Tesla Coil Wireless Energy and Resonance Demonstration

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hi there some time ago I put together a low frequency oscillator that I was using for some experimentation at the time in this video I'm going to use that oscillator to demonstrate resonance in a circuit so let's go check out the oscillator and get right into the demo this is the low frequency oscillator that I'm going to be using for this resonance demonstration now this closely resembles a vacuum tube Tesla coil and if you want to see exactly how a vacuum tube Tesla coil works there's lots of schematics online and everything like that but this video is more about resonance and I really don't want to get into this particular device too incredibly much but really what this is is this is just a precise oscillator is really all it is now Tesla's original Tesla coils used rotary spark gaps and they were far from precise they were really RF fire hoses so a lot of harmonic energy being sprayed about because of the rotary spark gap and such this is a vacuum tube doing the oscillation instead of a rotary spark gap so we get a very accurate sine wave that comes out of this is a nice clean sine wave so I'm not spraying RF all over the place with this thing like a regular Tesla coil would now this isn't a looky-loo machine it's not designed to you know be throwing Sparks and bolts of lightning off the top of it when this thing is in operation it sits silent and there are no sparks coming off of it and it's designed to for purpose not to not to throw Sparks and bolts of lightning so if you're waiting for big bolts of lightning you're not going to see it but you will see you know a resonance effect and you know energy transferred from one coil to another here just quite shortly so this has got a nice clean filtered supply in it and everything where as you'll notice in most Tesla coils there's a 60 cycle buzz and they're really quite audible and you'll see no big sparks flowing off of the top and of course that's what most people want to achieve you want to see how big their sparks get and that's kind of the challenge behind a you know a vacuum tube testicle or a rotary spark gap Tesla coil as well I have different intentions for this and I've been using this for different kind of experimentation so I don't want that coronal discharge that you see coming off of the top is really just wasted energy and I'll demonstrate that here quite shortly so this particular unit is very versatile for myself I can change out the primary coil very quickly and I can also change out the secondary coil very quickly here's a different secondary coil right here and the primary coil just has some wires that run down to some Fahnestock clips and within a minute I can change the primary and the secondary out on this thing with absolutely no issues so I can move the frequency around on this thing quite easily on the front of the machine you see a bunch of switches once a filament switch that turns on the filaments to this the two tubes in the back and the one in the front here pull a total of about 45 to 50 amps continuous so I had to wind apart a filament transformer for this thing the filament transformer has to be you know relatively accurate to the filament specs you know you give them a little bit too much voltage and that dramatically shortens the life of the tube so there is quite a bit of time just involved in the winding that transformer dealing with drop and everything like that this here is the filament switch again this is the plate switch now the very act which is in the center here is turned right now so when it turned the plate switch on I have an indicator light here that tells me that the high voltage could be present when I turn this very act up this thing creates RF enough that put the camera in this kind of proximity here I might damage my camera so I don't want to turn this thing up but that gives you an idea anything that's metal that's around this thing you know you'll get RF burns on by touching it when this thing is on this thing really doesn't even high power it's a relatively low power Tesla coil you could call it right so why even touching these switches or anything metal around this thing one when the very act is turned up you get you know RF burns on your hands so the knob on the very act is made out of bakelite so this always has to be turned down first and then you turn the switches off if I turn the filament switch off it'll shut everything off so this is kind of like a man if I want to put this thing in standby and just turn the B+ off or the plate supply and the thing is safe to handle everything on the top of this thing is at a high voltage potential so obviously I'm not touching this thing this thing is designed for experimentation so everything is open so I can get to it there's clips here and everything the the power supply transformer is right behind the coil here you can't see if it's a relatively large transformer that sits right here and that's pretty much this coil just kind of quickly or this oscillator kind of quickly here so next what I'll do is all set up everything and we'll get into the resonance demonstration all right I think we're ready to go with the demonstration I have the camera set quite far back over here and I also have the microphone sitting over here far away from the oscillator so I don't want to damage my camera or the microphone or anything like that so I have to you know keep this quite a ways away I also have a wide-angle lens on the camera and that might be a little bit deceiving so what I'm going to do is I'll just show you the distance between the coils that we're going to resonate here in the actual oscillator so if I put my hand the tip of my finger on the top of this coil here and I stretch out my hand this coil here is about maybe 9 or 10 feet away from this coil here something like that so you get a rough idea now there it really is no thought in the distance here that I've got going on it's just what fits in the shot with a wide-angle lens I could move this quite a bit further away and get the same effect again what we're doing in this video here is we're going to take a look at resonance and when I say resonance what I mean is I need to make these coils very electrically similar to this coil right here so that this coil will transfer some energy into these coils right here another way to visualize resonance is if you take a tuning fork and you ring the tuning fork so it's making an audible note you bring another tuning fork that isn't making any noise it's just sitting there and you bring it close to the one that's ringing because these two devices are built so close to each other and they're pretty much going to make the exact same frequency when they're ringing this one will transfer some energy in this one here and this one will just start to ring just by bringing it close so just by bringing this one that's not ringing very close to the one that's ringing this is going to start to make noise as well because we have a little bit of energy transfer and it's really the same thing with this and really what Tesla was trying to do with this big tower and everything alright so in order to start this demonstration I need to turn the oscillator on and I'm just going to make it you know put out just a little bit of RF nothing that's really high or anything like that basically I'm just just going to turn it on right so what we'll do is I'll click the black switch here and I'll bring the very act up to oh you know a very little power level here okay so we don't have any red plating there and the plate current is very low it might be a little bit deceiving in the video or in the actual picture it might look like the the plate on the 450 TL is getting white or it's you know like his red plating or something like that even in the photos it kind of looks like that what that really is is the natural filament itself reflecting on the inside of