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the dice oh that just wetted my mouth it doesn't make my hair feel like crispy straw ooh i should have cleaned this that's disgusting that's hot [Music] hi guys welcome back so there's a reason why i currently have a towel on my head today's video is a little bit different but i thought i would just do it on my channel instead of on tik tok or instagram reels or something because i don't know i just don't think that i could fit enough into a reels video in like 30 seconds quite a few of you guys had sent me dms and tagged me in videos of people using this new fabi list is it fabulous i always used to call it baby list when i was younger i think it's fabulous basically there's this new hair tool which is supposedly like a dupe of the dyson air wrap so today i thought i would do a half and half comparison of a hair styling tool that is 400 pounds [Music] compared to this babyliss tool which i got on boots on sale for 40 pounds but i think full price is 60. i know that hot styling brushes that dry your hair and smooth it at the same time have been around for years but the whole point of the dyson air wrap is that it curled your hair while drying it so you don't have to dry your hair then curl it and also it comes with a whole bunch of other attachments as well as well as like smoothing brushes and it's got the classic barrel brush and it's a hairdryer at the same time and then the fabulous one also comes with a smoothing brush a curling attachment which is the main thing that i'm interested in it's got the barrel brush and then it's got a hairdryer attachment as well so it's kind of like a much cheaper alternative to the dyson but is this actually gonna work is the question so this is my dyson air app i've had this for just over a year now last november i think it was or december 2019. i was gifted this by dyson i'm not too sure what they were thinking gifting me an air wrap but one of the best things i've ever ever received and i have loved this in the past year but it's inexpensive i did actually end up having to buy the longer barrels for this because my hair is quite long i found that the shorter barrels that come in the original set didn't quite do it for my hair so i ended up getting the longer barrels for my birthday last year so that is something to bear in mind if you do have long hair and you're considering getting one of these it comes in this massive case i did get the purple one they have it in different colors now i think and oh my god please excuse how dusty and disgusting it is in here hopefully you can't see that and like the camera is blowing all nicely so with the air wrap complete styler kit you get one of the barrel brushes mine is covered in hair as you can see you get two different smoothing brushes to be quite honest with you i'm not too sure what the difference is between these they both tend to do the same sort of thing on my hair you get the standard hair dryer attachment to just blow dry your hair and then you get two different widths of barrels but like i said the original ones it comes with are really quite short and you get two of each size one for each direction of your hair because like the way that the air wrap works is not just a standard curling iron it kind of sucks your hair up in a particular direction depending on which one of these you use you get one for the left side of your head one for the right and then you also get these slightly thicker ones as well but i don't really tend to use those to be honest because i tend to use my longer ones instead so very quick overview it's pretty lightweight i think i think this is lighter than my hairdryers that i used to use and i pretty much just use this for everything now i used to be the type of person that straightened slash curled my hair pretty much every single day which is really bad really really bad for your hair because my straighteners that i used before i had ghds which i still absolutely love and if it's a time where i want my hair to last a long time and stay completely straight or smooth or cold i will use my ghds or i do actually have another fabulous color which i use as well which is a lot cheaper and i do use those other heat styling tools on occasion but most of the time now i use my dyson and i have to say since using this my hair has felt a lot less damaged this doesn't make it feel crispy and it doesn't make it smell burnt because i think this only goes up to 150 degrees most hair styling tools are around like 200 or 180. so there's the standard on mode it's got three temperatures it's got a cold setting a middle setting and then like a high setting and then it's got three speeds as well but i always just put it on the maximum speed but it has taken me a while to get to use this properly to the point where i actually like my hair with it and it works well i do find that i have to pin curl my hair with this so once i've curled it i will clip my curls up for a little bit just for them to set into place otherwise i find that the curls just drop out pretty quickly i know that some people find that some people don't find that i think it just depends on your hair texture your hair type how well of a curl your hair holds but for me personally i find i do have to clip up my curls and kind of wait about 20 minutes before i take them out otherwise they just drop out so quickly and then the fabulous styler which is called the advanced power styling air styler oh no it's not it's not called that it's called the air styler 1000 the actual tool looks like this is definitely a lot lighter than the dyson they both have cords by the way which are pretty decent length so this one doesn't have any speed settings it's just got temperature settings so it's got it does have a cool mode which is the first little it then has slow and fast it says two heats plus a cool setting so i'm guessing the slower speed is