Tesla Layoffs Continue - Who's Next?

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major news breaking today about Tesla continuing to lay off people last week I missed the story just before I posted my EV news update and I want to talk about that what's happening today and a few other things that popped up recently that I think are going to be relevant to you as an EV owner or someone looking to get into an EV let's dive in so just last week right before I posted the video we got news that Tesla fired their entire supercharger team the team that manages maintains it develops the new sites does all that stuff which gives them their largest competitive advantage in my book and so if you ask me that was the most befuddling confusing disappointing thing I've seen them do in recent years there's been a lot of stuff that you kind of scratch your head about this one I can't really make any sense of it at all the supercharger team was arguably the ones operating at the highest capacity delivering the biggest competitive advantage to Tesla they just opened it up to other AO maker so now that would become a profit Center I mean really the supercharger team was one of the or if not the most important teams at the company and they just ask the entire division that's completely confusing to me I could understand if there were issues with certain Personnel you can make changes but to cut an entire limb off to save the patient here really just just mind-blowing so in addition to that that was bad enough now we're hearing today that there are even more layoffs coming to Tesla across a whole Myriad of departments So reading from RS Technica we can see that Tesla has announced their fourth round of layoffs in four weeks this cut affects Engineers HR and service advisors things that are kind of important and Elon has been on this quest to be absolutely hardcore and he's had all kinds of other challenges that he's been facing and so apparently his answer to that is to just cut the staff by up to 20% now I'm not actually anti layoff I think that it can be healthy for a company if they grow way too fast in a kind of early startup phase and maybe they hire too many and they duplicate roles and all that and they can kind of rightsize it later I understand that I've been there I've had do that in my roles in Corporate America and Tech years ago it's not fun but it is good for the company so this case this second round or this fourth round uh maybe a good layoff but the supercharger team still is just the you know kind of most boneheaded thing I think we've seen from them in a long time and this isn't the first time that they've done this this is not new whatsoever so there's a brief history here back in October of 2017 when Tesla nomics was still around Tesla laid off 700 workers after running into production issues this was during the model 3 hell uh a year later they got 9% of their employees laid off so kind of common uh practice there 2019 they did another 7% June 202 they did another 10% they did a hiring freeze February 2023 the union accused Tesla of Legally firing employees and then kind of went on from there and then currently we have you know the entire supercharger division so it's not the first time they've done this it definitely won't be the last the biggest news here really is just that the entire supercharger team was cut because that is just kind of mindboggling no one really understands it no one understands the reason for it and everyone is worried about what that means for the future of Tesla sticking with Tesla we have more news about the model Y and range that you may be missing out on according to a recent post on Twitter Elon had mentioned that the model y may have additional range that you can unlock a 40 to 60 mile range from a cost of $1,500 to $2,000 and then of course people ask why isn't that just free and it's because they have to pay the bills somehow so kind of makes sense this is also not uncommon we've seen this all the way back to the original model S back in 2012 I think it was they sold a 40 kilowatt hour version which I think had maybe 180 M of range or something like that and it turned out that it just was not feasible for them to redesign the pack so that way the weight distribution and everything else would just be missing the battery cells so what they did was they sold them the 60 kwatt hour packs and you could then later unlock it with with a fee so this is as long as Tesla's been around around or making you know the cars you're familiar with they've been doing this it's no surprise here I am curious as to why they just announced it now I mean the model y has you know been around for a long time we're going on I think four years with ours and so why this is the first time we're hearing about it is a surprise but it's not new I think a lot of people will take it and if you actually were to break down the cost per mile of range that you get it's probably not a bad deal so I think this isn't um that you know cringy or or or upsetting as maybe some people online do I think this is pretty just standard operating procedure for Tesla and if you are one of the folks with this opportunity I would recommend taking it if you need the range and of course with range we need charging on our road trips and rivan just announced or showcased their next Generation charger design which will support other electric vehicles you can see the diagram here where the charger itself this is the rivan adventure network is quite a bit taller than it was previously with a longer cord to reach to different sides of the vehicle potentially Teslas in the future now this one will reportedly have different ports and it will support both 400 and 800 volt packs and feature the CCS connectors with support for the KNX standard which is the Tesla plug and you'll just need an adapter for that which presumably you can