Testimony: Profiles in Faith - Steve Green - 3 of 3

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you're watching Steve green on testimony profiles and faith I need something genuine I think that genuine gives gives you authenticity and so I need it in many ways I need it with my family I want my family to be a real family so I want us to be involved in the lives of real people I want my life to be accessible to people I want to be involved in my local church Steve came to us and of course I've known him for years through the church we've been church mates but he really began I think the conviction towards racial reconciliation and desiring to work with the poor and he and his brother together I think began to say you know what kingdom will be really building is it the Steve Green ministry or is it the kingdom of God the empty hands fellowship has been meeting for two years just over two years Anna McDonald's here in Franklin Tennessee the reason for the meeting is to to interact cross racially cross denominationally as a group of Christian pastors and laypeople and also cross culturally we give testimonies we we praise God for the things that he's doing in our midst and so but then on Thursday it's a lot more serious time we meet together specifically for prayer we don't do anything else we just come and ask ask God invite God into our presence God has knitted us together so I think he is the the reason what he's done in drawing us together he has given us all the same vision the same understanding when they go and see Steve in a concert they see Steve the musician but when he comes in our mitts we see Steve a brother in God God's principle has stated in psalm 32 is that if we continue to cover ourselves he is determined and bound to uncover us he doesn't want to humiliate us and so he gives lots of opportunities to come clean to come to the light that's part of where vital relationship comes in I've had tremendous friendships with men some artists some leadership at our church it's easy to confess to God but I think that he calls us often to another level and that is before one another I think the thing that I've learned from Steve's life is that if you if you sing Christian songs you know it's fine to have a great voice and to well-engineered music and other stuff but beneath that the most important thing is that you validate what you sing by the way you live that's the thing I've learned from Steve Jesus he really makes those songs believable and beautiful by the way he lives you know I can sit here today and look back with a sense of tremendous gratitude because God has been the glue that has held my life together he has literally been my life my reason for living making sense out of everything giving also a deep satisfaction fulfillment in relationships my home with my wife and it isn't just some conjured up spirituality it has to be a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and the Lord is is certainly over the course of these years been my reason for living take away everything else if it all were to crumble tomorrow I have him and he's enough there's a story to be told of every life made just a mony to God's grace as for you the stories may be different tired of buying stays the same a tapestry by night held together by turn red oh Christ you
Channel: Inertia Films
Views: 14,484
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Green, christian, musician, belief, Jesus, Christ, religion, life, change, testimony, profiles, in, faith, Inertia, Films
Id: _1eWAfRH2xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2007
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