the cooler setting and then the faster one is the hottest setting i don't even know this one also does come with a glove which kind of makes me think that this is gonna get quite hot because with the dyson one there's no glove or anything i don't think so anyway i've never burnt myself on the dyson because it doesn't get hot enough but this makes me a little bit worried i'm not gonna lie so i'm gonna start off with the hairdryer attachment then i'll probably move in onto some of the smoothing brushes just to smooth out my hair and then we're gonna finish it off with both sides curling my hair the barrel on this one is definitely a little bit shorter but we'll see how we go the main difference is that this is not gonna suck your hair up like the dyson one does it's literally just kind of like a hairdryer attachment but the heat comes out of this so you're gonna have to wrap it like a standard curling wand if that makes sense let's get my hair out of my towel i've had my hair sitting in this towel for like over an hour now so my hair is starting to get a little bit drier on the ends by the way yes my hair is naturally wavy but i never like leave it like this because it just becomes a whole mess the top half of it is like quite wavy and then the bottom just goes to nothing because it's so dead gonna brush my hair gently you don't want your hair to be dry you want it to be just a little bit damp if it's completely dry it's not gonna work and if it's soaking wet it's not gonna work you kind of want it to be in between but i am gonna dry my roots because obviously the curling attachments you don't use like right up here so i'm just gonna put in a bit of leave-in conditioner then i use this moroccan oil stuff which is the protect and prevent spray but it just smells really good and makes my hair feel really nice by the way i would just like to say this video is in no way sponsored the dice oh that just went in my mouth yes the dyson air app was gifted to me last christmas again like don't know what they were thinking but that was in exchange for no kind of content or anything they were just very very very nice and then the fabulous one i bought off the boots website so i just sprayed a bit of heat protectant and then i do use a bit of oil as well but i don't use it at this stage i'll use it a bit later on this side of my head i'm going to do the fabulous this side of my head i'm going to use my dyson oh and i would just like to say my left side of my head this one is a little bit thicker just because i part my hair a tiny bit over this way and let's see what fabulous has got i'm gonna just use the hair dryer on the hot setting probably i'm not sure how well that was coming across on camera but on the first setting kind of just feels like somebody's breathing on your hair like watch [Applause] this it doesn't feel like much power is coming out of this at all maybe i've got this on the wrong way round [Applause] okay then i'm going to try on the faster setting i think if you were gonna use this just purely as a hair dryer it would take you a long time because not a whole lot of air is coming out of it it's not really blowing my hair around much it doesn't feel very powerful by the way i'm mostly just focusing on my roots i mean i think it would do the job but it's it didn't feel that powerful so far with just the hairdryer one and this feels very hot now and that will be where they put the glove in but i'm just gonna use my sleeve okay dyson attachment for the hairdryer the dyson one as a hairdryer alone is definitely more powerful so far like yeah this is a good hair dryer but if you're just wanting a hair dryer just get a basic one and then my hair is a frizzy mess and i look like a witch but i'm just gonna brush it again so it's still damp at the ends and it still feels a bit damp but my roots are mostly dry so next i'm gonna take the smoothing brush for the fabulous one and i'm gonna see if i can try and smooth out some of this frizziness up here it's definitely working it's definitely smoothing that out it feels like it's more the heat that's doing that though rather than the power of the air coming out of it if that makes sense i do definitely find it easier when i'm using well when i'm normally using my dyson to section my hair but when i say section my hair i'll just kind of take a bit flop it over onto the other side and just kind of shove it out the way definitely definitely work to smooth my hair out quite a lot obviously i didn't go all the way down to the ends because i am still gonna try and curl these but for these bits of my hair i always find that i need some kind of round brush i would usually straighten these but if i'm doing it just with like blow dryer or my air wrap or whatever i will use a round brush to like get right up in these roots because these bits go so kinky but i would do that in a sec so far that's definitely worked at smoothing out my hair which is pretty great i like that brush attachment i think that works pretty well so weirdly the airwrap has got these two brush attachments i'm really sorry that mine got hair in them i'm a human being okay like nothing's perfect here one of them's got little bobbles on the end the other one doesn't have little bobbles on the end i guess i will use this one because it's the most similar to the fabulous one with the dyson one they do move as you brush your head down it kind of like points the airflow down i was just doing a bit of reading before this video about the air wrap just so that i got my facts straight and i said something that like it checks the temperature 40 times a minute or something to make sure that it's not getting too hot and frying your hair i don't know how much i believe that but this definitely doesn't get too hot okay so comparing the two sides i don't really think there's a whole lot of difference they've both definitely been smoothed one thing i do just