Text summarization with T5 Transformer using PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning and Python | NLP Tutorial

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hey guys in this video we are going to have a look at how you can use t5 for text summarization and i'm going to show you how you can set up the unnecessary libraries i'm going to show you how you can use the t5 tokenizer and then we're going to use the hanging face library transformers to actually fine tune the t5 model for text summarization let's get started so here i have a brand new notebook in which i'm going to change the runtime and make sure that it's a gpu and then i'm going to connect to the instance after this is complete i'm going to just check what type of gpu did i get and we have car 80 i'm going to reset the machine and check if this is going to be a bit better otherwise yeah it's a d4 now so this is uh great and yeah i'm going to start by installing some requirements we are going to need transformers library from the honey face and by torch lightning these are the latest version at the time at which i am recording this video so this should be good enough and i'm going to basically paste a lot of imports uh here i'm importing some python whitening stuff and yeah pretty much the transfer from the transformers library we're going to use t5 for conditional generation if if you haven't seen the d5 in action i did um a videos or two videos on question answering with t5 you can have a look at those and those will probably give you a good intuition of what is happening here so in this video i'm not going to take the time to explain what t5 really is and how it works under the hood next we are going to import uh the watching boiler plate that we are going to use pretty much again standard stuff i'm going to define the figure size and seaborn i'm going to use seabourn to set the style of the plots that we are going to get and finally i'm going to use seed everything to make sure that pretty much everything is reproducible all right so now we are ready to take some data and the data today comes from kego it's this news summary data set which says that it's about generating short-lived descriptions of news articles and in this case we have these many examples and they contain the author name the headlines short text and complete article so these are news from in shorts and there are scripts from hindu indian times and the guardian so it's from 2017 and it looks like the date set is uh quite good at least uh at first glance and you can see a tiny preview of what do we have we have the date which we are currently not interested in and we have the read more link the headlines and this is the actually this is the short text or the compressed text and this is the full text of the article so we are going to basically take this train um t5 on it and try to generate something that is similar to what we have right here so this will pretty much be the task and i'm going to basically download this same this same data set from my google drive and i'm going to release it a run so this will give you a csv zip file i'm going to unzip it and i'm going to put it into a data folder so if we open up the data folder here here we have the csv file it's 11 megabytes and the next thing that we are going to do is to load it using bundles of course from data news summary csv and we will have to specify encoding in order to read the data i'm going to use what in one which seems to be working all right then if we look through some of the examples we have exactly the same structure that we had in kego again this is the compressed uh sorry this is the complete text and then this is the summary of the article and yeah i'm going to just take those two columns the text and the c text and yeah if we do this next yeah i'm going to replace the column names the first one will be summary and then will be the text then i'm going to drop all the examples that don't have a summary or text and have a look at it okay so here we have the summary and then the text so this is just the data frame that we are going to work with let's check the number of examples that we have so it's a little bit lower than what we hit into the date set but this is mostly due to the dropping of the non-existent uh either summaries or texts then i'm going to split the data into a train and test data frame i am going to reserve about 10 percent for test size let's check the resulting shapes yeah we have only 440 examples for testing and the rest of it is just for training okay so next we are going to basically create a data set uh in the form of date set that that extends from pytorch dataset and i'm going to emit it or create a constructor for it it's going to take the self of course then uh data in the form of a data frame then a tokenizer d5 tokenizer and yeah i'm using the post tokenizer and importing it as t5 tokenizer in the hope that this will speed up the preprocess because it takes a lot of time to pre-process some of the data then i'm going to say that we want the maximum token length of the text itself is going to be 512 characters or tokens and for the summary we want this to be 128 okay so i'm going to take the tokenizer here save the data and pretty much the all the stuff that are passed to the constructor i'm going to create a property of it all right next we need to do the two methods len and the get item method i'm going to take the data row from the data and the current index and i'm going to extract the text which is again the full text and i'm going to encode it i'm going to specify a maximum length of the encoding to be the max the text max token length i want a padding to the max length i want truncation i want the attention mask and those are all