Terrifying PROOF the Military Has Encountered UFOS

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Under increasing congressional pressure, the  United States government has recently passed   the Schumer amendment, mandating that  by no later than February 23rd, 2024,   the National Archives and Records  Administration must establish a UAP   records collection to gather all government,  government-provided, or government-funded   records relating to unidentified anomalous  phenomena, technologies of unknown origin,   and non-human intelligence. The legislature also  allows for the creation of a second, non-public   repository of UAP records whose release could be  deemed harmful to national security, and requires   that Congress be notified of any decision to  postpone public disclosure of a document. These   'classified' documents will then be periodically  reviewed, though the government has a grace   period of 25 years from the date of incident  before a review for disclosure is mandated. This move comes as a small victory for UAP  advocates, who include amongst their ranks   a growing list of very high-ranking government  and military officials, as well as prestigious   academics. The conclusion that an unknown  phenomenon is regularly appearing in skies all   over the earth, and that it often poses a flight  hazard to aircraft, can no longer be ignored. But   over 20 years ago, a French defense think tank had  already arrived at that conclusion- and as their   report makes clear, the extraterrestrial  hypothesis can no longer be ignored. The COMETA report as it's known, was an  investigation that drew on government funding   and was launched by the Institute of Advanced  Studies for National Defense, an organization   that regularly advises government officials on  defense policy. The participants in the study were   all high-ranking military officials or respected  academics, and included General Bernard Norlain,   former director of the Institute, Andre Lebeau,  former president of the National Center for Space   Studies, and French Air Force General Denis Letty.  Amongst other contributors was an all-star lineup   of military and police officers, engineers,  and specialists in life and social sciences. The report was prompted by an outpouring of  UFO encounters by French military personnel,   including pilots, as well as civilians.  There were significant concerns over both   military and civilian flight safety, and no  formal investigation into the phenomenon had   occurred for 20 years, prompting the creation  of a new committee seeking to raise awareness   within the government of a pressing  national defense and public safety issue. One of the cases investigated and classified  amongst the 5% where no reasonable explanation   could be found, included an encounter with a UFO  by a French fighter pilot on March 7th, 1977. At   about 9pm, French military pilot Herve Giraud  along with his navigator were returning back   to base on autopilot at about Mach 0.9. Suddenly,  both men spotted a bright glow coming from their   three o'clock, matching their altitude and moving  extremely quickly Both men spotted a bright glow   coming from their three o'clock, matching  their altitude and moving extremely quickly   and directly towards them- the men feared that  they were on a collision course with the object. Giraud radioed the Contrexeville  military radar station and asked   if they had any traffic near them. The  two men believed that the object was   another military aircraft on an intercept  course in order to visually identify them. Ground radar said they had no track and requested  that the men check their oxygen. This is an   emergency procedure, and indicative that the radar  controller thought the request was so abnormal   that he feared the crew were experiencing  hallucinations due to a lack of oxygen. The object may not have been showing up on radar,  but it was very real, and the Mirage went into a   bank trying to turn its nose towards the object.  In a move eerily similar to what American fighter   pilots would report 30 years later just off the  coast of San Diego in the infamous tic-tac case,   the object responded to their aggressive 3 to  4 G turn by maneuvering towards the plane's   rear. With the object behind them and about 1500  meters away, Giraud suddenly banked left to try to   reestablish visual contact. The glowing object  moved to his 11 o'clock and rapidly sped away. Bewildered by the encounter, the two men  resumed course for their home airfield,   but they were both unsettled by the incident.  Remarking later that they felt like they were   quote- being watched- and Giraud noted to his  navigator that quote- it's going to come back.   