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today we're testing 100 of the craziest food hacks ever you can make a rocket with Coca-Cola and Mentos where was the rocket the first one didn't work but we have 99 more insane viral hacks like microwaving Donuts a soda slingshot and a crazy Oreo invention that will blow your mind this Oreo dunking kit okay now this is for people who are too lazy to dunk their own Oreos huh it's is that you no it came like this just like kind of damaged but I hope it is okay it comes with like a mug that has its own self dunking Contraption oh wait so oh this is attach yeah it assumes you're so lazy that it has to tell you where to put the cookies does it thing we're idiots no you put the cookies in here no you put it here yeah oh I did not buy cookies oh don't worry about that well you have some ah yeah how long were those in there oh yeah wo okay woo guys take a sniff they're brand new wow yeah fresh okay now it also comes with these Oreo prongs this is for grabbing the Oreo once it's done being dipped I think oh and it comes a little Oreo napkin too now I'm going to try mine out first and see if I can get this to work so I guess what you're supposed to do is you put this dunking thing right here so it's just like that I guess then I'm going to put a bunch of cookies in here oh dude that fits like perfectly dude that's so sick I can literally hold it upside down and the cookies are not going to fall wait this is so promising okay do you want some milk yeah okay here you go now I guess what you're supposed to do is you take the Oreo prongs that they give you like this and you pick up one of the Oreos like that you dip it in the milk and then you just eat [Music] it this is amazing wait I think you're doing it wrong you're just crushing the Oreo you didn't do it right how did you possibly mess this up so this is harder than doing it normally I was I wasn't watching you and you somehow messed up do it again do it again what you do is you grab an Oreo like this you put it in the milk dip it around then you eat it w you like this oh pretty good I guess you can like drink it after you're done too that tastes like an Oreo milkshake I got to reload I'm not going to lie this is actually really satisfying just the way the Oreo cookies are perfectly in here and you can drink and it doesn't spill and then you can detach Oreo's on the go I'm locked I'm loaded this product actually reminds me of my mom because when I was younger I actually had a cat and the cat was black and white and we called it Oreo and it was like my best friend in the entire world like me and Oreo would do everything together but then one day Oreo walked out of the house and I was like Oreo where where are you going and then he just like left and went to the neighbor's house and then they adopted him I thought we were best friends but then Oreo just kept leaving me and I was very confused but then my mom was like oh don't worry I got you some Oreos from the store to eat so that way you don't have to be stressed you just have normal Oreos and so I would just always dunk the Oreos with my mom and we would take turns dunking it in this giant bowl of milk and then we would just have such a great time we called it an Oreo party and then one day my cat came back and I said Oreo I love you and then Justin Justin what what are you doing I was telling a story were you even listening yeah I heard the whole thing what did I say you had a cat named Oreo and then you ate it no you missed the story well you missed my wonderful invention what is this called This is the justy sludge V2 ad go ahead and take a big Gul yeah that's nice I'm going to take an Oreo and dunk it in the justy sludge that looks very unappetizing how is it that's pretty good dude okay I actually like this product a lot this is pretty cool but what else could you dunk okay I'm just going to come in with a plate of nuggets and a corn dog okay you could try the corn dog let's see if it fits oh that's perfect it's so satisfying dudee no way it's literally perfect size for the Nuggets okay dude you can take some ketchup okay I'll put some mustard in mine oh okay cheers yeah okay now get the tongs oh the tongs I'm going to use the tongs all right okay I'm going to dip mine dunk it dunk it dunk it this is such a good idea now this is pretty sick ass him but what else could you Dum D okay I'm going to come in with boxy okay and I'm going to hold him using the tongs okay I'm going to come in for the 360 through the legs over the back black folded dunk dude wait can you dunk boxy while you're dunking a chicken nugget oh yeah a double dunk oh good idea okay go Ahad double duck triple duck here we go 3 2 1 I don't think it went in Justin he's too thick yeah yeah yeah yeah is that what you had in mind any NBA recruiters watching this wait how many NBA recruiters do you think watch our show you don't know you don't know these Emoji pancakes what okay now this is a really cool kitchen gadet pancake well no it's used to make an emoji pancake that's plastic yeah okay so they have a bunch of different faces they have like the hard eye emoji the sunglasses the grin the wink and what you're supposed to do is you make a round pancake and you put these on them and it's supposed to like magically turn it into an emoji okay let's try it okay so I have not used these before I'm going to pick the heart eye emoji cuz I love setting that one and some batter here some pancake batter in a nice Circle yeah yeah what I think you're supposed to do is you just put it on here like that okay and then you just let it cook okay let's see what happens okay I think it's done cooking I'm going to try and remove the edges now as I mention I do not know how these actually work so I guess what you're supposed to do is just pick this up I don't think okay here we go 3 2 one oh oh what are you doing oh no I figured it out you flip it and then you push this way oh no I need to flip it like hold on open wide open wide what are you doing how did I mess this up wait how do you actually use this oh I know you grab it and then you do a flip oh and then oh and then do a 36 and then and then and then you do a 360 oh but you still don't have an emoji pancake well neither did you I am going to be intelligent and put the mold down first oh I'm going to put some pancake mix inside now it's cooked for a little while I'm going to try and take this off oh yeah you trolling I did not think that would work wait hold on okay this didn't work perfectly I made the pancake a little bit too thick yeah we're going to put the Emoji on the screen that it's supposed to look like I'm going to try and go for a flip no no you troll it okay okay wait I think we should try one more time but this time instead of using one of these we should just try and make it like ourselves okay and what if we made it into Elsa from Frozen yeah let's go this is what we're going for it's like Elsa Emoji yeah I don't know if I can do this but I'm going to try it okay here we go okay I have some brown pancake for the outline of the face okay okay oh then I'm going to add in her skin then I'm going to add in the eyebrows then I'm going to add in the eyes and the [Music] [Laughter] hair going to come in with the lle of Truth Justin the pancake Ladle of truth I have to give you it Elsa jus what are you doing the batter got like stuck in here so I had to squeeze it really hard but then it just all came out of one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's what I was going for that's what I got that's not bad yeah but along the way you had that unfortunate yeah wait what have you been trying to do I've been making my winky pea face emoji this whole time oh it looks pretty good okay I'm going to go in for the flip three two one oh that was pretty good oh let's see how yours turned out I'm going to let Cookie come in and do the honors nice that's pretty good that's okay that's okay Elsa looked a little better before I flipped her but you guys let us know which one you prefer my pancake or Justin's that's so impressive that's pretty good I made the actual Emoji even without the mold this grape cutter now this is for people who are so lazy that they don't even want to cut and chew their own grapes they put a picture of you on the side of the package I'm not a giraffe why would anybody want to cut grapes I don't understand I think it's cuz they might be like a choking hazard for like pets a grape is very slippery so like if you're