Text To Speech 😍 ASMR Cake Storytime POVs @Amara Chehade | Roblox Conversations #222

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candy isn't really healthy for you so I pick fries good I still have a lot of time left Amar what are you doing I'm e fries what does it look like but they're expensive so I already have a [Music] bicycle iPhone I still have a lot of time left if my years run out I'll just ask Mom what the years gone by so quickly I only have one day left Mom can you give me some years I only have one day left no it's not my fault you spent all your years I have to find a way to increase my time what is this if I choose one I won't have any time left but this could help increase my time should I save them or should I not [Music] I'm still alive how is this possible class is everyone okay yeah how did we survive we were lucky I picked unlimited breath that's a lie I'm the one who has unlimited breaths and saved us all s that's not true she's lying well if that's the case let's do a competition I accept whoever wins can prove that they can breathe on the water and you can only do that if you you have unlimited breaths are you both ready yes okay let's do this 3 2 one what is this place welcome it's a great pleasure to meet you you're one of the few people who selected less time and therefore you will be rewarded rewarded with what the power to make everyone do what you say no way that's so cool I knew something good was going to come out of this but what happens to the people who selected more time they're going to have to wait a very long time before they can receive their powers but most people die before they get the chance to receive them okay enjoy your powers thank you Amara you didn't die what happened I'm not allowed to say you didn't die look I'm sorry for hooking up with your boyfriend what can I do for you to forgive me I don't know maybe jump off a cliff okay wait reborn or get old I choose can't get old why would I want to be reborn I love my life how it is because I'm rich mom I'm going to school okay what did you choose honey I chose not to get old mom does that mean you can repeat the school year again yes I can repeat as many times as I like because no one really knows how old I am I'm hungry Hey where's your mom are you lost you can't help her why can't I help this little girl she said she's hungry she's a mafia kid when she grows up she'll be just like her father you can't say that no one knows come on let's go you can't bring this child into our house do you understand what I'm not just going to leave her by herself okay then both of you leave my house now gladly I'd rather leave then leave this kid all alone mom I'm going to school but before I leave I wanted to ask why does your face never age you look just like my age hey Amara how many lives did you get I got one at least now you can just be honest with everyone yeah that's not always a good thing hey Amara do you still have that top bed you oh you know I've been looking for it for over a month now and I still haven't found it are you lying no well now you got zero lies I know it's at yours I saw it when I was there last weekend you got me Amar have you done your homework can I quickly copy it no I Le you forgot come on you always do it no it's true she wasted her last lie on me all right I'll copy off Sarah hey you I heard you kissed my boyfriend what no would never do that to you you're my friend well he said he saw you do it he's probably just trying to spit you guys up and besides I don't have any more lies so there would be no way I could lie to you oh yeah you're right hey you excited for tomorrow what's tomorrow our lies are going public oh sh please be a lot please be a lot that's actually not too bad how many days did you get 150,000 what about you I didn't get that many days I only got 90 days oh I'm so sorry she deserves to live longer send her 50,000 days I can't believe you fell for that I have unlimited days I just wanted to waste yours what the hell is your problem sorry screw you Jessica hey honey are you okay no I just send 50,000 days to my friend and turns out she has unlimited and just wanted to waste mine that's horrible I'm so sorry that happened to you but you can't keep giving your days away mom what happened happened to your days you had like 200,000 left this morning the same thing happened to me except I only have one day left I can't let my mom die trying to eat a donut without triggering the filter mom left us a long time ago he deserves to be happy honey I have something to tell you what is it Dad you're going to be an older sister are you excited yes this is the best day ever she's finally here a can I hold her no I don't want her getting attached to you you'll probably leave just like your mom did don't ever be rude to my mom don't raise your voice at me go to your room and fix your attitude why are you so attached to that teddy bear only memory I have left of mon give it to me your little sister should have it not you you're too old for it I hate you I feel terrible for doing this guys let's watch a movie at mine today can I come I can only bring four friends and there's already four coming remember what Emily did at that part yeah so embarrassing when was this oh last weekend sorry I didn't think you'd want to come guys let's take a picture one second let me just oh Amar can you take [Music] it hey I've seen how your friends have been treating you and you don't deserve it come I know how to clear you up let them be Miss on their own don't you ever even try to use those words to speak do you understand you've gained another 500,000 words this year this is ridiculous don't you dare speak why do you look so happy for you plan on using them you better not look it's the loser that has zero words freak hey you're the girl with zero words