Testimonio Ryan Ries

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Ryan riess Canosa company or a stock Oh nosotros estudia también SE scary Cibolo conforth applause Oh Ryan riess entiendes Penn Yan Aero no sandy Maruchan espanol no no habla espanol to Joe starett Rosen Allah won't end mucho mucho hello hola could you see or you boost over Llosa posters today I would like to talk to you guys about your purpose why you were created and the other TC LeBlanc is a circle propósito por el cual forum crouch and find in or at Kennedy Jesus Christ Ian Contreras trade and T Danica so crystal and our destiny that he has yelled esteem no guilty in a para nosotros I think everyone would like to know that you can okay todos tenemos sister deseo this a very sus casas and I believe when you align your life with Jesus Christ you cannot keep on doing Linnaeus to voluntarily voluntad de dios that's when you find the purpose and the life that you were created for yeah IES dome encontrar el propósito y la vida por la cual para la cual vista creado my life verse is 2nd chronicles 16:9 and vesicular the may be dicing under the Chronicles DC says moving the eyes of the Lord ranged throughout the entire earth to strengthen whose hearts that are fully committed to him porque los ojos del señor recurrent o de la tierra para Fortaleza a chaos Julio Corazon s completamente su you what that verse doesn't say is that the eyes of the Lord are looking through the whole entire earth to straighten whose hearts that are the perfect Christians or the most spiritual or the you know spiritual Giants in a sense of Christianity ver si lo lo que no dice es que los ojos del co-rec or n la tierra para Fortaleza sera que ellos que son perfecto so somos mejoras cristianos dos on a los gigantes espiritual as the nuestra época no DC so whatever says is that the eyes of the Lord searched throughout the whole entire earth to strengthen his hearts that are fully committed to Jesus Christ lo que dices esto los ojos del señor recurrent odorata era para fort Alice sera que ellos Cuyo Corazon s completamente su you stuck on prometido con Dios he just wants your heart not perfection lo que él quiere is tu corazon so now that we all understand that our jacket autoscent and mo says so we are all equal and on the same playing field emotionally mismo lugar and el mismo pero no todos that was better than anyone nadia is mejor Canali a goddess what's our hearts yo solo en nuestros corazones so this is where my story begins a key is done the camisa means Toria I grew up in Los Angeles California can I see in Los Angeles California and my father was born in Mexico City me Papa inácio unless via Mexico and his parents his dad was a alcoholic and used to beat his mom verbally abused her and cheat on her father Papa Demi Demi Papa Errol : Abu Saba verbal mental physical meant a era ingonyama esposa so my grandmother decided to leave with her kids and go to America Asik mi abuela the symbiotes Amara's of psychos Lisa V V de-iced also ninos and very long story short Eunice story amore Lockette chamoy porta my dad finds Jesus Christ and ends up leading his family to the Lord me Papa entrega so Vida Cristal yeaa a su familia Akana sera signora after Vlad chaos this for the Queen mucho cows are adored a so so my dad becomes a pastor in the los angeles area we pass it we're ten past or in la really Los Angeles great guy great family owned gun people grande familia but something inside we doesn't want what the church or God has to offer I want what I see growing up in the LA Hollywood area mi corazon no quiere look-alike lesson if wrestle okay look las casas videos you know lo que quiere it's a ko ko phrase al mundo the Hollywood in Los Angeles in the California when I say that I mean I'm very attracted to music to art to concerts to I'm a skateboarder I'm a surfer I'm in the subcultures lo que quiero decir con esto es que me atreya a la musica los conciertos festivals so e alguien Candela patty Netta so it's or surfista yonder nosov todo lo que involucre is a Los Angeles I've always like to be a part of what's in the underground before becomes a mainstream Gustav otto look at on their round subterranean to the caldera a imp old lugar is Mustafa is okay so he had a new subterranean so kid as I was growing up I got exposed the pornography and I mean Tresca CF we exposed to las drogas or alcohol or pornography ah there's the muy temprano da and as you expose yourself to these things at a young age they stick with you throughout your life unless you have an encounter with the Living God of the universe you cannot do in Quentin Quentin and it has caused us the joven whether it's a year to her to be that menos que tenga swoon encuentro con Dios the universal so I got in the high school everything started increasing en tus cuando la guerra preparatory a todo comenzó increment arson and during that time I got exposed to the LA underground which was the birth of electronic techno music en si tiempo de la preparatory off' we exposed to a la musica electronica underground estaba siendo in los angeles came from London que venía is the laundress and in that I got exposed more of ecstasy and LSD and other hallucinogenics yin si in essence a nun s ambiente we express total as rogas Allison Ohana's LSD ecstasy very involved with that whole movement porque esta todo ESO mu Luke alone a Samoan viento selling and selling LSD but then also going to school for graphic design in started producing my own events al mismo tiempo yo estaba been viendo el es a day pero yendo a la escuela de arte para hacer d co y tambien pro who siendo algunos momentos but I wish the defense that I was involved with from my roots in punk rock and did I see I went to this day a forum para meal arise until a musical punk rock it a minute on Venus in the event of the hip-hop promoter and own promoter so things started going really well for myself during that time and I actually met I fell in love with a girl she was a stripper and we started dating when they say tiempo las Casas amazonite muy bien and maybe that I come and say and s templeman amore de una mujer on a stripper and when you're not a Christian you non-christian girls that are not into good things and I'm not a liquid things and just bad things happen yo cuando NOS Cristiano T malukas con una mujer no crystianna que está en malas cosa c Tosta selma las cosas de mollusk o Silvana so say there I think there she says is don't mess with fire show Gepard assume did you know know who I guess kung-fu a go porque te vas a c'mon that's true yes very bad but I went one day I got a she showed up at my office and she just said she just got back from the abortion clinic where he own Diego me trabajo y me dijo que venía de la clínica Roberto's and she was crying because this is what happens when you go through these kind of traumas in your life yeah Vania your handle for cases look it's a take on the passes for a moment of the trauma see and I remember just and ER I didn't know why didn't you tell me about this we could have had this kid I mean this is like so shocking to me Ricardo Vasilis sabes que por que no maybe maybe he's thick esta pasando is we almost an even wave we almost a lead on a stone I said if anything like this ever happens again please contact let me know we can have the kid get married we can see universe vulva so severe that embarrasses demon but people almost an heirloom baby so six months later she got pregnant I see case says missing this poison but a southern level and we decided to go to the doctors baby decidimos entonces Adel Doctore he bare alphabet and stomach and they've taken a baby yeah Bo suebian three in control baby and they said that they ate split they're identical twins and it died out because there's a stakeholder a sheet will Y be ho que el nuevo Sevilla separado Antonia dos Baba's identicos pero carry on syndrome a they say des vanessa is no se bad are so we left a couple of weeks later she called me up and you know I said let's get married so we went to the court got married