eating it it accidentally like slips down your throat but like if you cut it it's not a slippery maybe if some people are like not that hungry they're like oh I only want like half a grape so apparently how this works is you put the grape in here and then you like use this to slide it and then there's like a blade here that it cuts the grape let's try this out here we go 3 2 1 oh D wait that's so cool dude that worked perfectly it's like perfect quarters I guess being serious the real reason people do this is so that they could like put this in like a fruit salad or like a salad or something probably yeah but what else could we actually put in this dude what if we tried putting in cheese balls the cheese balls kind of are in the same shape as a grap okay let's try it let's try it 3 dude if this works oh oh dude I did not expect that to work I thought it was just going to like crumble into a million pieces this is crazy why is that so satisfying you guys that's crazy you can make your own little like Cheeto grape salad what if I put a cheeseball and a grape at the same time I don't think it's designed for that dude go oh it still works that's crazy a full grape looks like this right and once you cut a grape into Force you could like make it back into a grape right grape concoction do it okay I'm going to take two halves of a cheese ball and two halves of a grape let's hope the FBI doesn't find out we're doing this that's like a grape cheese ball eat it try it okay dude that's so satisfying it stays together wait that's crazy yeah okay okay how is it it tastes like sweet cheese let's try it trick shot 3 2 1 go oh let go this burger holder what now this is a lazy kitchen gadget that's for people that are literally too lazy to hold their own Burger I am never too lazy to hold a burger now it says it's time to enjoy your Burgers the elegant and clean way I guess this is for people who didn't like it in their hands messy when they ate a burger and it's just this contraption where you put it like this you put your burger here and you just eat it like this why okay now let's test this out did buy a burger last night like a nice big juicy burger but it disappeared from the kitchen I have no idea who would eat a double bacon cheese I had to use like EG of waffles because we as I mentioned don't have a real Burger so we're going to try this out with this now I have a meat Patty and some egos that kind of looks like a burger we're going to put it in here like this y That's pretty satisfy that's a perfect fit dude okay now try it no that's not happening why cuz I I already ate a burger oh oops oh no I'm going to try and go in and this is actually pretty cool because let's say you have like a really big burger you can actually expand it oh yeah if it's a thick one exactly okay I'm going to go in for a bite okay let's see you got about 2 cm of EO waffle and you didn't even hit the Patty but the product worked great you try no take a real bite Adam you're the one who made this burger and my hands are like not greasy or anything cookie says welcome back to ml would you like a MC thirsty combo I'm not doing this again cookie says please pull up to the first window yeah okay what would you like to order can I get a large fry and a double bacon cheeseburger no you could you can have two EG of waffles with the meat Patty in the middle I don't want he says that's all you get here you go Adam mcy says pull up to the second window now roll down your window and open your mouth yeah yeah okay thank you we'll see you later wait you don't actually like this product I do like this product look it's a little hat for chimmy he looks like a nurse he looks like an egg like he's hatching I got to try this out I got to experience the burger holder uhhuh I'm going to make my own Burger really quick yeah okay so here I've got two mini pizzas how is this going to be a Burger Chef cookie actually whip these up he says it's to me Cookie and he's going to start tossing the pizzas oh Cookie Chef cookie let's go okay okay thank you cookie now I'm going to take these two pizzas I'm going to take some nuggets from earlier and then one more pizza on top now that's a nice burger right there going to just fold this Burger in half no way dude it actually works let's go take a big bite how do it taste and how are your hands very clean nice this magic egg cooker what normally you cook an egg on the stove right this allows you to microwave it you put the egg in here you close it up you open the vent and then you just microwave it and then it makes a perfect egg so it's basically just like a plastic container you could get anywhere well no this is a magic egg cooker oh yeah I forgot the magic let's try it Adam did you see on Tik Tok that they said it's impossible to break an egg like this no way you guys to squeeze hard they said nobody can do it I'm serious you want a bet a dollar I I they said on Tik Tok you can't do [Music] it oh wait Tik Tok is real are you okay dude I'm not doing this anymore it's too dangerous okay one egg two eggs then you just put this in the microwave and see what happens that's it yeah okay I just got this out of the microwave let's see it oh it's hot okay here we go what what is that wait what happened maybe I need to put it in there for longer but it doesn't look like it's cooking it evenly it's like cooking from the outside in yeah a dude stop dude wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's like a little egg Smiley like an like an emoji I don't you wasting food I'm could have taken it and cooked it why' you do that well I can just put it back I think if we actually used this product correctly it would have worked but we didn't you didn't gu not on the instructions making an egg Smiley gu not on there this rainbow grilled cheese toaster this looks sick okay so this is a toaster that's going to give us a rainbow grilled cheese sandwich rainbow grilled cheese have you ever had one no well you're about to dude this is going to look insane so how this works is we're going to take some bread hold these okay okay now we're going to open this no no don't don't eat the bread what why because we have to make the sandwich okay give me this dud I hey hey hey you can't give me bread I expect me to not eat it okay I'm going to take two new pieces of bread do not eat these Justin don't eat them what we're going to do is we're going to take the Justin we're going to take this and open this like this now I'm going to take the what did you just do this is too hard I quit then once you have the bread in here you're going to take some of your Rainbow cheese wait this is cheese but it's rainbow yeah okay so I added the rainbow cheese that's crazy then I'm going to take another slice and put it like this and we're going to put it in the toaster just like that oh man but you can make two so you can make your own oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah okay so here's some bread don't eat these okay cool cool cool cool don't eat don't eat why it's my sandwich I don't even know what to do anymore okay okay here you go now here's your Rainbow cheese okay I'm only going to use two colors I'm going to use the purple cuz it looks like my hair uhhuh and I'm going to use the lanky blue okay then you close them up okay like this you put yep then you're going to put it in the toaster like this then we're going to turn it on oh okay okay you ready okay now we wait the suspense is killing me okay okay let's see how mine looks first okay let's look at it this smells so good okay now I'm going to use the rainbow knife okay rainbow knife for a rainbow grilled cheese what's it going to look like Moment of Truth oh that's crazy what okay let me take the top layer off ni yo look oh that looks so good [Music] I cannot believe I'm about to eat a rainbow grilled cheese sandwich oh okay wait that looks sick it looks like some sort of space sandwich oh my go okay that's crazy okay you guys let us know which one you prefer my rainbow or Justin's Galaxy sandwich how does it taste though that's pretty good these rainbow ice balls okay okay now you really spent our money on ice balls so normal ice cubes are boring they they come in like little rectangular shapes these are colorful ice balls let's say you're on a date with a girl and she's complaining that her water is really like not that cold you could bring this out and be like don't worry I'll put this in your drink and it'll become cool and it'll become colorful yeah oh okay so