Texas's power disaster is a warning sign for the US
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Channel: Vox
Views: 3,773,516
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Keywords: Vox.com, vox, explain, explainer, texas, power outage, electrical grid, power, why did Texas lose power, blackout, oklahoma, infrastructure, wind energy, natural gas, nuclear power, climate change, global warning, jesse jenkins, texas news, texas power outage, texas winter storm 2021, texas rolling blackouts, texas power grid, texas power outage explained, us power grid explained, us power grid map, power grid failure, power grid, electrical grid failure, electrical grid system
Id: Zcrsgdl_hP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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I mean I KNEW that Texas having their own power grid was gonna bite them in the a** someday. I just didn’t know how exactly or what really happened here. I was confused as to why if Texas lost power we here in Oklahoma really didn’t. At least not on that scale. Especially since OG&E is not always the best company 🙄🙄
I feel like Oklahoma did have this sort of issue in October but... nobody cares about Oklahoma so 🤷♀️🤷♀️
Oh no the mods may not see the connection between Texas and Oklahoma. Not like we have a Governor and legislature trying to replicate many of Texas's policies.
Wow the coldest they got was 3 degrees? I sat at -9 for three days, it’s absolutely insane that Texas was so ill prepared, their culture and climate are nearly identical to Oklahoma, yet we made it through
Really? We get a nice mention? What does that mean? We weren’t as dumb as Texas for their independent grid? Texas is the laughing stock of bad legislation on energy grid work, I get it. But, what about them opening up the entire state and no mask mandate? Funny how Oklahoma didn’t make the news for that, since we didn’t have it to begin with!?! I don’t care about the political parties. I care for what is right in the society we live in. Protecting our power grids is extremely important. OG&E got a lot of flack, not arguing this point, but they also owned a good Chunk of Enable Midstream. Enable just got bought out by a Texas company, which means Oklahoma most likely will lose more jobs. I am guessing OG&E sold off Enable Midstream to cover the billion+ they spent on keeping our power up from the major fall ice storm. But what do I know?