As if on cue, a similar glowing object  appeared at the plane's 3 o'clock again. Either the object had somehow turned  invisible and rapidly maneuvered across   the aircraft without the men realizing it, or  a second object was now making itself known. Alarmed, Giraud now felt that his aircraft was  in danger from the rapidly accelerating object,   and he initiated an emergency 6.5 G bank to  disengage. The object followed the extreme   maneuver easily, settling once more on his  tail at a distance of about 2,000 meters.   Feeling like the best course of action  was to try to turn nose to the object,   where if need be it could be engaged, Giraud  once more banked sharply into the object,   only for it to suddenly dart off in the same  direction as the first object and disappear. The plane would go on to land safely, and an  investigation into the incident concluded that   the object- or objects if more than one- must have  achieved supersonic speeds in order to maneuver   upon the Mirage or disappear as quickly as they  did. Yet despite being nighttime in a quiet part   of the country, no sonic booms were reported by  anyone in the vicinity that evening. Ultimately,   the source of the objects would remain unknown,  and they themselves unidentified. However,   it's curious that just a year earlier, an  Iranian pilot had experienced an extremely   similar encounter that had almost ended poorly for  him, with a similar glowing object also performing   aggressive maneuvers against him. The pilot even  felt threatened enough to arm a sidewinder missile   and fire in self-defense- yet the moment the  missile was armed his instrument panel died. Another prominent case investigated in the  COMETA report took place in the same year   as the Iran case. This case involved French Air  Force Colonel Claude Bose when he was a student   pilot. On March 3rd, 1976, he was on a solo  training flight in a T-33 aircraft that had him   navigate a specific itinerary. Other training  aircraft were following along in five-minute   intervals behind him, and the night was dark  but cloudless affording excellent visibility. At an altitude of 6,000 feet, Bose spotted  what he initially believed to be a green   flare being launched from the ground. The  light was nearly at the limit of his vision,   but he was rapidly approaching it at over 400  kilometers an hour. What immediately alerted   him to the anomalous nature of this object though  was the rapid acceleration of the suspected flare,   with the object shooting past his elevation  within one to two seconds. Suddenly,   what he'd thought was a flare stopped  its forward momentum and leveled off   approximately 1500 meters above him, and  then rapidly dove down towards his aircraft. The object sped towards him  at an incomprehensible speed,   coming close enough to fill up the entire front  windshield. Believing that impact was imminent,   Bose- in a panic- let go of the joystick and  threw his hands up in a reflexive gesture. The object however diverted at the last  second and sped over his right wing,   grazing it slightly as it passed and bathing  the entire aircraft in green light. Once back   on the ground, Bose reported that the  object was about a meter to two in size,   with a greenish tail similar to a comet-  though the center of the object had a very   bright white light. While local radar had  not picked anything up, two other pilots   in the same training flight reported seeing the  green object as well, corroborating his story. This near collision is a perfect mirror of similar  encounters reported by American pilots. In 2014,   Navy F18 fighter pilot Ryan Graves encountered  a UFO alongside his flight commander. The   object made an aggressive maneuver towards  them, passing by at extremely close range.   The object was described as a dark  gray or black cube inside a sphere,   and got within 50 feet of the lead aircraft.  The incident was so disturbing, that the flight   commander called off the training mission,  and prompted the filing of a safety report. This was not a one-off event though.  Sightings of these objects became so   common that they began to be worked  into mission briefings. The objects   were observed remaining perfectly  still in very high-speed winds,   then suddenly accelerating to supersonic  speeds and performing extreme maneuvers. On January 28th, 1994, a flight safety incident  involving a UAP ended up drawing the attention of   the COMETA committee. On this day, an Air France  flight was cruising at 39,000 feet at 1:14 pm,   on its way to London. The skies outside  were largely clear, and the chief steward,   who was in the cockpit at the time, spotted  what he believed to be a weather balloon.   