I can actually saved this for maybe a date I got later do you have a date later cool cool cool yeah just cool cool it's cold but I'm going to say that okay and I think with these we could actually try and play basketball what okay so hold your hands like this I'm going to try and get it in the hoop what okay okay ready 3 2 one sorry it's my hold your head up I don't want to play any hold your head up I don't want to play anymore hold your head up D please do not Justin Justin were you even trying to get it in the hoop I was that's the backboard it was supposed to go in oh yeah that makes sense it's a big Target is all I'm saying okay now let's actually see if these work as they're supposed to so let's add them to this glass of water this is going to look sick hold it up hold it up okay here we go I'm put the green one in in first okay yo oh oh it Blow that's so cool wait that's nice what if you were drinking like some flavored drink like some juice right s okay I'll Stir It Up Wait that looks so crazy these rainbow rice mold okay okay this is sick Adam are these for toddlers these look like these look like building blocks that toddlers play with these are going to amaze you so basically you can use these for all types of things you can use for chocolate for rice but we're going to use it to make rainbow rice molds rainbow rice yeah okay how okay watch I I I made some rainbow rice this is Rainbow rice yeah this is rice with food coloring in it why would you do that okay I added in the colored rice now we're going to put it on top like this and squeeze really hard and then you just wait and it turns it into art oh okay I was wrong that's actually sick look that's actually sick you got a rainbow like three colored heart there's red in the middle right I'm sorry I made fun of you this is cool and you can make all different types of one you can make a fish you can make a bear I can go ahead and show you this one I made a rainbow star you know what I can do this without these molds I'll show you Adam you take this right use your hands don't even use a mold and make a nice long green line okay meanwhile I got myself some rice over here some pink rice I'm going to make my own no molds needed wait wait this is supposed to be cookie yeah what are you I'll save you now you guys let us know at home would you prefer these little cute little Rainbow moldes but hey DM me for no what happened DM me for a chance to win the rice cookie fall apart wait why did you have me make this oh as I was making cookie who is my spirit animal I had you make your spirit animal animal a slug a little snake with your sweaty hands I'm not even sweating oh yeah right oh then how did you get the rice to stick together this Kitty egg cooker side up yeah more like py nice okay so how this works is I'm going to put this Kitty egg cooker right there yeah yeah now you're going to put in the egg white first wa what to separate the eggs yeah okay so I added some egg white to the bottom I and then I'm going to go ahead and add an egg yolk into the eye you put the yolk separately okay okay now we just have to wait for this to cook okay this is what it's supposed to look like let's see ours it looks like our cat got into a fight with this one and lost so to make this rainbow I'm going to add some sriracha and some green guacamole salt w Wait that sounds so good oh yeah and then I'll put this in his little whisker area okay okay maybe draw some whis on the side of the plate you know okay so this that's not what I meant this looks pretty much terrible why would you do that I thought you were going to go like this I'll give him a little Smiley too yeah wow okay that's not bad okay not terrible that's not bad you guys okay I guess I'm going to take a bite no it's going to taste good it's eggs it's pretty spicy that's fine I bet I can make a better version of this myself I'm going to put this back here and instead of putting eggs I'm just going to drop it some chocolate chips put a nice little layer of chocolate chips into the mold and then for the eyes I'm going to go in with some rainbow marshmallow wait this might actually be good wait this is actually going to work Adam no way no oh what no let's go and now we can share it go ahead and dip the bread get some of the marshmallow though so hot M that's so hot what would that it's hot unlike you this rainbow waffle cone maker wait okay this reminds me of a product we've looked at before but this is different yeah okay so when you're normally eating ice cream do you normally just like the ice cream or do you have it in a waffle cone obviously the cones so this allows you to make a rainbow waffle cone how let's go okay so watch okay we're going to open this up and then we're going to add in some rainbow waffle cone batter did you just put Play-Doh on wait you can eat this oh yeah you are going to eat this okay okay and then you close this let's close it up okay I think it's done let's open it up okay okay so now we're going to take it off careful careful it's hot okay I'm going to roll it using this tool oh wait that's so cool oh okay wait that's actually crazy right okay okay here it is this is so nice now that's not even the final step I'm going to bring in some rainbow ice cream W and we're going to see if this actually works wow this is amazing we have a rainbow waffle cone with rainbow ice cream on it wow honestly I'm going in for a bite how is [Music] it okay I had some momentary brain freeze there but this is amazing actually good job okay it's pretty good this watermelon soda hack okay so watch closely okay okay they're cutting holes in a Mel and they they put bottles of soda in the melon the soda goes into the watermelon and then you have soda flavored watermelon no you do not there's no way this is going to work you don't think this is going to work no okay we got to try it now I thought it would be fun to actually use some blue Coca-Cola so we're going to try this out wait what is this it's going to look so sick did you get Coca-Cola from 400 years in the future what is this okay so I'm going to cut some holes in the watermelon this hack is going to blow your mind stop drinking the blue Coke wait this going to get everywhere hold 3 2 one oh okay okay I think it's what's happening okay wait no okay what is what is this what is happening none of this is going in the melon okay what this looks like some sort of weird Mickey Mouse what is this how is this a life hat have you ever had blue watermelon before I guess not well you're about to okay ready let's see if this works 3 2 one are you trolling we got to at least try it and see if it tastes a little bit like it okay okay okay here we go that tastes like a watermelon there's literally nothing there's nothing different about this honestly one of the main reasons I picked this was blue is my favorite color and I remember actually I was swimming with my mom and when I was a little kid my mom took me to the ocean and we would Splash around for hours and hours in the beach and that's when she actually that was the first time that I ever told her that I loved her and then we just spent the whole afternoon hugging and playing C playing in the blue water and eating watermelon together and that's why I always love watermelon and blue sodas heyam look I made a little swimming Bowl melon I made little sing Po in my melon what about the story I just told you told us St okay your hack did not work but I might have come up with my own hand that's nice this movie theater popcorn an hack okay so here's how the hack Works basically they're in a theater right and this is for if you have a friend that tries to steal your food no I don't mess with that uh-uh she's just flipping her hoodie around oh and then she's going to take the popcorn and put it in the hoodie oh oh and the she oh she can just eat it okay let's go let's go yeah okay so heyam look Adam look I'm chilling I'm just chilling okay okay it around we have rotated our hoodies now I have some popcorn here so let's say we're at the [Music] theater okay so I'm going to take some Popcorn here and [Music] Justin what was that did I just get bitten by a spider what happened what was that ouch I'm not ouch what is so funny give this you take some popcorn and you put it into your hood like this like they did in the video ah went down my shirt then we're going to just sit here and see if this actually works it's a little hard to get the popcorn with your tongue hey hey Adam Adam look at this look at this