properties from the t5 tokenizer as again we've used those into the previous videos i want this to add the special tokens and return tensors in the form of python tensors i'm going to pretty much do the same thing for the summary and i'm going to use the summary max tokenland here and this will be the summary encoding okay uh and after this i'm going to create the actual labels which we are going to take from the summary encoding the input ids from the tokenizer and i'm going to replace the padding tokens which has an idf 0 with -100 and this will basically make sure that we have the correct labels that are required for t5 text generation i guess i have a better explanation of this in the previous videos and finally the result of this is going to be a dictionary which contains text in the summary the text input ids and this will be from the text encoding input ladies and i'm going to flatten those so those can be easily batched by the data waller i want also the text attention mask i want the labels and everything is photons so it's one-dimensional at least on the first one and i want the attention mask from the summary encoding all right so i believe that this should do the trick uh and let's run through it it seems to be working all right uh next we are going to create a data module for pytorch whitening i want to emit this passing the training and test data i'm going to specify that those are on this data frame again here up a bit with the typing uh i am going to take the tokenizer which is going to be e5 tokenizer then the batch size which is going to take default value of 8 and this will be of course dependent on the gpu that you have and the max token length for the text is going to be 512 and for the summary max tokenland 128 so this is the constructor and i'm going to call the super constructor on this one and i'm going to basically take all the parameters and save them as a property all right so we need a setup method which is called automatically by the trainer if we pass in stage and we are not going to be interested in that stage but here i'm going to create a training date set which is going to be news summary date set i'm going to pass in the training date frame the tokenizer the text max tokenland and the summary max token so this will be the train date set and for the test data set yeah this should do the trick again so we have both of those data sets and i'm going to build a train data water and this will basically return a data water from pytorch with the training data set a batch size set to the number of the batch size from the property that we have i want this to be shuffled because it's for use for training and the number of workers is going to be set to 2 at least that's all right value for google cloud next i'm going to do pretty much the same thing for the validation data loader except that i'm going to pass in the base date set and i don't want this to be shuffled and pretty much the same thing for the test date water all right if we're in this it should work all right next i am going to specify the model name that we are going to use and we are going to use the t5 base which is the smallest d5 model and i'm going to initialize the tokenizer and i want to use the d5 base model and what this all right so we have the the tokenizer so one thing that you might want to have a look at is how many tokens do would you need to train those models and to do that i do some basic plotting i'm going to specify the number of text tokens and the summary token counts and i'm going to basically iterate over the training date frame i'm going to calculate the text colcon count by actually calling the tokenizer and calling the row text from here token text token counts and on the next row i'm going to add this to the list and then i'm going to pretty much do the same thing for the summary all right and if we run this it should say that yeah the the number of uh the sequence length is larger than the sequence that the model is going to take which is uh 512 i believe but that's all right because we just want to have a look at the token length or the distribution of it then i'm going to plot the token counts and i'm going to create a support for that i want to do a histogram or his port of the text token counts over the first axis and i'm going to label it with the title full text token counts and i'm going to pretty much do the same thing for the summary token counts over the second taxes and this should give us the distributions of both and as you can see for the text token counts pretty much the the largest part are around 1 500 or something like this so the distribution is heavily skilled here and we have some example or examples which contain a lot more of the data but that's all right and for the summaries you can see that we can fit in about one for we can probably fit 100 percent of the examples into the 140 uh tokens which is uh kind of great because uh the tokenizer is not going to be expanded or have to be to work harder to encode more tokens from the summary so the summaries are really quite small which is good again all right so given this i'm going to prepare the number of epochs and the bar size and i'm going to basically create the data module using the default parameters which i've conveniently chosen before doing the video of course so and finally the much size so this will give us the data module and then we are going to create a whitening module that is going to be the model for the summarization so here in the constructor i'm going to again emit this and for the model i'm going to create an instance of it from retrain again i want to enter the model name which is t5 base and i want the outputs to be returned as a dictionary all right so this will actually not return a