Testing Natural Disaster Bunkers To See If They Work in Minecraft!

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we've installed five different natural disasters on our minecraft world and we've got 10 minutes to build the best bases possible to survive ah yes a beautiful mountain valley where natural disasters are about to hit i have to make sure that my chest is completely safe if i happen to lose this chest i lose all of my resources what i'm trying to tell you is i have to build a very very safe bunker and make sure that nothing penetrates that chest we really need to protect this chest right now so i'm thinking we're gonna probably start around the chest something like this we're gonna go all the way around just like that now we're gonna slap down some obsidian and this is where we're gonna start taking it to the next level boom okay kevin what are you doing he already wasted all his reinforced deep state that's a dumb decision kevin alright so i'm going to start off with this and i'm going to use commands to enchant a chat mogee efficiency five aha you can't do or they can do this too but i'm too bad anyway let's build some walls and on the inside of this i want to have slime blocks because i think the tornadoes are gonna throw us around and if they do that i need to have something to brace myself on fine blocks being a good material for this after the end of every round the disasters get so much stronger until the final disaster which wiped out all of the dinosaurs voila we have light i guess i'm doing it how the cavemen would back in the day okay one door two door and three oh flip wait i gotta get to my chest the time is now up boys and the first disasters oh oh wait i hear the sirens the sirens i'm going inside oh look at it it's forming right in front of me oh my god oh no no no no it's wait i need to get into my bunker me back i i feel like i'm in i feel like i'm in the disaster movie where the cow is like flying i see deep slate oh my oh god no no no no no it's moving my blocks oh is it moving obsidian oh my goodness bro look at that okay wait a second oh okay hey it's over it's over wow that was not that was that was not bad at all kevin what do you mean dude look at my face oh my gosh you have one minute to repair your base and the next disaster is on its way okay so i only have a minute to get all all my affairs in order here okay why is there so much water around me please guys please please let's just we're gonna shut off all the water here we don't need any more water guys please i like no more water i like dude how am i gonna finish this in like in a few seconds this makes no sense thankfully my base was barely touched but there is still a few more things i need to add on oh god oh god okay we're gonna do another layer of outside obsidian did you see the obsidian literally getting picked up and thrown around like it was nothing i mean i saw kevin's deep slate i saw kevin's deep sight being thrown around like it was dirt bro let's show you how powerful these disasters can be enchanting table that's from kevin okay i need to repair this properly there's obsidian on my roof that's fine i can take this obsidian out crazy with bass now slime box go there or destroy this i still have my viewing area i can take out all of these slime blocks and replace them with glass so i have more of a viewing area because it's nice to see things and maybe i can just play some glass here and we're pretty much already good okay the inside of my house still looks intact which is good the farm is still good baby now i'm gonna put some deep slate right here in the corner in hopes if i have to trap myself in a corner i can there we go there we go i hope this is good deep slate as we know is one of the is another block similar to obsidian so we should be okay oh i hear the sirens oh no no no no no no no all right best of luck to you guys may the best player survive this guy says best of luck when my base was the only one that got hit not yet kevin your base looks like a messed up avocado guys thank you thank you thank you for that motivation oh oh oh an earthquake wait in a tornado an earthquake and a tornado oh god oh god oh god oh god yo boys how are you guys doing i'm being thrown around like a fly actually i'm doing pretty good i got sucked out of my base this is the no oh no i can't see anything dude my front doors were blown off oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no pulled away out of my face help me no no okay okay okay i think i've surrounded myself i think i can survive this am i okay i think i'm okay oh my god oh my goodness bro how did i not die oh hey moggy how did you get over there oh my goodness bro okay that one actually messed up our bases which this is a great time to remind you guys we only have one minute to repair go well flip let me tell you one minute i could use a whole lot more than one minute because my entire base has been thrown around putting cobblestone around my base is literally like putting dust in front of a plane engine it's gonna do nothing okay okay i just need to fortify the doors again we should be okay everything should be fine so here's the beauty of it i know my screen is all pitch black but that is the purpose it's like obsidian is giving us a big hug and saying guys don't worry son okay bro i got you you don't have to worry just sit and relax and you know what i'm confident for the first time ever i'm confident oh this is a lot of damage okay i got sucked out of my base last time which wasn't good so we need to repair quickly oh and this this broke again okay as expected boom now my base is pretty much intact like there's there's nothing nothing wrong with