TextMeshPro Input Field in Unity: Basics to Pro Features 💛

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Hi and welcome 😊 So, you want your characters to be renamed  by the player? Get a number of things to   buy in the shop or generally need some  kind of input field to get values from? Let’s have a look at the Text  Mesh Pro Input field today.   We are not going to need a lot of code, since  many features are already build straight into it 😊 This is what we are going to  create: a simple input field   that grabs the player’s input and stores  it somewhere to use at a later time.   We will also have a look at how we can  customize the input field to fit our   game better, like with custom colors  or a limit of characters we can enter. So, this is my basic scene.  I have a simple background   and a reason to have my player enter her name.   When she did, her entry will get adknowledged  by a popup, repeating her entry back at her. Let’s start at creating the input field. You’ll  find it under UI→ Input Field (Text Mesh Pro). I’ll resize it so it fits its purpose  - that works like any other UI element. The input field component looks like  a strange mashup of a button component   and a Text Mesh Pro component combined,  but it comes with quite a few features   especially geared towards it being an input field. When we look into the hierarchy, we can see the  field comes with two text Mesh Pro child elements,   as well: Placeholder and text. I highly  recommend keeping the placeholder one,   as it makes it clear the player is  supposed to enter text into this field.   Depending on your visuals, that might not  always be super apparent to the players. Let’s style those in a way we want our input  field to look, but no need to change anything   in here directly. Instead, we can just change the  Font Asset and size in the input field component. Now, let’s start with the most important feature:  grabbing the player’s input. Create a new script.   I call mine “InputFieldGrabber”. Let’s give it a  string we can see in the inspector and a public   method called “GrabFromInputField”  with a string as it’s parameter.   In it, we’ll just hand the given string  value to our value above to see if it worked. Back in the Editor, attach the script to the Input  field. Anywhere else is fine, too, but attaching   it here makes checking our progress easier. If you  scroll down the input field component, you’ll see   four Unity Events: On Value Changed, On End Edit,  On Select and On Deselect. Each of them get called   when the described action is performed and as we  can see, each of those hands out a string value.   On Value changed is being called whenever  something is entered, but the important   one for us is On End Edit, as this will be  called as soon as our player hits enter. Create a new coupling here and drag and drop  our recently created Grabber-component into   this field. You can now navigate to the script  in the drop down and pick the Grabbing-method we   wrote just a moment ago. Make sure to pick the one  listed under “dynamic” above, or this won’t work. So, let us see if this works already. I start  the game, enter a name and hit enter. As soon   as I did, my input is being displayed in  the correct value of our Grabber script 😊 What happens when the player hits escape? Well,   nothing, since we canceled the input. Our  placeholder text will be displayed again. Alright, basics done, let’s have a look at the  options available to us - because honestly,   I don’t think there are many names out  there containing numbers or special   characters and more than 32 characters, are there. The first thing you might want to set up is the  character limit the player can enter. You’ll find   it right below the Point size. Set it to something  reasonable, because it’s always a bummer if I want   to enter my name into an input field providing  too few characters to fit my name into. Please. Next up is the Content Type. If you only  allow characters from the alphabet, Name   is what you’re looking for. It does contain spaces  and hypens, though. Pin, integer and decimal are   all only for numbers. In those cases, you need  to add the specific parser to your code to get   the value you're looking for. Alphanumerical  and Password allow for alphanumerical entries.   Plus, Pin and Password change the  visible output to stars by default 😊 Related to this is this checkbox down  here called “Rich text”. By default,   it’s toggled on, but this means your players will  be able to enter rich text tags into this box.   For example, if I write pointy bracket → b →  pointy bracket, the entry disappears but whatever   else I write will be written in bold. Toggle  it off to remove this option for the player. On Focus Select All is a quality of live  feature which will make filling out forms   and input fields easier, Restore  on Escape key sets the field back   to whatever value it had been filled with  before as soon as your player hits Escape. Lastly, some neat customization options are  the caret and selection color - the caret is   the blinking thing at the end of your input. You  can customize its with and blinking rate as well 😊 Apropos blinking. To make your input field  a bit more eye-catchy, you can animate your   placeholder text. Navigate to the placeholder  Gameobject and open the Animation Window under   Window→Animation→Animation. Click the  central button and save your animation   to wherever you can find it. I call mine  BlickingPlaceholderInputField. Click on   the red recording button. In your TMP component,  right click on Vertex Color → Add Key. This way,   a first basic keyframe will be created with your  currently selected color. Copy it with Control+C.   On the timeline, navigate to roughly 0.45 seconds  and set your color to something a bit lighter.   Jump to 1.5 seconds and hit control+v. This way  your color change will loop correctly. Once done,   toggle the record button again. Your text will  now blink, grabbing the attention of your player. Lastly, if you want your input workflow  to be a two-step process. you can create   a button and refer to the grabber  Script by using a new Event.   Add a new method to the script and call  it something like “HandOverEnteredValue”.   How you want to hand it to other parts  of the script is for you to decide 😊 Hope you enjoyed the tutorial! If you did, please  like and subscribe 😃 Did you know the input field   was straightforward like this? Anything I missed  or you would like to know on top? Let me know! Have a great week!
Channel: Christina Creates Games
Views: 7,831
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Keywords: TextMeshPro Input Field, Unity tutorial, textmeshpro input field c#, textmeshpro input field on value changed, textmeshpro input field unity, textmeshpro input field on end edit, textmeshpro input field set text, text mesh pro, game development, unity textmeshpro, unity user input text, textmesh pro scripting, unity tutorial for beginners, unity input field get text, unity ui tutorial, unity game development, textmeshpro input field content type, Textmeshpro input field script
Id: zahrwl1125k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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