and then we were gonna have a wedding by the pastor a couple months from them and she basically called me and said I talk to young never baby I'm gonna get abortion y despues me hablo bueno decidimos Kassar knows few Moustakas God Oh nos kazama's planea Mo's n Mo's messes tener una ceremonia con el Pasto pero cuando me hablo me dijo acaba they abort our and I knew at that point that if I stayed with this girl that it was gonna get uglier as life went on if she's just doing whatever she wants to do supporting kids entonces Medi cuenta que yo continue abba con esta chica a sin dole oke aquaria abort ando Bebe's know Eva's funciona logano sanam un lugar de todo muy FeO my heart was broken mi corazon estaba Rotom I felt hey anger since the audio EDA I broke up with her rhombomere elijah nikomia and I cursed God and I said I hate you and I want nothing to do with you do not exist how could you do this to me you he had he had the audio to me sukira existence como Buddhists ever met resto how can I blame God for my life well I wasn't even walking with God you cannot compare adios see nice akhira estaba come in and open em it's stupid I told them this is popular and look local pay I I decided that I would continue living my life and I was gonna just keep you eager to myself and I didn't trust women I'm just do do me did a series I was gay with Bill movida Johnno enter Sarma por nada mas mas mi vida no me bamboo Luke are many but comfy Aaron otra mujer que vas lo que yo crea so months after six months after I got a phone call that they wanted to hire me one of my friends want to hire me for his new company to become the scape ore team manager and run all the music promotions for the escaped professional skateboard company the vasa by una llamada on Domingo McCrea contratar an Impreza para decir el equipo de skateboard but the patent Etta's yessir contacto con yasser promoción con banda cinemas so I took the job it sounds like an amazing opportunity secured Gorrell trabajo es la una gran oportunidad remove the Orange County California to the beach mm ooh there lisanna the Orange County in California I said that can fix my problem yes look you are so aware miss problemas live by the beach get a new job that's gonna fix that big empty hole of brokenness in my life that will fix it defensive arreglar me Vida body NRSA basi okay siento la playa Vivian s el lugar trabajo y bar regular me Corazon estaba completamente roto run from your problems estaba corriendo de mis problemas agenda so I took the job my life took off yo men trabajo mi vida de sparrow I watched huge music festivals and I was working with the biggest rock and hip-hop in the world entonces commence SM conciertos eventos festival YZ con las Banda's más grandes the wrap the the hip hop with a dinner rock dating playmates and using alcohol cocaine like you would not believe estaba saliendo con mujer is the Playboy estaba con Carina drogas trying to fill and fix the emptiness the brokenness numb the pain intentando irregular is a messy Bessy OS arataura tratando de acid or middle DeLauro they didn't work in no functional because I had to keep just like sail a little bit not enough it progresses porque si es en picado un poquito no es suficiente impedes progress Aria once on so I needed more girls I need more alcohol any more drugs I needed more success a Siskin estaba MASS MoCA desmos alcohol mas draaga's mass éxito as that kept growing the emptier and the more miss working in mientras mask Rossio Nabil entonces mass profundo air Alba see okay yo Cynthia I started dating a girl that was in the witchcraft empezar Sally Kunichika cassava and Brujeria and I started having manifesto in / sound the more news manifest starts and my cuarto lay not helping me choking me out listen DNC Mattamy ecomo cameo Gavin Mahalo friends did I was hanging out with taster they had a demon show up in their ribs probably cuz they were hanging out with me the amigos dominant person a tener la de minimus experiences kisses poor Castellon I'll trade or demean and I never called out to God because me and God are not paired with each other young no acclimatise no booze que dios por que do Co no estamos in mismo i knew the back of my mind they were I could call him they were Jesus now would be said I never called Sevilla poor ie and me meant a capo di immoral and nombre de que su Simba car nombre salvo because at that point I almost I had a relationship but saying I'll be talking to him porque nadie momentum bralla da da Atanas yob lava concert Ana's let me connect it with this musician let me get connected with this girl let me do this I be talking to so that doors would start opening for me yeah leticia Bahamas en contacto con una semana es el contacto con esta chica come in Sabah larp Amalia Trotters canal everything was going every door opened great but the problem is I started losing I started losing to suicide and drug overdose las puertas a coma sana abrir el problema is campus a para ver amigos in CCD is overdoses artists that are dropping dead they killed themselves for because they're broken and empty hopeless yes instance a non-professional is the Gisela musical the skateboard que estaban en dos a perdiendo say completamente people with gente con éxito so I'm on a chewer through my last tour the beginning at the end we'll say you come in sound too low and multimodal the yamaga si el principio del final I kill it to earth to Central America and it started with Mexico City becoming samos set on two percent America pero comenzó a key unless you have a Mexico obviously you guys could see that great things happened we grant discourses severan so I was here during a demonstration and I started a trick in in using cocaine for three days straight here and then I went to Costa Rica and continued becoming samos ASIMO so not a monstrous unity unless Mexico portrays Diaz's two-way cocaina haciendo cocaina pero logo the chemos films a Costa Rica he continued AMA Susanoo continuous and o drogas en Costa Rica which led me to my third OD were the skateboarding family oh dear my hotel lo que j bois de una sobre doses porter sarah vests and my vida y el equipo de skateboard men control my cuarto se yes they called my parents and they said we're gonna lose your son so my parents prayed and I came out of it the next day y el equipo hablo miss Pappas led her own estamos perdiendo suik estamos perdiendo Ryan II miss papa so Laurant idea me salad Sabra dosas and by God's grace I came out of it and I realized at 32 years old there had to be something more to life than this por la Gracia Dilma Levante Jie Amira cuenta tiene que ver algo mas a lost rent a doe Sanyal medic wanta tiene que ver algo distinto so I decided to challenge God a secret accessibility reviews the proof that he's exists and he's real pravara carries realloc existing God if you're real prove that you're really really do see to la rioja make it is reality forgive me for my sins and come into my life latisha perdona and miss Mikado's even Ameobi de and I thought Jesus Christ would show up with his angels and say my son Ryan I'm here yo Chris to see Baba needless and aeroponically succeed yo Ryan aqui estoy nada nothing so I noticed that there's Bibles at these hotel rooms I know now by the way I'm in Panama City the next day from Costa Rica at the Panama years table and lo que le are you VBS para este momento y estaba en la ciudad de Panama in ese momento so I get the Bible the hotel every day I go to bed I get on the place till I wake up the next morning I steal it from the air the hotel and I take it on the plane yes Laila vbi Cydia and if we ever made in la mañana a novella by bleeeh in musubi a la vie on because if God is real he's in this world God okay see Dioses reality star in la palabra de Dios because the Bible is the DNA of Jesus Christ okay la palabra de la de na the his Cristo so I read it for six hours straight in Atlanta in LAX and I feel peace for the first time in my life in 19 years cuando las to village and Oprah say Sora's camino hasta los angeles condo terrace a los