Test Your Text Completion - 340 GRE Tutor [with 5 Fill in the Blank Examples]

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many students have asked me for a text completion video so here it is why thought I'd do is do things a bit differently for this video and you can test yourself against me on a bunch of random text completion questions some of these are going to be fill in one blank some of them are going to be filling in two blanks I haven't seen these before I'm going to be trying them there from major test comm and I may get one wrong but I'll try my best now try to explain my reasoning as I'm going along I'm not sure how long the video is gonna be but just try your best to pause as you're going along and see if you can get the right answer to I hope it helps and time for the first question here we go when staying in a hotel Bernard would arrange for his valet to bring him his newspaper in the dining room so that everyone would realize that he had a manservant okay this something embarrassed his nephew hmm okay so what the options this is something of this ostentation very likely correct ostentation means like show me your impressive wealth which is kind of what he's doing here he's showing off his wealth his arrogance the reason I'm not so keen on arrogance yeah is just because bringing in a manservant isn't necessarily arrogant and it's showing off but it's not really arrogant as a difference this simulation is kind of like lying simulating something so it's not lying so I'm pretty sure it's going with ostentation this ostentation embarrassed his nephew who though equally rich and that guarantees that ostentation is right because ostentation is about wealth and there's a synonym being rich embarrassed his nephew who though equally rich preferred a more something in lifestyle so I'm expecting the opposite of ostentatious which is not opulent again means rich and showing off libertine so it's understated the opposite sure enough and having ostentation is being understated being reserved almost like humble libertine just means kind of doing anything you want which is not really the opposite of ostentation so Bernard showed off and this guy wanted a more understated lifestyle it's the opposite of showing off by the way what I'd recommend you do at this point would be to look up any words that you didn't know in detail for example ostentation type in the word that you want to know more about here ostentation and then when you get the result think of the way that you're going to try and remember it so ostentation means a showy display of wealth showing off so you could bring up your notepad and write something like ostentation showing off your wealth and then a way that you're going to remember that maybe like costant ation i just made up but it's kind of it sounds a bit like ostentation because it's like showing off the cost of things showing off your wealth and that would be a great way to remember the word anyway I might do that for fun with a few of the words in this practice but let's get back to the test pretty sure I got that one right next one although he was finally something the years of something tore apart his social circle ruined his health and something his mind so the first thing is likely gonna be a positive because it's an although like although he had this positive thing happen all these bad things had happened before so I'm looking for something positive incriminated is a bad thing it's kind of reliable for criminal prosecution acclaimed is good vindicated is probably why just because it's kind of like although he's finally Vinick which means proven right all these things negative happened to him it could be acclaimed but I don't think so at this point I reserve that for now it might be acclaimed although he was finally vindicated the years of something tore apart in social circles so the opposite of being vindicated self-doubt maybe suspicion dedication well which of these things could tear apart his social circle ruin his health not dedication that's for sure self-doubt is probably not strong enough self-doubt wouldn't ruin your health suspicions would make sense because maybe he was suspected of a crime and for years people suspected him of that crime but now he's been vindicated it been proven innocent so although he was finally vindicated the years of suspicion tore apart his social circle ruined his health and something his mind it's not gonna be mellowed which is kind of made weaker or softer because it's not as strong as ruined his health has got to be something quite dramatic because ruining his health and tearing apart his social circle were devastating so something devastating would be being deranged which is kind of like going insane and deranged his mind sharp and is a good thing so that wouldn't be in keeping pretty sure I got that right okay I'm on a wall as Gerard something there's something that could be anything as Jared's something was something that greeted his work he became increasingly smug so smug means like pleased with yourself so as Gerard not humbly accepted because that's the opposite of being smug and kind of arrogant Bastin to Baskin something is to revel in something kind of almost arrogantly really enjoying something as Jared bast in the praise is gonna be here basically as Jared bast in the accolades yes yeah accolades is kind of like praise as Jared Basten enjoyed the praise that greeted his work he became increasingly smug a problem is attack like hate or and criticism and lack of interest wouldn't fit so if you didn't know that word appropriate what would we do go to Google type