look at me look at me look at [Music] this let me help you out what are you doing what are you doing wow overall this hack is good this hack works I could actually see you doing this it's kind of nice but what other foods do they have at movie theaters like a Nachos right nachos so I'm actually going to come in with my pack of nachos and then I'm just going to pour the chips in here okay yeah that that actually totally works yeah that's pretty good you can put chips in there yeah and then you can just take a chip out and dip it in the sauce yeah you're right we could dip it in some sauce okay cool cool Co I don't I don't think I would put it in just stop why did you move why would you pour cheese in my hoodie so that you could eat it what you mean this a DIY life hack now stop moving let me hack this nice nice nice nice wow we got the whole jar in there that's nice it's literally coming out the other side that is so gross I cannot believe I'm about to eat nachos out of Adam's hoodie nice what is this that's cuz you move oh this hat could actually really helpful like let's say you're on a date with a girl and you have some of the nacho cheese on your cheek from when you're eating it maybe if the girl really likes nacho cheese she might kiss your cheek because she wants to taste some of the nachos off of it if you showed up to a day looking like this that girl would say nacho cheese that's not my man go away go clean yourself up that's not your kiss either she keep for somebody else this iPhone cardboard hack okay so using this hack all you need is a cardboard box and your phone and you can turn it into like a actual movie theater what it's crazy okay so they're cutting out a hole in the shape of oh and then they take the cardboard box put it on their head and no way that's crazy let's go let's do it okay so I have a cardboard box and my phone okay nice so we've cut the hole out okay now I'm going to take the phone and put it on top you got stick your head in here what no no no Adam I cut this hole for your head look at how big the hole is for the neck my head's going to fall out it's like you guys are watching ly box in a movie theater Adam try it on man try it on okay she was laying down in the video so let's see if this works okay here we go no dude this is crazy is it working this is amazing wait guys this life pack actually kind of works wait let me put it on this way wait yeah wait I'm going to come in with some tape and and actually now Adam is now permanently locked in the simulation this is a real hack we just turned a cardboard box into a virtual reality simulator Adam is now permanently stuck watching lanky box content how's the contest uh you're doing something really dumb in the show ow this soap flow hat what so this allows you to turn soap into a flower what so watch okay they take normal soap okay they got a peeler like a vegetable peeler wait what that's so satisfying okay so they cut like strips of soap and then they like twirl it in a circle and it looks like a rose what yeah and then you can like give it to a girl let's try it out okay watch okay we got one piece nice okay our pieces are not cutting as well as theirs in the video H they made it look really easy in the video guys I'm not going to lie this is really satisfying like just this part is really fun already I don't know why guys I'm going to be honest we might take this whole Channel and just turn it into a soap caring Channel this is so satisfying this soap actually reminds me of my first Middle School Dance how because when I went the girl that I asked to go with actually didn't go so I decided to go home early and then just take a bubble bath and dead and then I used this soap to wash away my sweat from Dancing Yeah your sweat and probably also your tear oh okay okay okay wait dude not bad that's actually nice okay it actually does kind of look like a flower okay I totally thought this hack was not going to work this hack is amazing this flower looks great do not eat it and it smell it smells amazing this microwave dut Haack Donuts okay so this is a life hack for if you want donuts but you don't have a donut that's me all the time okay so here's how this works basically you take like a regular mug you add some sugar flour and literally all you need is a microwave what is that a donut wait what is that that looks so good okay after the frosting that looks good okay we've mixed everything into the mug okay look a little better you're telling me this is about to be a donut yeah okay how does it look I'll show you are you ready yeah 3 2 [Music] 1 okay okay let's dump it out this is not what the video promised okay it's not it's not terrible it's not terrible oh wait a minute okay wait this does look good now okay let's add some sprinkles oh okay wait wait okay now it looks good wa this is actually kind of hype dude wait that's actually so good what do you think it's good right this watermelon cutter it just say watermelon cut it says your best solution for eating melons okay I do like Solutions and I do like eating melons oh okay this is pretty cool I don't really know how this is going to cut a watermelon it looks like something cutting hair but I don't know how it's going to cut a water I'll show you watch okay ready uh uh oh oh oh what oh that's pretty legit actually do it again okay here we go wo wo okay okay this is this is legit we got some Cube action now look at how clean that is that's pretty cool actually I'm going to go for a speed round and see how many I can get in about 5 Seconds here we go stop stop wow I am the watermelon cut Champion Adam you know how in Avatar there's uh water benders okay get this I'm a watermelon Bender this is actually pretty legit actually like guys it really does create like really good cubes like I would actually use this in my real life would you really because I will say this this product is really cool but it really doesn't outclass the usual way I would cut my watermelons which is how like this stop that's how you normally eat watermelons yeah what you don't do it like that no this cookie dunky cup okay so this is for people that don't want to take the time to actually dunk their Oreos into their cup so a normal person would just take a cup and fill it with milk and then dip their Oreo in it right yes okay so watch you can actually put your cookies in here like this and then you pour the milk and now you can have it all on the go just like this pick up the Oreo dunk it and eat it Isn't that cool wow wow wow wow that is so dumb I have the empty dunky Dumbo cups I'm going to take the Oreos out I actually just got back from the shop got some Mickey D oh perfect these chicken nuggets these are chicken nuggets and I got my fries that's not what it's meant for oh let's let the audience decide you guys let us know in the comments would you prefer Adam's little Dumbo donkey donkey Dumbo cup with some Oreos and milk or would you prefer the Justin chromy cup I got the nuggets on the side and the fries in the middle let's go these anti crying onion goggles so this is for when you're obviously cutting onions and you know how makes you cry right this is to prevent you from tearing up these are going to keep me from crying I don't know if these are going to keep me from crying or if these are going to turn me into a superhero Justin you got to actually chop an onion and see if they work okay stand clear Chef chromy coming in with the knife so far I'm not crying yet I'm getting dangerously close to this onion I'm going to remain dangerously close as I chop for max testing these onion juice will be spraying right into my eyeball and I'm pretty sure I will be crying but these are actually blocking it out wow they're working these actually work wait do you think they prevent you from crying with other things wait do you hear that phone ringing oh no way it is the justy landline H hello hello hello Adam sh Adam it's my girlfriend sh you don't sh you don't have a girlfriend okay what what no please no don't leave me no please I even I picked you flowers from my lawn or should I say flowers from my sh are you laughing or crying don't leave me don't leave me my got you you're not plug in what you're not even plugged in our love can withstand no connection how dare you wait so did your girlfriend actually just break up with you yes and I I only kind of cried so you think if you didn't have those glasses on you would have cried more oh 100% I would have been just water War yeah it would have