buy online or they will sell for you so but then of course down the road they're going to support the KNX adapter or the KNX plug natively because that is what what brine is going to switch over to I believe in 2025 here's another close-up image of it looks very similar to the one they have now just a bit taller with a different screen but with all that said where are the rivan adventure networks you might ask here is a map that I found you can see East Coast tons kind of the Midwest Area Michigan and all that uh right around Colorado there's a bunch out in the mountains cuz that's of course their adventure thing and then all up and down the uh the Left Coast here and you can see the Green Dots here are the Tesla superchargers that are compatible for the rivan KNX adapter for the folks that have that and other than that you can see the little three bolts here three zaps this is the one where you know this is the existing rivan Adventure Network and then the yellow diamonds are the future upcoming on so this is kind of a cool map they've made huge progress on this from the last time I saw it so you can find that over at the rivan website if you're interested in seeing where exactly you can go with the ravan adventure Network whether that be with a ran or in the future a non- rivian now some other news here sad I guess is that the Fisker ocean sounds like it is officially dead coming to us from inside EVS here apparently the quote is no further production of Fisker ocean planned by Magna International the guys that were manufacturing it um they were a contract autom manufacturer so the way that works is typically a company like Fisker in this case can hire them to do the manufacturing they do the design and everything else uh similar to how like beer brewing and wine making and things like that works as well so um this is bad news for anyone that owns a Fisker ocean um it is bad news for the company and it really just questions the idea as to where this is going to go from here um it's not a good sign for the EV industry as a whole but this company may be kind of unique in what caused its demise uh and so we'll have to do a full postmortem once that this whole Saga is finally over and car companies that are doing well looks like Volvo is actually doing great in Europe they have a 65% year-over-year growth on their European sales this is mostly driven by their small SUV the ex30 and in the US it jumped 10% and in China only 3% but still really good news Volvo does make really great vehicles and I'm a fan of these in fact I hope to test one of them out soon they also have that ex90 coming out which is a three row SUV at a very decent price so excited to hear that they're doing well in Europe and hopefully that Trend continues throughout the rest of the world one note about Volvo is that they are mostly owned by or majority owned by the China's gie holding or Gil I would say gie and that is interesting because they also jie it is announced that they are trying to go public with another brand of theirs Zer to the tune of 5.13 billion in the US if you're not familiar with Zer they've been on my radar for a while but they are sort of in the luxury space they have a couple models that are interesting and a couple new ones coming out but it they do look fantastic so here let's have a look at couple of their their cars here you first have the 001 the zer1 the shooting brake and you can see just from this video that they're playing here it looks fantastic I mean the quality everything about it just looks Stellar so I'm a fan of how this looks it kind of gives me the Porsche tyon Vibes I mean just really really welld designed assume well built probably our friends over at fully charged have a review from Elliott out in China and so this is great they're kind of in the luxury space they'll have the uh they also have the 9 which is an actual minivan I guess you could you could call it not sure if it's officially a minivan but that's what we would call it here in the US you can see the interior here this to me is uh people mover this is a fantastic vehicle in Japan where I was at for the Tokyo Mobility show or Japan Mobility show whatever they renamed it to uh they have these Vans everywhere they're called Toyota alfreds and they are so nice especially to ride in so this looks like a fantastic option that kind of checks that box that we don't have in the US already which is a great kind of big people mover a minivan type option so if they're doing this reportedly they're going to be headed over to Europe maybe one day they will come to the US I assume that tariffs and other things are really holding that up but big bright future for these guys cuz I think they're making great products from everything I'm seeing out there so yeah those Tesla layoffs are crazy hopefully it's a good thing it really puts I think everyone there on Shaky Ground and I'm I you I feel for those people that have been in that situation but the EV industry is doing well there's a lot of excitement a lot of growth a lot of you know demand that's growing despite what the media continues to to say they tend to just ignore all the data and all that which I know you wouldn't do you wouldn't do that so uh that's it for this week guys let me know what you think in the comments make sure to hop on my patreon you can ask questions I'm going to jump over there and do a Q&A after this and I'll see you back here next time
Channel: Ben Sullins
Views: 29,598
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Keywords: tesla layoffs, tesla, elon musk, layoffs, tesla layoffs today, tesla layoffs reddit, austin texas tesla layoffs, tesla news, tesla gigafactory austin texas, tesla job cuts, tesla mass layoffs, news, tesla growth, tesla robotaxi
Id: -Kyn1Gbi__E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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