Tesla Manufacturing: See how the Cybertruck HFS Panels are Blanked, Bent, and Built!

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[Music] so this is our stamping building we have three five-stage tandem presses a few transfer presses the first that's our first of the two hot stamping presses we also have our stainless steel uh straightening and forming line so I'm just going to bring you around the corner here so are you bringing in plate stock or bringing in coils bringing in coils and I'm going to show you how we straighten it I uh I'm really interested in that I've seen lots of stamping lines but I straightening stainless uh uh usually is not as uh not nearly as much fun as you'd think yeah we recycle everything we had to make a separate scrapyard for the stainless so this is just a scrapyard for the stainless coming out to go out the door over here we have about 80% utilization on the yeah 80 that's amazingly High well they're pretty Square panels yeah so they're kind of easy to Nest yeah well I guess so yeah yeah it's usually 60 70 right but well around 45 okay if you're bad at what you do sure but like we try if you're bad maybe 45 but we try really hard no it's uh on average that's about cuz I look at things in entirety now you're looking at the stainless I'm I'm looking at yeah if you look at the whole vehicle well the whole vehicle plus the crap that comes from some supplier or something hi good how are you good me yeah so he's he's a lead engineer here for our straightening line this is Dan he's our at his shopping stamping um so we're just going to walk you through real quick we'll come over here and we'll look at it but basically we get coils in we feed them in on this side and out on the other side comes Micron Precision level blanks no we turns out Rich had been covered so this is the first of its kind laser BL blanking line what it does is it takes coils it unwinds them and it's taking out the internal stresses from the raw material it's passing them through something called a leveler all it's really doing is it's got a bunch of work rolls and they're moving up and down and they're flattening the part we want to be careful that we don't work the material too much because you do something called work hardening and then you uh share the part later on yeah so this was a special development as well this is something that's primarily used in Mills so we actually Source it for a blanking line so just out of curiosity um why don't you uh let us know the thickness I think I know but I'd rather have you say it what's the thickness of the material so we have two thicknesses our doors are 1.8 mm thick and all the other parts like the sails the hoods are 1.4 mm thck 1.4 correct and we worked hard to get that strength up on the stainless cuz the original we were about 2.53 but we pulled we actually increase the strength of the HFS over time so we're able to get while doing that with the ductility performing we're able to still get that strength and bulletproof toughness yeah yeah with having a thinner material cool all right so this is actually designed for a 3mm but it's good that we're not using it that's where we started yeah correct so oops sorry this shows a good overview of the line so you have the uncoiler as I explained where the actual raw material we call that a coil is being loaded it's being Unwound as we speak it's going through the leveler or straightener depending on what you want to call it then is going into the laser boot which is what you see right over there it's airtight light tight because of emissions and whatnot and these are two lasers working in Tandem and right now what's being cut is the hood for the Cyber truck it cuts up to 30 microns and it's a first laser of its kind to do that typically these machines cut at 1 mm this was a special development with Tesla and Scher so just uh again you bring in one coil the coil becomes empty you do uh do you do a tailored blank um from the old well what's left of the coil and the new coil are you welding there's no welding no when we run out of material end the blanking then we put a new roll in put a new rolling so we actually have different coils for different uh products so what we really do and what's beautiful about this line is if you think of a fender normally on a 2d flat bed yeah you can get two fenders but this gives you tighter nesting so you can get a fender after offender after offender and you can optimize the width so this uh improves the scrap utilization so does that mean that the coils are tuned to the to the parts correct okay and that's why you don't have to weld anything together okay good let's go check out the blanks at the in the line how you doing hello how are good how are you this is one of our transfer presses is the small one but we just make small parts there we actually insourced about 70% of our stampings for model Y and model cyber truck when I when I did the study on uh why we should use castings yeah I uh I did a that that study cost me a lot of time yeah so this is just separating the good parts from the bad parts okay so because once more when the as you saw in the laser everything's being cut on one sheet so the good Parts like I said are being separated the bad parts actually go right down there and that's what you see going underneath and then going up into that scrap house scrap all right scrap in there yeah all right and then if you go all the