right can I sit next to you if I was you I wouldn't she doesn't even speak I don't care about that oh don't mind that we don't belong there that's an annual tradition they gather all the girl students with over 5 million words people believe that the Lost Princess is destined to have millions of of words where you going looks like we were right and by the way the queen wanted you to have this we finally found you hey Amar I mean princess I want to let you know that I'll always be here for you thanks Jacob but please don't call me Princess oh princess shall we go now the queen is waiting for you your highness my beautiful daughter finally I've been waiting 18 years for this moment hey sis I have a sister yes you do and you have a brother as well who's that that you brought with you my boyfriend thank you for taking care of my daughter why don't you stay here at the palace with us really I would love to I'm so glad I got to finally meet you and be around my real family us too come let's go I have something really exciting planned for you tonight someone stole my time let me have a look no you have to help me now I'm running out of time we can lend you 60 years okay just hurry up okay okay relax you shouldn't have taken out that loan what else was I supposed to do you're still going to have to pay that back you know that right I guess I'm just going to have to work some extra hours to pay it back but at least this come won't be able to steal any more of my time hey so what happened to your time it's a long story but from now on I'm never buying anything online yeah you shouldn't you never know who can steal your information I'm so excited for the C can I come really you want to come that's the fast yeah I don't care about my years anymore I'd rather live a short and fun life than a long and boring one how much is this perfume 2 years I'll take it I'm liking this new you ready for the cinema so ready let's go just the bagel that'll be 250 words please just let me have it I haven't eaten anything in days sorry if you can't pay for it then you can't have it wait give her the bagel I'll pay for it you used all your words didn't you I'm giving you infinity words I hope it helps out get me this dress oh my God I love this one get me this one Kenny stop treating me like I'm a walking bank don't be so greedy Amara you have Infinity words it's not like you're going to run out besides we're meeting the prince today so we need to look good yeah stop being so selfish if it wasn't for our mom Mar and your dad You' probably be homeless by now the total is 150,000 words wait we're not done yet we need accessories diamonds look the prince is here how do I look oh no I'm running out of words hurry up and give me some you're just using me for my Infinity words I've had enough of it did you just say you have Infinity words do you even know what that means well I have to say my points so I guess I'll stve for the day that's fine because guess what system I have a jacket so I can happily Walk In The Rain Amar I don't think we can be friends why because you're greedy with your points you never SP any and you're boring excuse me can you buy me a bus ticket where's your mom can't she pay for you she's not here please I need to get home you're not going to go away until I give you the money are you please fine how much 500 points 500 tickets you know what fine now get out of my face thank you no hugs please I'm home honey you got this letter thank you so much for getting my daughter home safe here's a token of my appreciation take this you'll go fast it's been 30 minutes and I'm still not dead is that normal Amara why are you not dead yet I thought your ranking was above 500 honestly I don't know maybe they gave me the wrong pillow or something that's the first time I've seen them make a mistake like this wo how is she still alive maybe we're just seeing a ghost can you guys just stop talking about me come Jessica Let's Go She's creepy Amara how are you still here can everyone just stop asking me the same question I don't know okay I was supposed to be dead but I didn't die maybe it's just my destiny or maybe this whole thing is fake sorry if this whole thing is fake then why am I wasting my time studying I'm leaving yeah same me too do you know what you've just done you're in big trouble young lady look at how ugly I am of course I'm going to picked the beauty pill is that her the ugliest girl in school yeah that's what do you mean why is my beauty pill not working Claus we all know there will be a contest for p princess who's signing up Sir I'd like to sign up why would you sign up you look like Shrek's daughter I didn't just sign up I'm also going to win and be the prom princess don't don't make me laugh let's bet on it all right let's do it whoever loses the BET needs to leave the school forever deal the pill needs to load quick prom is about to start finally it's time 3 2 1 vampires or werewolves I don't even know what that means let me ask Mommy mommy it says vampires and werewolves on top of my head I'm going to choose vampire no honey don't touch any them okay you can't choose any until you turn 16 why not because you're not old enough yet Mom I'm finally 16 I'm going to choose my option now wait you can't not today but I'm 16 this doesn't make any sense just trust me okay Mom you never told me what you chose I um didn't choose anything but that's impossible I thought everyone got an option yeah well I didn't I mean if my mom didn't have to choose anything then maybe I don't have to either what I didn't even choose [Music] anything mom wait allow me to explain now you have to open it okay I'll open it what's on the paper it's definitely answers for the test tell me what's in the paper if you don't tell me I'm going to have to expel you from the school I'm sorry I can't tell