Tesla has a Camouflaged Truck for Giga Berlin Hard Test

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we have some interesting pictures to show you from tests like gigaberlin showing what's really going on today at giga berlin and what's the update from the gigafactory including a truck a common flag truck that has been testing at giga berlin but i'm going to tell you more about that welcome back dear friends this is armenhary i'm from torquenews.com if you are here for the first time please subscribe to our channel for daily tesla and ev news and ring the bell so you don't miss my coverage and give us thumbs up and like this video if you find it informative and helpful sharing them in social media would be greatly appreciated so our friend jurgen who has been always providing since day one reliable information video and picture audio video and photo information updates from tesla giga berlin factory and just shared four some four interesting pictures that you're seeing on your screen so the first one is the casting area where the and the area is working on the building so it looks like just the average work uh nothing specific right bite the work is moving ahead the second one is uh the actually the first and second are the casting area the third one is very interesting you see uh tesla giga berlin workers are uh they're taking covet tests before the work they're taking the virus test before the work we know that the information and this virus situation in europe is not getting better or it's at least not very good and strict so what tesla has done in order to continue its progress at giga berlin they i guess require people every day to take a test and you see the line where people are taking the test in order to see if they are uh able to work on that that gobbling so nice line and and i'm glad that tesla is uh testing people to make sure the virus is not spread and people can work at giga berlin and the work at gigaberlin can progress with the same speed it has been so far although there has been some frustration and irritation with the delays in the final approval which i'm going to tell you a little bit more today because there is an update and the fourth of uh photo that you are saying is a um jurgen says is a common flag prototype of liber dump trucks spotted there at kiga berlin for hard test on the giga berlin now this libras dump truck is a uh is right now still in beta it's a prototype but it's it's a very powerful truck if you search uh liber press tour 2019 you can see these trucks being tested they're very powerful truck and so tesla apparently has an understanding with libre to bring them in the giga berlin to test the work because there is work so i guess maybe hard dumb trucks that's how they are tested so libre is a german swiss multinational equipment manufacturer based in bull switzerland with its main production facilities and origins in germany it consists of over 130 companies organized into 11 divisions earth moving mining mobile cranes tower cranes concrete technology maritime cranes aerospace and transportation systems machine tools and automation systems domestic appliances and components it has a worldwide workforce of over 42 000 with 9 billion euros in revenue for 2017 by it was the world's largest crane company established in 1949 by hans lieber in kirschdorf under hillar baden-wurttemberg germany the business is still entirely owned by the libre family is old and will liber hans daughters and son respectively are the chief executives and chairman of the bull switzerland-based liber international ag and several other family members are actively involved in corporate management so no wonder liber is has its truck tested in giga berlin now there are reactions to tesla bureaucracy criticism letter letter he said they say the letter should be from elon musk himself minister wants to help remember um with a 10-page letter to the berlin brandenburg higher administrative court tesla caused a steer this week a question of unquestionably the company sided with the plaintiff deutsche unmelt life in a climate suite against the german government and criticized the long approval process for its gigafactory in kirunhyde near berlin the letter reads as if it has had been written by tesla ceo elon musk himself which has been confirmed by the trend in the reactions representatives of the federal government showed understanding for the tesla criticism now altmeyer agreed to support tesla federal minister of economics peter altmeier sided with tesla early on uh at the end of the 2019 he declared that the government was ready to shorten planning and approval procedures for individual projects like the one in caron hyde if necessary but the rules are unchanged and in his letter tesla described the fact that 16 months after the first application for giga berlin was not even known about a date for their approval as irritating basically it's been 16 months tesla has submitted the application and they don't even have a date for approval and tesla says that is irritating i covered this several days ago friends at talk news you can see all the details now according to the berliner zeitung altmeyer the federal minister said on friday that the grand coalition had achieved a lot in this direction over the past few years and months but not enough the minister pointed out that tesla still has a lot of support from the authorities which is true problems were got out of the way more than once on the short official channel basically that true official channels he said without giving details tesla can continue to count on such support the federal government's commissioner for medium-sized companies cbu member thomas barish showed a similar mixture of understanding and justification he did not know of any other project in which so much had been done at all levels for rapid implementation as with tesla's german factory he told the honda's plot nevertheless he admitted that the project brought to light that quote unquote ever greater conflict of interest between species environmental and climate protection in addition tesla had stated that german law carries the risk that local environmental impacts will cause projects with overall massively positive effects to fail now did elon musk write that letter himself tesla mac reports that such economic considerations and sometimes lecturing tone of the letter sounds like elon musk and the publication business insider claims to have found out that sounds like elon musk and the publication business insider claims to have found out that the tesla ceo personally initiated this um in part it was reproduced in such a way that he wrote the letter himself in any case some passages in its sound translated up better than it sometimes occurs with tesla either way it can be assumed that tesla manufacturing in brandenburg the giga berlin as the sender of the letter to the court at least not interfered in german politics without elon musk's approval so what do you think friends lots of interesting things happening in tesla with giga berlin it's good to see the progress is still going i personally think that the permit will eventually come but i don't i can understand tesla's irritation and it's good that tesla is testing workers to make them a safe and safe work environment so the work can continue at giga berlin please like this video if this was informative sharing social media i would greatly appreciate it this is armenharyan from torquenus.com if you haven't please subscribe to our channel for daily test and electric vehicle news every day and i'll see you soon in our next report god bless you friends have a great day peace be with all of you
Channel: Torque News
Views: 28,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Giga Berlin, Giga Berlin news, Giga Berlin update, Tesla news, Tesla update, Tesla Giga Berlin work, Tesla testing a truck, automotive news, EV sector
Id: 7lzumv_f1g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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