angeles to be passport primera vez después de dicen vivillon I didn't understand what was happening at that time because I didn't pay attention to the Bible growing up knowing Tandy look estar pasando por que nunca pues a pension a la biblia mientras Christine the Bible says whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved pero la biblia de que cualquier akane balkan nombre del signore Serizawa so and when you confess your sins you when you confess your sins says they will baptize you with the Holy Spirit so I confess my sins forgive me for my sins and then I ask God into my life and he he sets his Holy Spirit down from heaven and filled my body London dia que esta pasando por lo que paso I confess a Miss picados Judy hey perro Donna miss Picabo Sabina my vida y lo que eso videos for MBR so spirit - I am EB de de commencer adharma pass I felt this overwhelming peace is enough unipass campbell bia yesterday morning because I also read the Bible so I came over to Jesus I've been filled with the Holy Spirit and then I read the Living Word of God and that is the effects of the gospel estaba siendo la million total entry game IV doctors confess Amos picados le pedí Kevin II era Li la palabra Biba ssl effect okay tiene ssl about hillier that's how it all works Isis cómo funciona but I didn't know pero you know some yeah so I went home and I went to bed I woke up the next morning I heard this song singing through my head this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad nepeta kept repeating over and over and over name every other mean and mikasa on los angeles disparate as enti 10 esta canción sita casa da ba Voltas en même meant ASL dia que si no creo me go sir a and name and I called my dad and I said hey dad I said this is where I'm at in my life yummy papaya lady he says que aqui estoy en este punto mi vida and I said you know I've been these all the drugs have been using it at this point I was using crack cocaine and I was snorting and shooting up heroin and heroin and cocaine as well and using every drug all the way down maybe his son de todas las drogas pero para ese momento you stubborn Kraken cocaina estimate Indomie Rowena may meteoroid in a poor Lavina estaba met even todo ESO y todo lo demás drove a Scottie machinist he said I gave my life to Jesus and I prayed and I heard this voice he says God is revealing himself to you and he has a plan for your life because - lo que es la vida y el miracle the ocimum planning to be that I knew God was real but I said God has a plan for my life I got the life possibie Acadia Sarah al perro klt new plan para maybe this is your tango mi vida my pride may be done so I knew God was real and I just got a Bible and I started reading the Bible into sevilla kdoc Darrell you come in say a layer me BBMP say a layer Lavinia and I said God I need you to deliver me from all my drugs and alcohol this is all my baggage be God do what you gotta do please get rid of this video Salva made any addiction esta todo el equipaje que trae go cargando say Dios yeah regular todo esto I was desperate for him to show up in my life estaba desperado por que Dios a mostrar and Amina and God removed all that stuff overnight after after three days God removed it all and I've been drug-free and alcohol free and all that for nine years straight yo mo bill todo esto una noche para otros post a tres de estar buscando yo Rondo Duque top or complete oh no ma annuls seemed drogas in Al Cortina but then I realized that I'm not sleeping with girls anymore somebody start watching pornography intones me di cuenta no post are a castaño makin chicas en tus commence a a ver pornography a secret no one knows it some secret Oh nadie lo sabe only the god of the universe knows pero Sola mental build a universal sabe porque ellos que el cerrito de las cosas so I had a revolution in my bedroom one night when I was reading through the Gospels for the first time in Matthew I came across you say that yes tava - Munna revolution in me cuarto perkiness a momento you stop a legend Oh Mateo come in Sierre love evening in Mateo in country album Matthew Jesus I came across that verse where Jesus says to his disciples or to his followers if any of you guys want to be my followers you must turn from your selfish ways pick up your cross daily and follow me you may depend on the suit leave us with the sea policy less this sea kid has been need imposing mr. Chiesa Gilman and whose negative means more Tama - Cruz - who knows the ACCME if you try to hold on your life you're gonna lose it but if you give up your life my sake you're gonna say that and what is the man prophet if he keeps the whole world and it loses his own so is there anything worth more than is so euro continually siendo SI quieres ganar to be de la vas a perder Priscilla pierdes por causa de la vas a ana.k beneficio tendría hombre de ganar el mundo entero Alma k daria nombre por su Alma so I Bible study Don and had had Chuck Smith break it down to me a Ciskei own and the studio biblical eschatology chokes me command science and our main el estudio what I learned is that the cross is a beautiful place you look and Eve where Kayla Cruz's new goddamn also the blood that was shed on the cross we get the forgiveness of sins lissandra for the ramada Mesa Cruz in Nia tenemos en para Don the picados Jesus Christ dies and raises from the dead on the third day and now he lives because - Kristen you do pero for a pool table oh yeah tracer VRS Osito el bebé so now we have the power to live through the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ yah or a tenemos el poder para be beer at Ravenna del espíritu Santo espíritu de Cristo but then also the cross is a very violet in crucem place of crucifixion but al mismo tiempo la Cruz's a new Guardian lento it really is crucifixion it's one of the worst ways to die in the most painful among sufferance is crucifixion es una de las mejores forma de morir kaypro longa mucho el dolor cuando Motta's una persona esta manera when you lay that they're being crucified on the organist you know Pacifica so Jesus says if you want to be my disciples you got a turn from your selfish ways your body appetites Isis KBO's this that team is mo a to a patitos del cuerpo those appetites at the body the flesh that they go that make you want to sin and do those things that you hate doing it so I saw some patitos Villa del cuerpo as a Carnac in buca's psychosis can no pier SSL he says you gotta get up you gotta pick up your cross and you got a crucify you gotta put your body appetite on the cross and kill them listen tomahto Clues bonus accrues occlusive iike a sauce a potatoes de la carne del cuerpo and essa Cruz and through the submission and down when your will crucify on your body appetite that's where the power of the Holy Ghost cuando t a semester in DES completamente dios y crucify cos s hoppity toes della della carne del cuerpo entonces el poder viene and then he goes if you try to hang on your life he says go to you whatever you want to do you're gonna lose it Eva Lisa Sidhu keenest ganar to video Samantha Mayer to propiedad bus terminal perdiendo la he says if you give up your life and you bow your will and you surrender to me you're gonna save your life but I'll see be address to me the cbn is the ring dis completamente me entonces buzz high enough to either and any reasons he says what is the man profit if he gains the whole world and he loses his own soul is there aiding world war there so i entonces in termina diciendo que beneficios Andrea's que recompense at Andrea's Seguin our ass todo el mundo pero pierdes to Alma okay como podría scum to Alma what party appetites are you bowing down to that are destroying your life relationships pornography addiction maybe cheating on your husband or wife whatever it is what sin is in your life that you're selling your soul for is that worth your soul que appetito de la cama que parte de su Ediciones so pornography our sale in fear lattice pasado spas picado esta go burn and o2v de estas somet IDO a special cable gala Pina