way down see we're stacking them here and this is how we transfer them one this one for sale this one's right here so what am I looking at here you're basically just uh uh cting them right bringing them together correct so overhead conveyor belts Parts actually come through see a drops one yeah and we just stack them up it's very important we don't the only thing that really can C scratch HFS is HFS that's right so we got to be careful when we put it down that we're not rubbing it against each other yeah that's one of the other things that um most companies will have the stuff coated it'll have a plastic film and you don't no correct so this is uh this is kind of big stuff all by itself correct so these are the different blanks yeah yep different blanks all within accuracy tailgate tailgate face Hood doors forgot about that for a second and then we have a measurement system so we're producing hoods so typically we have a periodic quality check so we'll take the part put it on here it's just a nice fancy 2D light scanner and what it does is it compares the cat that we're cutting to in relation to what we're actually uh measuring so it's like a giant Optical comparator so just watch your eyes everyone yeah it's going to turn on yeah takes a picture hopefully my arm didn't get in the way no D no you can even sit on it and it'll be fine all the points so all the points are with inspect that's just measuring the a contour so you can see this level of Micron Precision here you know elon's been pushing on something you can see some of these Zero 7 microns 15 microns 26 2 26 these are pretty pretty intense levels of precision correct and we got to be careful because we're doing periodic Texs to be to make sure this machine has a good CP or CPK or repeatability as what we call it kpk all right thanks thanks man I really appreciate thank you so much this episode of Monroe live is brought to you by the three-dimensional Services Group hey boys and girls I'm here with Dan and we're at U three-dimensional Services Group and um Dan uh this pretty impressive why don't you give us a little background on U on what you guys do here okay well uh the three-dimensional Services group was founded by Douglas Peterson 31 years ago uh We've grown into the world's largest most capable and most agile prot protype and low volume manufacturer in essence we're a Job Shop on steroids we work with the world's most Innovative companies to validate their designs and then we're able to take our low volume manufacturing processes and scale them across a massive amount of equipment to allow us to support volumes that a traditional prototype shop would never be able to support uh we we're always working with our clients to accelerate their product development type timelines and enable them to be as successful as possible by bringing their Market or their products to Market as quickly as possible so you've got some of the big names here fuk is one of the uh one of the machines that most companies aspire to but you said you've got 18 more coming or something 16 coming over the next coming months taking us to 88 machines in total these are from Brands like starx bious hermle fuk hos ycm we've got a variety of Mills for a variety of applications so metal stamping is the core of our business and this press right here is one of the larger beds we have this is a 1500 ton press it's one of 127 presses that we have companywide they've all got a variety of configurations allowing us to take on a variety of jobs uh but really this is the core our business we are vertically integrated from a tool design perspective run all our own parts and then laser cut them as well so this is all handled in-house vertically integrated at a significant scale so how many presses do you have then 127 presses ranging from 20 tons to 5,000 tons 5,000 really what are you do on a 5,000 T press tubular hydr forming oh hydroforming ah okay good okay so we're moved over here and we're now standing in front of a trump uh 7045 7040 uh Trump laser and um we're going to hear a little bit about its capability it's got five axis did you yeah this is a five AIS laser uh we've got 25 Trump five AIS systems companywide uh this particular version is a 6 kilowatt machine um these are the finest five AIS laser cutting machines available on the market yeah so th this is uh really the top-of-the-line Trump Equipment It software is integrated with our 2D lasers allowing for us to cut blanks and instantly bring them over here and bend a perfect part repeatedly uh we're going to be able to produce very very Precision Parts very quickly at a significant scale with this sort of equipment and we're great we very grateful to our partners at Trump that have um given us this equipment to use here okay so Dan I can see that we're moving pieces over here and we're standing in in front of some sort of a three AIS welding system or whatever it's a cutting system it's a cutting system yes so this is uh our Trump true store system we've got a twin tower feeding a butterfly configuration 2 5040 uh 12 Kow 2D lasers are running off of this automation system um allowing us to keep these lasers running as efficiently as possible um the speed of these lasers when we get up to the power that we currently have absolutely necessitates this automation allowing us to keep the laser running as often as possible you know um it's funny uh not really funny but um um to me it's