it um let's let's make a tower shall we now that me the boys have experienced level four natural disasters it's time to turn the disaster meter up and bring us the deadly disasters okay okay okay let's see the upstairs in my base seems to be completely untouched and unscathed you know what i'm probably just gonna leave my base i don't even know what's happening with this iron door bro this iron door is just tweaking right now may the best base survive the next wave is it coming oh god okay okay okay i'm not gonna lie i'm not i'm very terrified wait moki you're making armor honestly not a bad idea dude yeah oh wait a long meteor shower is about to begin wait guys no way we can gaze against the stars oh wait no this isn't exactly stargazing this isn't what i was expecting oh no no no no no no no i'm being pulled up help me somebody help me oh no i need a water bucket dude i got sucked in by the tornado i got sucked in by the tornado oh no no oh no that's working on me too oh i thought i was good i thought i was good bill bill built oh my gosh that was on kevin no i'm dead oh my goodness bro it's like a whole tsunami you're literally fine up there bro wow bogey you are 200 like oh there's a meteor just crashing down yep no no big deal just meteors falling on each other's bases wait did i start i survived oh my gosh gosh yeah don't mind me i'm just admiring a bunch of meteors falling into our world just another day on the job as we know bogey i have to say man the fact that you built the sky base was probably the biggest iq play i think i've ever seen you do gentlemen we have yet to even experience doomsday and it seems like mogi so far happens to be our close winner but again we have one minute to repair what we have because the big doomsday is slowly on its way good luck all right i gotta rebuild no shot like i'm sorry like this like this isn't happening this isn't happening no chance i'm gonna make the biggest walls possible i literally have like a couple of seconds eventually it's gonna stop everything from trying to take us out and stuff i need to go fast i need to go fast i need to go faster like i'm getting jittery just doing this okay i must say i am utterly terrified right now okay i don't think there's any saving whatsoever of what i have right here what i think what mogi is doing is low-key a great idea i'm gonna build straight up okay i'm just gonna build straight up probably the smartest thing any of us could have done and i don't know why i don't know why we have something about surviving in a natural disaster that is gonna kill everything in your world and living in the sky just doesn't add up it's like two plus two equals three right that makes sense doesn't it i just gave everyone tons of glass also my goodness i'm so lucky i jumped down there because there was a meteor that just struck my little base up in the sky and now that i have a sky base well i guess i'll continue it my base is totally gone there's nothing left of it and well i guess i'll just continue this sky base then and shark is doing exactly what i was doing oh mogi no no no no he's trying to snowball me mogi is trying to snowball me not cool mogi not cool i see you down there mogi but i don't exactly see kevin i'm terrified how high did you go yeah you know i like my sky base you know but oh the sirens the sirens boys oh wait a level four earthquake oh god wait i can see it it's forming in the world right now oh oh i can feel i'm literally moving around right now okay no big deal i'm untouched right now i'm on touch i'm gonna put water everywhere okay i have an infinite water source right here 200 iq plate yes i know okay i'm using my brain for one uh blizzard oh kevin we can survive this that's a canadian thing we pretty much deal with blizzards every day tornado okay a tornado lovely we also again we don't like tornadoes but it's fine oh wait another meteor shower wait how many this is the doomsday y'all this is what extincted the dinosaurs oh i see meteors oh god oh god oh god it's right there winds are approaching oh it's just been smokey this is cool oh i'm i'm getting pushed no no no my blocks oh moving reinforced deep sleigh everything's all right right guys everything's okay right oh no uh hey hey guys dude i literally have my feet kicked up right now i'm relaxing oh wait a sinkhole oh kevin you are done so my friend no i'm not no i'm not cause i'm gonna build dude it's like canada it's the arctic look at this i can't even move i can't even move i'm stuck crouching i'm not even crouching but another tornado oh guys the fps is dropping that's when you know it's about to get bad we i'm sitting at a whopping 10 fp yes oh god oh god no please don't carry don't carry this oh no okay kevin was killed kevin was killed i'm getting thrown around crush my meteor captain how does it feel you died like the dinosaurs yeah i thanks tips dude that just left wait i i'm still here boys i'm not dead yet my sky base was 200 iq oh that's immediate needless to say these natural disasters got the best of us go click creator to go watch my newest video i'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Shark
Views: 407,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, testing minecraft, minecraft testing, testing minecraft natural disaster, natural disaster, natural disasters minecraft, minecraft natural disasters, natural disasters in minecraft, Testing Natural Disaster Hacks To See If They Work In Minecraft, Testing Natural Disaster Bunkers To See If They Work in Minecraft, Minecraft Bunkers, Minecraft Natural Disaster Bunker
Id: VxbOpJpGhWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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