in a pro briam I can spell a harsh criticism and then how are we gonna remember that let's bring up our notepad to show you how you would add some words a pro briam half criticism i'm gonna make something up a probiem sounds a bit like being opposed to something right so opposed opposed briam i know it's silly but it's my way of remembering the word if someone's really opposed to you you could say they have appropriate harsh criticism for you they are opposed brigham okay on with the test it is a common complaint that people today have short attention span but is it that people are something if the television camera something of you so this is quite difficult so I'm going to try and read all the way to the end to try and understand what's going on rather than pick answers because I have no idea what's going on is it that people are something if the television cameras something of you or is it that the something from one angle to another has trained the viewer to expect variety so I can latch on to something here at least I've got worth of variety so what what would it be the probably something like the the switching from one angle to another has trained the viewer to expect variety because variety means changing so for see is it that the constant shift that makes sense is it that the constant shift from one angle to another has trained the viewer to expect variety that would make you expect variety if there's always shifting about delay in moving no that's the opposite inability to move no that's okay so I'm confident its G but now let's try and go backwards so we know is it that people are something are satisfied if that satisfied isn't really in keeping we're not talking about how satisfied people while we're talking about their attention span is it that people are fascinated maybe not really impatient would fit because impatient fits with the short attention spans are always be looking out for synonyms antonyms is it that people are impatient if the television camera has if the television cameras something of you well it wouldn't be impatient if it cut short or rapidly changes so lingers over of you just going to double-check that make sense common complaint that people today have a short attention span but is it that people are impatient if the television camera lingers over a view or in contrast they're not impatient is it that a consonant shift has trained them okay happy with that let us move on I'm hoping this is helping if it's helping you in any way obviously leave a like leave a comment leave a question the something and virtuosity I think I know virtual ste thing that means like making up as you go along I think well maybe it means being talented I'll look up afterwards and write the something and virtuosity required of a jazz player make jazz seem to lack something this apparently amorphous might shapeless flow just talking about how shapeless and how and with make I guess the flow is can make it hard for people with traditional expectations of musical stability so if people expect stability they're going to get something differently jazz so what's opposite of stability not controlled nothing to do with emotions really I don't see anything to do with emotions here so inventiveness would fit the inventiveness unpredictability and the virtual steel equalities where make jazz seem to lack inherent structure rhythm oh it's tough structural or rhythm the only reason I'm gonna go with structure not with them is just because well first of all I think jazz does have something with them anyway also because it's the synonym of like stability stability and structure not quite exactly the same as stability but it makes me think they want a word to go with stability which is like structure rather than rhythm double check that one the inventiveness and virtual storage has been make jazz seem to lack inherent structure it's apparently a morph as they go it's also the opposite of amorphous if something is amorphous it lacks shape and structure it's not necessarily with them so I'm confident with B and D let me look up virtuosity in the same way as all this but you or city great skill in music and I never knew that great skill in music one another artistic pursuit just do that great skill in music how am I gonna remember that I guess it's virtue virtuous they have virtue in music so virtuosity is virtue in music / arts that's how I'm gonna remember it virtue sorry in music / arms cool that's another word in my vocabulary so I don't want this video to be too long so I might stop there I just wanted to give you a taste of how I approach these text completion questions and start creating a wordless and expand my vocabulary I'm gonna quickly check why I got even though there's loads left and you're gonna see exactly how I did live which I'm pretty confident yes I was a 5 out of 5 fairly confident on that I don't always get perfect scores on these I do occasionally get some wrong but even if I get ones wrong I always try to learn the relevant vocab if this helps in any way please do of course leave a like leave a comments I read them all and thank you for watching
Channel: The Tested Tutor
Views: 57,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: text completion GRE, GRE fill in the blank, text completion strategy, text completion approach, text completion questions, text completion practice, fill in the blank questions, fill in the blank sentences, text completion explanation, how to do text completion, gre verbal, gre verbal 170
Id: 0TZX2tt7er8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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