very interesting you have uh uh a pre-production facility that I'm sure uh pretty much everybody would die to have um I'm I'm surprised that you're not you may be the biggest in the world right now but uh I'm surprised you're not twice as big because everything you're doing here is things that oems and tier ones should be doing absolutely and I I've seen I've seen progress slow right down with other companies with with bigger oems of of any type Ty whether it's Aerospace or or uh appliances whatever they always slow down because they try and do it internally this is the best thing as far as I'm concerned and looking at what you've got going on here it seems to me that if I was in that kind of a situation that's what I'd want from you uh so that's that's my assessment of everything I've seen here today yeah we we appreciate that and we we want to work with the world's most Innovative companies we want to work with the companies that want to go fast and really change the world uh we are a Job Shop all of the capabilities that everybody's seen here are available to anybody that wants them it's it's simple as just sending us your data and and getting a project started thanks to the three-dimensional Services Group for sponsoring this video whether you're looking to Source metal stamping Precision CNC Machining laser cutting welded assembly or plastic injection molding the three-dimensional Services Group should be the source to transform your EV Aerospace Appliance or technology designs into reality while also providing a bridge to start of production did you open that die for me all right Dan let's go to the die okay good so this is our die storage um area and I asked him to open up because the inner panels are also stainless but they're formed right because the best way to get section is to have an inner and outer right a lot more section so forming stainless as an a surface is kind of hard because you get you know drag marks whatnot and so we had to work really hard on this process as well this is our front door enter two out die um and you can see this coating it's a we went through a lot aluminum bronze coating here in the inserts to make sure that we don't get those drag marks on the stainless itself and like I think we have the world's fastest first only high-speed a class surface stainless press we making 10 Strokes per minute over here that's the Press 10 Strokes per minute that's the press that runs it we do eight panels ERS as L stated we do tailgates hoods The Four Doors lamp cans things of that nature but 10 Strokes per minute so roughly 600 an hour to 100% again this is the front door inner like lar stated dual and then this is lower half our in the upper half wow h that's uh that's pretty nifty I uh I've never really stamped stainless steel without a coating I don't think anyone has so well there may be but not me cly not certainly not for like an a surface quality part like there might be people making it you know maybe like stainless steel pots and pans but then they polish them right and they make them yeah well yeah polishing is a that's the biggest cost with pots and P hands y uh the stamping and whatnot deep draw whatever super easy right no no problem this though is something I've never seen before I've never uh I've never used a bronze what did you what did you call this aluminum bronze Alo bronze it's uh from how do you coat it is it it's actually the whole material it's not coated this is aluminum bronze yeah like the whole and you can stamp with it yeah I mean it's it's hardened we have a coating on top but like we found that it was the best uh material to use you specs on it we're still playing with lubricants you know what kind of oils we're using how much of so we're still diing it in cuz when you use steel we get drag marks you know aluminum can't last right um but so we obviously have to replace these inserts a reasonable amount of time but you know they're lasting quite a lot lot longer than we thought they would how many hits you get on this thing well how many far so far we probably stamped about one to 1,000 to 1200 of each part I think I think we're going to get about based on our prototype trials anywhere from 50 to 100 before we start doing rework but you know you rework a stamping die nominally you know every time you take it out a little bit so we're constantly down in quality our uh we're not going to throw the die away just going to rework it make sure the Finish is there most of our piss scores now in the upper 80s piss is our points in Spec so we try and get you know 100% is a perfect spec like zero Domo or upper 80s '90s or yeah currently in the upper 80s stting in the low to mid-70s now and upper 80s every run we try to improve well there you go two things I would I never guessed all right let's go up the stairs here and we're just going to walk do you guys want to see hot sand from ground level or top level we can look at hot sand and then we'll walk my big thing is I want to see how you're forming we're going to go and show you that it's it's much simpler than you think I think so here we have 21 furnaces there's a three furnaces seven Chambers each for a total of 21 yeah we heat the material to 900° C then we put it in the Press it's one station the upper and the lower dies are held in place for anywhere from 6 to 8 seconds with water running through each and we're basally in a way quenching the part in a way with