been bad yeah what's her name this is a carrot sharpener so this is for lazy people that I guess this just a big pencil sharp what are you talking about I guess it's for people that want to have sharp carrots it's exactly like a pencil sharpener except way bigger so I guess before if you actually wanted to sharpen a carrot you have to use a knife right and that would be the normal way but this is for people that are too lazy to do that that's actually kind of sick wait this actually works okay okay wait wait I want to see what it looks like when it comes out though okay then take it out W wo what that's that's dangerous stop hey hey hey back up I have to disarm you I do not trust Adam with sharp objects I bet you know if I was deep in the kitchen you know late at night cooking up some carrot snacks for my buddy who might be a bunny and then you know some some Intruders Adam comes over way late at night says can I have some food n nuh no cookie actually will transform into assassin cookie ah back up and cookie will take the carrot well actually he's going to eat some first and then he's going to take it and sharpen and now cookie is armed he's ready back up he said back up these are my carrots now okay okay I was not expecting this to work when we got it look at that that's awesome that's crazy this silicone anti- melting ice cream conb look at how happy this kid is to be eaten out of a silly cone is that going to be me um possibly okay now how does this work okay so here is the silly cone with the ice cream in it right I see yeah so a normal cone it would melt and might drip out or whatever and you don't get to actually eat all the ice cream what are you talking about there's a 0% chance I would ever eat ice cream so slowly it has the chance to melt so what happens is as the ice cream melts it goes down into this tube and then you're able to suck it out of the bottom I'm not going to suck my ice cream out the bottom of a silly cone what is wrong with you that's the whole point tell me instead of instead of eating ice cream when it looks nice and delicious you're going to let it melt and then degrade yourself to sucking on a silly cone look the cone is melting because we've been sitting here arguing about silic con what I'm actually going to do is bring it to an environment where it might melt a bit faster so we can actually test this out properly you're going to take it outside in like the sun or something no no I'm going to take it to the Sun actually a lot of you guys actually did tell me you wanted to join me on my space Voyage so everybody hop in hop in okay I'm going to create the oxygen barrier for my astronaut hold this hold the silicone for my astronaut friends so they have air okay Adam doesn't need it he's not coming with us blast off and simulate the heat condition hello Mission Control we have a melting ice cream cone here okay cookie and chimmy are safe in the planetarium here we go we're approaching the Sun the cone is melting and now if Adam's calculations are correct he should be able to suck the silicone here you go okay I pulled this thing down and now it's leaking out the bottom so if I can just I got some this is so wrong on so much hey hey hey hey we going to have to delete this I'm sorry the never soggy cereal bowl what is this is this a helmet put it on Dumbo you already know put it on no okay this is a bowl for people who are too lazy to eat their food quick enough to where it doesn't get soggy again not a problem I have so what you do is you put your milk down here and you put your cereal up here watch watch watch okay I'm going to pour the milk in the bottom right as I pour the cereal in yeah it stays separate now when I take my cereal that's dry I can dip it in the I can dip it in the milk and then I eat what is this product this Coke and Mentos aquarium basically what you do is you fill a balloon with Mentos fill an aquarium with Coke you cut the balloon and see what happens oh I wonder what's going to happen let's pour this in what are you do no it's supposed to go in the aquarium I thought you meant pour it in my mouth okay now pour the last Coke in no no no Adam I want to do something with this later okay I'll tell you later okay now we have all these Mentos we're going to fill a balloon with the Mentos so we got 1 2 3 okay so we have close to probably about a million Mentos we now have a bunch of Mentos there's like a lot in there it's hard to see cuz the balloon is not clear but there's a lot of Mentos in there we're going to drop one and see what happens okay 3 2 [Music] 1 that was from one we have about a 100 in the balloon I cannot believe we're about to cut this balloon full of Mentos into this Aquarium of B 3 2 1 [Applause] go that was it ad are you kidding me you idiot what was supposed to happen I don't know I thought it would like bubble up okay wait let's put all the last ones in 3 2 1 [Music] you trash Adam I'm going to make a better version of this instead of Mentos I'm just going to come in with a million nuggets oh okay this is promising this is going to create a magical reaction and it will create an explosion okay just you wait I'm going to create my own ketchup balloon you sure this is going to work oh yeah what are you going to I'm going to throw this ketchup balloon bag into this aquarium filled W nuggets and create a massive explosion okay are you ready Adam I don't think so but I guess three wait two why one yeah where was the explosion oh this is a flavor explosion in my mouth are you kidding me now you're going to do something with this other bottle right yes okay at the end I'm going to take this cap off I'm going to put a bunch of Mentos inside I'm going to close it create a rocket and then throw it at the ground so that it actually propels itself upwards will it go into space possibly okay guys watch to the end of the video to see that this ice cream sandwich DIY okay so basically what you do is you take like a like a pint size thing of ice cream like this you take a knife and you cut a slice why would you cut it like that then you take two cookies you put the slice in the middle and you have an ice cream sandwich wait that's awesome let's do it okay okay I have some ice cream and some cookies go and I brought this oh this is going to be crazy okay nice wait that's perfect yeah and then you can just hold this and then I'm just going to take the top off dude and you have a perfect cookie ice cream sandwich that's that's literally perfect okay this is sick I'm going in for what a great bite let me try Okay this hack is awesome we have a bunch of leftover cookies I don't know what we're going to do with these what I know exactly what we're going to do so I'm actually just going to come in with two more pintes of ice cream and what we're going to do is make the world's tallest DIY food hack cookie Ice Cream Sandwich Power okay okay we got the last two okay dude this is insane okay we have now made the world's tallest ice cream sandwich cookie I'm going in for a bite I think if I try really hard I can get it in vertically here we go okay never mind I'm going to go in for a bunch of small bites instead oh it's like you're eating corn how is it are you okay that's amazing try it [Music] okay I'm sorry you didn't even get a B I know it was slippery cuz the ice cream you ruined my world record sandwich let me try again [Music] what are you what are you I saw C and Ramsey do this what are you an idiot ice cream swi IDI yes hello yes get his book of world records yes I have the world's tallest DIY life hack food Ice Cream Sandwich well actually I did now I have the world's biggest ice cream idiot swich Adam and I built it ourselves thank you very much nice dude this was a lot of fun to do and it looked really cool and it delicious you guys got to try this yeah let us know if you guys are actually going to try this cuz this is really easy to do this Skittles painting hack okay so basically this allows you to paint with Skittles all you need are Skittles and water what and it turns into paint let's try it wait that's pretty sick oh yeah wait I don't know if you could see that but all the colors are coming out that's sick right okay then I'm going to see if this works oh it does work okay we took out all the Reds let's see if this works better okay oh wa wait that totally works dude that's pretty sick okay now that we can actually paint let's play like a little game okay okay you got to draw something and then I'm going to try and guess it in under 