have to say this side feels a little bit softer i don't know if this side is any shinier than this side i don't know if that's just a like placebo effect type thing i don't know but um they both feel nice they both feel smooth however one con that i find with the air wrap is because it only goes up to 150 degrees i find that it doesn't last as long than if i was to use my straighteners and it doesn't give me as smooth hair as if i was to use straighteners i know for some people they find that they don't have any issues with that but because my hair is quite frizzy and it's quite like the individual hairs get a little bit like kinky and just they can curl in different directions and stuff and it does frizz i don't find that this tames my frizz fully and yes it looks very smooth now but sometimes i find that after about like an hour or so this bit if i just do it with the smoothing brush it starts to go like a little bit kinky again and it doesn't stay completely straight so that is why i use the round brush to do like the front pieces of my hair to make sure that they're fully smoothed out okay don't mind how ridiculous i look right now so yes it is lower temperature and it's not as damaging to your hair but it doesn't last as long so it's kind of like pros and cons but i think overall the reason i've continued to use this is just because it doesn't make my hair feel like crispy straw and my hair was so damaged and getting so damaged and i just thought i can't continue like this all my hair is going to fall out so i definitely have noticed that since using this yes i might have to touch up my hair a couple of days in a row and just to make sure that it's fully smooth or like re-curl it on the second day but overall like the condition of my hair doesn't feel as bad okay so smoothing brushes pretty similar oh i should have cleaned this that's disgusting how do you even clean a round brush i don't know how to get the hairs out this is so gross i know i'm not the only one out there that forgets to take all the hair out the hairbrush i know it's not just me so the fabulous round brush attachment is quite big and it just clips on like this it's quite um it's got like a lot of spaces in it the air wrap brush is a little bit smaller a little bit narrower and the bristles don't have the little bobbly bits on the end and they're a bit closer together so i feel like they would kind of grip the hair more i think this one might be a bit big but we'll see normally the way that i would style the front of my hair is i would take both pieces like this and i will blow dry it like that and then i'll blow dry up like this and then let it drop and then it just kind of sits nicely but let's try one side at a time let's do the fabulous that's hot okay be careful i completely forgot that i was supposed to put this glove on and i just went to like rest this in my lap and i put it on my hand this metal gets really hot okay that is one thing just to be wary of i think that's smoothed my fringe bit quite nicely but yeah be warned that got very hot very quickly one thing i like about that though is that because the bristles are quite spread out your hair doesn't really get tangled in it which was good it kind of smoothly moved throughout my hair although i do wish that the barrel was a little bit smaller but that worked pretty well let's compare on the dyson side also i noticed that my hair is getting drier and drier so i'm probably gonna have to spray through the ends of it again so let's take this side okay so again that has worked pretty well to just smooth out that piece of my hair and pretty much did the same kind of thing on both sides i think they're pretty even but obviously this one doesn't get quite as hot it still definitely does get hot but not enough to the point where i was like [ __ ] it's just burnt my finger off this one definitely grips the hair a little bit more which has pros because it kind of like you know you can get it really taut but also as well your hair's more likely to get stuck in the dyson ones so i would say again relatively even for that although this one's giving my hair a bit more of like a woo i'm just going to give the ends of my hair another little spritz with some of this spray i think what i'm going to do is the dice inside first with the curls just so i can clip them and kind of leave them to set like i normally do because yeah the con with the dyson is if i don't do that the curls will literally just drop out after like half an hour so i'm using some of the molly may and beauty works clips actually i find that these work really well and i'm using the attachment that is for the left side of my head you will know because when you look in the mirror that arrow points away from your head you want to make sure you brush your hair so that there's not a whole load of tangles and then i take a piece of hair that's about this big turn it on and it just sucks your hair up i give it a cool shot so you hold up this button and it switches to cool air it's not that cool to be honest and then i switch it off once i've done my cool shot and then i will just slide it out into my hand so i still got the curl here like a tube and then i take one of these clips and this is kind of hard to do because i wasn't really looking in the mirror and then i would just clip it like that and just let it be and then i just repeat that on all the sections of my hair by the way if i do end up wanting to touch up my hair the next day i would just spray it with something to make it a little bit damp so that it holds a little bit longer i think a lot of people get confused with the air wrap because they think that you have to like wrap your hair around it but you don't put your you don't put it up here you put it at the very end and then it will just suck your hair up and i think i hold it there per curl for about 20 seconds oh oops look there's a bit of the bottom