metal yeah yeah so this is made by ap&t out of Sweden we have a second one coming just to the uh west of this uh so you come in here probably see the oven right yeah you're good so this this here takes it off a d stacker where it's centered and it loads it into one of the 21 Chambers then another one pulls it out and loads it into a centering table it's centered then it gets transferred by a last feeder into the die we can see the die over here if you'd like sure why not it's not working right now no it is it's just each one of them is heating up so each one of those chambers is a different door with a different panel in it heating up we can go to the forming side what's that uh how much uh how much time does it take for heating out we got 21 stations so total Strokes per minute on this is also around 10 12 right this one this one I can make it's 23 seconds for ERS 25 seconds for hours so I can make 144 an hour with the uh inners and 150 an hour with the outers at 100% OE at 100% yeah here we go it's I got one coming I hear it there should be one opening up soon we may have just come at a bad time we might have just come right when they St here we go here you go you want to see it hey uh come come on camera is in here you can see the hot he's pulling out the hot blank right now see that red hot blank it's going to get laid in it's basically a noodle kind of right now very very soft and like you put put it down we'll form it here with this gripper and then we'll just drop it into the stamping press while it's still hot hit one time boom yeah it usually holds it for about 7 to n seconds yeah and we can show you what the parts look like when they come out back in yeah got all these stanions up yeah so as you can see with all the equipment we're ready to roll at like high volume now it's just like how do we ramp you know go slow get quality right yeah yeah there's a view of the press from the side should open up y now it's opening up and you'll see that's the fully formed door ring that I was talking about are you doing iners or outers right now right now we're doing iners in left [Music] thanks and right here's what they look like when they're done this is a body side inner check for heat it's going to be a little hot might be a little hot not to it's not even warm now just so you know we're actually going to unload this with a robot we have what's called an automatic uh basically use a robot to automatic racking system so they they're going to automatically get put in these racks and we're going to take them off the forkless right now we're we're not 100% ready to do that yet then they they go up this conveyor right not these parts all the parts they'll go up here and we'll go up there and we'll show you how we form the stainless from there so boom we got our lift right up there and we Supply Body Shop which is right over there cool any other questions or no I've seen a lot of this uh so all this stuff out uh no I haven't seen one this side can we go up and over down yes yeah let's go up and over go thanks [Music] Grant so the panels that you saw the blanks from from the side will come up here along with other parts and then they'll move in right now it's all forklift you see all our CH Pickers from construction still here but they're coming here and we actually have the body shop on the second floor here that's unusual yeah yeah well turns out those are the least number of parts now we're down to you know just over 100 so moving them up isn't that bad and they're bigger so we can get bigger uh you know less less trips um and they stack nice so we get a lot of qpc so we come in here to Mainline um but we're going to go straight to doors cuz we're running low on time um just to show you doors from forming to final no to finish so we kind of zigzag we're only running one shift right now and knights are doing cleanup and construction and final debug um so it's kind of quiet here but verer and the team were kind enough to stay for you well that's very so basically uh the doors come get built this way and go down straight to G the main line goes this way and then gets transferred to our powder coat line that does that black coating yeah yeah over there we kind of have a float which you don't use elpo right what's that um elpo the uh stuff that everybody else uses you dip the whole car in it basically I mean well this is a you don't need to this is a it's a soft e coat with a wet powder just for that black area so only have one oven so we do Eco it um basically to seal it and cure the sealer and then we um because the door rings are that Bor on steel we need to coat it so something we put the powder on for the aesthetic we go this way yeah we yeah no we can go here I know that this line bending line was uh running drive cycle earlier I think the other the other one next to rear door is actually running okay let's go see the rear one so actually we talk dry cycle I'll talk and then you can show them the rear one so this is our true Bender um it's from Trump work special on this this is the air bender I was telling you about so this is dryve cycling right now we have one of these for each panel and how it works is we'll come in here close you know currently we're running Dy Cycles you see any faults and whatnot when we're off so it'll pick up the panels here from that that stack that the guys made in blanking picks up a panel and now well now it's putting it uh it's about