15 seconds okay like Pictionary okay ready okay ready here I go is it a box of donuts no is it a box of chicken no is it a box of candy no wait box of candy box candy box boxing oh it's box go that's pretty good guys I'm not saying I'm a master painter but that's pretty good that's pretty nice we got to send this to museums true in 5,000 years the aliens will look upon this as an ancient artifact and try to figure out what was going on this is sick man this hack actually works I actually really like this hack now you guys can try this at home as well this invisible egg hack what okay so this hack allows you to take a normal egg and make it seethrough what okay so all you have to do is take a normal egg and put it in a cup with vinegar uhh and then you wait for 24 hours and the vinegar like dissolves the white part and it literally makes it see-through what yeah okay so here's a normal egg and this is an egg that I've left in vinegar now I'm going to take this out dude what is that oh my God what is that dude you can see like it's y oh oh slippery you can see the yolk through the egg okay wait this is vinegar yeah wait so this must be yeah the white stuff on top is probably the eggshell like it dissolved dude wait that's insane wait feel this egg wait that's so weird we didn't like cook the egg or anything that's so weird it feels like an alien it feels like a skin and apparently it literally makes an egg bounceable do not try to no that is so gross if that splatters everywhere oh no are you an idiot are you an actual idiot I'm sorry you waited 24 hours for that and then did that I'm sorry I was going to play basketball with it you disrespectful and you wasted this egg wait so this is what the eggshell turns into it turns into like paper no this is just like the membrane you can make you can wait for this to dry and write a letter on it if I did that the letter I would write is you an idiot you seriously dropped an egg you waited 24 hours out here wasting food Adam wait so this is normal egg what it's like a putty that's inside of every egg you seriously said it's like a putty what is wrong with you this DIY pancake flower huh okay so this allows you to turn a pancake into a beautiful flower what watch you take a pancake and you cut it like that oh wow yeah and then you like roll it up and it turns it into like it looks like a rose okay I'm going to add in some batter okay hand me a knife I'm going to cut it like you cut in a circle right yeah and then the spiral gets smaller and smaller okay then I guess what you're supposed to do is just roll it out like this wait wait wait wait wait don't laugh too soon I can fix this nice and then you just give this to a girl you like and then that's a rose does anybody want to be my f no one wants to go I'll just eat my emotions again I'll go okay I think the reason it didn't work is the pancake is really thick which is not good in this situation thick is always good oh man Adam actually let me outside of the room this is very exciting okay okay okay you got your Coke and your M I got my m toast yeah this is definitely going to go well 3 2 1 oh no are you happy where was the rocket okay let's spin the wheel you didn't even get a it was slippery cuz the ice cream okay if justy wins he gets to play with Dumbo nice okay nice there you go okay Dumbo's now in his space helmet we're going to play with some Rockets together wa no that's my friend this mini cocacola stove what okay so watch close basically what you do is you take a can of Coke you cut it in half then you use aluminum foil to create like a little like platform for it you take a stick and put a hot dog on it and you can like rotate it like a barbecue this is the most complicated DIY we've ever looked at wait so we can turn a can of Coke into a mini stove barbecue this is sick let's go okay okay I have now transformed into survival Justice in case you want a grill while you're camping this DIYs is for that okay okay now be very careful if you actually try this because cutting a can this metal could be very very sharp yeah be careful if you guys actually do this one okay okay now I've cut a nice little Grill opening here okay now I'm going to lift this open nice so I have like a little Grill area dude I've never actually see like the inside of a soda can that's crazy it's a metal can okay now I have folded some aluminum so this has a place to rest and it's not going to roll away oh that's smart dude nice now we put some paper inside I'm going to light a match let's hope this works okay oh oh it's working dude quickly quickly quickly survival JY coming in with the weenies okay let's go D is actually sick dude you're actually barbecuing little hot dogs in a Coke can this is crazy now let me come in with a marshmallow I cannot believe I'm having a barbecue with a cocacola can this is crazy uh I think I think it's a little bam you want a marshmallow no don't pull it out dude I have these like little packets where when you add them to fire it turns it like rainbow yeah we tried that before you want to put it in this yeah you wa okay the pack is like as big as the Coke can but I think we should try it dude dude this is insane this is also a little bit unsane this soda slingshot DIY what okay so basically how this one works is you take a soda cap and some Mentos and a balloon you put the balloon around the soda and you can like fling Mentos out and then even make like a little game with bowls you want to try playing okay let's go okay so first we have to create the slingshot now I have some soda okay now I have some balloons and some Mentos okay so now uh we have to empty these out okay okay so I'm going to pour this soda out wait what are you doing stop poured it out you are wasting Coca-Cola we need an empty bottle okay so now I have an empty can of Coke I'm just going to cut the top off like they did in the DIY okay you take a balloon and you put it over yeah I'm not allowed to have this much sugar or caffeine usually okay I think I made what do I do give me go in my hand go go yeah you just put the Mentos in the balloon and then it's supposed to like rocket it out this is going to rocket out a Mento I think so okay let me get the Mento in there care no way this will work care careful oh wait that actually works so well oh right this is sick that's pretty cool now in the DIY they had a little like weird game with bowls now I actually made a very very similar game with W this is sick now do you think you can beat me at this game all that Sugar went straight to my brain I will not miss okay we both get let's say five Mentos each whoever gets the most point wins the dollar okay hold it up I'll go first first shot do not hit my hand oh okay second shot oh no does that count no it does not dude this is so hard fourth shot no F please wow wow you think you can do better it's cuz you don't drink your soda and it shows here we go yeah let's see you do it [Music] uh-huh are you kidding me where's my dollar that went end I won off the first shot where's my dollar Dumbo you still have four more tries where's my I could take all four of my Mentos really and eat them and guess what I still won you lose Dumbo you lose by a very wide margin as you can see Justin got 300 points that's crazy this is one of the coolest DIYs we've ever looked at easy to do guys anyone can do this if you do this at home be safe I thought it goes in the balloon it just sits on top like this and yeah just the air pushes the Mento out what else can we put in this slingshot okay what if I come in with some Cheetos okay okay we have to cut these into the right size they're like little cheese balls yeah okay I'm going to put one in oh wait that works so well that goes so far I'm just going to lightly pull it wo dude these work better than the Mentos is way lighter than the Mentos let's say we were in class and you were really hungry but you were across the room oh dude nice wait this is such a sick DIY dude that was a good catch's go you're really good at that for some reason that was a nice shot dude wait how often do you practice this in your room alone I could actually play that game for hours and just be that entertaining this game is sick this coffee maker hat I actually saw this hack on Tik Tok oh Tik Tok do you like Tik Tok I actually just submitted my application to become the CEO of Tik Tok have they gotten back to you sadly no but when they do oh boy so what you do is you take a coffee maker now this part gets hot normally right oh