dictionary but rather data class which is even better and i'm going to overwrite the forward method here it will take the input ladies and attention mask and if we have labels we are going to pass the decoder attention mask which is calculated from the summary encoding and the labels which we also calculated and the output of the model is going to be a result of applying the model to the input ladies for the rotation mask we are going to apply the attention mask for the labels we are going to pass in the labels and the decoder attention mask is going to be the decoder attention mask arguments and we are going to return the wash of the model which is calculated automatically by the huge face library model and the widgets on the predictions of the model all right everything seems great and i'm going to continue with writing the training step method that is required by python lightning and from the batch i'm going to basically take the input ladies from the text the attention mask again from the text the labels and the labels are tension mask which we're going to pass to the decoder i'm going to basically apply the forward method the attention mask the decoder attention mask which are going to be the labels let me just reform on this to be a bit more readable the labels attention mask and the labels themselves all right and this will return the walls and the outputs okay uh next i'm going to walk the validation was the train was sorry and return the loss itself all right so this is the training step we basically take the data from the batch and pass it to the forward method so the forward method can get the data and apply through the model and we are going to just return the was and the predictions of the model based on what the hanging face library transformers is giving us so next i am going to pretty much copy and paste this so we can use it for the validation step and i'm going to just change this and then the test step of course you can be a bit smarter than me or a lot smarter than me and just extract all this into uh a couple of methods which is going to make your code much more readable but copy and paste works here as well so i'm going to write out the final method which is going to be configure optimizers and here i'm going to use adam with weight decay fix i'm going to pass in the parameters and the warning rate which is going to be this small number i guess yeah all right so now that we have all this we have a syntax error which is right here here we have dev here all right this should work and i'm going to create an instance of the model this will and it's download 900 megabytes so this is quite all right and it's a worst model even the base version of it i'm going to load tensorboard and i'm going to load the magic pencil board and i'm going to observe the winding a whitening works folder so this should load it and after that i'm going to create a callback for the checkpoints i'm going to save into checkpoints and i want only the best checkpoints and i want to do that according to validation loss and i want the best model to have the minimum validation was yeah this here says that it's not active because we haven't started training yet and then i'm going to create a logger into the lightning clocks folder and i'm going to name the experiment news summary i'm going to create a trainer i'm going to pass in the logger the checkpoints callback is going to be the checkpoint callback the max epochs are going to be number of epochs gpus are going to be equal to one progress bar refresh rate is going to be 30 because we're using google cloud here and this should probably run fine yeah we're using the gpu and then on the trainer we are going to train the model using the data module and this should start the process hopefully if we got everything correct this should start training and pretty much the expectation here is that the model shouldn't give you a very large decrease into the wash because this model was pre-trained on summarization and it might very well be possible that it was pre-trained on pretty much the same data set so so now the training is complete we're going to basically have a look at what we did so far and how well the model is going to create summaries for our news articles and as you can see quickly from the training works the validation was has been decreasing for the three epochs that we've trended but it looks like that it is decreasing by small margins and here is the tensorboard works for it as you can see the training was is rather let's smooth it out it's kind of decreasing but yeah it's all around the place and the validation was is decreasing as well but but only slightly so the training took about 23 or 24 minutes and yeah you're free to try out other warning rates or other parameters for the training but i'm going to continue with loading the best model so far which is the one that is from the last training epoch and i'm going to what from the checkpoint which we are given by the checkpoints callback from the trainer and then best model path so this will toward the model and then i want to freeze it so we will be able to speed up the inference and this will just go ahead and load the model then i want to have a look at what can we do to do the summarization so to do that i'm going to write a simple function called summarize and in it we want to pass in some text then the first thing that we are going to do is to call the tokenizer that we have i'm going to pass in the text then i'm going to pass in the max length which is 500 the padding so this is pretty much the same thing that we had in the date set creation i want this to be truncated return the attention mask add the special tokens and return the result as tensors for pytorch and the result is going to be the