Porto Alma this is the question I asked myself I said la pregunta camry SE hace pornography is not worth my soul pornography ax no Bali me Alma so I decided to crucify and it was pain its pain to crucify the body appetites lead acidic Asifa kala pero fue a Dolorosa porque es Dolorosa cuando to decir a specific era - sapa Tito's del cuerpo but I want to live the destiny and the purpose I was created for through Jesus Christ so Jo carry a baby del destino proposed to toca the Austin yup on I mean I said that was it that day you sack of oh I said yes acaba and I continued to follow Jesus Christ you can't continue a CD and I said this God started opening doors in my life videos coming so entonces abre Puerta sin may be that I always thought if I follow God my life can be boring simply pen says yo communes of silica soon we will have a sellable Reda because my desires and my gifts and my talents and what I do for a living I didn't see that I did see that in the church around me or your Bible or community sales mr. Lyne todos Donetsk you Taniya lo que yo se and all over here and through the lake Lygia all over ya dentro de la biblia but what I realized is that God just wants your heart better looking MIDI cuenta que Dios lo que quieres tu corazon you know it was tough to say God I don't know what you're gonna do in my life young cuando Sevilla cara decreasing the ceiling you know SE que vas a ser do score maybe that but I surrender and i am i will not my will but thy will be done as it is on earth premiere window window me voluntati okay led halfway to balloon that search and maybe the sea como tu voluntad sh and OCS and once i gave my life surrender all to hear taekwondo led my vida cuando Morandi completamente he started give it all back to me one thing at a time the comenzará son de las casas unit ricotta he just was to see where you stayed with him is he just was to see where you your heart no new Akina by the way I raised on this tattoo Khorasan six months after I launched large music festivals to reach people for Christ 20,000 people each Music Fest nuances come and sell eventos conciertos festive alleys but I'll cancel a meal is the persona invited all my friends from manscape words motorcycle riders artists we all came together to start reaching the culture for Christ en passant our most professional is the escape or de bicicletas a músicos artistas para contar no scale can sorry el mundo para Cristo surely after that I started the whosoever's movement poco después de esto comenzó movimiento Cosima the whosoever so todo a carrying whoever's most well Kira Tovah Kelly with lead singer from the PNP OD con el vocalist of a group with a PLD and we started speaking at schools high schools to in concerts a god just started doing this radical move of thousands of kids and adults getting saved we commenced a Moses Alice escuelas comenzamos si de las preparatory assessor conciertos a Cal sergeant a yeoman samos Alcan sergeant incluso a dual toes vini an Al Qasimi in total since we had the birthday church service festival come on AB Neronian d Glacia I never wanted to but we had to nunca kiss a negligible okay tell me now Moses en no because I wish ran away from the church remember what after you stopped the end of a leg lacier the chorale god has a city humor the Austin hasn't even worn so from there then God start opening more doors where I got to start my own radio show videos come and so I've read massport us into this video la oportunidad any room in programa de radio God up to 50 stations across the United States and they picked it up for free that's God in Savannah and keen sisters Eunice award Estados Unidos de los Tonto mondo the gratis most entres material in all these crazy things are happening because i doubt my will to God all the things I did before I'm doing again and much more videos haciendo kosis muy loca vez de lo que estamos haciendo no so porque estoy haciendo lo mismo cassia and inclusive mucho mas es todo por que the oldest are a sinner God wants to give us the best beauty dominant on the court and his plan is bigger than our little pea brains you know P yeah our little peeper eights could ever imagine you su plan as mucho mas grande que nuestro cerebro tamanna doing Cheech ro no see poquito do you see this what is that verse in Isaiah says are god's thoughts are higher than our thoughts his ways are higher than our ways the quarter siglo and they say yeah under visa cases Caminos son mucho más altos can use those Caminos 100% see em pacient over loud so God's will put the desire for me to teach the Bible and to disciple people so I started you know since the ocean perséphone el deseo mi corazon de commencer honest to be bleak Odinson are otras personas EDC larvas personas but then I got to this place in my life where I was like man God or God I would love to have a wife one day and possibly kids but as you go on momentum Avedon can come and set up and sorry to see Latinos eukaryota known as precisely as possible affinity hoes I don't have to get to single this no tangle don't they sir su perro so I will edit with three little stories if you don't mind a secure we happen in our country speaking as historian Sima permit to prove that God is real 100 percent for a probe ARCA Dioses we are simple Cinderella you're gonna be able to lead here and know that God's real there's gonna be no doubt in your mind today you kill Lucas algas aquí que no tengo ninguna do de do cents per Devere oh israel if I had more time I would tell you more stories see to be a Musti important we have master stories but how many people here are single pero cuando is cast on a kiss on some taters okay okay these stories for you is the stories parity I've been divorced before we divorcee a lot Alaska Micah's away people have been divorced want to stand divorcee odd Ozaki the stories for you stories parity Tamiya if you're not married since that's Casal so I see K is it God where's my girl at the the O's understand me chica I hear nothing you know stretch it out till one day hasta cumbia years later I was getting out of the shower and I was like God do you have a crew for me Oh what's up I knew this place so Selena Vega de una mujer para me and I heard something very small yes we use couch a alga movies and see you in New Zealand cos mi corazon I said okay I'm gonna stop bugging you now okay okay until our honeymoon least after this premiere in your time tryla into tiempo I just started following Jesus he common sense any rehearsals and I made a joke I told my friends I need to start a Bible study in Orange County so I can meet my wife it is d think la sala de Andromeda mis amigos welcome my songs will be bleep owners can leap our economies pasa because I have rules in dating porque yo Taniya reglas para salir con chicas I have a list tenía una lista small bird either pequeña pero una lista I only gave girls that are ten minutes from my house in the math class so lo voy a salir con chicas que viven a Diez minutos de distancia cuando la fungal aplicación I only take girls with black or brown hair solo es la una chica con el caballo Negros guro I like colored eyeballs my boostin sockos the color i blues i green soon verde a cafe I only like girls from Mexico all the way down to South America solo quiero una chica que c'est de mexico para bajo Argentina Chile Espana okay Espania Sevilla Spain dentro de la regla oh and when I was in second grade I remember telling my mom because I used to love seeing these these crystals I was younger I used to like the way they looked for some reason so I told my mom when I was in second grade I want my wife's name to be named crystal cuando yo era pequeña es esta bien Segundo Grado no se porque pero me gustan estos cristales brillantes yo le dije my mama cuando está bien segundo año que yo creo n'est pas sack a CMR a crystal so I get invited by Pastor Chuck Smith to start a Bible study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Orange County a second main Beto Chuck Smith a common saloon estudio biblical in Costa Mesa who's today in Orange