right cuz they have to keep the coffee warm right so you can spray like you can put like pancake batter on it and you can literally make pancakes on a coffee what look he's like flipping it it works that's such a cute little pancake I know let's try it okay let's go okay we turned it on I don't really know what's happening wait there's nothing in the coffee pot why is it Smoky I don't know I'm not allowed to drink coffee is this more hot don't touch pry hot this part's pretty hot I guess we're just going to try the dude it's smoking like really bad hurry up hurry up with the cooking spray okay uh okay I have some cooking spray now that's Smoky too okay oh do you hear that it's Ling dudee wait something smells like it's burning I don't know if it's from here or here dude okay it's actually like cooking I don't know you guys can see that but like the pancake is like starting to Bubble yeah dude that's crazy dude wait wait should we try and flip it oh it kind of worked okay it's a little messy uh but we made this pancake a little bit too thick dude that actually cooked I'm shocked okay let's see how it looks okay you know not the best we're not that goodl looking either so that's okay that's okay okay here we go it's a pancake wait dude that's actually not bad it's a pancake okay now wait it worked with the pancake what other breakfast foods can we try dude what if we try some eggs that would be cool okay let's go it's it's actually sizzling dude dude it's bubbling wait dude that's crazy dude it's like actually cooking the eggs wait dude that's actually crazy dude it actually cooked the egg really well that's crazy better than the pancake for sure okay let's try it that's amazing this is insane this pack actually works dude if you were in a hurry you could use this machine to make these two things it would only take about 2 hours and then you could take the pancake and dip it in the egg and eat it yeah it's like an Egg McMuffin and then and then you can put coffee in it and drink the drink the coffee and you have breakfast on the go dude okay it works with the breakfast food right what if we tried it with dessert okay okay I have some rainbow marshmallows in a Kit Kat bar we can try and like put these on here and see what happens now we just wait and see what happens okay it's smelling really good wait dude this totally work wait let's try and take this off okay you made some sort of dude it's so sticky this is a dessert idea by Adam MacArthur well yeah okay dude I can imagine like some type of date night where you make this with with a with a girl uhh and then you come you come up and say bone Apple tea nice that's nice dude this tastes good that's pretty good this sponge cake hat sponge cake I love sponge cake well maybe not this one so this is kind of like a trick that you can play on a friend oh I dislike that so watch you take like a sponge right an actual sponge yeah like a real sponge you cover it with frosting and when it's covered it literally looks like a cake like it looks like some kind of like a like a rice krispy tree with frosting on it and you can feed it to a friend and be like oh yeah I just made this cake and then they take a bite and then they're like oh it's a sponge got dude let's try it okay okay so let's try this out so I have a pink sponge now I'm going to take some frosting uh-huh uh-huh and cover the sponge with the frosting Okay okay wait this actually looks so good that looks amazing Adam why don't you go ahead and take a bite well no no that's the trick it's I obviously it's not real cake but if I were to like no no it looks great this looks so good Adam take a bite look wow wow wow look at this nice red velvet sponge cake go ahead take a bite this looks so good well no this that's the whole DIY no no look atam this looks so yummy w wow I'm going in for a big bite how was it oh that's so good go ahead and try it Adam try it and I'm good at actually make it a TW layer orange red velvet sponge cake wow wow wow we oh wow look at that frosting doesn't that look great okay you made it say real cake oh I did yeah that's cuz that's definitely what this is this is a real cake real cake wait but real taste but people who wait you wrote real cake to try and trick someone into believing it's real I'm what trick okay okay cool happy birthday to you no that's sponge happy birthday to you okay I guess that did not work okay this straw Strawberry hat huh normally when you cut a strawberry you take the stem and you cut it with a knife right uhhuh that's wrong don't do that why what you should do I guess according to this hack is you take a straw and you push it into the strawberry wait that's pretty satisfying and that way you don't like cut C off much of the strawberry okay okay okay so let me demonstrate how a normal person would do this I guess you would just take the strawberry and you cut the stem off uhhuh yeah but then you lose all this precious strawberry so now using a straw you can just poke it into the berry I guess uhhuh uh-huh uh-huh wait okay it looks like you missed but wait but that looks like it would have worked otherwise hold on let me try it oh okay but then the stem is still there and now you have a hole in your Berry wait it's okay Justin wait what if I come in with some chocolate syrup and now I can filled the hole with chocolate oh that's genius dude but then it's just dripping chocolate everywhere what does it taste good yeah that's so good wait try again try it try it okay dude eat it quick that's pretty good and you can't do that on a normal strawberry cuz it just gets everywhere yeah genius this is genius and then what if I actually [Laughter] just how is this a hack flaming hot Cheeto cereal what okay so this is literally just flaming hot Cheetos and milk wait wait wait wait wait I'm not eating that yeah you are you want like cereal yeah or do you like dip it no no no no no no what what you mean okay I'm going bring in this nice big bowl uhhuh uhhuh we're going to take some milk this how you make cereal poured the milk first yeah guys we have it on tape Adam is the sociopath who does that okay okay okay we have the milk do you like these yes would you like some no too bad I think we can go a little bigger I we bag we need more milk okay oh dude okay okay I'mma to add some more milk on top okay oh I'm not going to lie this looks pretty good yeah that looks pretty good okay let's go okay here's your spoon I have no idea what this would taste like I don't know either we're about to find out let's go here we [Music] go that's pretty good that's super good right normally flaming hot cheetos are like a little bit too spicy for me to like enjoy them but the milk like cancels it out yeah wait if this is this good it would be even better if it was more spicy maybe okay okay cool cool cool so I'm actually just going to come in with some hot sauce and let's just go in because look the milk will cancel out the spiciness you know what I mean I don't think that's how that works it's not a problem this hot sauce is not going to be spicy actually have some more nice nice nice it's color changing milk technology qu that was [Music] awesome what oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no don't worry don't worry I'm here I got you okay deuty cookies are right on the seat he are you okay are you okay are you okay cie says have some water have some water have some water have some water that is that is it working yeah okay he's going to give you some more water he's going to come in with some milk no he's not you okay he say just drink he said just drink the milk drink the milk okay drink the milk cookie cookie says he needs some milk okay okay says now you are officially a chili head good job chil head he's very proud of you okay Deputy cookie and his red boxy are now going to come in for a big bite say this looks very tasty very tasty do they like it very tasty they're chewing they're thinking it's too hot F you said H okay honestly this combination worked it worked surprising before you put the hot sauce on then you ruined it like you always do now that's just aggressive that was unneeded you little chil head guys we don't know if you can see the sides of the bowl but it's like pink wait try and drink just some of the milk oh yeah cool cool cool good idea yeah good um it's good if you like drinking salty milk sure these marshmallow nachos oh what okay so this is just marshmallows and tortilla chips but instead of like nachos where it's tortilla chips and cheese