Text To Speech πŸ‘  @Amarachehade TikTok | ASMR Cake Storytime | POVs Tiktok Compilations Part #85

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my sister completed her task we're rich now that's so cool I can't wait till I turn 16. honey can you get me the box that's in the basement that Mom's busy I can get it no don't go in there I'll get it why but because it's your birthday you should relax okay the basement I've never been down there anyway so should be easy Mia are you still sleeping on mine today no sorry why no offense but your house is creepy and it always smells bad why didn't you tell me this before look I promise I'll spray it on the whole house with perfume just please come it's my birthday okay fine mom what's in the basement nothing why because Mia said the house smells bad she did thank you so much for coming Mia I'm gonna go get something I'll be right back don't worry honey we'll take good care of her [Music] I'm back with me off she left really she's not answering her phones she's not answering her phone wait but if I go I lose out on the million I'll just wait maybe she's busy or her phone is out of battery I'm sorry your friend left on your birthday honey but here's a gift I hope it will make you feel better thanks Mom hey Amara have you seen Mia not since yesterday she ditched me on my birthday apparently she never went home yesterday and her parents reported how I was missing what hey how was school don't even try where's Mia what do you mean I told you no you told me she went home and she clearly didn't she's missing how am I supposed to know maybe she got lost or something she lives five minutes away from here well maybe she got kidnapped I don't know she's lying I know it I have no other choice but to go and then check I have no other choice but to go in there and check here we go oh my gosh it smells horrible in here oh my gosh what just touched my egg was that that person tomorrow who's there it's me Mio Mia what are you doing here thank God you found me your parents put me in here I haven't had anything to eat or drink since they were just gonna leave you here to die looks like it I mean look at all the dead people here I told you there was something creepy about this house I can't believe they would do this quickly give me your phone we need to call the police yeah hey Amara are you in there Amara are you in there go what do you mean go she's gonna kill me no she won't you're her daughter go I'll call the police just act like you didn't see me hello coming what were you doing in there I told you you're not allowed in the basement sorry Mom listen to me honey you can't tell anyone what you saw down there do you understand do you like the dinner I cooked it with special meat from downstairs don't look surprised don't you like it yeah hold on someone's at the door police you're under arrest under arrest for what for keeping dead people in your basement what that's not true tell them Amara no they're both flying you should go down there and check you'll pay for this thanks again for saving my life you don't need to thank me I'm so sorry about what happened hey why don't you come live with me you can help me compare my tasks you know we'll both spit the money I would love that three two one I can't believe it I'll go Infinity kisses you got the same right babe me uh yeah I go Infinity too I guess I was right we really are soul mates yeah so did you get infinity kisses like your boyfriend yeah I'll go Infinity oh that's so cute I knew you two were meant to be anyways um I'm late to class hey can you stop staring at me sorry Amara they're giving away free pizza at the cafeteria let's go the pizza was so good I know right wait why is Jake staring off I don't know he's been staring at me all day don't worry he does that to everyone he's just a creep yeah hey babe I missed you me too what's wrong Jake's been staring at me all day why I don't know but I'm gonna find out I'll be right back hey babe I've missed you me too what's wrong Jake's been staring at me all day why I don't know but I'm gonna go find out be right back Hey Jake why are you staring at me I'm not and if she saw you've been staring at me all day it's just it's just what hey is everything okay I was just listen I'm gonna tell you this one stop staring at my girlfriend come babe let's go I saw you speaking with Jake did he tell you why he was staring at you no Chris came in in the middle of a conversation what are you gonna do now I don't know I need to find a way to speak to him without Chris being around I can help with that you can there yeah I'll just distract him while you go speak to Jake and Secret hey can you please continue what you were saying we have the same amount of kisses so I think you're my soul mate how many kisses do you have 170. oh gosh hey Amara how many lives did you get I got one at least now you can just be honest with everyone yeah that's not always a good thing hey Amara do you still have that top I borrowed you oh you know I've been looking for it for over a month now and I still haven't found it are you lying no well now you got zero lies I know it's not yours I saw it when I was there last weekend you got me come on you always do it no it's true she wasted her last lie on me all right I'll copy of Sarah hey you I heard you kiss my boyfriend well no I would never do that to you you're my friend well he said he saw you do it he's probably just trying to spit you guys up and besides I don't have any more lies so there would be no way I could lie to you oh yeah you're right hey