once your materials are assigned you can assign the images into the slots or into the different channels and properties on your material and then you can paint on them and that then feeds into your final look and with that let's wrap this up I hope this video was still helpful even though the format was a little bit different and that's all this to it I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial and please don't forget to like And subscribe if you would like to see more any comments questions or suggestions leave them down in the comment section below also please let me know how you like this format of content it's a little bit more raw a little bit less edited a little bit less formal but again with my time constraints right now it's a bit challenging to put my usual amount of time into every single video I just want to make more content and put some new stuff out for you a little bit more frequently but with that thank you very much for watching and until next time I will see you later [Music]
Channel: Surfaced Studio
Views: 26,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Tutorial, Texture Painting, Beginner, How to Texture Paint, UV Editor, Stencil, Texture Mask, Paint Mask, How to add stencils, Blender 3D, Best Free 3D Program, Surfaced Studio, How to Draw in Blender, Materials, Add Colour to Object, Introduction, How To, Help, Painting, Brush Tool, Fill Tool, Texture Paint Mode, Cats, Intermediate, Free Course, UV Mapping, Painting Materials, UV Project, Paint on texture, Blender shortcuts, How to reset Blender
Id: ywR8HsNeXQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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