to pick up a fake panel so it picks up that panel right we'll show you the one working over there and it's going to bring it into the true Bend um which is from Trump that we worked with and as you can see that brake Bend comes down but that's that air bender it has that vshape with the air flowing on either side to keep it um you know floating which when get the mar marks flips it around it'll do the other side and then once it's done takes a good part and puts it back on here and it'll come out here so we just wanted to show the dry cycling before we go over look at the actual part so you can get the idea of the movements now again we're in the middle of commissioning all our transfers usually we do the systems first so the good parts will come out here that that CA base that's missing a robot right we'll pick it up and put it over here transfer overhead and go into our door uh manufacturing cell so that that's it that's the whole thing that does all the metal for me it's a a lot simpler than I thought simple is usually better yeah so are we running here yeah this one is running okay we got front rear front rear so this is a rear rear door this is I believe it's rear door I mean this one is able to do both rear and front door um so this is what you wanted to see you're so so we get these flat panels in now you'll see it actually pull it pulls up the flat door blank and we're running about what what speed do you think we're running at about now like 25% yeah I think so here's the air bender so the top tool forms on the inner that actually has no air and the bottom tool is where we're blowing the high-speed air to floated you see it makes the one bend that light flash was a measurement make sure it's right on yeah if it is it goes back it's good turns around does the other Bend there's two on this side right so are you doing any storing or anything on nothing Bend radi is 5 mm on the inside right so it's about 8 78 on the outside um anything tighter than that we started uh cracking well there's uh there's a ratio and that's the ratio uh that I would have probably guessed cuz if you go you know we went we tried to go tighter for FR yeah well but thickness time is you know different otherwise we end up with a knife edge in the middle on the front you know well the deal is that you work hard in it too if you you do anything less than about four four times thck yeah so it comes out put down the clean part here and here we have the robot not quite not quite ready but wow that base is huge for the size of the robot walk around yeah we can walk around and outside's a door let's do that [Music] yeah hey thank thanks for staying late guys appreciate it so we get the panel out and this is ready you know as I said right now we're putting them in the racks well they ran out of racks but um you want to put it in a check fixture yeah you want to put it in theix check just so we can look at it sure great put so that's it this is the inner Bend you can see we get a little Maring here but obviously it's b class right it's inside the it's maybe Gray Zone um what I was concerned about or what I was thinking about was just the outside bruising not the inside I don't care about inside I mean you can see on these panels over here you look on the back side you can see where the you can even see where the air is blown off the dust yeah but you come over here nothing yeah that's pretty amazing actually um you you're using two of my favorite three actually toning uh uh CA they're my trumer yeah they if I if I'm going to do something I don't I hate screwing around with junk yeah and anytime a purchasing agent or one of those Engineers with an NBA says well I got a good price on it I have an expression there's usually a reason don't save me any money I can't afford it and that's the truth so by the way these are 1.8 mm th these are the full real everything else is 1.4 M other than the do yeah well you need that extra for the machine gun yeah well the 1.4 is actually pretty bullet resistant too but this is actually uh it takes about 75% of the side crash loads just through the panels itself so um you know we wanted that extra thickness for the stiffness should we had so after goes over conveyance we'll go into the weld cell and then we'll finish them and we'll be done great so that's uh one of the things I'm really interested in how do you uh fix that to the um you know let's go check it out to the rest of the door how do we fix it so we have the inner you saw from downstairs we have the outer now we got to put them together right without making any Mark right super easy huh oh you piece of cake yeah so we load the iners in here is this running no is this all this is all off now right maybe looks like it want to check just going to see if he can turn it on for you so basically you know we don't have any uh reinforcements on the exterior panels yeah we have a couple of hinge reinforcements just locally on the inner so this this cell here takes that inner panel and this hinge reinforcement it just put welds it together couple of spot welds that's it okay pretty traditional yeah but uh how do you do it without any marks or any just keep going yeah oh now the line is full right now so we can oh the line's full so we can't okay so now we bring the inner the outer end okay outer comes in here it gets loaded in here and we have another laser booth and the laser Booth because we the exterior