text encoding after this is complete uh we want to ask our model to generate the summary for this tokenized text or tokenization so that i'm going to call the trained model dot model which is actually the instance of the d5 for generation model and then i'm going to call generate so here this method takes a lot of parameters but we're going to pass in the input ids from the text encoding and then uh and again if you're not familiar with what those parameters do please check the previous videos on which i went a bit deeper into all the different parameters and a tutorial that includes what is happening here when calling those parameters so then i'm going to pass in the attention mask from the encoding and then i want to specify the maximum length 150 for example uh then since we are doing beam search i want to specify some parameters that i found that are kind of all right again you might want to do some hyper parameter optimization here this will minimize the model when we have some repetitions i guess and again just hyper parameters here and want to do some early stopping to speed up the process so this will generate some ids which corresponds to ids for from for the tokenizer and i'm going to just decode this so the tokenizer decode i'm going to call this method for generated id in generated ids and i'm going to decode the genera uh generated id i want this to skip the special tokens and i want to clean up the tokenization spaces as well so this will be the predictions but this will return basically some words so the array of words i'm going to just join by an empty space and return the result of that so this hopefully will summarize some text given from here and i want to basically have a look at what type of summarizations our model is going to do so i'm going to take the first row from the test set i'm going to take the text from it and model summary and we're going to take this using the summarize that we've function that we just created then i want to preview the text here i want to get the summary that is created by the humans so we have quite a long text so we have a woman that is trying to jump over the fans in the white house and we have pretty much this summary of a woman who is arrested twice for trying to jump the white house fence etc and let's look at the model summary does it even make any sense and is it uh somewhat as good as this one so this is a summary a 38 years old year old woman in the u.s who was apprehended twice for allegedly trying to jump the white house fence last week has been arrested for scaling offense at the treasury building next to the white house uh yeah for scaring offense at the treasury building next to the alright well there was to speak to the president donald trump at the time she was charged with unwarfall entry and contempt of court so it looks like it's been it's done actually very well compared to the to the rear summary well it might be just a fluke so i'm going to do the same thing for the next example and have a look at it again i'm going to look at text then and summary and finally at the model summary as you can see it takes some time to generate the summary so if you want to do some fast inference you might be out of luck because this model is rather small rather slow so just take that into account so here at this toe in some railway station used to sell tea during his childhood he said to become a tourist spot and culture minister visited the place on sunday so the tea style uh the summary has the t still in the same place where prime minister once salty during his childhood is set to become a tourist spot so pretty much the same thing converting the style into a tourist spot is part of the larger project for putting modi's birthplace etc in place and set the t still with the vote of all right so it seems sensible again so this is good and i'm going to just have a look at one final example just to make sure that this is all right so pretty much the same thing but so far those summaries look like they're making sense and uh they're actually quite good so we have u.s president barack obama has declared declared january 16 as a religious freedom day with accordance with yearly tradition continuing an yearly tradition ongoing u.s president center proclamation to declare religious free freedom day in the us so this looks again very very sensible um and sent a proclamation to declare religious freedom day in the u.s so it's it's actually not the same sentence it's like adding at least in this case this one so religious freedom is a principle based on shared ancestry culture etc rich freedom is principle based not on shared ancestry so it yeah it's principle based not on shirt and so it's basically taking just this one sentence as you might have guessed obama said let's check the previous examples yeah so here uh you can see that uh the the first sentence was actually kind of changed but yeah it's basically deciding which sentences are let's say important and based on that it's creating something that is very sensible in my opinion so it looks like it is doing some job and it works at least quite well on those examples all right guys so uh thanks for watching i'm going to create another text tutorial in which uh i'm going to explain all the steps that we've looked into the this one and of course i'm going to include a jupiter wap notebook if you like this video please like share and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Venelin Valkov
Views: 4,701
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Deep Learning, NLP, Transformer, BERT, T5, Text
Id: KMyZUIraHio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 27sec (2547 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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