Both the co-pilot and pilot also saw the object,  and believed it was an unknown aircraft- though   none of the three men could identify it. The  object appeared to be banking at a 45-degree   angle at an estimated altitude of 34,000 feet  and approximately 50 kilometers- 31 miles- away. The men all recognized that the object must be  very large for it to be this clearly visible,   which is what prompted the steward to believe  it was a weather balloon at first. However,   as the men watched the object changed shape  from a large, brown bell, to a chestnut brown   lens- and then disappearing completely, this  explanation was quickly thrown out of the window. A later investigation revealed that the  Cinq-Mars-la-Pile control center had a radar   track on an unknown object that corresponded  with the location and time as reported by the   flight crew. The radar track was recorded for 50  seconds and was proven to cross the trajectory of   the airliner, and did not correspond with any  filed flight plan. The object also seemed to   disappear from view of radar at approximately the  same time that the crew reported it disappearing. The French report also drew upon well known  international cases, including the aforementioned   Tehran UFO incident as well as a 1956 incident  at the joint US and Royal Air Force bases of   Lakenheath and Bentwaters. On August 13th,  1956, radar tracked a UFO moving east to west   and directly over the base at an estimated speed  of between 2000 to 4000 miles per hour. Though no   sonic boom was heard, personnel on the ground  and at the Bentwaters control tower reported   seeing a bright light flying at approximately 1200  meters and moving at quote- an incredible speed. Simultaneously, the pilot of a military transport  flying over the base reported that a bright light   had passed just below his plane, also at a  quote- incredible speed. Over at Lakenheath,   the shift supervisor alerted the radar operators  to the activity being detected at Bentwaters.   Suddenly, an object was spotted  approximately 40 miles away,   hovering stationary and at nearly the same  axis as the object that had just been spotted   over Bentwaters. Lakenheath approach radar  confirmed the sighting with its own track,   when suddenly the object went from hovering to  supersonic speed, making multiple and sudden   course corrections that brought it to an abrupt  stop for three to six minutes at a time. The   object was tracked going from a speed of zero to  an estimated 590 miles an hour instantaneously. Half an hour later, a Venom two-seat fighter  plane was dispatched to investigate the object.   Acquiring the target visually and with radar,  the pilot reported it suddenly disappearing on   him. However, Lakenheath air traffic radar  control center tracked the object moving   16km east of the base, and put the pilot on a new  vector. Approaching it again, the pilot got close   enough to radio that his quote- machine guns  are locked onto him. However, the object sped   away once more. Tracked by radar, the object had  suddenly positioned itself behind the fighter jet,   and seemed to be following it at a very  close distance. The pilot would confirm   this as he made visual contact with the UFO now in  pursuit. Despite every attempt to shake the UFO,   including aggressive steep dives, climbs,  and high-G turns, the UFO stayed at a steady,   constant distance from the aircraft for ten  minutes. Low on fuel, the fighter was forced   to return to base, and the object followed him for  a while before coming to a standstill in mid-air. The object now seemed to make several short  moves on radar before finally speeding away   in a northerly direction. A radar expert  on the Condon Commission who reviewed the   case would go on to say quote- If one  considers the strong credibility of the   information and the coherence and continuity  of the reports, as well as their high degree   of "strangeness, " this UFO case is certainly  one of the more troubling cases known to date. Interestingly, nearly thirty years later a similar  incident would occur at the former RAF station   in Woodbridge. Known as the Rendlesham Forest  incident, it would also involve the detection   of stranger UAP activity culminating in an  American Air Force police team investigating   what they believed to be a downed aircraft.  However, according to members of the search team,   led by the base deputy commander, Lieutenant  Colonel Charles Halt, they encountered a glowing,   metallic craft of unknown origin. Halt  would famously record the incident live   on his micro-cassete recorder, becoming one  of the most bombastic UFO events in history. Similar incidents that occurred in  Cold War Russia were investigated,   drawing curious parallels to what was being  reported in the West. On March 21st, 1990,   as reported by Aviation General and Air  Defense Forces commander Igor Maltsev,   combat aircraft were dispatched to intercept  an unknown radar contact. The Soviet Union   took UFO detections extremely seriously,  given that they were the victims of US spy   plane overflights during a significant portion  of the Cold War. Upon