that glass bowl and shining on the outside of the plate there is no visible color in the plate right now due to plate current whatsoever this thing is really just just absolutely idling you can see that there is absolutely no break out on the top of the ball and it's sitting dead silent I'll just be quiet here a little bit of hum that you're hearing from the filament transformer alright no breakout whatsoever so you know it's not throwing bolts of lightning all right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this compact fluorescent bulb right here it sees an old compact fluorescent bulb alright this one is dead the switching power supply in it has gone away just like they all seem to do so well you what I usually do is crack them open and fix the power supply and they're good for another year or two or something like that I have it done up with this one yet but the bulb itself is actually in good shape so it'll work good as an indication for what we're trying to do here alright to show you that this thing is actually you know putting out some some RF energy right now just bring this close and you can see that I'm about to two or three feet away from that coil standing at this at this point here alright and you can see that it's lighting up in my hand I'm not even touching the metal on the bottom here I'm just holding it close like that and it's exciting the fluorescent tube just by standing right here no coronal breakout or anything on the top whatsoever now you can see in these two coils here I have the coil separate right now so this is not electrically equivalent to that coil whatsoever see they see when I bring this close we have absolutely no light or no anything right here okay no light whatsoever you know nothing here is resonating really so you know it's yeah if I can bring this close to anything you know you're not going to see it light at all right but yet if I bring this close to the source you'll see you'll see that light up here okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to make this electrically equivalent to that and I'm going to act as the tuning capacitor I'll be the big human tuning capacitor and I'll explain that here in just a moment so I'll just put the ball down I'm going to take this coil here and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put it on the top of this one like this alright now I've got a bunch of little neon bulbs on these coils right here and these neon bulbs here are just as tuning aids to help me tune this thing that's really all they are so I'm going to clip these two coils together and when I put these two coils together they're going to become very electrically similar to what's going on over here so I'll just click this on here like so and I'm just going to put this down and I'll move away from it and you can see that the little neon bulbs are lighting up now you can see that this one here I'm using this is a tuning aid and really what this is is that the impedance of that circuit is a little bit different I have a different coil on that and everything that's why the only on bulb gets so bright that's another topic within itself what we're going to do is we're just going to stick to the resonation part right now so I'll bring my hand close I'm acting as the tuning capacitor if you watch that little neon bulb you can see when I get to about this point right here I'm adding just about the right amount of capacitance to make this thing tuned correctly you'll also notice that these other bulbs also brighten up just a little bit come close to it now since I am the actual tuning capacitor this coil I am becoming are hot so as I'm doing this and I'm tuning this for a maximum Faustus a touch a metal cabinet or something in here I will probably get an RF burn on my finger leave a little white mark there it doesn't feel very good but I'm not touching anything right now so I'm you know I'm absolutely fine I'm just standing in here like this so I've got this compact fluorescent bulb again and I'll walk over here towards this coil and you can see you know it lights up we have RF here now if I walk towards this coil over here I can do this with my hand and you're going to see that I can light this fluorescent bulb up no problems on this coil here now there's absolutely no connection between this coil and this coil whatsoever and I just get close to it and I get light out of it so now what's happening is this is transferring energy from this coil here into these two coils here because these are electrically equivalent and what I'm doing is I'm acting as the capacity across these coils in order to tuna this is a very high impedance circuit right now these coils so at any rate so there you know there you go you've got the you know the idea of what resonation is and this is what Tesla was planning on doing now you can see that this was it would really work back in his day you got to think that this is compared to what Tesla had this thing is peanut powered alright this you know there's nothing here even right now just what for what it actually is it's barely on so it's peanut powered anyway so just think having an actual generator at your disposal really and having wires run into your laboratory like Tesla did with these monster Tesla coils alright just think of the amount of distance that you could get out of that what does that thing you know what were they making 500 kilowatts a megawatt how much power were those Tesla coils actually putting out you know this is a you know you know you're a grain of sand compared to what he was putting out so now you got to keep in mind that this is these are the early days when Tesla was doing this and you have rotary spark gaps going inside of these slow coils and of course having these rotary spark-gap swing is creating a lot of broadband energy so really his coils were our fire hoses these things are spraying RF all over the spectrum it really wasn't focused so if you would actually take those things maybe that's what he was doing in the tower he would take that energy and really focus that energy you can get an idea of how far this would actually work and it would actually work quite a ways so Tesla's ideas are quite valid and you know really you know pretty astonishing for the time oh yeah this thing here is peanut powered very very low powered and this is very focused so it's nothing like his you know are a fire hose kind of setup here this is very focused on one frequency and it's nice clean energy and this is the reason that I can get this kind of result with you know such a low power now there is also no prone breakout on this coil whatsoever anything like that so I'm not really wasting any energy into a into discharge into the room here so that really is what resonance is so I hope this helped explain a little bit about resonation and everything if you want to see more experimentation and me to get into more things in this topic there's a lot of things that could revolve around this inductance and capacitance and reactance and I can really get quite deep into this subject here but this is keeping it nice and simple for the beginning if you enjoy this just let me know in the comments and you know we'll revisit this again in W we'll do some more experiments with this in the very near future well I hope you enjoyed this video on resonance if you did please give me a big thumbs up and hang around there'll be more videos surrounding that oscillator and it's different uses in the very near future so I'll see you then you
Channel: Mr Carlson's Lab
Views: 521,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Coil (Invention), Wireless Power, Resonance, Energy, Electromagnetic Coil, Physics (Field Of Study), creativedesigncomponents.com, creative design components, Vacuum tube tesla coil, vttc, 450TL tube, 450TL VTTC, high power oscillator, Armstrong oscillator, Demo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2015
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