you excited for tomorrow what's tomorrow our lives are going public oh please give me a good magic power mind control why do I always get bad ones I want to refuse it but I can't otherwise I'll get kicked out of the school accept it now but Mom I said do it all right fine look it's the girl with no magic powers she shouldn't be allowed back in the school who says I don't have any magic powers I have a magic power really and what's your magic power I can't tell them they'll bully me I don't want to say it's a secret sir am I allowed to stay do you have a magic power yes I do I picked one today all right then you can stay thanks sir I'm so scared imagine someone finds out about my magic power I can't let anyone know that I got mind control everyone will be practicing on magic powers today practicing on magic powers yes everyone should know how to use them Amara you just pretend to have magic power so you can stay in the school right no that's not true I have magic powers if you have magic powers why don't you want to tell me what it is fine it's mind control mind control that's the most greatest magic power the gray is magic power if you really have that power then I want to challenge challenge me yep to see if you're telling the truth okay fine I'll accept the challenge good look guys I'm gonna use my powers on tomorrow wait why isn't it working on her wait Amara do you really not feel anything feel what why are you all looking at me like that I know about your magic power you can control minds what how do you know because you have the strongest magic power I can feel it but I don't know how to use it it's easy just use your feelings feelings yes Amara did you accept the magic match against Jennifer yes then the competition will start now now yes oh my gosh I don't know how to use my magic yet why so quiet are you scared to fight me okay the magic match will start in three two one I hope I get a good magic power move things that's not even a power it's normal to move things I don't want it good morning Mom good morning honey make sure you're ready for Magics yes Mom did you choose your magic power not yet what why how are you going magic school with no magic powers that's so dumb relax I'm just waiting to get good magic power I don't want to get a lame one like the rest of my friends ouch look what my powers can do okay okay stop you're hurting me I can hurt you without even touching you that's a lame magic power what's your magic power I don't have any magic power then who are you to make fun of me if you don't have one yourself I'm gonna tell everyone that you don't have a magic power no don't hey you don't have a magic power right no I don't have one yet I hope I get a good magic power this time it has to be better than my friends so they don't bully me again fly just fly no that's boring I'll decline honey you refused your magic power again because they gave me flying as an option it's so boring you can't keep rejecting just accept one already no I'm waiting for a good one to appear look it's the girl with no magic powers you do know if you keep rejecting you might not even get one at all I'm just waiting for the perfect one to appear you're useless let's go guys I'll give you time until tomorrow if you don't have a magic power you're leaving the school but sir my magic powers are still loading I don't know when they'll give me a next one I don't care you have 24 hours yes it's loading okay this time I'm gonna have to accept it otherwise I'll get kicked out of the school please give me a good magic power three two one I can't believe it I'll go Infinity kisses you got the same right babe me uh yeah I go Infinity too I guess I was right we really are zombies yeah so did you get infinity kisses like your boyfriend yeah I'll go Infinity oh that's so cute I knew you two were meant to be anyways um I'm late to class hey can you stop staring at me sorry Amara they're giving away free pizza I pick up Syria let's go the pizza was so good I know right wait why is Jake staring off I don't know he's been staring at me all day don't worry he does that to everyone he's just a creep yeah hey babe I missed you me too what's wrong Jake's been staring at me all day why I don't know but I'm gonna find out I'll be right back I guessed it of course I'm never gonna be anyone special hey what are you guys doing sorry about from now we can't be friends again yeah we don't want to be friends with you why not because you're an ordinary person I'm the child of a company owner we're not on the same level and I'm a mafia kid class today we'll be doing history please make sure only special students are in this class but sir where do Ordinary People Go you need to go to the Ordinary People class oh look who we have here I knew you'd end up working as a waitress can I take you guys as older Amara there's someone who wants to order tea please deliver it to table why not you because he said he wanted you to deliver me yes hurry up here's your teaser thank you at the request of the prince I'm here to invite you to the Palace why me because the prince said you're his childhood friend and he wants to meet you what wait why is my status loading hurry up and give me the rain simple wait hold on son but my mom and dad both have the rain symbol oh my gosh hurry up cover that symbol here's some makeup huh why do I have to cover up Mom because I cheated on your dad and your real dad had the sun symbol hurry up cover it cheated does that mean I'm not your child you're ridiculous of course you're my child I give birth to you Amara stop