Tesla Model Y - RWD or AWD, how good is it on ice?

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This Model Y Performance is going to climb a 7.5  meter long icy slope. The slope is 6.5 degrees.   It's blistering cold outside. Not really  blistering cold but it's minus 3-4° C.   So I prepared this ice slope  yesterday or last night by watering the road of course. Looks perfect! Tesla recently delivered Track  Mode for Model Y performance cars so it's a   perfect timing! I'm gonna try climbing the slope  in different drive modes. First off I'm going   to try to drive it only on the front wheels  (FWD) with no driver assist or Track Assist   and see how long the car manages to climb. Ss a  second step I'm going to do the same thing but   only driving on the rear wheels (RWD) and see  how that works out. And finally with all-wheel   drive (AWD) functionality and let's see if  I need to activate the Drive Assist systems   or if it manages to climb without that systems.  The weather gods actually gave me a perfect   condition for doing this. It's freezing cold  outside. It's minus 3-4°C the sun is shining.   I want to do this test quickly before it melts  the ice. The track is in a perfect condition now   so let's see if that car with different  Drive modes can climb this slope or not! You are watching It's Only Electric!  Welcome to the channel don't forget   to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up!  Let's jump into the car and do the first test.   So the first test. okay, so I'm activating the  Track Mode let's customize and only drive on the   front wheels and without any regen  and with minimal stability assist.   Let's try this and see what happens.  I'm going to activate the cameras. Let's go! Oops! I'm stuck No that didn't go well. so I'm going...  actually I'm going very slow up the slope   because if I go fast I will probably end up   in the bushes at the left side. Let's try  again. Only driving on the front wheels. No, that didn't go well let's try the  same thing with stability control. So Track Mode, customize, set it to zero. Let's back off a little bit Let's go! All right! Nope they didn't go well! Full stability let's see if  that makes any difference.   One last try with the front wheels only.  Come on, come on Tesla! Go on go on go on.. did actually go! We are up we are up! It actually feels like it does drive  a little bit on the rear wheels too. It's set to 100% front wheel drive So I activated Track Mode. Let's do the  second test. Rear wheel drive driving   100% on the rear wheels with minus 10 in  stability. That's the lowest possible value.   Activate the cameras. Let's go! Starting  slowly, front wheels are now on the ice.   Rear wheels still pushing from  behind. Now rear wheels on the ice. It feels like it actually activates the front  wheels when it gets stuck let's try that again.   Add some stability maybe or let's try it without. Yeah is it actually pushing for the front  wheels when it gets stuck feels like that.   Front wheels on the ice rear  wheels.. yes, oh I'm stuck! Let's add some stability. Zero and try our second run only driving on the  rear wheels. Stability zero. Activate cameras. Slow start, front wheels on the ice, rear  wheels on the ice. It's a bit more stable now   it's a big difference. But it's still stuck.  It felt like I got a little bit longer now.   A last test with the rear wheel drive and  full stability control. Activate the cameras and go slow. Start, front wheels on  the ice. Can I get past the ice track? No! Back off. So if I do this quicker  that may be easier. Let's try to do   it with a little bit more speed  this time and see what happens. No so oooh.. come on take it easy! I  don't want to end up in the house,   in the building or in the bushes. It looks like it's harder to climb the  ice track slope with the rear wheels only.   Let's drive on all four wheels.  Let's try not to fall [beep]   it's slippery! Now it's time to do the  same thing but with all-wheel drive in   Track Mode without stability. Let's check  the Track Mode. Customize. All-wheel drive,   zero or minus 10 in stability. Minimum  stability 50/50 driving on both axles. Let's see how this goes. Activate  the cameras. Start slowly Front wheels are on the ice Wheels on the ice going Sideways come on, no that didn't work well! I  almost got the front wheels   on top of or past the ice track! But that  didn't go! Let's enter zero in stability   and try that again. I don't know if the stability  actually does any difference it's probably only   stabilization in sideways when going  faster. Let's try that again, starting slow. All Wheels on the ice going sideways. Pushing up.   Yeah, front wheels on top of the track.  Rear wheels still struggling, but I'm up! I don't want to end up outside the road. Just take it [beep] oh oh! Yeah  that went well, all fine just a bit slippery!   Okay so I actually managed to climb  through the whole ice track of 7.5 meters   in Track Mode with all-wheel drive  and the stability at zero. Let's   push it to maximum stability and see what happens. Slow start Front wheels on the ice Rear wheels on the ice going sideways Pushing it! yeah it is actually Possible. Oh.. and  now I'm on the other side of the slippery road. So as you see guys, there's a big  difference when it comes to all-wheel drive   front wheel drive and a rear  wheel drive. It's clear that   or obvious that all-wheel drive are much  better. But this also gives you a hint of how   rear-wheel drive cars, for instance  the Standard Range Tesla Model Y acts   on a slippery slope. You will get a little bit  more resistance when you try to exit your driveway on icy roads. Does it make any difference when driving  it without Track Mode in chill mode? Now everything is set to standard,  chill mode, no Track Mode is active. Slip start is deactivated. Let's   try now and see what happens. Activate the  cameras front wheels are on the ice now oh okay the back side of the car actually That went much easier than with  Track Mode a big difference! Let's back off again and try the same  thing. Backwards is a bit harder.. backing on a slippery ice track. I mean the worst thing that could happen is that I  end up scratching or damaging a rim for instance.   But that's probably not a  problem. Let's try the last time.   Same thing again standard four wheel drive. The  car handles all the things by itself. Chill mode.   Cameras active. Let's go a bit faster  this time. Front wheels on the ice   rear wheels on the ice. The rear wheel  just thrown sideways. It's slippery!   That went well. So it's possible. The all-wheel  drive on my Model Y are working great. It's a big difference!   I'm back in the car I have done all the  tests with different modes. Front wheel   drive (FWD), rear wheel drive (RWD), all-wheel  drive (AWD) with and without track control   and as we already probably knew. It comes as no  surprise all-wheel drive is the best wheel drive.   It gives you the best amount of traction  and control. You will have the best chance   to succeed climbing your private icy  driveway with standard all-wheel drive   without Track Mode and by activating chill  mode. Because then you will keep the torque   a bit lower. The worst mode is by far the rear  wheel drive (RWD) mode then you're pushing the   car up the hill and that's the worst alternative.  The second best alternative or the second worst   alternative is of course the front wheel  drive only. One sad thing though is that   I discovered thatTrack Mode actually don't let  you drive only on front wheels because it will   distribute some of the power to the rear wheels  to the rear axle when you lose the grip. So when   you lose the grip it starts spinning a lot then  it will throw some power to the rear axle and   help you to push the car up. As I said earlier the  weather gods are actually really helping me today   it's minus 3°C. The night was  very cold so I was able to   freeze the track during night time and use  it during day time. Now the track is actually   melting so there's soon no ice left. I'm actually  working with my channel part time now so I have   actually cut down on my time in my real job. I'm  a developer and architect on the rest of my time.   It would be great if you give this video a  thumbs up And subscribe to my channel that   will really help me to create more content for you  guys. Thank you for watching, speak to you soon!
Channel: It's Only Electric
Views: 40,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model y, model y, model y performance, tesla model y performane, tesla model y standard range, model y standard range, tesla rear wheel drive, tesla awd, tesla rwd, tesla model y SR, model 3 performance, model 3, tesla winter test, model y winter test, model 3 peformance track mode, tesla track mode, model y track mode, RWD vs FWD, AWD vs RWD, FWD vs RWD, tesla on ice, electric suv, electric car, electric vehicle
Id: wr1imUqDEdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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