County I speak for the first time and at the end I go to the back like I always do girls back to meet the people and Dylan Sansa terminated our lands an EMF we para trás como regular meant a lo me siento pero a trans and I see this girl walking across she common seven on the neck una chica can come and saw coming out all the way and I'm like who is that Refik en a skinny skinny scale is tiene say yeah it's a rap song it's my consumer rap okay so no one knows her email you're not gonna see ya and my brother was there and he comes walking by he's a brain he said you know crystal either a pentameter my mistake I mean on dope or IE y me dijo hey Bryan yeah kono sister crystal I said no but yes please - no but Oh Sookie arrow cloud over for so I made her hey how are you doing asked a lock on OCA como estas it turns out I met her nine years before that on the beach you know sudo Killa Konaseema behind us a trois and apply I remember but she didn't remember me letter Kodama you know Sakuraba I mean she was a brunette porque in a marina so fellow so I talked to her and I asked her friend that's a blonde girl and I said hey this I asked her friend that's a blonde girl that liked me I didn't know and I said hey crystal you know she Christian she qu I'm possessive economy --ga entonces yo la pregunta a la minguk era una rubia you know Sevilla pero yo le gustaba yokomen italiana con crystal Kristiana okay yeah yeah oh no no no no no no Cruz told you that - your friend she has no agonist was - some mingoes okay las navas pant and oh no so let's tapas Ponte so crystal was working for the Facebook twins in New York to face the guys that created Facebook Cisco crystal BBN over he trabaja bond over your condo scam ellos que command sound and Facebook so she flew back to New York below us in Nova York Lake House the movie that she shows up three months later immigrants a tremendous poise otra vez so I go I want to talk to ask if you yo get a lock on a esta vez I killed your friends my friends Christian dat let's go to group the Pizza assist led her to San Miguel de mis amigos nos vamos in group Osama Sally como cristianos I've never held a growth hand or kissed a girl in five years at this point nunca Libya tomar una mano no la vieja basado and Cinco años a ninguna mujer I did they know Sally Connelly I waited for the girl my dream Joe esta vez por and hola chica de mis sueños so we're at dinner hey now and I said do you go to church Christian a sixth ammos Alesana in the president abbas al Iglesias Kristiana because I go to church on holidays it maybe once a month me who no solamente boy unless festival a days universal mess kisses beautifully Claro so católica oh she doesn't let the Holy Spirit you cannot possess air no tiene el espíritu Santo I don't wish it every day you know salvo como miss yo narrow para conky star a lien I don't take non-christians no psycho concurs no crystianna's so I gave her a book about the Holy Spirit live in water from Chuck Smith miss Kelly do you leave the circle Espiritu Santo agua be what Chuck Smith her grandma was dying so she kept flying back and forth to New York from New York at Orange County so well estaba and Fermo stop into the marina to say you have a acaba constant a mental asanas sir she was going back to New York so she took the book i sis Kaede I get a Sano I noticed in your boy libro and what happened is her grandma ended up dying and she she ended her job with them and she ended up flying back to LA to live in Orange County I said okay so do SK so voila Mario into this a yes a move of the Nova your para vivir Los Angeles in Orange County if she's sitting on the plane and she gets the page 54 and it says if you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ don't turn the page entonces la vallee generally broody well a pagina cinquante cuatro don't the DC casino tienes una relación con Cristo no snow not as well telepathy no no see God legenda so she gave her life to Jesus never in the airplane and she said she felt loved she should stop crying she didn't know what was going on Isis Khalidi also be that Cristina lobby on you so la razón receive you a crystal a mundo amore pass he commands fire arson Purab what the Bible teaches is basically she gave her life to Jesus she had a Holy Spirit encounter she filled fill to the Holy Spirit ibaka mental okay she said you know Caleb ibid say cuando two men tre has to be decreased el espíritu Santo bien had to be that one encuentro conspirator she checks his with what's happening and I text her back and I said you were having it the god of the universe is revealing himself to you right now Isis cameraman don't thanks to him okay mr. pasando you la Madrid e hey le mondial mensaje will do the universal system manifest and o - V - stop Asano's he's like yeah yeah like this is real wow it was real Claro so she got to think about that for six hours straight from LA from New York City to LA this Kaimuki up a garden telephone onto this tuvo que pensar Nestle and to say so does del boy loda know you're kind of cynical is the next day I the next day I pick her up to hang out I go what do you want to do she says I want to go to church I see Kelsey into the boy Perea Inlet Arden let me go Kiki necessary they cook eerily listen I said perfect-looking go to church perfect Obama's illegal is yeah I wanted Jesus girl yo kiriona chica DeJesus she comes out of the church she's like oh my gosh everything I've known is not right she's like I need to get that a Cisco salió de la iglesia diciendo todo lo que se esta no Sevilla necesito about disarming let's see tomorrow I'm doing my first baptism Elyria Manny Ana precisamente still a single premiere multi-zone per factor is perfecto I juncture dated her ass is Killa la sooner he para sacar lay salir con ella it doesn't normally work that way in no phone soon a normal men today Simon era but this time pero fusion of esta manera and crystal by the way is she has brown hair crystal por cierto tiene el caballo suru she was living she's living with her grandparents that's what she's stayin at this point her in the MapQuest her house is exactly 10 minutes from my house yeah yeah come on so we will a Norris commit on the Vivian so LOC cuando la Pucelle aplicación air and Diez minutos distance in Sacramento she has one and a half blue eyes yeah tiene una cometa de otro 'soul and the other half is green brown yellow truck Verde in poker the cafe I got all the colors single tono Scola res so Cramer's crystal she's a famous to my house oh and her whole family's from Argentina a Cisco same hockey style BB ah Diez minutos de mi casa he told us familia that container so weird a lady named asked empezamos a Selena and I baptized her baptism he doesn't mean you're safe she just wanted the world to know hey i'm a christian apologist deal about this al bout his MO noise look at the Salva promote in male a severe Apollo the mascara is Cristiano fast 14 a month later baby a cell random pokin maze displays mas o menos maybe about that he grows so fast kisses on made for muy rapido our birthdays are seven days apart in September nostrils cumpleanos omen septiembre c8 atheist the diferencia she gives me a birthday card in May the unit are HEPA the compliance and in the birthday card is at the bottom as a second chronicles 16:9 the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen whose hearts are fully committed a en Navajo en la tarjeta el final de segunda de chronic Odysseus Nueve porque los ojos del z or recurrent o de la tierra portal sera que ellos qeo corazones complete so I say where did you get this verse yes no businesses second chronicles assistant Liddy he did londes Acastus the vertical no-till nana cáceres second electronica she's away ran like three chapters in matthew avi alayhi assalam enter trace capital of the Matteo she says she googled encouraging verses and 60 even came up on her page Vivi hold your booze and google mercy kilos per annum are the operations ever circular and this is cyber sickness in la pantalla so she read them over and over she