running away let me call you no don't touch me I'm gonna tell Dad that you're a cheater oh I already know I've also cheated on her before huh when did you cheat on me uh if I'm not mistaken the day after our wedding what is wrong with you people oh my gosh Amar you got the sun symbol yeah I did how come your parents both have the rain symbol I don't know I had it's really hard to get the sun symbol my cousin gave back to 100 kids just to have one with the sun's him a hundred kids yep so you're very lucky why you didn't know only people with the sun symbol can marry the king marry the king I don't even want to hey are you talking bad about the king get her hey let go of me why am I in handcuffs you will stay here until the king comes and decides how to punish you please let go of me I have a maths exam soon if I don't show up I'll be in big trouble wait the king also have a maths exam today maybe it's your classmate let's take her to him okay let's do it Excuse Me Miss I'm so sorry I'm late for the exam I was kidnapped and handcuffed and they finally let go of me um your excuse doesn't make sense but because I'm in a good mood just come in hey you're cheating off my paper what are you doing did you just hit that guy yeah he's an idiot he keeps cheating he's bleeding are you okay hey you aren't you the girl from earlier yeah I remember her because she has a sun symbol oh my gosh oh King what did you do to him it wasn't me and who's the king who are you talking about uh it's it's me I hope I get the crown symbol so I can live in the palace and marry the prince huh an upside down Crown I thought there was only two symbols a crown and a leaf how did I get an upside down crown mom there's something wrong with my symbol what upside down crown that means you're the enemy of the planet what yeah cover up quickly before anyone sees it why did I get the symbol why couldn't they just give me an ordinary crown oh look you got the leaf symbol just like everyone and I see you got the crown symbol congrats thanks if I marry the prince I'll invite you see you later I swear the system has an error how can an arrogant person like Nancy get the crown symbol you really think it's good to live in the palace yeah why wouldn't it be those who got the crown symbol will be forced to marry the king who's already had 12 wives in the past and what's worse is that they can't refuse it marry the king that's crazy isn't he like in his 80s or something and if that was true why is everyone competing to get the crown symbol that's because they don't know what's actually going on in Palace how do you know you have a leaf symbol because I used to live there how did you live in the palace with that symbol believe it or not my original symbol was hurry up everyone with the leaf symbol has to get to class from now on everyone with a leave symbol has to stay in this class but this class is so full there's bearing enough space for everyone I'm getting claustrophobic oh my gosh this is your new class oh ew what's that smell why is there so many people here why are you here Nancy I thought you'd already be on the way to the Palace by now none of your business those with Leaf sides are only allowed to eat yoga you're not allowed to eat anything containing meat what but why I was just about to buy a hamburger oh sorry you can't eat any meat hey you can have my bag on but just to let you know I spat on it hey Nancy don't talk to people with Leaf symbols sorry sir I was just saying hi to my old friend hey Aiden can you believe it there's more than two symbols how do you know come with me to the girls toilet are you insane I'm a guy I'm not gonna go to the girls toilet just come I want to show you my symbol hurry up I can't be seen in here here see this is my original symbol upside down Crown do you know what it means an upside down crown that means you an upside down Crown do you know what it means an upside down crown that means you're the kingdom how comes your answers exactly like my mother's that means she wasn't lying you don't trust your own mother I mean only sometimes because usually my family gives me money and she says she's gonna hold it for me but she has his own school fees do you even know anything about symbols I used to read in my grandpa's history book he said everyone that got the upside down Crown must take the King's throne what steal the King's throne are you crazy don't make things up Aiden it's really bad and if in three days you don't take the king's crown you're going to die that's what's written in the book I'm kind of Dying Three Days no I don't believe you I need proof where's the proof you want proof come with me tonight we're going to the Grave to the grave at night are you insane we're going to find my grandpa's history book I hid it in the grave why are we walking towards the palace anyways when we're going to Grandpa's grave my grandpa's buried at the palace buried at the palace I thought only Royals were buried at the palace um to be honest this is my symbol Adrian your symbol is a crown why didn't you tell me earlier don't speak too loud I'll tell you later but for now let's find a safe place your symbol on the should when you turn 17 right my symbol was there my whole life because my dad was King oh so you're the son of the previous King you're a prince then yes the current King has an upside down card so he was the one who killed your dad yes he killed him the day he found out by a symbol he killed my mom too because she refused to be his wife but how come none of this is in the news yes because things like