surface was the most critical right we didn't want to get any burn through Mark through yeah a blue either so the tolerances have to be basically Micron level Precision in order to get the two together you have the one part here there yeah we got a part here um yeah so this is all closed up laser but you can see the line's full here so that's why it's not moving if we can come in here it's fine um so this is a part as it comes out and you can see the laser while it's coming here so we actually clamp down into the corners and the laser go all the way around the perimeter and what that does I should really I I already got it now I didn't think of that so it comes around the perimeter it actually bends this in just ever so slightly gives it a little roundness helps with the a surface light coming off the side so you aren't edge to edge you got a little tip but we don't get it we have the work I don't know for months on the the current and the the heat that's going in so we don't get burned through with tolerance and what not Trail off but that's it it's that simple and we're done but now you'll see like we do have some burn marks here what we do is we go into laser ration and we just kind of go right clean it all up and that's what I thought maybe we were going to do with the outside of this thing so I notice you got two uh vibration patches yeah it's just big big oil can right it's just a little damper and that's another thing that was going to be a question but now it isn't okay so we come out of laser weld we go into a holding cell cuz we have C uh a buffer basically just a buffer yeah and then we come over here to finishing so all these lines are integrated together by Barnard's team and the guys cuz you know actually every station you can even see with the robots here finishing station has CA welding station has fanic they're actually from different companies cuz we like to like spread it out to people that are good at what they do right and so then we come in here to finishing you want to explain how finishing Works a little bit or yeah sure so from welding we drop it in our Handover stand there robots will pick it up drop it in the stand and we got um robots on the other side they they have like a like a buffing pad you see on the bottom of that head that's like inside the shape here you see those it's two brillo pads basically yeah hanging down there actually three right three three across yeah I see it and all that does is very lightly goes across back and forth yeah it it doesn't a couple of runs over the over the complete door um and then they use a different type of pad for the other robot and then this this is a completed part um after finishing this yeah this is what it looks like done and done and then that final cell in the closed door that's where we upate the yeah do the laser ablation yeah so you can see kind of on this one actually locally these spots we just go and we get we get the this one's not ablated that one's ablated we only ablate the uh the ones that are exposed visible yeah cool they can see these one better yeah this one is prible yeah so you can see the fish bowls and we do the same thing on the laser well just to clean it up yeah but these are all exposed in the end there's no paint there's nothing that's what we got yeah marvelous so right now these get racked and then brought down to General Assembly but eventually they'll just flow straight down through an elev so this whole process runs at a cycle time about 40 seconds when we're at full speed and uh we could go faster but 40 seconds um yeah 4 80 Seconds cuz I was going to say 60 seconds yeah I mean this one is about 60 something yeah 60 something would be about what I would guess yeah cuz you really don't like cuz when I went through the this Factory um first time for the model y that's running at 42 seconds that's why same thing as the uh the uh what do you call it Berlin Factory 42 seconds this one's a little slow just on volume you know no you don't need space we don't need well that and the fact that why wear out the equipment yep 40 seconds that's uh that's working uh that's working on the machines pretty hard 60 seconds they aren't even really they're not breathing hard so that's it simple and easy well boys and girls you've just seen um all the best techniques and technologies that Tesla's got to order or come to order here with u with the Cyber truck now I'd like to thank all the guys but especially Lars but I need to thank the guy that made it all happen thank you so much Rich Auto the guy behind all of the fun stuff here at Tesla Rich AO thank you very much and keep watching because there will be more thank [Music] you
Channel: Munro Live
Views: 766,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EV, BEV, Sandy Munro, Munro, Electric Vehicle, Benchmarking, Electric, Insight, Lean Design, Design, MunroLive, MunroLive.com, ElectricCars, Review, Car Review, Automotive, Automotive Review, Teardown Titan, Tesla, video review, Elon Musk, Munro Live, Ask Munro, Technology, Luxury, Electric Car, Elon, Musk, Tesla Cybertruck, Cybertruck, cybertruck delivery event, cybertruck tesla, tesla cybertruck event, cybertruck delivery, elon musk tesla cybertruck, cybertruck latest news, Factory Tour
Id: GFgGnhRZarY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 48sec (2268 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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