says this one kept popping off the page the Impala was caparison in Google yesterday aparicio of supreme capital el tiempo la pantalla so I pulled my iPhone out and I said I gave my life to Jesus in 2008 when the iPhone came out yes I came Italy for know Elodie hey you let me be de at Kristen and those militant those Samuel iPhone so in the iPhone sticky notes I put my life verse for the last five years it's second chronicles 69 in my one sticky note in my ass is Kane means not the me iPhone la única not Agatha Nia Busan were sick lot and maybe the segunda the chronica this says no Bologna cannot accompany her do you know the chances of her carried the one verse out of the Bible that happens to be my life verse journey Jeremy vs. real the Bible some escaped possibly die the KS coherent but secluded toda la biblia cavora in particular case little bit sicker than maybe that there's 30 1201 verses in the Bible I train tell you me doscientos Zumba sucrose and a billion because God is in service por que Dios Canosa lose Italians the God created the heavens and the earth and the Oscar Creoles en una Tierra this is nothing for him as soon as he's showing us Astana I'm a Lucy inducing so I say let's get married a siscaly difficut mo knows so she's like alright really hope but we could get married fast enough no podemos Casanova rapido ya carry ahmo's casados so we get married samo sentences and this is the last story yes loyalty means to prove that God is real but a probe articles is real so after a year and a half we decided to have kids I ciskei this poison a new menu they see the most bomb scenarios we go through infertility the pasamos moon temple infertility endometriosis nathaneal endometriosis we did the surgery is similar cirugía still nothing can't get pregnant nothing nothing nada no polymerase RNA polymerases so we decide after see my wife every month depression because I see scary see demos porque después de ver I miss posted a premie de por que no podía Marisol say I decide we decide together that pregnancy and children are not gonna be our god a sisca decidimos los los puntos que embarass hoo hee host movin a7s rodeos Jesus Christ is ARCA que su Chris Turner studios he's the keeper of life le Cygne que de la vida he controls o el contrato de las casas so we said if we don't get pregnant this month we're gonna adopt if we're gonna have kids we're gonna top kids and it's gonna be amazing as his caddy he mows you know timber asses the proximal mess and tell vamos a doctor he wants Vaseline crayons a lotta homesteaded hijos my will but thy will be done with a No Casilla me voluntad de hacer tu voluntad so we get pregnant as his kid knows about Asano's gracias we call the doctors and they they they see the baby they say the baby looks good crying the entonces women sanatorium persona bear in the best of en esta creciendo they say wait a minute we have another one we can spend may a yacht row huh okay the go over the stomach another heartbeat Yaman sana Sylvie entry otro lado de Corazon they said you have fraternal twins to eight you can the nutini's him ellos tratan Alan no no no Nell mismos you know for a Cuates we're like wow the humans brow so they say it's a high-risk pregnancy come back in two weeks a second dose the corona soon in Barrasso Alto riesgo progressing dos semanas so we come back in three weeks to check they call baby a baby be a ciskei regresamos via eBay eBay so they check baby a baby looks good they look at baby baby looks good Miska by Erin baby a baby bear baby our esta bien you'll be babe a and tone system en esta bien I'm a jokester I'm a funny guy yo so Jung promised 'you simply our mas so I say oh my gosh doctor I look at the screen what is that your diploma so lamentable t la pantalla hey dr. K say so he says there's another one in there Eva who I your Dro Messiah dentro I said you're a liar innocent mentiroso cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo - what how okay come on he says one of the eggs baby baby be split in the identical twins maybe host olive oil by BAE BAE said DVD oh yeah a song gemelos identicos a week late una semana después de que hemos sido so they said there's this thing called vanishing twin you know z ho i you not cossacks Emma a melodica said is Vanessa and split and it dies out so de vida prom wearing I remember this from my story you're required OS on me story up Assad so he says we'll give you pictures that baby AV as history Co the most amount of hotel baby yeah yeah baby BAE he said this is the extremely high-risk come back in two weeks let's see what happens at baby C catches our receiver here on us to CS realmente un abrazo Del Tori's Greg resin dos semanas Yaiba ramos que pasa con el Bebe's for the Adar same so we pray we say God baby see that your baby thy will be done in human service carriers with a say it's to you she said us and us to you see lo see lo Thomas us to you so we come back they look at baby a baby baby is growing baby peas growing in the leg over baby see a baby see catches escapee Aaron progressed ahmo's Libyan Bavaria esta bien baby esta bien ffs a cesta Nando star so here so now we got pulpit one two this is gettin em only Terrace and lb entry you know dos tres I don't know where these babies you know Sevilla Como even a cab there and si bien tres with this my wife stall thank God miss poses alta gracia Severus so basically what happens they say it's high-risk pregnancy they want to seize every two weeks Isis cabassa comenta lookin on the helmets question I can regress abacus to so they alter we as well so at 16 weeks they say that we were gonna lose all the babies my sis que cuando fuimos a la semana DC say no Saharan bus a perder at all los bebés they said my wife we home in two spots are no pueden montoneros adentro nothing to do with sides or doctors to hold these babies in the millimeters from coming out at 16 weeks we had on no I'm on Aaron why since you know a doctor Capodimonte Maris's the resident rose I mean limit rose yeah this pass you know Bona person the bigger they are masculine design Matt rapido Vanessa leaves when you see it here commander doctors are you know you're in trouble because no two base conductors well terminal agreements Abajo sabes que saw I problemas so we left with a car what do we do with we care do anything as escape-proof mimosa Cassidy Mosby Oscar say no no no puedo hacer nada we said I will be dirt that is on earth as a reserve dijimos souvenir table say ihn Ostrava de si como tu voluntad channel cielo society and the tiara so we came back and we were watching the kids watching the kids and every two weeks when I went by they were just millimeters from coming out a literally God my wife had covered by rest e-cig emos yendo en Mo's yendo a la consulta cadeau Samanas y no caviar los bebés IMI's pasa Latvian Capone mm Raposo completo god help those babies 833 two bulls my bussiness event report rain tight race in Manas millimeters from coming up Mila metros days pass you mean they were the first a triplet a Newport Beach to come out with no lung problems and 100% healthy los wearin los primeros tree at acento de la zona de Newport Dana sir tree artists in problemas respiratory OHS co2 completamente Sano's small tomatoes Paris honest so this is my favorite Isis cast is my Familia the rich triplets is done maybe a is Sadie live in the middle mrs. khalaby Beibei is Sadie is tunnel syndrome brown hair brown eyes carry your school offers escudos the identical to it baby pea is on the right the last event occurs on the WebEx Tolliver echa Lilly Lilly blond hair blue eyes of a caballo Rubio of Casa Sulis and then ever will see Evelyn let's say is we called her Evelyn which means life like I'm almost every input seen significant bida and hope life and hope is Segundo nombres hopes Bonanza be de Esperanza and I would just like to say this in closing you solo queue to see Lester parson rap God is in the details the austin los detalles are created us all with the purpose the yestiny do not cry oh c'mon for positive contest in and we need to