this are common in the palace sees the throne share the wife wow all this time I thought Royals had the perfect life but wait why does this symbol even exist if the upside down Crown didn't exist the world would have been much safer and no one would fight over the throne okay I've decided to take the King's throne are you sure yes and besides I don't even want the throne like that I just don't want to die you're the one who said to have three days yes that's right okay if that's the case I'll show you the secret passage to the Palace without the god seeing you oh yeah here's a weapon for you it's poisoned why did you give me this oh so that you can how long can I move today Infinity that means I can move forever but I won't tell anyone I got Infinity I don't want to be arrogant Mom I'm ready for school what's your move time I only got five minutes today so I can't drive you to school I got two hours okay make sure you hide so nothing bad happens to you yes I know Mom I still have 30 minutes to move I have an hour how much time do you have Amara I have five minutes then we can't be friends anymore because we're not going to be in the same class not in the same class what do you mean sa is it true that those with little time has to be put in another class yes the important thing is to be safe that's why we put you all in the same class so that nothing bad happens when your time is up okay guys you have 30 seconds left before your time ends I have to pretend now looks like time is up take them to the door shop to sell them okay sir wait what oh my gosh we're getting maximum years actually I'm picking the red one you're not serious why because everyone clicks the green one that's because everyone wants to live no one knows if the red one means death yes everyone knows that how um see you don't know I'm just gonna do it you're insane just know when you die I'm using your credit cards your sister told me what you did and what did I do why would you click the red one you're gonna die oh my gosh you guys are such drama queens you don't even know what happens when that timer ends yes we do you're gonna die hey bestie can I have your clothes when you die yeah take them since you have two minutes left you should not hooked up with your boys you think there's no point arguing you have two minutes left here we go what is this place welcome it's a pleasure to meet you you're one of the few people who selected less time and therefore you'll be awarded I wondered with what the power to make everyone do what you say no way that's so cool I knew something good was gonna come out of this but what happens with the people who selected last time they're gonna have to wait a long time before they get the powers but most people will normally die before they get the chance to even get them okay go enjoy your powers thank you the door is the other way oh I knew that I'm all right you didn't die what happened I'm not allowed to say you're still alive look I'm so sorry for hooking up with your boyfriend what can I do for you to forgive me I don't know maybe jump off a cliff okay mom which one should I choose honey choose Mafia but the mafia's Dad's job right yes but Mafia has a dangerous job so no one can know okay kids your task today is to tell me what your dad work says but I can't tell him so what does your dad work at um my dad's job is a security guard well you're just the daughter of a security guard aren't you ashamed of going to school here just because I can't say what my dad works as I'm being bullied at school I have to call that hello Dad what's your dad supposed to do it's just a security guard oh so you're the one who's been bullying my daughter right huh why is your face like that what's in the box it's empty what you're lying to me what's in it tell me now but I don't know what's in it it's really empty don't lie the Box you have is the fake one not the real one you tricked me hurry up and give me the original box if you let go of Amara I'll give you the original box okay but she's gonna have to tell us what's in it first Emily before I give you the box can I have a word with Amara alone please okay hurry up thank you Emily for saving me again no problem are you sure giving them the box is a good idea we'll just give them a fake box again you want me to lie to them they won't even know we're lying because they can't see what's in it only you can okay if you say so here you go this is the Box quickly tell me what's inside it's um hurry it's filled with diamonds hey okay now you two can go okay come on let's go Amara but are you sure they won't find out it's time to wear these glasses you're being targeted people already know your eye color if only I could find a girl with the colorful eyes Excuse Me Miss do you know where they call it girl is no sorry I don't that's a shame if I had known I could have caught her Emily we have to leave the city what happened everyone knows that the colorful eyes belong to me so I have to live the same immediately it's easy then let's get out of the seat what about the box we have to get the box and take it abroad okay then let's go get the box now let's go this is the Box just hold it why don't we just open it now why is there a helicopter here hey go with colorful eyes we know you're there we have to go now they already know we're here they've been chasing us this whole time let's go Amora you think you can escape from us huh sorry please let's go just this time give us the Box otherwise we're gonna have to take you back to the warehouse again Amara quickly open the box now