Texas Gov. Abbott to debut border wall construction

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guess who we have on the program right now we have the governor of texas himself mr greg abbott governor uh okay how much money have you got to restart rebuilding the wall and how much wall can you rebuild so the texas legislature really took a strong stand to make sure that the state was going to have enough money to build a wall but at the same time make sure that we have the national guard on the border and texas department of public safety on the border and that we are working to both secure the border immediately while at the same time on the long-term process build the wall three billion dollars of texas taxpayer money has been devoted to this cause of texas securing the border and so we have a lot of money available to us to continue to build a wall and stuart i'll add this for texas it's going to cost less than it did for the trump administration for one reason and that's because in texas unlike the trump administration we're not having to devote money to acquire the land uh as you heard bill mollusion say uh the initial components of the oil are being built on land the state of texas owns on the border itself secondly uh there are property owners of a massive acreage on the border who are fed up with biden's open border policies and they are donating their land to texas for us to be able to use that land for free to build a wall on their property that is really quite quite something there that now governor texas has to patrol the border itself using your own offices the feds are not doing it and now people are using to that you are using to patrol the border they are allegedly violating civil rights of the migrants it seems like you can't win governor well we're going to fight uh and i'll tell you why it's because the byte administration has abdicated its constitutional obligation to enforce the laws of the united states this is the fundamental task of the president of the executive branch there are laws passed by the united states congress concerning governing immigration the body administration has abandoned enforcing those laws and so texas is going to step up and enforce those laws and you mentioned patrolling the border so we have soldiers and department of public safety officers on the border itself however we also have a a boat blockade in certain areas of the rio grande river to make sure that we're using boats to prevent those rafts from coming across the border the challenge that we have of course is the border is so long you know is is more than 1200 miles long uh and so it's a matter of having sufficient personnel along those lines also start i'll add this the button administration has tied the hands of the united states border patrol uh limiting their capabilities but also limiting their number in a way that makes federal government enforcement or border policies completely feckless and is destructive and dangerous to the united states of america is there any way you can make the feds pay for this we are seeking federal government to pay for this uh and there have been requests made by members of the texas congressional delegation to the federal government for funding to get all this done texas will also be bringing legal action against the federal government for the state of texas to get reimbursed for all the costs we have incurred to do the federal government's job okay your state has attracted a lot of businesses from other states they're moving to texas a lot of people are actually coming from california are they bringing their politics with them i asked because we had a member of the austin city council on earlier this morning on this show who said look in austin they've extended covert restrictions for a year without any public comment so is that the influence of californians coming to austin texas and screwing things up if i may say so well first let me make this point and that is in austin they have quote attempted to extended coveted restrictions uh that's contrary to my statewide executive order that applies in austin texas itself where there are zero coveted restrictions in the state of texas and uh i'm in austin right now you walk around austin people are not wearing masks masks are not required here uh and there's no closure obligations whatsoever in fact for the city to try to close down a business uh would be contrary to my executive order and there would be a winning lawsuit in the event that the city of austin tried to close down business along those lines stuart i got to tell you this because there's big information that just came out just about 30 minutes ago that shows you how open texas has been our jobs report came out today not only did our jobs report show that texas now has more people employed than we did the month before covet hit but also if you look at the non-farm payrolls texas has set now an all-time record for the number of people who have jobs in non-farm payrolls so the texas economy is robust it's growing we're open for business and more texans are working in non-farm jobs than ever before in the history of our state that is spectacular sir congratulations i would invite you to new york to see what it's like here but i don't think you'd want to come it was a great pleasure to have you on the show today sir and we'd hope you can come back soon because that was a terrific report on jobs and the war see you later governor thank you sir thank you stuart
Channel: Fox Business
Views: 372,859
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Keywords: FOX Business, FOX Business Network, Stuart Varney, Texas Gov Greg Abbott, Varney & Co, business, news, politics, illegal immigrants, immigration, border security, us southern border, border crossings, border apprehensions, border wall, asylum seekers, central america, US Mexico border, border patrol, border system, CBP, immigration reform, Joe Biden, Biden administration, Biden border policy, DHS Secretary Mayorkas, migrants, migrant surge, migrants Texas border, White House
Id: M5GwWnZ0a6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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