approaching, the combat   jets discovered a disk 100 to 200 meters in  diameter, with two flashing lights on its sides. The object suddenly performed an S-shape maneuver  and came to a hover over the ground. Moments   later, it sped off at two to three times the  maximum speed of the pursuing aircraft. General   Maltsev would summarize over one hundred UFO  sightings collected by unit commanders thusly:   The movement of the UFOs was not accompanied by  any type of noise and was characterized by an   astounding maneuverability. The UFOs appeared  to completely lack inertia. In other words,   in one fashion or another, they  had overcome gravity. At present,   terrestrial machines can scarcely  exhibit such characteristics. All the way across the world though, prominent  UFO events were being reported as far away as   South America. On July 31st, 1995, a  Boeing 727 en route from Buenos Aires   to San Carlos de Bariloche was preparing  to land. Suddenly, a power outage plunged   the entire town into darkness, and the  control tower- working on emergency power-   instructed the aircraft to standby for a  few minutes before making his approach. Finally cleared for landing, the pilot reported  seeing what he thought was a strange star in   the sky. Banking away and into a descending  turn, the crew was startled upon completing   their turn to discover an object described as  a large unknown aircraft flying parallel on   their right-hand side. The object matched  speed and was described as having three   lights in the middle of it. As they continued  their flight together, the airport suddenly   experienced another power failure, causing  the approach ramp and runway lights to go out. The pilots were forced to abort their landing  and pull back up into the sky, turning once   more to reposition themselves for another  approach. The object, now glowing brightly,   moved behind the aircraft, and as described by  a second aircraft in a holding pattern overhead,   suddenly came to a stop and ascended before  stopping once more. It moved back in the direction   of the landing aircraft and followed it from  behind before speeding off towards the mountains. The entire ordeal lasted several minutes and  was observed by the pilots, passengers on the   airplane, inhabitants of the city below, and the  air traffic controllers, as well as the aircraft   lingering in a holding pattern overhead.  No official explanation was ever given. The COMETA committee however discovered   that prominent UFO events were also  being reported by ground personnel. On August 16th, 1954, a mass sighting  of a UFO occurred in Antananarivo,   the capital of Madagascar, and was reported  on by a former artillery officer and chief of   technical services for Air France. At 5 pm,  Air France personnel spotted a large green   ball in the sky moving at a very fast rate.  Believing the green ball to be a meteor,   the witnesses waited for the imminent explosion  as the object disappeared behind a nearby hill.   However, a minute later it reappeared  and flew directly over the witnesses. The object passed by close enough to be identified  as a quote- sort of a metal rugby ball preceded by   a clearly detached green lens-shaped portion  that shot sparks from its rear. The 'ball'   appeared to be about forty meters long, and  the green lens-shaped portion of the object   then separated itself and moved just under 40  meters in front of the object, trailing long   greenish sparks from its rear. Passing overhead  by an estimated 50 to 100 meters- an estimation   made possible by the known height of a nearby  hill- the object seemed to cause a power outage   in buildings as it passed above them, and sent  nearby animals into an extreme state of anxiety. The craft departed towards the west, and  two or three minutes later an identical   craft was observed above a farm school.  Animal herds there also went into a panic,   despite being used to the presence of large  Air France planes in the sky above. Given that   the farm school was 93 miles away, assuming the  second object was the same as the first object,   then it would have to have moved at  hypersonic speeds to get there. The   object was witnessed by hundreds of people  on the ground split up between the two sites. On December 9th, 1979, a UFO was spotted very  close to the ground by a Mirage fighter pilot.   