and tell me what's in it um three wishes give us the box now Amara hurry up and make a wish okay my first wish is for me to leave the city my second wish is for me and Emily to be the richest people in the world my third wish is for my eyes to go back to normal color are you sure you want to let go of your power yes so did it work I think so take the glasses off okay I'll take it off I really hope nothing bad happens oh my gosh why is your eye color why is my eye color what your eyes are not normal they're colorful colorful I finally found someone with this eye color officer takeoff what's happening sure don't move so why am I being detained like this I'll leave you with this officer because I really need your eyes they can help me help you with what you're just gonna leave me with a stranger let me go shut up you wait until me and your teacher come back so I'm gonna be left here alone don't try to run away but please Amara are you okay Emily finally you came please help me untie these handcuffs you shouldn't have went to the eye exam everyone's off to you now everyone's after me yes because only your eyes can see the contents of the Box what box I'll explain later come with me now basically you guys have the power to see what's inside the Box people with normal eyes don't see anything I don't understand what books are you talking about our teacher he always has this orange green box in class do you remember it I think so so do you have the box no but we have to get it quickly for my teacher's classroom this is our classroom but the box is no longer here it was here just yesterday it seems that the teacher has taken it to the warehouse at the time you were kidmapped so what we're gonna do now he thinks you're still in the warehouse he must have came in and took it how are we gonna get it back don't worry the box is useless if people don't know what's inside the contents can only be seen with your eyes wait here I'm gonna try to find that I know where the teacher's box is you do yes I'll show you but you have to come okay let's go Emily I'm with Olivia she said she knows what the box is the box is with me now you have to run away she's lying to you um Olivia I need to go to the bathroom my stomach hurts you think you can run away from me everyone remember do not join your face okay because everything you draw on your face will appear on your soulmate's face huh who would want to draw on their face don't be surprised there's a lot of people who do it look at Liam for example he's been drawn superheroes on his face for the whole day Liam why would you draw on your face so I can be my soulmate faster as soon as I see someone with a superhero drawing on their face I'll notice them straight away I would not want to be his soulmate why is everyone dying to meet the soul mates Amara you really don't want to meet your soulmate soon no and besides I don't believe in soul mates look at my parents they've been married for 24 years and got divorced because my dad cheated on my mom that's your dad's fault look at my parents they're still together and they're in the 50. you never know it's not like your dad's gonna tell you if you cheat on your mom what the heck Amara you're so evil well sorry for being honest come Amara help me draw my face I'm not gonna Drown Your Face Jenny she's so weird I feel bad for her soulmate honey how come your friend's face is filled with scribble because she's dying to me or her soulmate Mom oh but how come you don't have anything on your own because I don't wanna soul mate I don't want to get cheated on like you huh Jenny why would my soulmate write Jenny on his forehead this is so annoying I have to cover this out of all girls why would he write Jenny she's so weird Leah how come you still haven't drawn anything on your face like the others um because I'm waiting for you to do it fast why are you waiting for me just go ahead don't worry about me it's because I hope you're my soul mate Amara did you see Aiden's face this morning yes he has Jenny written on his forehead but that's so strange Jenny's a freaking psychopath Aiden why do you have Jenny written on your forehead like that for the last time I didn't even write her name she did it while I fell asleep at basketball practice we have the same names written on our foreheads could that mean we're why isn't it coming off Amara I just wanted to let you know that wait your Aiden's soul mate I can't believe this Jenny why isn't it coming off Amara I just wanted to let you know that wait you're Aiden saw me Jenny your forehead clearly has my name on it and I wrote no way I can explain you don't need to explain come with me Leo please help me Jenny wants to touch me because she knows it is my soulmate what so your Aiden's soulmate yes I ouch help me why are you just standing there you want to know why Leah's just standing there because she can't accept the fact that Aiden's your soul but why are you an idiot are you pretending to be one it's because she likes you don't really yes Samara and if I'm not your soul mate no one else can be your soul mate Leah please help me we've been friends for a long time I promise if you help me I'll go on a date with you we all know you're just lying ouch where am I you're up early do you like to move your Rapunzel you must love oh Jenny tell me where we are now and why am I in handcuffs so that you don't run away silly yeah you asked earlier where we are we're in my family's secret Tower in front I'm in France yeah just take a look outside it's beautiful isn't it Leo help me you know my mom will be