you like the teacher said if you don't tell us you're getting expelled that's fine I'd rather leave the school than tell you what's in this paper good thing they didn't see what's written in here I know you will be confused but soon you'll find out do not tell anyone what's written in this letter Ryan but who's Ryan Mom I just opened the letter I picked when I was little but there's a person's name on it you have to find out who wrote you the note because it's I'll get it hello you've been accepted to your new school but that paper you're holding don't let anyone see what's written in it sure how does he know what's WR written in it maybe it's him what's your name a phone yeah why not what did your soulmate buy you brought a new phone mine brought new sunglasses a ring light okay is he being serious not happening he's rich he wants to buy it gu another phone how many phones does one need no did your soulmate buy a lot of things so many things did he ask for a Tik Tok yeah how did you not you have to take a look at [Music] this so who who did you pick um not important yeah please tell me come we'll live for class I got to see that's so bad well at least you didn't fail hey guys guess what I chose for a teacher to die am I not a genius are you insane what his classes are boring mom's calling me hello come home right now I need you coming who was it I need to go what's what's wrong someone chose for your brother to die what who we don't know yet we're going to have to wait for the letter I'll get it was that the mail hello you're answer me who chose him it was me oh my gosh why are you letting your soulmate dat I'm sure he just wants to waste time until we meet it'll be fine as long as they break up when we meet it's cool [Music] wow he must really like her it doesn't seem like he's interested in looking for he must be why would he want to stay with someone who isn't his saw me it must be our birthday or something and he's getting her gift you're joking right he's taking this too far I don't get it I don't have a boyfriend because I only want to be with my soulmate so you think he's in love with her then he must be Rock that's interesting um what happened to dad again I met him before I moved here he wasn't ready to be a dad sorry it's fine don't feel bad it's not your fault hey who you controlling today my dad whoa crazy right I've never met him before um I don't know B I guess let's go with yellow go home I don't get it you want to come to my house my mom's making yeah sure why not dad you're back early did you shave your beard you look different Amar I meet my dad he came back from a business nice to meet you nice to meet you too I'll be back I need to change from this yellow top it's been bothering me all day hm this is going to be interesting [Music] who eats a burger in the morning he looks cute in his a for me is that even a question should I wear a dress no I don't want him to know that I know so let's keep it casual where is he it's late [Music] morning did you get your cash yeah what is it I CAU love oh I'm so sorry honey hey hey babe yeah about that I think we should break up if you can't love then I can't be with you I need to be with someone who can love me [Music] back this doesn't make any sense if I can't love them why does it hurt she's finally here you're going to be a big sister a she's so cute mom I think I love my sister don't be silly you can't love anyone [Β __Β ] I wrote you a birthday card thank you for being the best sister ever I love you I love you too I don't even know if that's useful but okay good morning morning Mom I made you pancakes yay thanks actually um I'm not really hungry I'm feeling a bit sick are you sure just eat one at least no thanks hey Amara hey oh one second my mom's calling me well aren't you going to answer um it's not that important let's go to class okay Claus you're free to go home now hey you want to come mine N I need to go home I have a lot of homework to do actually I can just do at yours let's go hey do you think I can sleep over tonight yes of course Amar your mom's downstairs she says she wants to talk to you seems to me when I die these words will be written on my [Music] stone and I'll be gone gone tonight the ground beneath my feet is open wide the way that I've been holding on to tight with nothing in between the Story of My Life take her home I drive all night to keep a [Music] warm is fro [Music] Destro my life I give must have a girlfriend has your soulmate lost anything not yet earrings at least his girlfriend has a good taste who has red lipstick these days I really need to get you some a pods never mind I found my soulmate he lost his ID that's nice has your soulmate lost anything yet just headphones so far girlfriend girlfriend again have you met the new girl yet no I didn't know anyone was new she's so cool hey I'm Amara heard you you why do you have my earrings oh today's the day how did you get so many fine I seriously hate this girl you got this yeah you already got five I only got [Music] two so hungry no way I'm going to turn into a skeleton hey I got you something I saw you didn't eat [Music] today who's next hey um it's my first time here so do you recommend anything yeah I really like strawberry and cream yeah I uh don't really like strawberri so can I just have a cappuccino of course you can hey it's me again hey cappuccino right yes please what's your name for the order Amar I'm Jason nice to meet you nice to meet you too hey Amara hey Jason what can I get you today I was actually thinking about it and I might go with strawberry and cream today good choice you'll love it hey is everything okay yeah I um just had a fat with my boyfriend so don't worry I'll pay for a drink today okay and here's a little sweet for you I knew I could make you smile thanks hey what can I get you today