TESTING The Cheapest Lawn Mower On AMAZON

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what's up party people welcome back to the channel today i'm going to be testing out the cheapest lawnmower i could find on amazon and i had a few criteria for this number one it had to be 18 inches wide at least and also it had to be available for prime delivery because what's the point if you don't get prime okay i'm going to put a link to this down below in the description if it's worth anything we'll see by the way this was 89.99 let's take a look at what we've purchased hand powered domination by remington i don't know where this is made this was made in the great state of china china the great state of china so we can only assume that this is the highest of quality of products anyway let's dig into it i don't really know hopefully this is in good condition because obviously this thing has been re-taped and i don't know if it came from china like that or what but it came from amazon like that anyway or came to me like that i should say from ups [Music] looks like everything's okay they went my thumb careful kitties yeah boy normally i would just throw this away but i guess i'll take a look at it ain't nobody got time for directions so all i got to do is assemble the handle pretty much it looks like [Applause] so the reason i went with a real mower is because i have a small patch of grass out in front of our house here that is going to be need to be maintained throughout the winter because i planted rye grass there our regular grass for the rest of our yard just becomes dormant and doesn't grow for the entire winter but i'm going to maintain this just so i can keep it nice and green and pretty out front apparently from what i've read rye grass does best with a real mower so we'll see how this works out so one thing i noticed right off the bat is that the base of the handlebars are not even i went to put this on and this is this one is basically at i don't know a 20 degree angle and this one's at a 45 degree angle so i'm going to bend these back real quick [Applause] and the handle doesn't even really i guess you fully connect on a permanent way just kind of goes on these nubs which then gives you all of this movement so i guess it's not really going to come off but and then it's got a catcher on here but i'm not going to use this catcher because i want the mulch to go back on to the grass oh i should point out before we move the grass that it does have height adjust adjustment on each side and you can adjust the height from three quarters of an inch cutting height to two and two and a half yeah three quarters of an inch to two and a half inches height so we literally just had a tropical storm pass over us about 30 minutes ago so these are probably terrible conditions to mow your grass in but i don't care because this is when i have time to do it so this is what i'm gonna do it let's see how it does okay so okay apparently something got hung up in the blades because it wasn't wanting to move forward and i just realized that my handle bar is on upside down much better [Music] [Applause] [Music] so far i'd say it's doing a pretty good job the only thing you do have to take into account with a real mower is that you know with a regular lawn mower for one thing you're not even knowing where the blades are so you're you're looking at where your grass is being cut but you can't help but on here want to assume that you're cutting from here to here but you're not you're cutting from here to here so you know you're losing four inches of cut between the overall outside width of your wheels and even if you go by the inside which is what i was kind of doing i wasn't paying attention to the cut i was paying attention to the lawnmower and you know from the inside of your wheel to your blade you're losing maybe an inch and three quarters right there so so that's something to take into account whenever you are mowing because i noticed that i was leaving strips behind and i couldn't figure out why that's why [Music] so my initial impressions are that this does really well on ryegrass and i've got a mixture of some bermuda and everything out here i'm going to go over to this other little patch over here real quick just to see how well it does on a thicker grass because i hit a couple thick patches and it struggled just a little bit but that may have just been because there was a variation in speed on my part let's check this out [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay so in this really thick grass at this height yeah this is uh no bueno so i'm gonna lift it up and see how it does because it's just i've just got it set too low i'm pretty sure i don't think it's anything with the lawnmower okay i got it set to two and a half inches now let's see how it does [Applause] so raising it up definitely helped no issues now the only issue that i would say there could be with a real mower is the dreaded yard cigar or yard yam if you will you don't want to break one of those open because i don't know what would happen if i went over that with this well the typical mower flings to the side you've got a cover there's no cover here you could have particulates flung to your face you want to mow it and see how it works here i'll hold your hold your uh radio okay watch out for the yard tater there okay go ahead yeah just push forward keep it down on the ground there you go pretty easy huh okay i just need you to finish this other half an acre and then when you're done come get me okay okay push you too little there you go you got it good job hey madison said she wouldn't finish the yard will you finish the yard for me nope huh so what are my final thoughts on the remington 18 inch reel mower well thought number one i didn't check this ground before i laid down and hopefully there's nothing brown and squishy underneath me thought number two i've come out here lots of times with my girls at night if you take a flashlight and put it beside your eyes and look around at your grass it looks like you've got glitter out here and it's actually spider eyes reflecting back at you so yeah there's that but getting back to the mower for 89.99 i think this thing did fantastic you could see there was a couple spots where i went back and forth and that was because there was baja grass and it just kind of wanted to lay over but eventually it would cut it it did beautifully on the ryegrass on this this is kind of a combination of bermuda and other grasses over here this was a lot thicker and so at the low height it couldn't it had a problem with that but once i put it up to about two and a half inches it did beautifully that's where you do with a normal mower anyway you wouldn't want to cut this too low so i think it did great if i hit a twig or something sometimes it would get caught up in the reel and i'd have to back up and get that out and that was the only issues i had with it overall i'd give this five stars i'll put a link in the description and if you like this type of content or any of my content wherever i build do epoxy work on my trailer conversion please like comment and subscribe share and i'll see you in the next video oh spiders
Channel: HAXMAN
Views: 117,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheapest on amazon, cheapest lawn mower on amazon, testing the cheapest, testing the cheapest on amazon, remington reel mower, cheapest lawn mower, lawn mower, reel mower, haxman, testing amazon products, testing the cheapest lawn mower on amazon, testing lawn mower, testing reel lawn mower
Id: RST-4DiJwWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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