half i don't know what i'm doing okay and then i usually do the front little piece of my hair separately and i don't pin it because otherwise you end up looking a bit like one of those judges that wears the curly wig do you know what i mean so i then just take the front piece and i will do it for about 10 seconds and then just leave it to drop on its own it looks insane at first but i promise you it does drop out and i normally just leave it like this so it looks crazy but then like i said it does drop out so let's just put it over there leave them for as long as possible basically most of the time i will just leave them for about 20 minutes because i'm quite disorganized and i will do it just before going out somewhere not that i've got anywhere to be at the moment but it is quite annoying walking around with these clips on your head so let's try the fabulous and see what happens so let's put the curling attachment on but like this part of my hair's already started to kink a little bit i'm gonna just give it another little spray i haven't used a classic curling wand in so long and i can't really remember what i'm doing so i guess let's just try a piece of hair the same sort of thickness as with my air wrap wait i'm gonna have to use my left hand and do it over my head so as suspected the air literally just comes out of it like a normal hair dryer but in all directions through these little holes well that worked that's worked really well however this gets really hot and it blows the hot air like onto your fingers that's why there's a glove um i'm gonna put the glove on because i'm a bit of an idiot not putting the glove on where is the glove what have i done i did put it on the cool shot at the end um it's not quite as long as the dyson barrel so i feel like i can't do as thick sections of hair slightly smaller this time [Applause] i've definitely got a nice curl there i could still feel the really hot heat coming through the glove so i'm pretty sure what this is basically doing is just heating up this metal bit to the same sort of temperatures as a actual curling wand and then you're effectively kind of like curling your hair but with hot air which it is working as you can see it's giving me some nice curls okay so just a word of warning it definitely does get quite hot um it doesn't say on the box how hot it does get but this definitely gets hotter than the air wrap so i'm not sure if you were looking for a curler that's like not gonna damage your hair as much i have a feeling i could be wrong somebody correct me if i'm wrong ah now i've lost the ah i'm gonna have to try again with the next one okay this one i will try my best why am i finding this so difficult okay there we go there we go i've got the curl i've got the curl in my hand and then oh [ __ ] it's the wrong hand it's because i'm so not used to doing well that was a terrible effort but it's clipped oh god what have i done here what the hell so why am i finding this so difficult to clip up these curls thing it's because i'm just not used to the doing it with my left hand because obviously with the dyson you don't have to do it like over your head like that it was just confusing me a bit i'm really sorry but i managed to clip it cool okay we're nearly there and then finally this little piece of hair here wow i'd really forgotten how much curling your hair makes your arms ache that has definitely really worked to curl my hair let's let down this uh one that i did pin okay that one looks a little bit more bouncy and then i'm gonna let down my dyson side and we can compare the differences nearly ripped my hair out so obviously you don't leave your hair looking like this unless you do have a preference for looking like one of the judges with the curly wig so what i would normally do is at this stage i would then just run through with my fingers and usually flip my hair upside down i'm gonna have to redo my fringe because that's not sitting right with me let me just give my hair a bit of a flip yeah i definitely need to redo this bit around my face because that's like looking a bit weird to me so at this stage i know that this still looks insane and it looks like i've stepped straight out of toddlers and tiaras or a beauty pageant or something it's very very bouncy and very curly however this does drop and the more that you brush it the more that it's going to drop out so i am just going to take my hair brush and give it a bit of a brush through and then as well i do just take some hair oil and i'm just going to put a little bit of this through it through both sides so the overall look of my hair looking at first glance you probably wouldn't think that i you know use two different tools to style it i think this side gives more of a beachy wave and a bit of a more standard curling iron wave this side gives a bit more of like a blow-dried effect and a bit more of a voluminous bouncy wave whereas this one is just more i guess because you have to take more sections it's a little bit more pc and a little bit more beachy which i do really like i like how my hair looks on this side i think it looks really nice this one is more glam but i do find that throughout the day like i said this doesn't stay like this it does drop out and then for me it drops into a more loose wave which i really do like the look of and just like comparing how my hair feels this side feels a little bit more kind of crispy it still feels soft it still does feel soft i actually can feel a difference i'm just going to brush through this side and see if it does the same thing okay yeah look at that so brushing it through has definitely given me that kind of bouncier wavy look which is kind of similar to this side i just think that this side has got a little bit more volume and a little bit more like i don't know it's just a bit more glamorous i'm actually gonna update you throughout the day i'm not going anywhere today i'm