find our identity in here in estamos en contra de nuestras indeed are the enemy it all comes down to that place in her life we have to power well to him so Jake is a momento nuestra Vidan que tenemos que Randy knows travelin tada and surrender your indeed follow God will start working in you in 3 you to a work euros been pasado but our ante yeah Travis DT no bruh daily speed to Santo I believe that today there's many here that maybe have Tony had that solid relationship with yo creo que aqui and este lugar I personas que no teen and neural oscillation solid economy Jesus says you know tree by its fruit he sues the same basic honest arrow ooh not about pursue fruit oh the good tree produces good fruit not what one of those say frutos way knows and the battery produces normally below produce a las frutas if we can all just take a minute to do inventory on our lives personally secret most see podemos but can you bend dario the mr. da vida and see what kind of tree we are you better get tipo de arbol Ennis I believe that we need to come to a place in our life at a crossroads right now in this place creo que debemos de Guerra es el lugar Nostradamus a cruisin los caminos ese momento decide who were gonna serve from this day forth you decid Eden I came by myself build this destiny another land a relationship casino cover no quiero really humorless soon he will send the power from heaven the Holy Spirit he'll burn BR el poder videos and a speedy to santo to fill us with towards of living water but I didn't animals that reals they have eben and the job of the the towards of living water is to purge and destroy everything that is unholy in our life over they said Rio de agua be by Saturn rented a agua nostra Vita is bossy are knows the todo la mano this to yield todo lo que no es Antonis la vida the job of the Holy Ghost is to destroy everything that is unholy now oh brother Santo Spiritu the street todo lo que no es santo so we can live the life that we were created for a que podamos bebe la vida por la cual famous Creole if God did this with me si do si si esta conmigo he could do this with any of us look wait a second quick inna de nosotros it's just all a matter of the heart solamente gentleman notice the two Corazon it's us say God I want you in my life I want you to fill me I want you to give me that passionate desire that you created yes de Cielo Dios todo mi vida quiero es a passion por hacer tu voluntad prosser que yo para lo que me carry a state and I would personally like to pray with all of you here that made today before I walk off the stage yo personalmente Colorado por ustedes que hacerlo antes de harem maybe you want to give your life to Jesus Christ for the first time in your life I don't know for kids there to be that Christoper primera vez por primera vez and to either Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father God but this yo soy el camino la verdad a la vie de nadie pal Padre see no es por medio' de me there's a million different ways you can go to hell I mean list the four masks opossum telling fear no but there's only one way to get to Paris alone Camino para el cielo to the blood that was shed on the cross otra vez de sangre the forgiveness of sins Travis del perdón de picados and anyone that believes in Jesus Christ y todo el que creen que su Cristo Terry giant raised on the third day que él murió irresistible tosser dia shall live forever Bobby bill poor same thing and we start living for eternity now he put the most common Surabhi bill letter me that oil as he says his Holy Spirit in us Allenby are so spirit to Santo Nino Soto it's not after you die no I suppose the more is it now s oil today is the day that the Lord has made oh yes el dia que Dios crayon for you Bharati if you want to give your life to Jesus for the first time if you want to give your life back to Jesus secure enough to be de a christo.pas primera vez okey this volver a Darla - Vida Cristal because life gets crazy particular Venus it's a location and we get distracted you know some bozo Mossad is try and we walk away sometimes yes emotions are coming now that lado as Lokhande know today is the day to come back or you see the other regresar maybe you're here you don't know what you mean kisses estas aqui no sabes que quieres but you know you need to be touched by the god of the universe pero sabes que necesita sellitto cooperative the liberalism you need encounter the creator of all things here today mr. sang contrarily adore the total osco sasaki boy today's the day that you can do that jesus says anyone that is thirsty may come to me SSL dia para que lo hagas casues d say i can keeping that same thing i mean anyone that is thirsty for relationship of god may come to him is what he's saying look at least Alicea nastiness said they're not allah still con dios been ameen then he says anyone that believes in me may come and drink really say como el que creo que venga i've ever anyone that believes in him can have a relationship with God is what he said cualquiera que creen a él puede tener una relación con dios Lucas tani siendo and then it at the end of that he says in Richard I will send my Holy Spirit from heaven to baptize you in failure we dispose there so this a CSS esto como respuesta jovian be army Spiritu Santo a Baltazar Teja not a con me spirit that's the power from heaven and that's how you're gonna know that God is real a simple there deduce the Salmonella vas a ver que Dios Israel he's basically giving you a taste of head and what its gonna be like once we get to heaven he básico meant to look at the star kicked estaba siendo is Munna prabha dita that si no lo que vas self understand Sonia no other religion in the world will you feel an encounter God's presence ninguna otra Lee Hyun bus el que tenga soon encuentro canal deals then we were so mad made traditions based on a tradition is the hombres if you want that tonight to get a session right now and I want to pray for you before yeah the last day you know da young to the Solis hold everyone first time said come give a bachelor if you just need to be touched by God the universe woven adult ou can say vena cava delante come up here right now I'm gonna pray see municipal primera vez you see Kyra drag yourself to be that Christy this is token it's in your vein this is why I'm here this is what it's all about this is the gospel of Jesus Christ for a estamos aqui for exercised a samosa Staubach st salim inhaler hisses this is ver it's all da de esto se trata todo todo se trata de [Music] maybe you've even been dealing with suicide kiss-asses docility under compensate me into the suicidio satan has come to steal kill and destroy certain ass have an ego para matar owari the street but Jesus has come to give life abundantly where he Sue's be no bother I'll be the I be the novel nausea you don't have to live that way anymore general necesitas we be to the seminary whoever the Son of God sets free is free indeed called kirok el hijo de Dios Roberta le deliver today's Libre he's in the business is set people free ellis 9s and negocio they own aaron Libertad Ana's personas and he's gonna do that today in your life yell bass array so el dia de Orion - vida I'm gonna wait because God the Holy Spirit's working on your hearts right now and he's revealing himself for inspirati porque el espíritu santo start avalon de corazon sacred do sister Blondo to me that and he's drawing you that's the job of the Holy Spirit he draws you to Jesus Christ with Batista our agenda Trajan dota has decreased over cases to over a su trabajo so as God speaks just come forward i skim introduced a table pain been a Catalan thing I know there's many more but it always the Holy Spirit's working it takes a little bit time free to surrender se que vienen se que Dios estado para tanto tiempo ok Patel and Lt I know when I was gonna before I came up for cuz I walked up in a church to give my life to the Lord's I want to make a public statement my heart was beating fast do record Olvia k3l english' for you Taniya Cassidy so said no public