it's tortilla chips and marshmallow oh wait that sounds sick let's go okay so I'm going to add some tortilla chips okay uh so add some marshmallows no don't don't eat them just justtin just did St stop this is not impressive do you think that was hot no I don't think everything I do is hot like you I just do it cuz I like food oh okay okay so we have the marshmallows and the chips I'm going to go put this in the microwave and we're going to melt it that's no fun come on man okay I actually have this lighter okay cool I'm just going to give him a nice little toast here okay okay it's it's actually on fire on fire it's actually on fire wait de Beauty cookie say don't worry I got it got I got it no I get oh oh whoops oh whoops okay okay okay okay cookie say I'm sorry I thought boxy was the marshmallow for a second okay another day saved that was a close one okay so I made a real one that's way better than Justin's these are the marshmallow nachos so I just put chips and marshmallows and just microwave them and look at how good this look here we [Music] go wow it's warm and fluffy you know what that reminds me of what my mom's hugs H okay that's too much information but this is pretty tasty it's kind of weird though because the chips are salty yeah like you usually have marshmallows and like graham crackers so it's sweet and Sweet but this is like sweet and salty guys don't worry I I I got a oh I got a I got a bite for you guys okay here you go okay nice dude I wonder what else we could add to make this better I just come in with some chocolate chips oh oh dude wait this looks amazing it's like nachos cuz it's more topping yeah this looks amazing W okay let's go this is so good this is 900 IQ speaking of samor this literally reminds me of like a like a campfire it totally does so actually okay cool cool cool cool cool so now it's like we actually have a campfire go ahead and hold this Adam uh okay cool cool cool cool cool this actually reminds me of a time when me and my mom went camping and we like pitched a tent right we were we were in this tent and outside of the tent we're like we thought they were wolves and then we actually got like really scared cuz we heard this howling at night so we were like playing board games inside the tent and just telling each other how much we care for each other I checked outside it was actually just someone's dog so then we had the dog come into our tent and then we just pet the dog all night and then we just shared our feelings and we gave the dog some marshmallows and we all just hugged and it was actually one of the happiest times of my life and that's what are you okay Adam help what happened I don't I I think I actually transformed into Spidey J I'm stuck I'm actually I'm stuck to the nachos I don't have eats your way out God damn godam are you kidding me Jimmy save yourself okay these are actually incredible these get a thumbs up from me I'm also going to say thumbs up this is really good you guys try this yeah chicken nuggets and Sprite let's go this is like one of my favorite meals okay so apparently they say the Sprite is sweet and the nuggets are like Savory and kind of salty and they taste good together people eat these together all the time what do you mean okay well watch I'm going to add some nuggets into the glass and I'mma pour some Sprite in wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is this dude it's like bubbling we got chicken nuggets in soda this is crazy I don't really know how to eat it I guess you either like drink it or you just like dunk it and then eat it okay this is looking a little bit questionable but it's a chicken nugget so I'm going to eat it okay here we go oh that's not what I expected take a sip take a [Music] sip okay that was really bad that's not what I was expecting I think the taste is fine but the problem is because the Sprite is cold it's like a cold soggy nugget nobody likes that something's off about it maybe it just wasn't good cuz you didn't take a big enough bite that's probably what the problem was so I think you should go in for a big bite okay cool give a big SI give me this Sprite give me this Sprite okay cool cool cool so I'm just going to put all the nuggets on this Fork uh-huh that's a lot of nuggets pretty good right okay keep going nice M pretty good yeah okay I'm going to say this is a two thumbs down no for me this is the two thumbs up still it's chicken nuggets I can't say two thumbs down maybe it's because you don't like the soda could be okay so what if we come in with a different soda Okay cool so I got some of Adam's limited edition blue Coca-Cola I love this nice I'm just going to put them in here okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh it's floing what do you mean E I cannot believe Adam's about to drink blue Cola with chicken nuggets in it let's go this looks like some sort of weird science experiment here you go Adam there you go go go go go go go go [Music] go don't make that face turn that frown upside down yeah much better that was so gross why you got to be so negative all I worked very hard on this di project really you worked hard on it how about you take a drink that is absolutely not happening this ice cream sandwich Burger this is the greatest episode ever okay so I'm going to bring in some ice cream now a lot of people say if you take a normal burger and then you take an ice cream sandwich or like cookies and ice cream and put them together it tastes real good let's go this looks so good already and this burger also looks so good already if we put it together it's going to be too good now put the Ice Cream Sandwich inside the burger okay I'mma to close it up okay now you guys can see okay there's the burger and the Ice Cream Sandwich this looks amazing going for a bite oh oh man can you eat that whole thing in one bite you're talking to a professional [Music] here Justin Justin Justin Justin no no no no Justin come back Justin come back back are you okay dude how was that that might have been the single greatest bite I've taken in the history of this show try it try it try it what what what is wrong with you dude huh no what I think I only got the tomato and the cookie like I didn't get any meat and you know time you know from his his Burger fish s story he likes his Burgers ice cream and soy sauce wait okay okay so a lot of people say cuz soy sauce is really salty and ice cream is sweet that it goes together I I like ice cream I like soy sauce but I don't think I'm going to like them together well I like me and I like you and I like us together that okay okay that was pretty nice okay thanks Adam thanks Adam nice okay so I have the ice cream in the bowl I'm going to open up the soy sauce and I guess you just pour in okay cool okay cool okay so you make yours I brought I actually brought my own soy sauce so I'm going to make my own okay okay cool cool cool cool cool cool honestly it kind of looks like a root beer float cool cool yeah yeah it totally looks super weird okay honestly that doesn't look bad at all that looks like a root beer float yeah yeah weird what a weird food combination yeah that looks a little different than mine but I guess oh maybe I just had a different sauce a different kind of soy sauce you know okay I guess we're going to go in for a big bite M oh yeah m that's actually so good wait what my brain is like so confused right now it's like it's like sweet but like a little salty but like it goes together so well oh okay that's actually good yes it is legit this is great my brain is like your brain immediately tells you this is wrong but then you do it and you kind of get like a rush when you eat it you know I'm going to try it out with your soy sauce right no not right it feels raw but my stomach says it's [Music] right
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 1,396,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, justin, adam, foxy, boxy, lankybox world, lankybox reacts, lankybox fan, lankybox plushies, lankybox foxy, lankybox compilations, lankybox hilarious moments, lankybox testing 100 viral food hacks, lankybox lazy kitchen gadgets, lankybox rainbow food gadgets, lankybox diy life hacks, lankybox lazy food gadgets, lankybox diy food life hacks, lankybox food life hacks (diy), lankybox weird food combinations, lankybox funny moments, testing weird food hacks, feel good videos
Id: s-2qMmvMFhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 35sec (4895 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.