oh where's Jason is he not here today um who's Jason the guy I normally order from he's here every day there's no one working here named Jason okay let's get charged for today I need to make sure I'm on 100% because I have a long day ahead of excuse me why isn't it charging hey Dad give me your charger can't you see I'm using it right now yeah but you're on 60% I'm only on 15 and my charger isn't working fine take it but hurry up I have work soon why isn't it working give me the emergency charger but it's only for emergency what does this look like to you I'm about to die Hurry Up This is is working either wait stand still I know what to do what did you just do you made it worse sorry I thought there was a problem with electricity fall Now we move on to plan B hurry up good morning well whoa why is there a note on my forehead amar's room is so dirty Mom Mom did you stick this note on my forehead no honey that note appears when someone says something about you oh okay makes sense sorry I'm late Miss uh you have something on your face that's rude Amara you're disturbing the class go sit down of course hey I just made a Tik Tok account do you want to make a video together yeah why not oh my gosh I love how it turned out do you think I'm a bad Dan what no you did amazing Amara yeah you and Jessica went on Tik Tok look why would you post the video without telling me uh why do you have so many notes on your face please it was a mistake I don't want to die die where did you get that from those IG don't die what happens is they are all arrested and why are they all arrested because everyone that picked fire are using Walter as slaves so that means my sister is with them yes your sister was taking by okay what are you waiting for take me so I can save her okay come with me take this put it on quick why if you want to save your sister you're going to have to dress like wait so does that mean you're also water too yes I'm there disguise there no one knows who I am everyone welcome Amara a new member of hello everyone go on me I'll make hot tea now yes Miss I'll go get it now there you are enjoy your tea I'm going to get you out of it Amara and now Amara I will need to do a test to see if you really are fire oh what should I choose for the weather to be today rainy or sunny I think I'll go with sunny I have to let my clothes dry today perfect now my clothes will be dry in no time what's this heat why did you choose the sun I thought you liked it I'm going to sweat on the way to school well just take the bus then Mom I'm home honey tomorrow your father and I are traveling yeah I know please choose a good weather don't let it storm what did she just say why do I feel so sleepy at this time honey don't forget about tomorrow okay yeah new day new weather what should I choose today oh the test how can I forget I was supposed to study for it last night I know I'll just pick the storm that way they'll have no choice but to close down the school speaking of did my mom and dad ever go to work Mom dad Nina do I know a Nina nope not a chance Jake said he wants to ask you to prom really yeah he's coming Amora do you want to be my date to prom are you crazy why would you say no my soulmate made me say no again just give up already are you okay my soulmate keeps asking me need to take this Nina girl to prom he must really like I just say yes I'm not going to let my s take some random girl to prom you know what fine whatever Nina will you come to prone with me are you talking to me yes but my name is not Nina Sarah will you come to prom with me are you talking to me yes but my name is not Sarah so I heard you have a date to prom yeah my soulmate just thought that's good why did you look so confused something weird happened when he asked me he kept on calling me Sarah who's Sarah that's the thing I don't know well maybe it's someone who knows no there has to be another reason Amar you're home hey Mom can I ask you something do you know who his s is what how did you I mean no I've never heard that name can I have my best certificate I don't have it what kind of a parent doesn't have their own child's Dr she's lying I know it [Music] do I have a twin that's so easy Amara coming what's up Mom herey take this we need to make some money what am I going to do with this go to the corner okay here you go thank you so much go get a job loser hey mom um Mom Mom what's wrong I need my meds it's empty your mom's procedure is going to cost you 1,500 are you going to be able to pay that Mom there's something wrong with this consequence thing Amar I time you know the truth you have a twin sister what yeah we had to give her up for adoption as soon as she was born because we couldn't afford to have two kids why didn't you tell me this before before because I didn't think it was important you don't think me knowing I have a twin sister is important no I mean like it's not going to change anything yes it does change a lot actually I can't believe you keep this a secret from me I came as soon as you called you have a twin okay that's crazy do you think she looks like you probably let's just focus on what's important we need to go find out before I get any more consequences they're just getting worse how are you going to find her she's at the bus station Amara do you know how many bus stations there are how are we supposed to know which one it is in specific well my guess is that I can't sleep for a whole week so I have all day and all night let's go
Channel: Relaxing Story Slime
Views: 732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: POV, pov slime storytime, TEXT To Speech Emoji Groupchat Conversations, TEXT To Speech, asmr video, asmr storytime, tik tok, Roblox storytime
Id: qij4hxFz9ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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