Air Force Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Pierre Fartek  was living near the town of Dijon, and at 9:15 AM   he and his wife witnessed an unusual object in the  field right outside their house. Fartek estimated   the object to be about 20 meters in diameter  and 7 meters thick, hovering approximately 3   meters above the ground and in front of a grove  of trees known to stand about 15 meters tall. The object was described by Fartek  and his wife as being the shape of   two saucers inverted on top of each other,  and did not appear to have any portholes or   lights. The upper portion was a metallic gray  and the lower portion a darker bluish color,   with a perfectly delineated separation  between the two halves. The object appeared   to be in constant motion, almost as if  trying to remain balanced and upright,   and did not make any noise nor cause any  turbulence on the grass on the ground. Fartek and his wife observed the object for  an unknown amount of time, when suddenly it   began to oscillate faster, with it appearing  to tilt slightly forward in the same manner as   a helicopter as it takes flight. Suddenly, the  object moved away at a low altitude and extreme   speed, making no noise and leaving no presence  of its passing behind. On later investigation,   Fartek's neighbors and their children  all confirmed witnessing the same object. Back to Russia, a compelling case  involving Russian ground troops   drew the attention of the COMETA committee.  This incident occurred late in July 1989,   and was originally recorded by the KGB and  later declassified after the fall of the   Soviet Union. The account was recorded by a KGB  agent and includes seven written testimonies   from witnesses who observed the event from  two different sites at the same base. Sadly,   if there was any radar data gathered,  it was not included in the report. On the night of July 28th to 29th, multiple  UFOs were spotted by soldiers at a distance   of between 3 to 5 kilometers, between  the hours of 10:15 PM and 11:55 pm.   Three objects in total were observed, with one  moving silently and in very jerky movements,   abruptly starting and stopping to hover. At  some point, the UFOs must have been detected   by radar- though such data is missing from the  KGB file or was not declassified along with the   parent report- as an interceptor sped out of  the night sky towards one of the objects. The   UFO was observed to move at what was described  as such incredible velocities that it made the   intercepting fighter jet appear to be standing  still by comparison. Despite breaking the sound   barrier, the only sound the soldiers heard was  the roaring of the intercepting jet's engines. Later that night, two other soldiers testified  to witnessing another UFO between 11:30 PM to   1:30 AM in the morning. The UFO was described  as a metallic disk approximately 4 to 5 meters   in diameter and surrounded by a brightly  lit hemispherical dome of some sort. The   witnesses observed the silent craft move  over a missile depot, where it shot down a   phosphorescent green light while approximately  300 meters away from them and 20 meters above   the depot. The beam of light seemed to move  across the storage structure as if scanning it,   and a security response team was dispatched but  did not approach the silent object. Instead,   the security team along with the original two  witnesses observed the craft as it hovered   over the facility for approximately  two hours, never once making a noise. This account was especially compelling given the  similarity between this account and reports of   UFOs over American nuclear weapon sites. Famously,  UFOs were spotted hovering over active Minuteman   nuclear missile silos throughout the Cold War,  and occasionally bathing the silo below them   with a similar beam of light as if scanning the  contents of the silo. An outside observer may   be tempted to claim the Russians may have  simply been a victim of copycat hoaxing,   but the extreme secrecy of the Cold War and  lack of communication between the East and   the West would make it almost impossible for  average Russian soldiers to have ever heard   of UFO incidents over American facilities-  which begs the question: how and why do Cold   War Soviet UFO encounters so perfectly mirror  those that occurred on American military sites? Sometimes though, the committee investigated  cases of actual alien beings. One such case   occurred at Valensole on July 1st, 1965. A local  villager, Maurice Masse, left his home at 5 am   to go work on his lavender fields just outside  of the village. As he was about to start his   tractor at approximately 6 am though, he heard a  hissing sound that drew his attention. The sound   came from behind a small hill at the edge of one  of his fields, and he moved to investigate. Upon   clearing the hill, he was surprised to discover  a small craft about 90 meters away from him in   his lavender field, which he described as  a pill-shaped vehicle similar to a Renault   Dauphine. The vehicle stood on six legs and had  a central pivot point that they attached to,   with a large tube protruding from under  the belly of the craft and into the ground. Masse had no inclination that the strange  craft was alien, and instead thought that   it was a weird vehicle being used by  thieves who were after his lavender.   