worried if I don't come home don't worry about your mom I told her the school took us to France as exchange students and that They confiscated your phone so that she can't call you impossible my mom would never believe that of course she would and she did she would never doubt your childhood friend right Leo what we're gonna leave now because I'm feeling nice I'll leave you some food and drinks but it's only gonna be enough for a couple of months you're just gonna leave me alone yeah and good luck trying to run away access in and out of this Tower okay made by a helicopter bye I hope the next time I see you I see you as a corpse okay Amara don't panic I can just ask Aiden for help whatever I paint on my face will also appear on his face right but I don't have any panel marker I can just use my blood do you think he'll understand this should I draw a picture of a tower too maybe it will make it easier for him to find me I really hope he sees that this is a tower I'm so tired you need help yes or no this means he understood what I meant you need help yes or no this means he understood what I meant okay so all I need to do is wait it's been three days how come there's still no sign of help what if Jenny saw what I wrote on his face and she kidnapped him too I'm so stupid I should have never wrote that I needed help I need to get out of here before I stop to death huh that sounds like a helicopter could it be Jenny and Leah again I have to hide gosh this Tower is so tall Amara where are you who the hell is that it doesn't sound like Aiden maybe Jenna and Leah hide the Hitman I think your tracking device is wrong there's no way Amore is in a tower like this but we've traveled all the way to France mom how come my mom is here did you hear that that sounded like Amara yes I did let's look for in that room Amara how did you get here honey what crazy kidnapper brought you here I can't believe you two are here you really don't know who kidnapped me I mean I did this like Leo when she said the school sent you to France as exchange students because you're not smart enough to be sent as an exchange student and also they wouldn't send you to France the school only sent students to Germany but how did you find me remember that gold ring I gave you I put a tracker inside of it so if you ever snuck out I'd know why are you laughing no reason let's get you out of it so I guess you're my soul mate huh since we have the same writing on our faces I guess so what are we gonna do about Jenny and Leo we have to report them to the police did you forget they're both Rich I'm sure they can bribe the police and get away with it calm down I have a plan did you forget the rich they can just brag the police and get away with it don't worry I have an idea my mom is there don't tell Aiden about my wife huh but why Mom my work is dangerous no one can know about it oh okay I see just keep it a secret since your mom doesn't want you to tell by the way mom who's helicopter did you use to get into this Tower oh it belongs to my boss I just borrowed that your boss but didn't you say that your boss is really stingy I don't know he just gave it right away that's weird and Aiden's acting weird too he didn't even try to get me to tell him what my mom works as okay I'm gonna go return the helicopter to my boss you two wait here okay don't go anywhere why is there scribbles on our face oh just go to the zombie Center you can just ask to get it removed huh I can ask for it to be removed yes you can but the condition is that we have to get married right away do you want to yeah no that's not happening why my dad's been waiting for us to get married since earlier I don't even know you that well but it doesn't matter always told me but we're still young we can't get married now how about just beyond fiance that's basically the same thing we'll be engaged just tell you that no hello Dad I just came back from frog Hello nice to meet you I'm Amara your son saw me nice to meet you too you're Christina's daughter right how do you know my mom boss why is my boss at our house sorry I wasn't expecting you the house is so messy relax first let me introduce you to my son Aiden wait Aiden's your son if that's the case that means Aiden's the son of the most strongest mafiables in this country mom why didn't you tell me I just found out now Hayden so you knew from the start that my mom was in the mafia I didn't know until your mom borrowed the helicopter off my dad okay so what happens now we're gonna go to my dad's office and we're going to punish Jenny and Leo your dad's a Mafia Boss does that mean he's gonna kill them they should be punished for what they did to you we can't just tell the police about it whoa let go who are you guys why are they tied up like that Leah shut up it's useless for you to scream like that open the blindfolds huh Amara so this is all your idea Aiden too sorry about you kidnapped my soulmate so you deserve this I'm sorry I promise I'll never do it again Leah what are you doing Amara I hope you're happy with Aiden wait
Channel: RAY CakeStorytime
Views: 159,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, Amarachehade, msa, storytime, asmr, text to speech, dhar mann, ray cakestorytime, ray cake storytime, amara chehade, rebecca zamolo, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, amara, tiktok, povs, amara tiktok povs, asmr cake, text to speech amara, cake storytime tiktok, cake storytime 1 hour, amara storytime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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