comment a pasar kami be Aaron me Corazon Esteban Latino my forte and I know what God speaks to me my heart starts beating fast so if your hearts beating fast God's drawing you he's like come on let's go I want to reveal myself you say que cuando MPs a lot evil Corazon de semana spoke used esta la no deuces tatra en don't oh this is the office table [Music] if you're there and you're by yourself where you if you're there you want to come up but just bring your friend too if so it's not so scary scientists Ando Chando tashkent amigo Keeley's venir conmigo pasa canto me go no mining no problem event I see people still coming so I'm gonna wait until everyone keeps coming up estoy viviendo convenient mass personas que es parado esperanto mamas [Music] [Music] don't let the enemy rob you from this moment no they kiss kill enemy go terrorist a memento maybe he's messing with your mind see it's not real nothing's gonna happen this is all fake estupendo dengan are fatter tano decirte onofre Alma cierto no co2 todo que esta diciendo l know Ezreal nothing good can happen if you listen to that voice neither one of us there's two scooches I suppose people are still coming so we're gonna we're gonna wait what have you have eaten must Masson us most [Music] [Music] I know that homosexuality and bisexual and pansexual and transgender is growing right now in the world secure homosexual is mo beasts sexual is mo l trust any roast a casino the other way in master mundo I'm not here to change your mind at we're sleeping with an estoy aqui para cambiar tu mente as a caddy con quien do Hermes I don't think that's really important I think the most important thing no creo que hace importante que lo mas importante is that you find your identity in Jesus Christ and not who you're sleeping with i scan cuenta student I've increased oh no can quaintly still into that conky enormous maybe you're battling with the things that have happened in the past in situations you've been a disaster do Chando con causes cancer you nail posad onto vida if you like to Jesus Christ and let him do the work in your life Balian lab to be that crystal Derek Hale entonces trata con esos asuntos if so tell my friends that are gay and homosexuals they feel like they can't come to the Lord because of their lifestyle algunas veces mis amigos song gay homosexual is piensan que por su estilo de vida you know pueden venir 'his you come as you are paying homeostasis God is that supernatural work in your life videos but say they saw a sovereign act to Valentina anything that you're involved with he makes all the old things pass away all things become new while kill cosa esta simple as las cosas you ever sell teja las Casas beer has an el pasado no matter what you're involved with in your life you're never gonna be good enough to serve the Christ it's an important guest a symbolic Rado nunca was a star being como para venir a cases no estas that's why he died on the cross for the forgive the sins from por eso que murió en la cruz del calvario para salvar knows a nosotros so if you're here in this crowd right now you're thinking I'm too far gone there's no way a spacek en este lugar we dicen know you used to Masyaf eldest - muy lejos gods looking for you the most the austere stavos Candlemas ah t so I'm gonna close now but there's any last people that want to come for right now come for right now before we pray yeah boy a Tamina pero cio toda be una persona mas para que el frente rapido Wanaka awesome there's couple more comments thank real is too many [Music] okay we're gonna pray okay buy my soda we're gonna pray yeah this is the most you could keep walking up but we're gonna pair it up but you can come up right now I see a couple more it's fine I won't start up it'll give us money to see I mean the panaka okay so we're gonna pray in the most crucial part about this prayer is it's all about our heart almost sold out but look Lucy a Lannister soon its carotid - Cora soon as we open her heart to God he's gonna fill us with his perk with this holy spirit I mean - a subliminal chorus onybody in Navajo the soup for their this was P to son and when you read about what Jesus got baptized says he got baptized and capable of the water and the Holy Spirit came came over him and baptized them he lay motionless even like a wonder about the South about the salah in to sell Espiritu Santo descend the osso bucco sobre Helen and the Jesus Christ was led by the Holy Spirit to start his public ministry on the earth entonces que sus commence ossetia bah poor in spirit Sandow para commenced a so ministerial appearance so if Jesus Christ got baptized and was filled with the Holy Spirit to live his life on Earth to do ministry or to follow God don't you think we need it much more as Casey has oozed hey he sues for about the tsavo if we general is pretty - son - did he double espíritu santo para comenzar so be de and two canisters it's crucial excuse yeah okay so we're gonna say this prayer we're all gonna say everyone in the back we're all gonna say it together vamos a estar estar estar en mano juntos you could close your eyes it just mean it but everything in your heart so Jesus for our to soak all the seals in cinnamon to delay hey Suz please forgive me Lord por favor perdoname Sonya for all myself for toda nice picados I'm desperate for you still this is parada 14 I want to encounter you kirtan encuentro contigo fill me with your Holy Spirit Jenna Macon - speedy - Santo fire power for we prepare show me my destiny moist Ramirez Tino show me my purpose my stamina propósito show me my identity if you know estimate to admit NT dad aunty I surrender all my window / complete I love you the ammo I want everything you have for me todo lo que tú tienes para me Jesus name I pray NL nombre the heroes man and I want to pray for you guys our rocky roller coasters the name of Jesus in el nombre de castles I ask Lord that he was split the sky the Petersons Corrado si ellos es the spirit of Santa every citizen in cada uno de nosotros I ask that you go meet their needs the bureau's in your case applies with necesidades that they work and that love and that peace grace and mercy you have that presence of your Holy Spirit que pueden tener is a pass they say go so it's a more it's a mystery chorus a gracia fruit or to speed on some inner and ask that you will move every remove everything that's not of you eat the pedo Carabas todo lo que no es the tea and fill up with a hundred percent of you yellow jane SCM por ciento to overflow them sobre Geneseo and leave them in guide them the chemos gears can most delicious and lord I ask that your healing power will go out in Senor tapioca el poder de sandy that ambien yo your people of whatever is going on in their life that you know they have that they need healing them because son is a las personas the kiosk haces que tu sabes que necesitan sir sanada's I asked you removed suicide in the name of Jesus the Buick our amoebas and cement on the suicidio the name of Jesus havoc stillness and to Nam resin your anxiety in the name of Jesus ansiedad and the number of the kazoos I pray that you will bring families back together in the name of Jesus kept raagas familias de una the new a12 nombre sinuous you save your age of the protective and the name of Jesus command is to sonically support a hairless into numerous and more importantly holy jesus go with listen your tab you prefer work a lesser companions we thank you for what you've done here today de Grasse most sh-should the other oil in everyone's lives in la vida de todos nosotros Jesus a map in a nombre de cassis or oh man I love you guys man Massimo
Channel: Semilla de Mostaza México
Views: 6,591
Rating: 4.7882352 out of 5
Keywords: Dios, religión, Cristo, Biblia, Antiguo Testamento, testimonio, corazón, propósito de vida, identidad, personalidad, destino, the whosoevers, Ryan Ries
Id: HlVshy2QcAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 4sec (4564 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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