Terry Fator: Letterman

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this is something great do you remember a couple of years ago they had a show of America's Got Talent yes and the all-star Grand Champion winner was a guy who was a ventriloquist and and all I heard about this guy was he's fantastic he's tremendous you got to get him on the show well finally thank God we were able to get him on the show it took us two years that's how big this guy that sure has a lot of weight but I said no I'm gonna wait in line I'm gonna take my turn because he's well worth it Harry fader is on the ground to save the game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and hey okay here we go now listen to this our next guest won the 2007 America's Got Talent Competition and just this week signed a five-year 100 million dollar contract with the Mirage Resort and Casino yeah $100,000 for talking to a sock ladies gentlemen please welcome ventriloquist - Terry Fator [Music] [Applause] [Music] Emma you look beautiful thank you very much you dressed up yeah you are on David Letterman and I'm performing at the last ladies Hilton tomorrow you are and we are but I wanted you folks to know that Emma Taylor came out with me on the audition episode of America's Got Talent as soon as we walked out David Hasselhoff said oh no a ventriloquist that was until you started singing that's right so show him what you did okay you'll see here give me the note Paul [Music] and [Music] come along [Music] Oh and lasses like a song [Music] we all have an annoying neighbor this is my annoying neighbor dougie Scott Walker can you turn out the strobe lights there are no strobe lights dougie um you've made the statement to me that the only good Rock is classic rock dad okay I want you to explain to us in about a minute as eloquently as possible why you feel that okay so who's your favorite rock band Guns N'Roses oh so dougie is going to sing some guns and roses [Music] the skies [Music] beautiful will you relax I'm gonna do some sticks okay [Music] I said lean away seven open comes for the virgin see sign be free [Music] free to face the life that's ahead of me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] thank you so much
Channel: lafferlaffer
Views: 1,806,393
Rating: 4.7251201 out of 5
Keywords: advice, community, personals, random, video, blog, letterman, Terry, Fator, lafferlaffer, laffer, saga, productions, puppet, show, david, americas, got, talent
Id: -bPmwzhqEgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 14 2008
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