Teslarossa Ep8 - 0-60 & Traction Control

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foreign [Applause] Richard again here from Electric classic cars and on this week's episode we're going to stop that from doing this let's get into it now to stop that from making these we're gonna need traction control and to find out how that works we're going to get in the workshop now before we get into this let's just take a moment to admire my artwork yes that is a car and yes you can stop laughing now because we need to get into traction control now the three different types of traction control I've used over the years is rotational acceleration management um wheel speed sensor and GPS now to explain what those are very quickly so this is a graph of Time versus RPM in Old talk and essentially this is the allowed acceleration that the wheels can spin at and if you're accelerating and you spin the wheels where it'll go above that line and rotational or rate of acceleration rate of rotational acceleration management will stop it from doing that so it'll kind of bring it back down here and Away you go very simple but quite flawed why because essentially that's all very well when it's dry but when it's wet it's going to be down here and above there and now it was completely different so it's what's called a static type of traction control system and better is a dynamic traction control system which is what's going down on down here so wheel speed sensor systems is what I've used in the past you put a wheel speed sensor on the front wheel if it's a rear wheel drive car and essentially you need to make sure that your rear drive wheels are rotating at no faster than the front wheels because if they are they're spinning and that's bad traction control will then kicking and the other system which is what we're using on the Ferrari is a GPS sensor so if I draw a universal symbol for a GPS sensor yes that's a GPS sensor there too um so that's a GPS antenna and that is very accurately measuring the speed of the car and sending that to the motor controller to see are you or do you think you're driving any faster than you're actually driving because if you are you're spinning the wheel and then traction control kicks in but that's what it looks like on a whiteboard let's see how effective that is out on the road I must admit I was very dubious as to how well GPS based traction control systems would work and you guys are probably sitting at home thinking yeah I don't think it's going to be very good well to show you how good they are I'm going to demonstrate it to you so first of all I'm going to do a run with track control switched off so I'm going to put the windows up because it might get a bit smoky [Applause] well how was that did you get that smokey I was looking in my mirror I couldn't even see you it's just this cloud of smoke but uh that wasn't fun obviously that was purely for scientific research purposes because now I want to see what it's going to be like with traction control on so let's try that foreign well it was a lot less drama but it did look a bit quicker it was definitely quicker and I tell you what it's a lot less pollution as well that's right I reckon because it definitely feels quicker let's go and do some uh road tests not 60s some real life testing some proper naught to 60 tests right press stop get in the car let's go oh we've come to the middle of the middle of nowhere now to do some back-to-back nor to 60 tests with traction control on versus off and we've decided it's better to do both tests now run compare it to the previous episode because quite frankly the road temperature is a lot colder now and the state of charge is completely different it's less than 50 so to be fair we're going to do back-to-back tests all in one if you like um but before we get into that I just want to explain why traction control is better on an electric vehicle compared to an internal combustion engine and it all comes down to managing the slip of the tire and how fast you can do that because the best you can hope to derate the engine once a tire starts slipping with an internal combustion engine is a few times a second but with an electric motor you're controlling that motor hundreds of times a second so you have a lot quicker chance of catching that slip and managing it an electric vehicle compared to an internal combustion engine so right now we're going to find a little straight stretches Quiet Road and do some naught to 60 tests so let's get in the car and crack on with that to find a straight flat and quiet Road in Wales it's quite some task isn't it the flat bit yeah quiet's okay so we found one and uh Tim's now got the dragon in his hands uh ready to record I think what we'll do first is track the truck off yeah because it's off currently so we'll do three runs that way return run and that way again then we'll do the same again traction control on and compare the times because this is about comparison of on versus off this isn't like what's the optimum note to 60 today it's just literally a comparison of what the um traction control gains us if you like so you ready yeah I'm ready right I feel like we should have somebody on the window going three two one like that I'll do that you ready uh yeah just make sure I'm good okay three two one go foreign do another run turned around ready yeah number two okay here we go trick control off and 60 . this this just becomes too quickly doesn't it it's good job we've got our headrests traction control off number three I'm gonna see if I can push it a little bit more now and see if I can really balance the traction all right you ready I'm ready nope I think I pushed that one a little bit too far oh there was a bit of wheel spin there wasn't it yeah too much wheel spin on that right you ready for the first retraction control on yeah number one traction control arm all right okey-doke brace yourself brace yourself okay ready yeah hey oh God that's strong the force is strong in this one it does feel different isn't it yeah and I can just put my foot down yeah whereas before I was kind of like Feathering it and just feeling where the Jackson feel that I just got it now it's much easier even an idiot could do it now even an idiot can do it right does that mean you want to have a go okay so traction control on test number two number two ready ready God hurts you're inside isn't it right next yeah my neck's starting to go leading my head back on the headdresser you start now it's easier last test traction control on yeah all right so I'm gonna gun it I mean it's just put your foot down and go ready ready let's go oh that's quick right pull over here I think what we'll do is we'll look at the the best time of each scenario yeah best out of the three rather than average because that one of those traction control off ones was pretty bad so let's have a look what's the scores on the doors scores on the doors ah the fastest time for traction control off was nigh on five seconds yeah and the fastest time not 60 for traction control on was 4.35 seconds so a noticeable Improvement so three quarters of a second quicker between traction control on and off correct but you can feel it though can't you or you can totally feel the difference with it on you can feel the progressive acceleration and with it on I can feel you Feathering just accelerator balancing the power with the traction yeah but yeah I mean as far as traction control on is concerned from a driver's point of view I had so much confidence just to plant my foot down it was just you know so easy no surprises there I think we're all expecting the north 60 performance to be better with traction control on compared to off but it's not all about performance with traction control it's the added safety element as well I feel a lot more confidence putting my foot down now and getting that power down going around corners with the traction control on compared to when it was off and that will especially become apparent when the roads are wet and slippy and now I've got the confidence going around the corners and getting that power down I really can't wait to get the the suspension tuned and sorted as well which will be on our next episode and after that one what comes next to him on the track it's track daytime so make sure you subscribed onto this Channel and stay tuned for the next episode and on that note I hope you enjoyed this episode and we'll see on the next one [Music]
Channel: Electric Classic Cars
Views: 50,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, Testarossa, Teslarossa
Id: gS94UGrMXqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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