just taking the dog for a walk nobody's gonna notice that my hair looks slightly different on both sides my prediction is the fabulous side is probably gonna last longer than the dyson but we'll see i did only leave it about 15 minutes with my hair being pinned up with this side and obviously because it is lower heat it's probably not going to last as long if you have a dyson air wrap and you have found a perfect method of getting your hair to last really long with the curls please let me know because i always have to top it up the next day it's quarter to three in the afternoon on sunday hello guys um bit of an interesting update we took pinky for a walk i had to put my hat on because it was really cold it wasn't like raining outside but it was quite damp in the air and foggy and um this is the situation this is the dyson side i can't remember which like if the selfie camera flips it but this was the dyson side this was the babyliss side they've both gone pretty frizzy and dropped out and my hair feels a little bit damp not ideal for testing um but let's see oh wow both sides have definitely dropped out a lot it does not normally drop at this rate i think it was the damp air that's caused it to drop out which is such a shame i think the fabulous side would also last longer if i'd have pink out it um i'm sure it would have done and i probably should have done that but i just wanted to see how it lasted on its own so it's now nearly midnight well it's about half 11 or like 20 to midnight i think i've just brushed through my hair this is the dyson side this was the fabulous side so that as you can see this side has definitely dropped out more but they've both dropped out significantly this is what i mean i don't find the curls last all day and yes it probably didn't help that i went for a walk and it was quite damp so i think for both of these the best thing to do and especially for the fabulous one as well which i didn't really do at all is to pin your curls and what i would say is leave them as long as possible there we go but at the end of the day this is a 40 pound or 60 pound hair tool this is 400 pounds so this one is 10 times cheaper so it's up to you which you'd rather spend your money on let me know down below which side you prefer and what your thoughts are because i'd love to know so i guess overall the pros of the fabulous a lot lot cheaper it's actually like more lightweight to hold and it does work and the smoothing brush was nice and it's still giving me results the cons of the fabulous one are it does get very hot so you've just got a watch for your fingers and make sure you wear the glove so you don't burn yourself so i guess that way there's more heat damage it also doesn't come with as many attachments and the round brush i don't think worked as well as the dyson side in terms of like smoothing out my fringe and also with the fabulous as well it obviously doesn't suck up your hair and you have to like switch arms like this for each side and hold it over your head which is a bit more painful on the arms than with the dyson you just hold it down here and it does like the wrapping for you the pros of the dyson are that that it you know wraps your hair up for you it has more attachments it doesn't damage your hair as much it doesn't burn you as much because it doesn't get as hot and it does come with more attachments and i would say it gives a little bit more volume and more of that kind of like professional blow-dried effect but then the cons of the dyson are it's very very expensive like ridiculously expensive and also i find that the cows don't last as long because it uses less heat right i'm just going to answer a question of the day if you guys have any more questions for me please leave them down below with the hashtag question of the day and my answer in my next video today's question of the day comes from gemma baker and they have said what's your favorite dessert i love your videos and how you talk openly about your anxiety and your videos help me calm down when my anxiety is high or bad well i'm glad that my videos can help you in some sort of way but i'm really sorry that you're suffering with anxiety i hope things get better for you what is my favorite dessert i have quite a few i've got a very sweet tooth i love desserts and anything sweet i would say my number one favorite dessert is probably tiramisu i love tiramisu i know it's a bit of a rogue one but absolutely love it and as well close second to that any kind of hot chocolate brownie pudding or chocolate melt in the middle puddings or anything chocolaty i just absolutely love or fitter rolls with chocolate with the chocolate sauce on i'm hungry i'm gonna have to get some food now oh and cake how could i forget i love cake oh my god okay i'm gonna have to stop talking because i'm really hungry and i'm gonna go get some food i'm gonna leave this here i hope you guys found it interesting i will link both of the tools down below in the description box um if you guys want to get your hands on either of them i mean not a lot of people are just gonna be like yeah you know what i'll just spend four hundred pound on a dyson air wrap it's definitely a decision that you would have to consider and research into and think carefully about i would say but i hope this was helpful i hope you guys are doing good and i will see you in my next video bye
Channel: sophdoeslife
Views: 826,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makeup tutorial, dyson airwrap, dyson airwrap dupe, airwrap dupe, dyson airwrap cheap, airwrap, airwrap alternative, how to use dyson airwrap, cheap vs expensive, highend vs drugstore, how to dyson airwrap, how to curl hair, heatless curls, airdry curls, how I style hair, how I curl hair, curl hair low heat, sophdoeslife hair
Id: KvsJIdpCazY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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