Testing L'ange Hair Tools *Scam?*

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to my channel and as you can see by the title we are going to be testing launch lounge hair tools but if you're like me you have been seeing their ads on your instagram and facebook literally every single ad has been them and i'm just like okay i get it let me buy you so i did i spent probably around 115 dollars because tax was a little thick a clown that's clown you get a free tool this has been their main marketing point and if you actually go to tj maxx they're selling these for like 32 or something like that this was selling for 80 maybe they're both flat irons though last night in order to get good results so you guys can see something i braided my hair so i have something to straighten i will say their packaging is very cute i love the pink it goes with my whole vibe my room my bedding's actually pink almost this is what the flat iron looks like this is lee gloss straightener titanium rose gold blush it's very pretty i love the pink color here's the free one that came with it it is also pink very pretty looking sleek okay let's open these here is the one that i bought was not free put a little sponge in between here is the cord to it it comes with a little pamphlet warning you know we're not gonna look at any of that stuff oh my face here's where all the buttons are and there's a little divot right here on the top plate and on the bottom plate it's completely smooth as you can tell it is much skinnier this one has plastic on the top of it this one also has a sponge that comes in between it so that is it it just stays open i'm not sure if there's a way to keep it closed i don't think there is these are just black on the inside still a really cute color it has its switch for on and off and then the temperature and you can go up to 450 degrees on this and here's both of them next to each other and i'm not sure how high you can go up on temperature in this one okay it says the temperature right here how high is it oh it's going up to 450 right now we're gonna take it down to 340 because my hair is already pretty damaged i would recommend spraying some heat damage stuff on your hair but i don't have any right now see that's where the number comes up okay yes i think it's working i'm gonna try a bigger strand and see how it works with that it's doing pretty well i'll probably need to go over that again it's almost leaving like little strand marks on the titanium plates wow it's doing really great what do you guys think now i'm going to turn this one off and proceed with the other side of my hair with the other straightener you have to press a little bit harder with this one to get it to close i'm not sure how long this one takes to heat up the light is already green hopefully i didn't miss anything that would be embarrassing [Music] okay this one runs pretty smooth through the hair the other one ran just as smooth through the hair too [Music] it doesn't do as well on big sections of hair i feel like i'm having to press a lot harder i think i'm gonna have to section my hair it's being a little bit more difficult than the other side was and it could be that i'm doing bigger strands i'm gonna go check the back of my hair because i have no clue if i got it i'll be right back to check the back of my hair this is what it looks like [Music] just for funsies i know this is probably really bad for my hair to keep putting heat on it but we're going to take a strand and see if we can curl it and how good that curl is gonna be i don't really know how to curl my hair with the straightener so maybe i shouldn't try to curl my hair with the straightener oh no i caused a permanent dent out of these two i definitely really like this one a lot more i will link both of these down below if you want them as for this company being a scam i don't think it is a scam i think they probably have a lot of product that they're trying to get rid of if you have the money that you want to spend on this one i definitely go for this one instead of this one i really enjoyed these products they're very cute i want to test out their hair curlers but that's a lot of money you have an amazing product right here and same with the other one i definitely think this brand might be overpriced only by their stuff when there's deals going on i don't think you should spend like over a hundred dollars on just this product alone but i hope you guys enjoyed this video and watching me use these hair tools i know it's probably a short video but it's just something that i've been seeing a lot of and i wanted to know if it actually worked and wasn't a scam if you guys enjoyed this video please leave a like down below and subscribe you do not have to but i'm holding flatiron to you do it i will see you guys in the next video and as always bye peace whatever look at my cow nails i'm obsessed bye
Channel: Ali Brooks Isbell
Views: 17,629
Rating: 4.7517242 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 Summer, first try, testing, hot tools, lange hair, scam, lange hair hot tools, testing lange, straightener, beauty, hair makeover
Id: slKm7vF-yLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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