Testing and Rating CustomGPT, the Personalized Chatbot Tool

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hey I'm Scott Kirchner with another episode of the Gen AI toolbox today we're looking at a really interesting tool called custom GPT there are other tools out there similar to this uh one's called chat base one's called let's ask AI but what we liked about custom GPT and one of the reasons we decided to use it for a test of our Inno lead content and a beta launch on our inner lead website was that it uses uh gpt4 rather than GPT 3.5 and also it has some features around linking to sources of uh of its answers so you understand where the information is coming from you'll see from the pricing page there is no way to use this for free uh this and and many others really are tools that you have to pay for and the whole value proposition here is that you can take a bunch of content maybe it's your website maybe it's PDFs or word docs or audio or video recordings that you've made and basically enable people to have a conversation similar to chat GPT with that content and get answers custom GPT makes that really easy I haven't tried using an XML site map to have it crawl a website and pull in data that way but I have uploaded lots of different formats of documents uh whether they are spreadsheets or PDFs or word docs just as a test I uploaded the manuscript of a book I wrote about the movie industry a few years ago and a minute or two later I was able to start asking questions and get accurate answers from it what you get at the end of the process is either a link that you can share with people maybe this is something you want to use internally with your team or there are different kinds of embed codes so that you can put the chat interface on a publicly facing website here's an example of what it looks like uh embedded into the inner lead website there are lots of limitations uh it can be very hard for a non-technical person to fine-tune uh chat Bots answers and obviously if you played with Bard or you've played with custom GPT you know you don't always get perfect answers from them in my experience you're getting a b maybe a c plus kind of product it's going to stumble at times it's gonna get confused there's going to be information that you know you gave it you uploaded and somehow it just can't recapitulate or present that information I also think uh with all these chat Bots being able to fine-tune them and tell them you know go to the most recent document on a topic not the oldest document on a topic or this type of document should always get precedence when you're giving an answer over another type of document and also the other thing that I'd love to see with custom GPT are ways to see data about what kinds of questions people are asking every week on the Gen AI toolbox we rate tools according to five criteria they are ease of learning time saved quality of the end product overall value and practicality I thought the practicality the ease of learning uh the time saved in building something like this were amazing with custom GPT I just still have issues with chat bots in general and their ability to give great answers for questions so I'm going to give custom GPT right now 3.5 Stars this is a relatively new product I think it's going to get a lot better but thanks for watching and I'd love to hear what you think of custom GPT or other similar tools
Channel: InnoLead
Views: 837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generative ai, customgpt, custom ai chatbot, ai chatbot, how to create an ai chatbot, ai website, gpt4, gpt3, chatgpt, openai, customgpt tutorial, customgpt.ai, artificial intelligence, ai, machine learning, site crawling, chatbots, personalized chatbot, ask your pdf, ai tools, ai ratings, ai reviews, customgpt review
Id: hH2T-53W3T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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