He approached the craft stealthily, and  when he got to within 10 meters of it,   he spotted two small beings on the other  side of it described as having large,   pudgy heads and white skin. One of the beings  aimed a tube device at him, and he was immediately   paralyzed to the spot, unable to move as  the beings entered the craft and flew away. A subsequent police investigation discovered  the site where the craft had allegedly landed,   complete with indentations in the soil and  puncture marks from the tube described by   the farmer. It seems a slam-dunk  case- except for a few problems. First, Masse had not reported being paralyzed  to the police in his initial report. Instead,   he stated that he had seen one of the alien  beings inside the craft through a clear dome-like   covering, similar to that used by the famous  Jettsons. That being spoke to the one outside   the craft in a “guttural” language which prompted  it to run inside, and the craft took off. A month   later, he reapproached the police to change his  story and included the part about being paralyzed. This is problematic, and has cast significant  doubt on Masse's story. If this was a hoax,   it's unclear why Masse would return  a month later to contradict himself   and add more details- but the fact that  the type of craft described by Masse   is rarely ever described anywhere  else also adds doubt to his story. A far more credible case however occurred  just two years later. On August 29th, 1967,   at about 10:30 am, two children were watching  their family's herd as it grazed. The young   teenagers were alerted by their dog that one of  the cows was about to jump over the stone wall   that lined the perimeter of the family's  field. Running off to chase the cow away,   the boy was surprised to spot four other  children on the opposite of the road the   field ran alongside. He called his sister  over, and the two moved for a closer look,   as they knew all the children in the village and  were curious why any of them would be out here. No sooner had he called for his  sister though that he noticed an   extremely bright sphere back and away from  the unknown children. Approaching closer,   the two realized that the figures were not  children at all, but rather small beings   standing no taller than 1.2 meters. Two of the  figures were standing close to one of the figures,   while a third was kneeling in front of it,  its attention occupied by something on the   ground. A fourth noticed the children and turned a  mirror-like device towards them that blinded them. They called out to the beings, but they quickly  ran back towards the sphere, levitating up to   the top of it and diving inside of it head first.  The children were not at an angle to tell if the   sphere had an opening at the top or if they moved  through the sphere itself as they entered. The   bright sphere gave off a loud hissing sound and  then rose up into the sky in a spiral pattern at   a very fast speed. A strong odor of sulfur filled  the field in the wake of the craft's departure. The family contacted the French Gendarme, with  one arriving promptly and investigating the site   where the alleged sphere had sat. There  he found many small prints and testified   to the very strong odor of sulfur. The  children's father, mayor of the town,   also testified to the children smelling of  sulfur when they had ran back home. As the   investigation widened, another witness who had  been at a nearby granary stated that he had also   heard the strange hissing sound, dispelling  any notion of a helicopter being involved. According to the family doctor, the  children's eyes were affected by   the blinding device used on them, which  caused their eyes to water for several   days. Allegedly, the children also suffered  psychological distress after the incident. The French report goes on to detail many  other UFO reports investigated by their team,   local law enforcement, or the military. While some  criticism has been levied against the report due   to methodology in specific cases, the inescapable  conclusion is that the same phenomenon reported   globally was being reported by French witnesses  as far back as the 1950s. It's these similarities   between global reports that indicate the presence  of a global phenomenon of unknown origin,   and the skeptical assumption against it relies  wholly on ignoring physical and radar data,   and claiming that every single witness  throughout history has been lying or a fool. Hardly a credible explanation. Now go check out UFO Chased a Military  Plane, or click this other video instead!
Channel: The Infographics Show
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Id: OeVExwui-Hs
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Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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